提交 306afd21 编写于 作者: M Mr.doob

GUI: Materials panel clean up.

上级 12744d49
......@@ -508,17 +508,10 @@ UI.Number.prototype.setValue = function ( value ) {
UI.Number.prototype.setMin = function ( value ) {
UI.Number.prototype.setRange = function ( min, max ) {
this.min = value;
return this;
UI.Number.prototype.setMax = function ( value ) {
this.max = value;
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
return this;
......@@ -23,60 +23,136 @@ Sidebar.Properties.Material = function ( signals ) {
container.add( new UI.Text().setValue( 'MATERIAL' ).setColor( '#666' ) );
container.add( new UI.Break(), new UI.Break() );
container.add( new UI.Text().setValue( 'Name' ).setColor( '#666' ) );
// name
var materialNameRow = new UI.Panel();
var materialName = new UI.Text( 'absolute' ).setLeft( '90px' ).setColor( '#444' ).setFontSize( '12px' );
container.add( materialName );
container.add( new UI.HorizontalRule() );
new UI.Text().setValue( 'Name' ).setColor( '#666' ),
container.add( materialNameRow );
// class
container.add( new UI.Text().setValue( 'Class' ).setColor( '#666' ) );
var materialClassRow = new UI.Panel();
var materialClass = new UI.Select( 'absolute' ).setOptions( [ 'LineBasicMaterial', 'MeshBasicMaterial', 'MeshDepthMaterial', 'MeshFaceMaterial', 'MeshLambertMaterial', 'MeshNormalMaterial', 'MeshPhongMaterial', 'ParticleBasicMaterial', 'ParticleCanvasMaterial', 'ParticleDOMMaterial', 'ShaderMaterial' ] ).setLeft( '90px' ).setWidth( '180px' ).setColor( '#444' ).setFontSize( '12px' ).onChange( update );
container.add( materialClass );
container.add( new UI.HorizontalRule() );
new UI.HorizontalRule(),
new UI.Text().setValue( 'Class' ).setColor( '#666' ),
container.add( new UI.Text().setValue( 'Color' ).setColor( '#666' ) );
container.add( materialClassRow );
// color
var materialColorRow = new UI.Panel();
var materialColor = new UI.Color( 'absolute' ).setLeft( '90px' ).onChange( update );
container.add( materialColor );
container.add( new UI.HorizontalRule() );
new UI.HorizontalRule(),
new UI.Text().setValue( 'Color' ).setColor( '#666' ),
container.add( materialColorRow );
container.add( new UI.Text().setValue( 'Ambient' ).setColor( '#666' ) );
// ambient
var materialAmbientRow = new UI.Panel();
var materialAmbient = new UI.Color( 'absolute' ).setLeft( '90px' ).onChange( update );
container.add( materialAmbient );
container.add( new UI.HorizontalRule() );
new UI.HorizontalRule(),
new UI.Text().setValue( 'Ambient' ).setColor( '#666' ),
container.add( new UI.Text().setValue( 'Specular' ).setColor( '#666' ) );
container.add( materialAmbientRow );
// specular
var materialSpecularRow = new UI.Panel();
var materialSpecular = new UI.Color( 'absolute' ).setLeft( '90px' ).onChange( update );
container.add( materialSpecular );
container.add( new UI.HorizontalRule() );
new UI.HorizontalRule(),
new UI.Text().setValue( 'Specular' ).setColor( '#666' ),
container.add( materialSpecularRow );
// map
container.add( new UI.Text().setValue( 'Map' ).setColor( '#666' ) );
var materialMapRow = new UI.Panel();
var materialMap = new UI.Text( 'absolute' ).setLeft( '90px' ).setColor( '#444' ).setFontSize( '12px' );
container.add( materialMap );
container.add( new UI.HorizontalRule() );
new UI.HorizontalRule(),
new UI.Text().setValue( 'Map' ).setColor( '#666' ),
container.add( materialSpecularRow );
// opacity
container.add( new UI.Text().setValue( 'Opacity' ).setColor( '#666' ) );
var materialOpacity = new UI.Number( 'absolute' ).setLeft( '90px' ).setWidth( '60px' ).setMin( 0 ).setMax( 1 ).onChange( update );
container.add( materialOpacity );
var materialOpacityRow = new UI.Panel();
var materialOpacity = new UI.Number( 'absolute' ).setLeft( '90px' ).setWidth( '60px' ).setRange( 0, 1 ).onChange( update );
container.add( new UI.HorizontalRule() );
new UI.HorizontalRule(),
new UI.Text().setValue( 'Opacity' ).setColor( '#666' ),
container.add( new UI.Text().setValue( 'Transparent' ).setColor( '#666' ) );
container.add( materialOpacityRow );
// transparent
var materialTransparentRow = new UI.Panel();
var materialTransparent = new UI.Boolean( 'absolute' ).setValue( false ).setLeft( '90px' ).onChange( update );
container.add( materialTransparent );
container.add( new UI.HorizontalRule() );
new UI.HorizontalRule(),
