提交 3ce46c12 编写于 作者: K Kyle Larson

Multi-Material is working.

上级 fe3b5e55
......@@ -125,23 +125,28 @@
scope.animations = ( new Animation() ).parse( nodes, scope.hierarchy );
scope.textures = ( new Textures() ).parse( nodes, scope.hierarchy );
scope.materials = ( new Materials() ).parse( nodes, scope.hierarchy );
scope.geometries = ( new Geometries() ).parse( nodes, scope.hierarchy );
console.timeEnd( 'FBXLoader: ObjectParser' );
this.texture_cache = {};
this.material_cache = {};
this.geometry_cache = {};
console.time( 'FBXLoader: GeometryParser' );
var geometries = this.parseGeometries( nodes );
var meshes = this.parseMeshes( nodes );
console.timeEnd( 'FBXLoader: GeometryParser' );
var container = new THREE.Group();
for ( var i = 0; i < geometries.length; ++ i ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < meshes.length; ++ i ) {
if ( geometries[ i ] === undefined ) {
if ( meshes[ i ] === undefined ) {
container.add( geometries[ i ] );
container.add( meshes[ i ] );
//wireframe = new THREE.WireframeHelper( geometries[i], 0x00ff00 );
//container.add( wireframe );
......@@ -161,6 +166,242 @@
getTexture: function ( texNode ) {
if ( ! ( texNode.id in this.texture_cache ) ) {
if ( this.textureLoader === null ) {
this.textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
this.texture_cache[ texNode.id ] = this.textureLoader.load( this.textureBasePath + '/' + texNode.fileName );
return this.texture_cache[ texNode.id ];
getMaterial: function ( matNode, nodes ) {
if ( ! ( matNode.id in this.material_cache ) ) {
// TODO:
// Cannot find a list of possible ShadingModel values.
// If someone finds a list, please add additional cases
// and map to appropriate materials.
var tmpMat;
switch ( matNode.type ) {
case "phong":
tmpMat = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial();
case "lambert":
tmpMat = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial();
console.warn( "No implementation given for material type " + mat_data.type + " in FBXLoader.js. Defaulting to basic material" );
tmpMat = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x3300ff } );
var children = nodes.searchConnectionChildren( matNode.id );
for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; ++ i ) {
var type = nodes.searchConnectionType( matNode.id, children[ i ] );
switch ( type ) {
case " \"AmbientColor":
//TODO: Support AmbientColor textures
case " \"DiffuseColor":
matNode.parameters.map = this.getTexture( this.textures.textures[ children[ i ] ] );
console.warn( 'Unknown texture application of type ' + type + ', skipping texture' );
tmpMat.setValues( matNode.parameters );
this.material_cache[ matNode.id ] = tmpMat;
return this.material_cache[ matNode.id ];
getGeometry: function ( geoNode ) {
if ( ! ( geoNode.id in this.geometry_cache ) ) {
var tmpGeo = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
tmpGeo.name = geoNode.name;
tmpGeo.addAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( geoNode.vertices ), 3 ) );
if ( geoNode.normals !== undefined && geoNode.normals.length > 0 ) {
tmpGeo.addAttribute( 'normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( geoNode.normals ), 3 ) );
if ( geoNode.uvs !== undefined && geoNode.uvs.length > 0 ) {
tmpGeo.addAttribute( 'uv', new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( geoNode.uvs ), 2 ) );
if ( geoNode.indices !== undefined && geoNode.indices.length > 0 ) {
if ( geoNode.indices.length > 65535 ) {
tmpGeo.setIndex( new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Uint32Array( geoNode.indices ), 1 ) );
} else {
tmpGeo.setIndex( new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Uint16Array( geoNode.indices ), 1 ) );
tmpGeo.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
//Material groupings
if ( geoNode.materialIndices.length > 1 ) {
tmpGeo.groups = [];
for ( var i = 0, prevIndex = - 1; i < geoNode.materialIndices.length; ++ i ) {
if ( geoNode.materialIndices[ i ] !== prevIndex ) {
tmpGeo.groups.push( { start: i * 3, count: 0, materialIndex: geoNode.materialIndices[ i ] } );
