提交 1b663c9f 编写于 作者: C ccccly

Add nvm node_mirror, npm_mirror usage in Readme.

上级 0467ddd7
...@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ NVM for Windows is a command line tool. Simply type `nvm` in the console for hel ...@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ NVM for Windows is a command line tool. Simply type `nvm` in the console for hel
- `nvm use <version> [arch]`: Switch to use the specified version. Optionally specify 32/64bit architecture. `nvm use <arch>` will continue using the selected version, but switch to 32/64 bit mode based on the value supplied to `<arch>`. - `nvm use <version> [arch]`: Switch to use the specified version. Optionally specify 32/64bit architecture. `nvm use <arch>` will continue using the selected version, but switch to 32/64 bit mode based on the value supplied to `<arch>`.
- `nvm root <path>`: Set the directory where nvm should store different versions of node.js. If `<path>` is not set, the current root will be displayed. - `nvm root <path>`: Set the directory where nvm should store different versions of node.js. If `<path>` is not set, the current root will be displayed.
- `nvm version`: Displays the current running version of NVM for Windows. - `nvm version`: Displays the current running version of NVM for Windows.
- `nvm node_mirror <node_mirror_url>`: Set the node mirror.People in China can use *https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/node/*
- `nvm npm_mirror <npm_mirror_url>`: Set the npm mirror.People in China can use *https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/npm/*
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