提交 438ac257 编写于 作者: C Corey Butler

Updated build process. Added code signing and MD5 checksums for distro files.

上级 256d6942
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ If this is an issue regarding antivirus, make sure you search the existing issue
### I'm using NVM4W version:
- [ ] 1.1.7
- [ ] 1.1.6
- [ ] 1.1.5
- [ ] 1.1.4
......@@ -54,4 +55,3 @@ Fill me in...
### Steps to reproduce the problem:
Fill me in...
......@@ -5,58 +5,48 @@ REM SET GOPATH=%CD%\src
SET version=1.1.7
REM Get the version number from the setup file
REM for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('findstr /n . %INNOSETUP% ^| findstr ^4:#define') do set L=%%i
REM set version=%L:~24,-1%
REM Get the version number from the core executable
REM for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('findstr /n . %GOPATH%\nvm.go ^| findstr ^NvmVersion^| findstr ^21^') do set L=%%i
REM set goversion=%L:~19,-1%
REM IF NOT %version%==%goversion% GOTO VERSIONMISMATCH
SET DIST=%CD%\dist\%version%
REM Build the executable
echo Building NVM for Windows
REM rm %GOBIN%\nvm.exe
echo "=========================================>"
REM echo %GOBIN%
REM goxc -arch="386" -os="windows" -n="nvm" -d="%GOBIN%" -o="%GOBIN%\nvm{{.Ext}}" -tasks-=package
REM rm %GOBIN%\src.exe
REM rm %GOPATH%\src.exe
REM rm %GOPATH%\nvm.exe
REM Clean the dist directory
rm -rf "%DIST%"
echo Remove existing build at %DIST%
rd /s /q "%DIST%"
echo Creating %DIST%
mkdir "%DIST%"
echo Creating distribution in %DIST%
if exist src\nvm.exe (
rm src\nvm.exe
del src\nvm.exe
echo "Building nvm.exe...."
echo Building nvm.exe:
go build src\nvm.go
mv nvm.exe %GOBIN%
move nvm.exe %GOBIN%
for /f %%i in ('%GOBIN%\nvm.exe version') do set BUILT_VERSION=%%i
if NOT %BUILT_VERSION% == %version% (
echo Expected nvm.exe version %version% but created version %BUILT_VERSION%
exit 1
) else (
echo nvm.exe v%BUILT_VERSION% built.
echo Code Sign nvm.exe...
.\buildtools\signtools\x64\signtool.exe sign /debug /tr http://timestamp.digicert.com /td sha256 /fd sha256 /a %GOBIN%\nvm.exe
echo Building "noinstall" zip...
for /d %%a in (%GOBIN%) do (buildtools\zip -j -9 -r "%DIST%\nvm-noinstall.zip" "%CD%\LICENSE" "%%a\*" -x "%GOBIN%\nodejs.ico")
for /f %%a in (%GOBIN%) do (buildtools\zip -j -9 -r "%DIST%\nvm-noinstall.zip" "%CD%\LICENSE" "%%a\*" -x "%GOBIN%\nodejs.ico")
echo "Building the primary installer..."
buildtools\iscc %INNOSETUP% /o%DIST%
buildtools\zip -j -9 -r "%DIST%\nvm-setup.zip" "%DIST%\nvm-setup.exe"
echo "Generating Checksums for release files..."
for %%f in (%DIST%\*.*) do (certutil -hashfile "%%f" MD5 | find /i /v "md5" | find /i /v "certutil" >> "%%f.checksum.txt")
for /r %i in (*.zip *.exe) do checksum -file %i -t sha256 >> %i.sha256.txt
echo "Distribution created. Now cleaning up...."
rm %GOBIN%/nvm.exe
del %GOBIN%\nvm.exe
echo "Done."
@echo on
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ InstallingLabel=Please wait while Setup installs [name] on your computer.
; *** "Setup Completed" wizard page
FinishedHeadingLabel=Completing the [name] Setup Wizard
FinishedLabelNoIcons=Setup has finished installing [name] on your computer.
FinishedLabel=Setup has finished installing [name] on your computer. The application may be launched by selecting the installed icons.
FinishedLabel=Setup has finished installing [name] on your computer. The application may be launched by selecting the installed shortcuts.