prevIndex = geoNode.materialIndices[ i ];
tmpGeo.groups[ tmpGeo.groups.length - 1 ].count += 3;
this.geometry_cache[ geoNode.id ] = new THREE.Geometry().fromBufferGeometry( tmpGeo );
this.geometry_cache[ geoNode.id ].bones = geoNode.bones;
this.geometry_cache[ geoNode.id ].skinIndices = this.weights.skinIndices;
this.geometry_cache[ geoNode.id ].skinWeights = this.weights.skinWeights;
return this.geometry_cache[ geoNode.id ];
parseMeshes: function ( node ) {
var modelNode = node.Objects.subNodes.Model;
var meshes = [];
for ( var ID in modelNode ) {
if ( modelNode[ ID ].attrType === 'Mesh' ) {
//Parse Mesh
meshes.push( this.parseMesh( modelNode[ ID ], node ) );
return meshes;
parseMesh: function ( meshNode, FBXNodes ) {
var geoNodes = FBXNodes.Objects.subNodes.Geometry;
var matNodes = FBXNodes.Objects.subNodes.Material;
var children = FBXNodes.searchConnectionChildren( meshNode.id );
var geometry;
var materials = [];
var material;
var mesh;
for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; ++ i ) {
if ( children[ i ] in geoNodes ) {
geometry = this.getGeometry( this.geometries.geometries[ children[ i ] ] );
if ( children[ i ] in matNodes ) {
materials.push( this.getMaterial( this.materials.materials[ children[ i ] ], FBXNodes ) );
if ( materials.length > 1 ) {
material = new THREE.MultiMaterial( materials );
//material = materials[ 0 ];
} else {
material = materials[ 0 ];
if ( geometry.bones !== undefined && geometry.skinWeights !== undefined ) {
if ( material instanceof THREE.MultiMaterial ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < material.materials.length; ++ i ) {
material.materials[ i ].skinning = true;
} else {
material.skinning = true;
mesh = new THREE.SkinnedMesh( geometry, material );
} else {
mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
if ( this.animations !== undefined ) {
this.addAnimation( mesh, this.weights.matrices, this.animations );
return mesh;
parseGeometries: function ( node ) {
// has not geo, return []
......@@ -197,6 +438,8 @@
} else {
res.push( this.parseGeometry( node.Objects.subNodes.Geometry, node ) );
......@@ -241,18 +484,18 @@
var texture;
var texs = this.textures.getById( nodes.searchConnectionParent( geo.id ) );
if ( texs !== undefined && texs.length > 0 ) {
// var texture;
// var texs = this.textures.getById( nodes.searchConnectionParent( geo.id ) );
// if ( texs !== undefined && texs.length > 0 ) {
if ( this.textureLoader === null ) {
// if ( this.textureLoader === null ) {
this.textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
// this.textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
texture = this.textureLoader.load( this.textureBasePath + '/' + texs[ 0 ].fileName );
// }
// texture = this.textureLoader.load( this.textureBasePath + '/' + texs[ 0 ].fileName );
// }
var materials = [];
var material;
......@@ -1575,6 +1818,39 @@
function Geometries() {
this.geometries = {};
Object.assign( Geometries.prototype, {
parse: function ( FBXNodes, hierarchy ) {
if ( ! ( 'Geometry' in FBXNodes.Objects.subNodes ) ) {
return this;
for ( var geo in FBXNodes.Objects.subNodes.Geometry ) {
if ( FBXNodes.Objects.subNodes.Geometry[ geo ].attrType === 'Mesh' ) {
this.geometries[ geo ] = ( new Geometry() ).parse( FBXNodes.Objects.subNodes.Geometry[ geo ] );
this.geometries[ geo ].addBones( hierarchy.hierarchy );
return this;
} );
function Geometry() {
......@@ -1588,7 +1864,6 @@
this.uvs = [];
this.bones = [];
this.skins = null;
......@@ -1610,12 +1885,16 @@
this.indices = this.getPolygonVertexIndices();
this.uvs = ( new UV() ).parse( this.node, this );
this.normals = ( new Normal() ).parse( this.node, this );
this.materialIndices = ( new MaterialIndex() ).parse( this.node, this );
if ( this.getPolygonTopologyMax() > 3 ) {
var indexInfo = this.convertPolyIndicesToTri(
this.indices, this.getPolygonTopologyArray() );
this.getPolygonTopologyArray() );
this.indices = indexInfo.res;
this.materialIndices = indexInfo.materialIndices;
this.polyIndices = indexInfo.polyIndices;
......@@ -1762,7 +2041,7 @@
// [( a, b, c ), (a, c, d )....
