提交 f9f4817a 编写于 作者: Z Zhi Tian

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上级 1f199d29
An example:
python tools/test_fcos_onnx_model.py --onnx-model fcos_imprv_R_50_FPN_1x.onnx --config-file configs/fcos/fcos_imprv_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml TEST.IMS_PER_BATCH 1 INPUT.MIN_SIZE_TEST 384 DATALOADER.NUM_WORKERS 0
python tools/test_fcos_onnx_model.py --onnx-model fcos_imprv_R_50_FPN_1x.onnx --config-file configs/fcos/fcos_imprv_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml TEST.IMS_PER_BATCH 1 DATALOADER.NUM_WORKERS 0
from fcos_core.utils.env import setup_environment # noqa F401 isort:skip
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