ClickFinish=Click Finish to exit Setup.
FinishedRestartLabel=To complete the installation of [name], Setup must restart your computer. Would you like to restart now?
FinishedRestartMessage=To complete the installation of [name], Setup must restart your computer.%n%nWould you like to restart now?
......@@ -323,9 +323,9 @@ ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=Uninstalling %1.
NameAndVersion=%1 version %2
AdditionalIcons=Additional icons:
CreateDesktopIcon=Create a &desktop icon
CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Create a &Quick Launch icon
AdditionalIcons=Additional shortcuts:
CreateDesktopIcon=Create a &desktop shortcut
CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Create a &Quick Launch shortcut
ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 on the Web
UninstallProgram=Uninstall %1
LaunchProgram=Launch %1
此差异由.gitattributes 抑制。
此差异由.gitattributes 抑制。
// Inno Setup Preprocessor 5
// Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Alex Yackimoff. All Rights Reserved.
// Portions by Martijn Laan.
// http://ispp.sourceforge.net
// Inno Setup (C) 1997-2009 Jordan Russell. All Rights Reserved.
// Portions by Martijn Laan.
// $Id: ISPPBuiltins.iss,v 1.3 2010/12/29 15:20:26 mlaan Exp $
#if defined(ISPP_INVOKED) && !defined(_BUILTINS_ISS_)
#if PREPROCVER < 0x01000000
# error Inno Setup Preprocessor version is outdated
#define _BUILTINS_ISS_
// ===========================================================================
// Default states for options.
//#pragma parseroption -b+ ; short circuit boolean evaluation: on
//#pragma parseroption -m- ; short circuit multiplication evaluation (0 * A will not eval A): off
//#pragma parseroption -p+ ; string literals without escape sequences: on
//#pragma parseroption -u- ; allow undeclared identifiers: off
//#pragma option -c+ ; pass script to the compiler: on
//#pragma option -e- ; emit empty lines to translation: off
//#pragma option -v- ; verbose mode: off
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Verbose levels:
// 0 - #include and #file acknowledgements
// 1 - information about any temp files created by #file
// 2 - #insert and #append acknowledgements
// 3 - reserved
// 4 - #dim, #define and #undef acknowledgements
// 5 - reserved
// 6 - conditional inclusion acknowledgements
// 7 - reserved
// 8 - show strings emitted with #emit directive
// 9 - macro and functions successfull call acknowledgements
//10 - Local macro array allocation acknowledgements
//#pragma verboselevel 0
#ifndef __POPT_P__
# define private CStrings
# pragma parseroption -p+
#pragma spansymbol "\"
#define True 1
#define False 0
#define Yes True
#define No False
#define MaxInt 0x7FFFFFFFL
#define MinInt 0x80000000L
#define NULL
#define void
// TypeOf constants
#define TYPE_ERROR 0
#define TYPE_NULL 1
#define TYPE_INTEGER 2
#define TYPE_STRING 3
#define TYPE_MACRO 4
#define TYPE_FUNC 5
#define TYPE_ARRAY 6
// Helper macro to find out the type of an array element or expression. TypeOf
// standard function only allows identifier as its parameter. Use this macro
// to convert an expression to identifier.