// Also keep track of original poly index.
Geometry.prototype.convertPolyIndicesToTri = function ( indices, strides ) {
Geometry.prototype.convertPolyIndicesToTri = function ( indices, materialIndices, strides ) {
var res = [];
......@@ -1791,7 +2070,22 @@
return { res: res, polyIndices: polyIndices };
var newMaterialIndices = [ materialIndices[ 0 ] ];
if ( materialIndices.length > 1 ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < polyIndices.length; ++ i ) {
newMaterialIndices[ i ] = materialIndices[ polyIndices[ i ] ];
return {
res: res,
materialIndices: newMaterialIndices,
polyIndices: polyIndices };
......@@ -2234,6 +2528,73 @@
function MaterialIndex() {
this.indexBuffer = [];
Object.assign( MaterialIndex.prototype, {
parse: function ( node, geo ) {
if ( ! ( 'LayerElementMaterial' in node.subNodes ) ) {
var indexNode = node.subNodes.LayerElementMaterial[ 0 ];
var mappingType = indexNode.properties.MappingInformationType;
var refType = indexNode.properties.ReferenceInformationType;
var indices = parseArrayToInt( indexNode.subNodes.Materials.properties.a );
// it means that there is a normal for every vertex of every polygon of the model.
// For example, if the models has 8 vertices that make up four quads, then there
// will be 16 normals (one normal * 4 polygons * 4 vertices of the polygon). Note
// that generally a game engine needs the vertices to have only one normal defined.
// So, if you find a vertex has more tha one normal, you can either ignore the normals
// you find after the first, or calculate the mean from all of them (normal smoothing).
//if ( mappingType == "ByPolygonVertex" ){
switch ( mappingType ) {
case "ByPolygon":
switch ( refType ) {
// Direct
// The material indices are in order.
case "IndexToDirect":
this.indexBuffer = this.parse_ByPolygon_IndexToDirect( indices );
this.indexBuffer = [ 0 ];
this.indexBuffer = [ 0 ];
return this.indexBuffer;
parse_ByPolygon_IndexToDirect: function ( indices ) {
return indices;
} );
function AnimationCurve() {
this.version = null;
......@@ -2584,13 +2945,15 @@
function Textures() {
this.textures = [];
this.perGeoMap = {};
this.textures = {};
//this.perGeoMap = {};
Textures.prototype.add = function ( tex ) {
if ( this.textures === undefined ) {
this.textures = [];
......@@ -2620,7 +2983,7 @@
for ( var n in rawNodes ) {
var tex = ( new Texture() ).parse( rawNodes[ n ], node );
this.add( tex );
this.textures[ n ] = tex;
......@@ -2688,55 +3051,29 @@
function Materials() {
this.materials = [];
this.materials = {};
this.perGeoMap = {};
Materials.prototype.add = function ( mat ) {
if ( this.materials === undefined ) {
Object.assign( Materials.prototype, {
this.materials = [];
parse: function ( node ) {
this.materials.push( mat );
var rawNodes = node.Objects.subNodes.Material;
for ( var i = 0; i < mat.parentIds.length; ++ i ) {
for ( var n in rawNodes ) {
if ( this.perGeoMap[ mat.parentIds[ i ] ] === undefined ) {
this.perGeoMap[ mat.parentIds[ i ] ] = [];
var mat = ( new Material() ).parse( rawNodes[ n ], node );
this.materials[ n ] = mat;
this.perGeoMap[ mat.parentIds[ i ] ].push( this.materials[ this.materials.length - 1 ] );
return this;
Materials.prototype.parse = function ( node ) {
var rawNodes = node.Objects.subNodes.Material;
for ( var n in rawNodes ) {
var mat = ( new Material() ).parse( rawNodes[ n ], node );
this.add( mat );
return this;
Materials.prototype.getById = function ( id ) {
return this.perGeoMap[ id ];
} );
function Material() {
......@@ -2747,83 +3084,88 @@
Material.prototype.parse = function ( node, nodes ) {
Object.assign( Material.prototype, {
this.id = node.id;
this.name = node.attrName;
this.type = node.properties.ShadingModel;
parse: function ( node, nodes ) {
this.parameters = this.getParameters( node.properties );
this.id = node.id;
this.name = node.attrName;
this.type = node.properties.ShadingModel;
this.parentIds = this.searchParents( this.id, nodes );
this.parameters = this.parseParameters( node.properties );
return this;
this.parentIds = this.searchParents( this.id, nodes );
return this;
Material.prototype.getParameters = function ( properties ) {
var parameters = {};
parseParameters: function ( properties ) {
//TODO: Missing parameters:
// - Ambient
// - MultiLayer
// - ShininessExponent (Same vals as Shininess)
// - Specular (Same vals as SpecularColor)
// - TransparencyFactor (Maybe same as Opacity?).