new UI.Text().setValue( 'Transparent' ).setColor( '#666' ),
container.add( materialTransparentRow );
container.add( new UI.Text().setValue( 'Wireframe' ).setColor( '#666' ) );
// wireframe
var materialWireframeRow = new UI.Panel();
var materialWireframe = new UI.Boolean( 'absolute' ).setValue( false ).setLeft( '90px' ).onChange( update );
container.add( materialWireframe );
new UI.HorizontalRule(),
new UI.Text().setValue( 'Wireframe' ).setColor( '#666' ),
container.add( materialWireframeRow );
// wireframeLinewidth
var materialWireframeLinewidthRow = new UI.Panel();
var materialWireframeLinewidth = new UI.Number( 'absolute' ).setValue( 1 ).setLeft( '90px' ).setRange( 0, 100 ).onChange( update );
new UI.HorizontalRule(),
new UI.Text().setValue( 'Linewidth' ).setColor( '#666' ),
container.add( materialWireframeLinewidthRow );
......@@ -95,33 +171,70 @@ Sidebar.Properties.Material = function ( signals ) {
if ( material.color ) {
if ( material.color !== undefined ) {
material.color.setHex( parseInt( materialColor.getValue().substr( 1 ), 16 ) );
if ( material.ambient ) {
if ( material.ambient !== undefined ) {
material.ambient.setHex( parseInt( materialAmbient.getValue().substr( 1 ), 16 ) );
if ( material.specular ) {
if ( material.specular !== undefined ) {
material.specular.setHex( parseInt( materialSpecular.getValue().substr( 1 ), 16 ) );
material.opacity = materialOpacity.getValue();
material.transparent = materialTransparent.getValue();
material.wireframe = materialWireframe.getValue();
if ( material.opacity !== undefined ) {
material.opacity = materialOpacity.getValue();
if ( material.transparent !== undefined ) {
material.transparent = materialTransparent.getValue();
if ( material.wireframe !== undefined ) {
material.wireframe = materialWireframe.getValue();
if ( material.wireframe === true ) {
material.wireframeLinewidth = materialWireframeLinewidth.getValue();
signals.materialChanged.dispatch( material );
function updateRows() {
var material = selected.material;
materialColorRow.setDisplay( material.color !== undefined ? '' : 'none' );
materialAmbientRow.setDisplay( material.ambient !== undefined ? '' : 'none' );
materialSpecularRow.setDisplay( material.specular !== undefined ? '' : 'none' );
materialMapRow.setDisplay( material.map !== undefined ? '' : 'none' );
materialOpacityRow.setDisplay( material.opacity !== undefined ? '' : 'none' );
materialTransparentRow.setDisplay( material.transparent !== undefined ? '' : 'none' );
materialWireframeRow.setDisplay( material.wireframe !== undefined ? '' : 'none' );
materialWireframeLinewidthRow.setDisplay( material.wireframe === true ? '' : 'none' );
signals.objectSelected.add( function ( object ) {
......@@ -129,20 +242,62 @@ Sidebar.Properties.Material = function ( signals ) {
selected = object;
container.setDisplay( 'block' );
container.setDisplay( '' );
var material = object.material;
materialName.setValue( material.name );
materialClass.setValue( getMaterialInstanceName( material ) );
if ( material.color ) materialColor.setValue( '#' + material.color.getHex().toString( 16 ) );
if ( material.ambient ) materialAmbient.setValue( '#' + material.ambient.getHex().toString( 16 ) );
if ( material.specular ) materialSpecular.setValue( '#' + material.specular.getHex().toString( 16 ) );
if ( material.map ) materialMap.setValue( material.map );
if ( material.color !== undefined ) {
materialColor.setValue( '#' + material.color.getHex().toString( 16 ) );
if ( material.ambient !== undefined ) {
materialAmbient.setValue( '#' + material.ambient.getHex().toString( 16 ) );
if ( material.specular !== undefined ) {
materialSpecular.setValue( '#' + material.specular.getHex().toString( 16 ) );
if ( material.map !== undefined ) {
materialMap.setValue( material.map );
if ( material.opacity !== undefined ) {
materialOpacity.setValue( material.opacity );
if ( material.transparent !== undefined ) {
materialTransparent.setValue( material.transparent );
if ( material.wireframe !== undefined ) {
materialWireframe.setValue( material.wireframe );
if ( material.wireframeLinewidth !== undefined ) {
materialWireframeLinewidth.setValue( material.wireframeLinewidth );
materialOpacity.setValue( material.opacity );
materialTransparent.setValue( material.transparent );
} else {
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