提交 28def829 编写于 作者: M Mr.doob

Merge branch 'objloader-preserve-face-order' of https://github.com/algrs/three.js into dev

......@@ -45,9 +45,84 @@ THREE.OBJLoader.prototype = {
return new THREE.Face3( a, b, c, normals );
var object = new THREE.Object3D();
var geometry, material, mesh;
var face_offset = 0;
function add_face( a, b, c, normals_inds ) {
if ( normals_inds === undefined ) {
geometry.faces.push( face3(
parseInt( a ) - (face_offset + 1),
parseInt( b ) - (face_offset + 1),
parseInt( c ) - (face_offset + 1)
) );
} else {
geometry.faces.push( face3(
parseInt( a ) - (face_offset + 1),
parseInt( b ) - (face_offset + 1),
parseInt( c ) - (face_offset + 1),
normals[ parseInt( normals_inds[ 0 ] ) - 1 ].clone(),
normals[ parseInt( normals_inds[ 1 ] ) - 1 ].clone(),
normals[ parseInt( normals_inds[ 2 ] ) - 1 ].clone()
) );
function add_uvs( a, b, c ) {
geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [
uvs[ parseInt( a ) - 1 ].clone(),
uvs[ parseInt( b ) - 1 ].clone(),
uvs[ parseInt( c ) - 1 ].clone()
] );
function handle_face_line(faces, uvs, normals_inds) {
if ( faces[ 3 ] === undefined ) {
add_face( faces[ 0 ], faces[ 1 ], faces[ 2 ], normals_inds );
if (!(uvs === undefined) && uvs.length > 0) {
add_uvs( uvs[ 0 ], uvs[ 1 ], uvs[ 2 ] );
} else {
if (!(normals_inds === undefined) && normals_inds.length > 0) {
add_face( faces[ 0 ], faces[ 1 ], faces[ 3 ], [ normals_inds[ 0 ], normals_inds[ 1 ], normals_inds[ 3 ] ]);
add_face( faces[ 1 ], faces[ 2 ], faces[ 3 ], [ normals_inds[ 1 ], normals_inds[ 2 ], normals_inds[ 3 ] ]);
} else {
add_face( faces[ 0 ], faces[ 1 ], faces[ 3 ]);
add_face( faces[ 1 ], faces[ 2 ], faces[ 3 ]);
if (!(uvs === undefined) && uvs.length > 0) {
add_uvs( uvs[ 0 ], uvs[ 1 ], uvs[ 3 ] );
add_uvs( uvs[ 1 ], uvs[ 2 ], uvs[ 3 ] );
// create mesh if no objects in text
......@@ -112,7 +187,7 @@ THREE.OBJLoader.prototype = {
// ["v 1.0 2.0 3.0", "1.0", "2.0", "3.0"]
vertices.push( vector(
geometry.vertices.push( vector(
parseFloat( result[ 1 ] ),
parseFloat( result[ 2 ] ),
parseFloat( result[ 3 ] )
......@@ -141,244 +216,47 @@ THREE.OBJLoader.prototype = {
// ["f 1 2 3", "1", "2", "3", undefined]
if ( result[ 4 ] === undefined ) {
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 1 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 2 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 3 ] ) - 1 ]
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount ++,
verticesCount ++,
verticesCount ++
) );
} else {
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 1 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 2 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 3 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 4 ] ) - 1 ]
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount + 1,
verticesCount + 3
) );
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount + 1,
verticesCount + 2,
verticesCount + 3
) );
verticesCount += 4;
handle_face_line([ result[ 1 ], result[ 2 ], result[ 3 ], result[ 4 ] ]);
} else if ( ( result = face_pattern2.exec( line ) ) !== null ) {
// ["f 1/1 2/2 3/3", " 1/1", "1", "1", " 2/2", "2", "2", " 3/3", "3", "3", undefined, undefined, undefined]
if ( result[ 10 ] === undefined ) {
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 2 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 5 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 8 ] ) - 1 ]
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount ++,
verticesCount ++,
verticesCount ++
) );
geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 3 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 6 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 9 ] ) - 1 ]
] );
} else {
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 2 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 5 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 8 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 11 ] ) - 1 ]
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount + 1,
verticesCount + 3
) );
geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 3 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 6 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 12 ] ) - 1 ]
] );
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount + 1,
verticesCount + 2,
verticesCount + 3
) );
geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 6 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 9 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 12 ] ) - 1 ]
] );
verticesCount += 4;
[ result[ 2 ], result[ 5 ], result[ 8 ], result[ 11 ] ], //faces
[ result[ 3 ], result[ 6 ], result[ 9 ], result[ 12 ] ] //uv
} else if ( ( result = face_pattern3.exec( line ) ) !== null ) {
// ["f 1/1/1 2/2/2 3/3/3", " 1/1/1", "1", "1", "1", " 2/2/2", "2", "2", "2", " 3/3/3", "3", "3", "3", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined]
if ( result[ 13 ] === undefined ) {
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 2 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 6 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 10 ] ) - 1 ]
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount ++,
verticesCount ++,
verticesCount ++,
normals[ parseInt( result[ 4 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 8 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 12 ] ) - 1 ]
) );
geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 3 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 7 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 11 ] ) - 1 ]
] );
} else {
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 2 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 6 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 10 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 14 ] ) - 1 ]
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount + 1,
verticesCount + 3,