var parameters = {};
if ( properties.Diffuse ) {
//TODO: Missing parameters:
// - Ambient
// - MultiLayer
// - ShininessExponent (Same vals as Shininess)
// - Specular (Same vals as SpecularColor)
// - TransparencyFactor (Maybe same as Opacity?).
parameters.color = new THREE.Color().fromArray( [ parseFloat( properties.Diffuse.value.x ), parseFloat( properties.Diffuse.value.y ), parseFloat( properties.Diffuse.value.z ) ] );
if ( properties.Diffuse ) {
if ( properties.Specular ) {
parameters.color = new THREE.Color().fromArray( [ parseFloat( properties.Diffuse.value.x ), parseFloat( properties.Diffuse.value.y ), parseFloat( properties.Diffuse.value.z ) ] );
parameters.specular = new THREE.Color().fromArray( [ parseFloat( properties.Specular.value.x ), parseFloat( properties.Specular.value.y ), parseFloat( properties.Specular.value.z ) ] );
if ( properties.Specular ) {
if ( properties.Shininess ) {
parameters.specular = new THREE.Color().fromArray( [ parseFloat( properties.Specular.value.x ), parseFloat( properties.Specular.value.y ), parseFloat( properties.Specular.value.z ) ] );
parameters.shininess = properties.Shininess.value;
if ( properties.Shininess ) {
if ( properties.Emissive ) {
parameters.shininess = properties.Shininess.value;
parameters.emissive = new THREE.Color().fromArray( [ parseFloat( properties.Emissive.value.x ), parseFloat( properties.Emissive.value.y ), parseFloat( properties.Emissive.value.z ) ] );
if ( properties.Emissive ) {
if ( properties.EmissiveFactor ) {
parameters.emissive = new THREE.Color().fromArray( [ parseFloat( properties.Emissive.value.x ), parseFloat( properties.Emissive.value.y ), parseFloat( properties.Emissive.value.z ) ] );
parameters.emissiveIntensity = properties.EmissiveFactor.value;
if ( properties.EmissiveFactor ) {
if ( properties.Reflectivity ) {
parameters.emissiveIntensity = properties.EmissiveFactor.value;
parameters.reflectivity = properties.Reflectivity.value;
if ( properties.Reflectivity ) {
if ( properties.Opacity ) {
parameters.reflectivity = properties.Reflectivity.value;
parameters.opacity = properties.Opacity.value;
if ( properties.Opacity ) {
if ( parameters.opacity < 1.0 ) {
parameters.opacity = properties.Opacity.value;
parameters.transparent = true;
if ( parameters.opacity < 1.0 ) {
parameters.transparent = true;
return parameters;
//Assigning textures
Material.prototype.searchParents = function ( id, nodes ) {
var p = nodes.searchConnectionParent( id );
return parameters;
return p;
searchParents: function ( id, nodes ) {
return nodes.searchConnectionParent( id );
} );
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
......@@ -2862,7 +3204,7 @@
// what want: normal per vertex, order vertice
// i have: normal per polygon
// i have: indice per polygon
var parse_Data_ByPolygonVertex_Direct = function ( node, indices, strides, itemSize ) {
function parse_Data_ByPolygonVertex_Direct( node, indices, strides, itemSize ) {
// *21204 > 3573
// Geometry: 690680816, "Geometry::", "Mesh" {
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
var loader = new THREE.FBXLoader( manager );
loader.load( 'models/fbx/MyMultiTest.fbx', function( object ) {
loader.load( 'models/fbx/xsi_man_skinning.fbx', function( object ) {
object.traverse( function( child ) {
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