#define TypeOf2(any Expr) TypeOf(Expr)
// ReadReg constants
#define HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT 0x80000000UL
#define HKEY_CURRENT_USER 0x80000001UL
#define HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 0x80000002UL
#define HKEY_USERS 0x80000003UL
#define HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG 0x80000005UL
#define HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT_64 0x82000000UL
#define HKEY_CURRENT_USER_64 0x82000001UL
#define HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE_64 0x82000002UL
#define HKEY_USERS_64 0x82000003UL
#define HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG_64 0x82000005UL
#define HKU64 HKEY_USERS_64
// Exec constants
#define SW_HIDE 0
#define SW_NORMAL 1
#define SW_MAXIMIZE 3
#define SW_SHOW 5
#define SW_MINIMIZE 6
#define SW_SHOWNA 8
#define SW_RESTORE 9
#define SW_MAX 10
// Find constants
#define FIND_MATCH 0x00
#define FIND_BEGINS 0x01
#define FIND_ENDS 0x02
#define FIND_CONTAINS 0x03
#define FIND_AND 0x00
#define FIND_OR 0x08
#define FIND_NOT 0x10
#define FIND_TRIM 0x20
// FindFirst constants
#define faReadOnly 0x00000001
#define faHidden 0x00000002
#define faSysFile 0x00000004
#define faVolumeID 0x00000008
#define faDirectory 0x00000010
#define faArchive 0x00000020
#define faSymLink 0x00000040
#define faAnyFile 0x0000003F
// GetStringFileInfo standard names
#define COMPANY_NAME "CompanyName"
#define FILE_DESCRIPTION "FileDescription"
#define FILE_VERSION "FileVersion"
#define INTERNAL_NAME "InternalName"
#define LEGAL_COPYRIGHT "LegalCopyright"
#define ORIGINAL_FILENAME "OriginalFilename"
#define PRODUCT_NAME "ProductName"
#define PRODUCT_VERSION "ProductVersion"
// GetStringFileInfo helpers
#define GetFileCompany(str FileName) GetStringFileInfo(FileName, COMPANY_NAME)
#define GetFileCopyright(str FileName) GetStringFileInfo(FileName, LEGAL_COPYRIGHT)
#define GetFileDescription(str FileName) GetStringFileInfo(FileName, FILE_DESCRIPTION)
#define GetFileProductVersion(str FileName) GetStringFileInfo(FileName, PRODUCT_VERSION)
#define GetFileVersionString(str FileName) GetStringFileInfo(FileName, FILE_VERSION)
// ParseVersion
// Macro internally calls GetFileVersion function and parses string returned
// by that function (in form ""). All four version elements are stored
// in by-reference parameters Major, Minor, Rev, and Build. Macro returns
// string returned by GetFileVersion.
#define DeleteToFirstPeriod(str *S) \
Local[1] = Copy(S, 1, (Local[0] = Pos(".", S)) - 1), \
S = Copy(S, Local[0] + 1), \
#define ParseVersion(str FileName, *Major, *Minor, *Rev, *Build) \
Local[1] = Local[0] = GetFileVersion(FileName), \
Local[1] == "" ? "" : ( \
Major = Int(DeleteToFirstPeriod(Local[1])), \
Minor = Int(DeleteToFirstPeriod(Local[1])), \
Rev = Int(DeleteToFirstPeriod(Local[1])), \
Build = Int(Local[1]), \
// EncodeVer
// Encodes given four version elements to a 32 bit integer number (8 bits for
// each element, i.e. elements must be within 0...255 range).
#define EncodeVer(int Major, int Minor, int Revision = 0, int Build = -1) \
Major << 24 | (Minor & 0xFF) << 16 | (Revision & 0xFF) << 8 | (Build >= 0 ? Build & 0xFF : 0)
// DecodeVer
// Decodes given 32 bit integer encoded version to its string representation,
// Digits parameter indicates how many elements to show (if the fourth element
// is 0, it won't be shown anyway).
#define DecodeVer(int Ver, int Digits = 3) \
Str(Ver >> 0x18 & 0xFF) + (Digits > 1 ? "." : "") + \
(Digits > 1 ? \
Str(Ver >> 0x10 & 0xFF) + (Digits > 2 ? "." : "") : "") + \
(Digits > 2 ? \
Str(Ver >> 0x08 & 0xFF) + (Digits > 3 && (Local = Ver & 0xFF) ? "." : "") : "") + \
(Digits > 3 && Local ? \
Str(Ver & 0xFF) : "")
// FindSection
// Returns index of the line following the header of the section. This macro
// is intended to be used with #insert directive.
#define FindSection(str Section = "Files") \
Find(0, "[" + Section + "]", FIND_MATCH | FIND_TRIM) + 1
// FindSectionEnd
// Returns index of the line following last entry of the section. This macro
// is intended to be used with #insert directive.
#if VER >= 0x03000000
# define FindNextSection(int Line) \
# define FindSectionEnd(str Section = "Files") \
# define FindSectionEnd(str Section = "Files") \
FindSection(Section) + EntryCount(Section)
// FindCode
// Returns index of the line (of translation) following either [Code] section
// header, or "program" keyword, if any.
