提交 062715a9 编写于 作者: 友聪 彭


上级 3c7eb86f

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 15
VisualStudioVersion = 15.0.28307.489
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "数据结构2-链表", "数据结构2-链表\数据结构2-链表.vcxproj", "{663016EE-6BFB-41F2-8C26-F10C9B317C0F}"
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{663016EE-6BFB-41F2-8C26-F10C9B317C0F}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
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SolutionGuid = {4E70DCCC-A7CA-421B-94BF-CDA79E994B91}
// pch.cpp: 与预编译标头对应的源文件;编译成功所必需的
#include "pch.h"
// 一般情况下,忽略此文件,但如果你使用的是预编译标头,请保留它。
// 入门提示:
// 1. 使用解决方案资源管理器窗口添加/管理文件
// 2. 使用团队资源管理器窗口连接到源代码管理
// 3. 使用输出窗口查看生成输出和其他消息
// 4. 使用错误列表窗口查看错误
// 5. 转到“项目”>“添加新项”以创建新的代码文件,或转到“项目”>“添加现有项”以将现有代码文件添加到项目
// 6. 将来,若要再次打开此项目,请转到“文件”>“打开”>“项目”并选择 .sln 文件
#ifndef PCH_H
#define PCH_H
// TODO: 添加要在此处预编译的标头
#endif //PCH_H
// 数据结构2-链表.cpp : 此文件包含 "main" 函数。程序执行将在此处开始并结束。
#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef struct LNode //定义一个节点
int data; //节点中的数据域
LNode *pNext; //指针域
void CreateLA(List &l, int *n,int length) //创建链表LA,参数1为LA的地址,参数2为初始化LA用的数组,参数三为数组长度
l = new LNode;
l->pNext = NULL;
List p_a, r_a;
r_a = l;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
p_a = new LNode;
p_a->data = n[i]; //将数组中的数值按序添加到链表中
p_a->pNext = NULL;
r_a->pNext = p_a;
r_a = p_a;
cout << endl;
void CreateLB(List &l, int *n, int length)
l = new LNode;
l->pNext = NULL;
List p, r;
r = l;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
p = new LNode;
p->data = n[i];
p->pNext = NULL;
r->pNext = p;
r = p;
void Sort(List &l,int len)//将链表排序,参数len为长度,以下皆如此
List p, r;
if (l->pNext == NULL) cout << "空表!" << endl;
int i, j;
for (j = i + 1, r = p->pNext; j < len; j++, r = r->pNext)
if (p->data < r->data)//当当前节点的数据与之后的节点中的数据小,交换两个节点的位置
int temp = p->data;
p->data = r->data;
r->data = temp;
void Display(List l,int len)//向屏幕打印链表
if (l->pNext == NULL)
cout << "空表!" << endl;
List p1 = new LNode;
p1 = l->pNext;
int i = 0;
while (i<len)
cout << p1->data << " ";
p1 = p1->pNext;
cout << endl;
cout << "当前线性表长度:" << i << endl;
void MergeLists(List l1, List l2,List &l3,int len1,int len2,int &len3)//合并链表LA和LB成新链表LC
int i = 0;
l3 = new LNode;
List p, r;
r = l3;
for (i = 0; i < len1; i++)
l1 = l1->pNext;
p = new LNode;
p->data = l1->data;
p->pNext = NULL;
r->pNext = p;
r = p;
for (i = 0; i < len2; i++)
l2 = l2->pNext;
p = new LNode;
p->data = l2->data;
p->pNext = NULL;
r->pNext = p;
r = p;
len3 = len1 + len2;
void SerchOfData(List l, int n)//按值查找
if (l->pNext == NULL) cout << "空表!" << endl;
int num;
cout << "请输入你想查找的值:";
cin >> num;
int i = 0;
List p = l->pNext;
while (true)
if (p->data == num)
p = p->pNext;
if (p->pNext != NULL)
cout << num << "在线性表中的位置是:" << i + 1 << endl;
if (i>n)
cout << "所查找数值在线性表中并不存在" << endl;
void SerachOfIndex(List l, int n) //按址查找
int index;
cout << "请输入索引值:";
bool key = false;
while (true)
cin >> index;
if (index > n || index < 0)
cout << "输入错误,请重新输入:";
key = true;
if (key)
List p = l->pNext;
int i = 0;
while (i < index-1)
p = p->pNext;
cout << "第" << index << "位的数据值是" << p->data << endl;
void PopOfNum(List &l,int &n) //按值删除
if (l->pNext == NULL)cout << "空表,不能进行删除操作!" << endl;
bool key = false;
int num;
cout << "请输入你想从线性表中删除的数值:";
cin >> num;
List p = l->pNext;
while (true)
if (p->pNext->data == num)
key = true;
p = p->pNext;
if (key)
List q = p->pNext;
p->pNext = q->pNext;
delete q;
n = n - 1;
if (!key)
cout << "输入的值有误,无法进行删除!" << endl;
void PopOfIndex(List &l, int &n) //按址删除
if(l->pNext==NULL)cout << "空表,不能进行删除操作!" << endl;
int index;
bool key = false;
cout << "输入你想从线性表删除的位置:";
while (true)
cin >> index;
if (index<0 || index>n)
cout << "下标错误,请重新输入:";
List p=l->pNext;
int i = 0;
while (true)
if (i == index-1)
key = true;
p = p->pNext;
if (key)
List q = p->pNext;
p->pNext = q->pNext;
delete q;
n = n - 1;
void Insert(List l, int &n) //向链表插值
int sum;
cout << "输入你想插入线性表的数值个数:";
cin >> sum;
int *num = new int[sum];
cout << "请逐个输入你想插入线性表中的数值:";
for (int i = 0; i < sum; i++)
cin >> num[i];
List p = new LNode;
for (int i = 0; i < sum; i++)
p = l->pNext;
while (p->pNext != NULL)
if (p->data >= num[i] && p->pNext->data < num[i])
p = p->pNext;
List s = new LNode;
s->data = num[i];
s->pNext = p->pNext;
p->pNext = s;
delete[] num;
int main()
List LA;
int n1[] = { 78,64,37,30,29,24,18,12,9,2 };
CreateLA(LA, n1,10);
cout << "LA:";
Display(LA, 10);
List LB;
int n2[] = {93,82,73,65,44,35,31,28,26,17,15 };
CreateLB(LB, n2, 11);
cout << "LB:";
Display(LB, 11);
List LC;
int len1=10,len2=11,len3 = 21;
MergeLists(LA, LB, LC, 10, 11,len3);
Sort(LC, len3);
cout << "LC:";
Display(LC, len3);
cout << "以下是线性表LC的操作:" << endl;
SerchOfData(LC, len3);
SerachOfIndex(LC, len3);
PopOfNum(LC, len3);
cout << "LC:";
Display(LC, len3);
PopOfIndex(LC, len3);
cout << "LC:";
Display(LC, len3);
Insert(LC, len3);
cout << "LC:";
Display(LC, len3);
cout << "LA进行插值";
Insert(LA, len1);
cout << "新LA:";
Display(LA, len1);
cout << "LB进行插值";
Insert(LB, len2);
cout << "新LB:";
Display(LB, len2);
MergeLists(LA, LB, LC, len1, len2, len3);
Sort(LC, len3);
cout << "新LC:";
Display(LC, len3);
return 0;
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