未验证 提交 8a362e47 编写于 作者: C Corey Butler 提交者: GitHub

Update README.md

上级 0c58b2ee
...@@ -2,27 +2,15 @@ The npm/Microsoft/Google recommended **Node.js version manager for _Windows_**. ...@@ -2,27 +2,15 @@ The npm/Microsoft/Google recommended **Node.js version manager for _Windows_**.
# This is not the same thing as [nvm](https://github.com/creationix/nvm), which is a completely separate project for Mac/Linux only. # This is not the same thing as [nvm](https://github.com/creationix/nvm), which is a completely separate project for Mac/Linux only.
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## NOTICES Better yet, click the "Sponsor" button. Patreon sponsors will receive patron-only update posts.
_Are you multilingual?_
~~I am particularly interested in finding people who can speak something other than English. Several problems have come up with non-latin character sets (Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, etc). I am also interested in producing language packs/translations for the installers. If you are interested in translating, please [signup here](https://coreybutler.typeform.com/to/ybqT6F).~~
_The response for multilingual contributions has been phenomenal_. However; due to the necessarily slow pace of development (see "other" below), multilingual support won't arrive until 2.0.0 (which will likely be a cross-platform version manager with a new name).
~~**I am seeking donations to help pay for a lingohub.com account** to make life easier for translators! Please consider becoming a [becoming a patron](https://patreon.com/coreybutler) to support this.~~ ![Sponsor NVM for Windows](https://github.com/coreybutler/promo/raw/master/images/Sponsor.gif)
_Are you outside of the US/UK/Canada?_ ## NOTICES
Custom mirroring capabilities are available in the master branch, but I would like to work with folks in different geographic regions to assure node is accessible everywhere.
_Other (Anywhere)_
The core concepts of this version manager are pretty simple, so the core code base is pretty focused/simple. I've done some work to make this project available on all operating systems. The only reason it's been so slow to release is anticipation of an explosion of new installers (chocolatey, homebrew, rpm, .deb, .msi, etc). I've partnered up with BitRock to simplify creation of some of these, but the BitRock installers don't support all of these.
Of course, I would also love to have additional maintainers. I greatly appreciate the existing maintainers who are answering questions and responding to issues, but be advised I have always been and am currently the only person working on new feature development (aside from some incredible contributions from people). I've been preoccupied with paid contract work to a) live and b) bootstrap [author.io](https://author.io) (a company to support this project and several others). My time has been very limited. These have moved to the [notices wiki entry](https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows/wiki/Notices).
# Node Version Manager (nvm) for Windows # Node Version Manager (nvm) for Windows
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