提交 5bdc8489 编写于 作者: M Mr.doob

Merge pull request #7989 from rfm1201/Lathe-with-Vector2

Lathe with Vector2
......@@ -254,19 +254,19 @@ Menubar.Add = function ( editor ) {
var phiStart = 0;
var phiLength = 2 * Math.PI;
points.push( new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, 0 ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector3( 4, 0, 0 ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector3( 3.5, 0, 0.5 ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0.75 ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector3( 0.8, 0, 1 ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector3( 0.8, 0, 4 ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 4.2 ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector3( 1.4, 0, 4.8 ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector3( 2, 0, 5 ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector3( 2.5, 0, 5.4 ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector3( 2.5, 0, 12 ) );
var geometry = new THREE.LatheGeometry( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength );
points.push( new THREE.Vector2( 0, 0 ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector2( 4, 0 ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector2( 3.5, 0.5 ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector2( 1, 0.75 ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector2( 0.8, 1 ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector2( 0.8, 4 ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector2( 1, 4.2 ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector2( 1.4, 4.8 ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector2( 2, 5 ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector2( 2.5, 5.4 ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector2( 3, 12 ) );
var geometry = new THREE.LatheGeometry( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength, 'Y' );
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( { side: THREE.DoubleSide } ) );
mesh.name = 'Lathe ' + ( ++ meshCount );
......@@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ Sidebar.Geometry.LatheGeometry = function( editor, object ) {
container.add( phiLengthRow );
// axe
var axeRow = new UI.Row();
var axe = new UI.Input( parameters.axe ).setWidth( '10px' ).onChange( update );
axeRow.add( new UI.Text( 'Axe' ).setWidth( '90px' ) );
axeRow.add( axe );
container.add( axeRow );
// points
var lastPointIdx = 0;
......@@ -57,7 +67,7 @@ Sidebar.Geometry.LatheGeometry = function( editor, object ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < parameters.points.length; i ++ ) {
var point = parameters.points[ i ];
pointsList.add( createPointRow( point.x, point.z ) );
pointsList.add( createPointRow( point.x, point.y ) );
......@@ -119,7 +129,7 @@ Sidebar.Geometry.LatheGeometry = function( editor, object ) {
if ( ! pointUI ) continue;
points.push( new THREE.Vector3( pointUI.x.getValue(), 0, pointUI.y.getValue() ) );
points.push( new THREE.Vector2( pointUI.x.getValue(), pointUI.y.getValue() ) );
count ++;
pointUI.lbl.setValue( count );
......@@ -129,7 +139,8 @@ Sidebar.Geometry.LatheGeometry = function( editor, object ) {
phiStart.getValue() / 180 * Math.PI,
phiLength.getValue() / 180 * Math.PI
phiLength.getValue() / 180 * Math.PI,
editor.execute( new SetGeometryCommand( object, geometry ) );
......@@ -4,31 +4,50 @@
* @author bhouston / http://clara.io
// points - to create a closed torus, one must use a set of points
// points - to create a closed torus, one must use a set of points
// like so: [ a, b, c, d, a ], see first is the same as last.
// segments - the number of circumference segments to create
// phiStart - the starting radian
// phiLength - the radian (0 to 2*PI) range of the lathed section
// 2*pi is a closed lathe, less than 2PI is a portion.
// axe - the axis of revolution ('X', 'Y' or 'Z')
THREE.LatheGeometry = function ( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength ) {
THREE.LatheGeometry = function( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength, axe ) {
var thePoints = points;
if ( points.length && points[ 0 ] instanceof THREE.Vector3 ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.LatheGeometry has been updated. Use an array of THREE.Vector2 as first parameter.' );
thePoints = [];
axe = 'Z';
for ( var i = 0; i < points.length; i ++ ) {
var pt = points[ i ];
thePoints.push( new THREE.Vector2( Math.sqrt( pt.x * pt.x + pt.y * pt.y ), pt.z ) );
THREE.Geometry.call( this );
this.type = 'LatheGeometry';
this.parameters = {
points: points,
points: thePoints,
segments: segments,
phiStart: phiStart,
phiLength: phiLength
phiLength: phiLength,
axe: axe
segments = segments || 12;
phiStart = phiStart || 0;
phiLength = phiLength || 2 * Math.PI;
axe = axe || 'Y';
var inversePointLength = 1.0 / ( points.length - 1 );
var inversePointLength = 1.0 / ( thePoints.length - 1 );
var inverseSegments = 1.0 / segments;
for ( var i = 0, il = segments; i <= il; i ++ ) {
......@@ -38,15 +57,31 @@ THREE.LatheGeometry = function ( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength ) {
var c = Math.cos( phi ),
s = Math.sin( phi );
for ( var j = 0, jl = points.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {
for ( var j = 0, jl = thePoints.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {
var pt = points[ j ];
var pt = thePoints[ j ];
var vertex = new THREE.Vector3();
vertex.x = c * pt.x - s * pt.y;
vertex.y = s * pt.x + c * pt.y;
vertex.z = pt.z;
if ( axe === 'Z' ) {
vertex.x = c * pt.x;
vertex.y = s * pt.x;
vertex.z = pt.y;
} else if ( axe === 'X' ) {
vertex.y = c * pt.x;
vertex.z = s * pt.x;
vertex.x = pt.y;
} else {
vertex.z = c * pt.x;
vertex.x = s * pt.x;
vertex.y = pt.y;
this.vertices.push( vertex );
......@@ -54,11 +89,11 @@ THREE.LatheGeometry = function ( points, segments, phiStart, phiLength ) {
var np = points.length;
var np = thePoints.length;
for ( var i = 0, il = segments; i < il; i ++ ) {
for ( var j = 0, jl = points.length - 1; j < jl; j ++ ) {
for ( var j = 0, jl = thePoints.length - 1; j < jl; j ++ ) {
var base = j + np * i;
var a = base;
......@@ -263,7 +263,8 @@ THREE.ObjectLoader.prototype = {
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