#define FindCode() \
Local[1] = FindSection("Code"), \
Local[0] = Find(Local[1] - 1, "program", FIND_BEGINS, ";", FIND_ENDS | FIND_AND), \
(Local[0] < 0 ? Local[1] : Local[0] + 1)
// ExtractFilePath
// Returns directory portion of the given filename without backslash (unless
// it is a root directory). If PathName doesn't contain directory portion,
// the result is an empty string.
#define ExtractFilePath(str PathName) \
(Local[0] = \
!(Local[1] = RPos("\", PathName)) ? \
"" : \
Copy(PathName, 1, Local[1] - 1)), \
Local[0] + \
((Local[2] = Len(Local[0])) == 2 && Copy(Local[0], Local[2]) == ":" ? \
"\" : \
#define ExtractFileDir(str PathName) \
#define ExtractFileExt(str PathName) \
Local[0] = RPos(".", PathName), \
Copy(PathName, Local[0] + 1)
// ExtractFileName
// Returns name portion of the given filename. If PathName ends with
// a backslash, the result is an empty string.
#define ExtractFileName(str PathName) \
!(Local[0] = RPos("\", PathName)) ? \
PathName : \
Copy(PathName, Local[0] + 1)
// ChangeFileExt
// Changes extension in FileName with NewExt. NewExt must not contain
// period.
#define ChangeFileExt(str FileName, str NewExt) \
!(Local[0] = RPos(".", FileName)) ? \
FileName + "." + NewExt : \
Copy(FileName, 1, Local[0]) + NewExt
// RemoveFileExt
// Removes extension in FileName.
#define RemoveFileExt(str FileName) \
!(Local[0] = RPos(".", FileName)) ? \
FileName : \
Copy(FileName, 1, Local[0] - 1)
// AddBackslash
// Adds a backslash to the string, if it's not already there.
#define AddBackslash(str S) \
Copy(S, Len(S)) == "\" ? S : S + "\"
// RemoveBackslash
// Removes trailing backslash from the string unless the string points to
// a root directory.
#define RemoveBackslash(str S) \
Local[0] = Len(S), \
Local[0] > 0 ? \
Copy(S, Local[0]) == "\" ? \
(Local[0] == 3 && Copy(S, 2, 1) == ":" ? \
S : \
Copy(S, 1, Local[0] - 1)) : \
S : \
// Delete
// Deletes specified number of characters beginning with Index from S. S is
// passed by reference (therefore is modified). Acts like Delete function in
// Delphi (from System unit).
#define Delete(str *S, int Index, int Count = MaxInt) \
S = Copy(S, 1, Index - 1) + Copy(S, Index + Count)
// Insert
// Inserts specified Substr at Index'th character into S. S is passed by
// reference (therefore is modified).
#define Insert(str *S, int Index, str Substr) \
Index > Len(S) + 1 ? \
S : \
S = Copy(S, 1, Index - 1) + SubStr + Copy(S, Index)
// YesNo, IsDirSet
// Returns nonzero value if given string is "yes", "true" or "1". Intended to
// be used with SetupSetting function. This macro replaces YesNo function
// available in previous releases.
#define YesNo(str S) \
(S = LowerCase(S)) == "yes" || S == "true" || S == "1"
#define IsDirSet(str SetupDirective) \
#define Power(int X, int P = 2) \
!P ? 1 : X * Power(X, P - 1)
#define Min(int A, int B, int C = MaxInt) \
A < B ? A < C ? Int(A) : Int(C) : Int(B)
#define Max(int A, int B, int C = MinInt) \
A > B ? A > C ? Int(A) : Int(C) : Int(B)
#ifdef CStrings
# pragma parseroption -p-
此差异由.gitattributes 抑制。
此差异由.gitattributes 抑制。
此差异由.gitattributes 抑制。
此差异由.gitattributes 抑制。
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#define MyAppLCShortName "nvm"
#define MyAppVersion "1.1.7"
#define MyAppPublisher "Ecor Ventures LLC"
#define MyAppURL "http://github.com/coreybutler/nvm"
#define MyAppURL "https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm"
#define MyAppExeName "nvm.exe"
#define MyIcon "bin\nodejs.ico"
#define ProjectRoot "."
......@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
; Do not use the same AppId value in installers for other applications.
; (To generate a new GUID, click Tools | Generate GUID inside the IDE.)
SignTool=MsSign $f
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