normals[ parseInt( result[ 4 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 8 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 16 ] ) - 1 ]
) );
geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 3 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 7 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 15 ] ) - 1 ]
] );
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount + 1,
verticesCount + 2,
verticesCount + 3,
normals[ parseInt( result[ 8 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 12 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 16 ] ) - 1 ]
) );
geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 7 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 11 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 15 ] ) - 1 ]
] );
verticesCount += 4;
[ result[ 2 ], result[ 6 ], result[ 10 ], result[ 14 ] ], //faces
[ result[ 3 ], result[ 7 ], result[ 11 ], result[ 15 ] ], //uv
[ result[ 4 ], result[ 8 ], result[ 12 ], result[ 16 ] ] //normal
} else if ( ( result = face_pattern4.exec( line ) ) !== null ) {
// ["f 1//1 2//2 3//3", " 1//1", "1", "1", " 2//2", "2", "2", " 3//3", "3", "3", undefined, undefined, undefined]
if ( result[ 10 ] === undefined ) {
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 2 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 5 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 8 ] ) - 1 ]
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount ++,
verticesCount ++,
verticesCount ++,
normals[ parseInt( result[ 3 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 6 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 9 ] ) - 1 ]
) );
} else {
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 2 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 5 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 8 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 11 ] ) - 1 ]
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount + 1,
verticesCount + 3,
normals[ parseInt( result[ 3 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 6 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 12 ] ) - 1 ]
) );
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount + 1,
verticesCount + 2,
verticesCount + 3,
normals[ parseInt( result[ 6 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 9 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 12 ] ) - 1 ]
) );
verticesCount += 4;
[ result[ 2 ], result[ 5 ], result[ 8 ], result[ 11 ] ], //faces
[ ], //uv
[ result[ 3 ], result[ 6 ], result[ 9 ], result[ 12 ] ] //normal
} else if ( /^o /.test( line ) ) {
// object
if (!(geometry === undefined)) {
face_offset = face_offset + geometry.vertices.length;
geometry = new THREE.Geometry();
material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial();
......@@ -423,7 +301,7 @@ THREE.OBJLoader.prototype = {
return object;
......@@ -78,9 +78,13 @@ THREE.OBJMTLLoader.prototype = {
var face_offset = 0;
function meshN( meshName, materialName ) {
if ( geometry.vertices.length > 0 ) {
if ( vertices.length > 0 ) {
geometry.vertices = vertices;
......@@ -91,12 +95,12 @@ THREE.OBJMTLLoader.prototype = {
geometry = new THREE.Geometry();
mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
verticesCount = 0;
if ( meshName !== undefined ) mesh.name = meshName;
if ( materialName !== undefined ) {
material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial();
......@@ -120,6 +124,79 @@ THREE.OBJMTLLoader.prototype = {
var normals = [];
var uvs = [];
function add_face( a, b, c, normals_inds ) {
if ( normals_inds === undefined ) {
geometry.faces.push( face3(
parseInt( a ) - (face_offset + 1),
parseInt( b ) - (face_offset + 1),
parseInt( c ) - (face_offset + 1)
) );
} else {
geometry.faces.push( face3(
parseInt( a ) - (face_offset + 1),
parseInt( b ) - (face_offset + 1),
parseInt( c ) - (face_offset + 1),
normals[ parseInt( normals_inds[ 0 ] ) - 1 ].clone(),
normals[ parseInt( normals_inds[ 1 ] ) - 1 ].clone(),
normals[ parseInt( normals_inds[ 2 ] ) - 1 ].clone()
) );
function add_uvs( a, b, c ) {
geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [
uvs[ parseInt( a ) - 1 ].clone(),
uvs[ parseInt( b ) - 1 ].clone(),
uvs[ parseInt( c ) - 1 ].clone()
] );
function handle_face_line(faces, uvs, normals_inds) {
if ( faces[ 3 ] === undefined ) {
add_face( faces[ 0 ], faces[ 1 ], faces[ 2 ], normals_inds );
if (!(uvs === undefined) && uvs.length > 0) {
add_uvs( uvs[ 0 ], uvs[ 1 ], uvs[ 2 ] );
} else {
if (!(normals_inds === undefined) && normals_inds.length > 0) {
add_face( faces[ 0 ], faces[ 1 ], faces[ 3 ], [ normals_inds[ 0 ], normals_inds[ 1 ], normals_inds[ 3 ] ]);
add_face( faces[ 1 ], faces[ 2 ], faces[ 3 ], [ normals_inds[ 1 ], normals_inds[ 2 ], normals_inds[ 3 ] ]);
} else {
add_face( faces[ 0 ], faces[ 1 ], faces[ 3 ]);
add_face( faces[ 1 ], faces[ 2 ], faces[ 3 ]);
if (!(uvs === undefined) && uvs.length > 0) {
add_uvs( uvs[ 0 ], uvs[ 1 ], uvs[ 3 ] );
add_uvs( uvs[ 1 ], uvs[ 2 ], uvs[ 3 ] );
// v float float float
var vertex_pattern = /v( +[\d|\.|\+|\-|e]+)( +[\d|\.|\+|\-|e]+)( +[\d|\.|\+|\-|e]+)/;
......@@ -196,244 +273,44 @@ THREE.OBJMTLLoader.prototype = {
// ["f 1 2 3", "1", "2", "3", undefined]
if ( result[ 4 ] === undefined ) {
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 1 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 2 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 3 ] ) - 1 ]
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount ++,
verticesCount ++,
verticesCount ++
) );
} else {
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 1 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 2 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 3 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 4 ] ) - 1 ]
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount + 1,
verticesCount + 3
) );
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount + 1,
verticesCount + 2,
