未验证 提交 d83f76a7 编写于 作者: C Corey Butler 提交者: GitHub


上级 2e0c102e
Make sure you have reviewed the [common issues](https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows/wiki/Common-Issues) and existing issues before submitting a new issue.
If this is a question about how to use NVM4W, please use [stackoverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/nvm-windows) instead.
If this is an issue regarding antivirus, make sure you search the existing issues first.
......@@ -17,15 +19,7 @@ If this is an issue regarding antivirus, make sure you search the existing issue
### I'm using NVM4W version:
- [ ] 1.1.7
- [ ] 1.1.6
- [ ] 1.1.5
- [ ] 1.1.4
- [ ] 1.1.3
- [ ] 1.1.2
- [ ] 1.1.1
- [ ] Older
- [ ] OTHER (Please Specify)
Run `nvm version` if you don't know.
### I have already...
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