verticesCount + 3
) );
verticesCount += 4;
handle_face_line([ result[ 1 ], result[ 2 ], result[ 3 ], result[ 4 ] ]);
} else if ( ( result = face_pattern2.exec( line ) ) !== null ) {
// ["f 1/1 2/2 3/3", " 1/1", "1", "1", " 2/2", "2", "2", " 3/3", "3", "3", undefined, undefined, undefined]
if ( result[ 10 ] === undefined ) {
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 2 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 5 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 8 ] ) - 1 ]
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount ++,
verticesCount ++,
verticesCount ++
) );
geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 3 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 6 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 9 ] ) - 1 ]
] );
} else {
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 2 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 5 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 8 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 11 ] ) - 1 ]
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount + 1,
verticesCount + 3
) );
geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 3 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 6 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 12 ] ) - 1 ]
] );
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount + 1,
verticesCount + 2,
verticesCount + 3
) );
geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 6 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 9 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 12 ] ) - 1 ]
] );
verticesCount += 4;
[ result[ 2 ], result[ 5 ], result[ 8 ], result[ 11 ] ], //faces
[ result[ 3 ], result[ 6 ], result[ 9 ], result[ 12 ] ] //uv
} else if ( ( result = face_pattern3.exec( line ) ) !== null ) {
// ["f 1/1/1 2/2/2 3/3/3", " 1/1/1", "1", "1", "1", " 2/2/2", "2", "2", "2", " 3/3/3", "3", "3", "3", undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined]
if ( result[ 13 ] === undefined ) {
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 2 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 6 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 10 ] ) - 1 ]
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount ++,
verticesCount ++,
verticesCount ++,
normals[ parseInt( result[ 4 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 8 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 12 ] ) - 1 ]
) );
geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 3 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 7 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 11 ] ) - 1 ]
] );
} else {
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 2 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 6 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 10 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 14 ] ) - 1 ]
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount + 1,
verticesCount + 3,
normals[ parseInt( result[ 4 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 8 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 16 ] ) - 1 ]
) );
geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 3 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 7 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 15 ] ) - 1 ]
] );
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount + 1,
verticesCount + 2,
verticesCount + 3,
normals[ parseInt( result[ 8 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 12 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 16 ] ) - 1 ]
) );
geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ].push( [
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 7 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 11 ] ) - 1 ],
uvs[ parseInt( result[ 15 ] ) - 1 ]
] );
verticesCount += 4;
[ result[ 2 ], result[ 6 ], result[ 10 ], result[ 14 ] ], //faces
[ result[ 3 ], result[ 7 ], result[ 11 ], result[ 15 ] ], //uv
[ result[ 4 ], result[ 8 ], result[ 12 ], result[ 16 ] ] //normal
} else if ( ( result = face_pattern4.exec( line ) ) !== null ) {
// ["f 1//1 2//2 3//3", " 1//1", "1", "1", " 2//2", "2", "2", " 3//3", "3", "3", undefined, undefined, undefined]
if ( result[ 10 ] === undefined ) {
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 2 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 5 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 8 ] ) - 1 ]
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount ++,
verticesCount ++,
verticesCount ++,
normals[ parseInt( result[ 3 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 6 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 9 ] ) - 1 ]
) );
} else {
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 2 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 5 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 8 ] ) - 1 ],
vertices[ parseInt( result[ 11 ] ) - 1 ]
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount + 1,
verticesCount + 3,
normals[ parseInt( result[ 3 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 6 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 12 ] ) - 1 ]
) );
geometry.faces.push( face3(
verticesCount + 1,
verticesCount + 2,
verticesCount + 3,
normals[ parseInt( result[ 6 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 9 ] ) - 1 ],
normals[ parseInt( result[ 12 ] ) - 1 ]
) );
verticesCount += 4;
[ result[ 2 ], result[ 5 ], result[ 8 ], result[ 11 ] ], //faces
[ ], //uv
[ result[ 3 ], result[ 6 ], result[ 9 ], result[ 12 ] ] //normal
} else if ( /^o /.test( line ) ) {
// object
face_offset = face_offset + vertices.length;
vertices = [];
object = new THREE.Object3D();
object.name = line.substring( 2 ).trim();
group.add( object );
......@@ -476,7 +353,7 @@ THREE.OBJMTLLoader.prototype = {
//Add last object
meshN(undefined, undefined);
return group;
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