提交 341b84c4 编写于 作者: K Kamran Ahmed

More examples and docs

上级 10f92b36
......@@ -4,10 +4,18 @@ const tourSholo = new Sholo({
animate: true,
opacity: 0.8,
padding: 5,
showButtons: false,
element: '.emoji',
popover: {
title: 'Adding Introductions',
description: 'You can use it to add popovers on top of the website',
position: 'bottom',
}, {
element: '.section__header',
popover: {
title: 'Adding Introductions',
......@@ -128,7 +136,7 @@ document.querySelector('#run-single-element-with-popover-position')
// Highlighting single element with popover position
const positionBtnsSholo = new Sholo({
padding: 0
padding: 0,
......@@ -185,4 +193,99 @@ document.querySelector('#position-btn-top')
position: 'top'
\ No newline at end of file
// Highlighting single element with popover position
const htmlSholo = new Sholo();
.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
element: '#single-element-with-popover-html',
popover: {
title: '<em>Tags</em> in title or <u>body</u>',
description: 'Body can also have <strong>html tags</strong>!',
position: 'top'
// Without Overlay Example
const withoutOverlay = new Sholo({
opacity: 0,
padding: 0
.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
element: '#run-element-without-popover',
popover: {
title: 'Title for the Popover',
description: 'Description for it',
position: 'left', // can be `top`, `left`, `right`, `bottom`
} );
// Highlighting single element with popover position
const featureIntroductionSholo = new Sholo();
element: '#first-element-introduction',
popover: {
title: 'Title on Popover',
description: 'Body of the popover',
position: 'bottom'
element: '#second-para-feature-introductions',
popover: {
title: 'Title on Popover',
description: 'Body of the popover',
position: 'left'
element: '#third-para-feature-introductions',
popover: {
title: 'Title on Popover',
description: 'Body of the popover',
position: 'right'
element: '#run-multi-element-popovers',
popover: {
title: 'Title on Popover',
description: 'Body of the popover',
position: 'top'
element: '#third-element-introduction',
popover: {
title: 'Title on Popover',
description: 'Body of the popover',
position: 'top'
.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<p>Driver is compatible with all the major browsers and can be used for any of your overlay needs. Feature
introductions, focus shifters, call-to-action are just a few examples.</p>
<li>🔆 <strong>Highlight</strong> any item on page</li>
<li>🔆 <strong>Highlight</strong> any (literally any) item on page</li>
<li><strong>Block user interactions</strong></li>
<li>📣 Create <strong>feature introductions</strong></li>
<li>👓 Add <strong>focus shifters</strong> for users</li>
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
<h4>Highlighting a Single Element – Without Popover</h4>
<p class="zero-bottom">If all you want is just highlight a single element, you can do that simply by passing the
<a href="#" class="btn__run-demo" id="run-single-element-no-popover">Run it</a>
<a href="#" class="btn__run-demo" id="run-single-element-no-popover">Show Demo</a>
<pre><code class="javascript">const driver = new Driver();
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ document.getElementById('creation-input')
<h4>Highlighting a Single Element – With Popover</h4>
<p>If you would like to show some details alongside the highlighted element, you can do that easily by specifying
title and description</p>
<a href="#" class="btn__run-demo" id="run-single-element-with-popover">Run it</a>
<a href="#" class="btn__run-demo" id="run-single-element-with-popover">Show Demo</a>
<pre><code class="javascript">const driver = new Driver();
element: '#some-element',
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ driver.highlight({
<h4>Popover Positioning</h4>
<p>You can also, change the position of the popover to be either <code>left</code>, <code>top</code>,
<code>right</code> or <code>bottom</code>.</p>
<a href="#" class="btn__run-demo" id="run-single-element-with-popover-position">Run it</a>
<a href="#" class="btn__run-demo" id="run-single-element-with-popover-position">Show Demo</a>
<pre><code class="javascript">const driver = new Driver();
element: '#some-element',
......@@ -123,6 +123,8 @@ driver.highlight({
<div class="section__example">
<div class="top-20 position-btns">
<a href="#" id="position-btn-left">On my Left</a>
<a href="#" id="position-btn-top">On my Top</a>
......@@ -132,6 +134,151 @@ driver.highlight({
<p class="top-20">If you don't specify the position or specify it to be <code>auto</code>, it will automatically
find the suitable position for the popover and show it</p>
<hr class="hr__fancy">
<div id="single-element-with-popover-html" class="section__example">
<h4>HTML in Popovers</h4>
<p>You can also specify HTML in the body or the title of the popovers. Here is an example:</p>
<a href="#" class="btn__run-demo" id="run-single-element-with-popover-html">Show Demo</a>
<pre><code class="javascript">const driver = new Driver();
element: '#some-element',
popover: {
title: '&lt;em&gt;An italicized title&lt;/em&gt;',
description: 'Description may also contain &lt;strong&gt;HTML&lt;/strong&gt;'
<p class="top-20">And of-course it can be any valid HTML.</p>
<hr class="hr__fancy">
<div id="third-element-introduction" class="section__example">
<h4 id="first-element-introduction">Creating Feature Introductions</h4>
<p id="second-para-feature-introductions">You can also make powerful feature introductions to guide the users
about the features. Just provide an array of steps where each step specifies an element to highlight.</p>
<p id="third-para-feature-introductions">Below is just a quick example showing you how to combine the steps in
<a href="#" class="btn__run-demo" id="run-multi-element-popovers">Show Demo</a>
<pre><code class="javascript">const driver = new Driver();
// Define the steps for introduction
element: '#first-element-introduction',
popover: {
title: 'Title on Popover',
description: 'Body of the popover',
position: 'left'
element: '#second-element-introduction',
popover: {
title: 'Title on Popover',
description: 'Body of the popover',
position: 'top'
element: '#third-element-introduction',
popover: {
title: 'Title on Popover',
description: 'Body of the popover',
position: 'right'
// Start the introduction
<p class="top-20">This is just a quick example for the feature introduction. For a richer one, please have a look at
<a href="#" class="btn__example">"Quick Tour"</a></p>
<p>You may also turn off the footer buttons in popover, in which case user can control the popover using the arrows
keys on keyboard. Or you may control it using the methods provided by Driver.</p>
<hr class="hr__fancy">
<div id="element-without-popover" class="section__example">
<h4>Without Overlay</h4>
<p>You can create feature introductions and do everything listed above without overlays also. All you have to do is just set the opacity to `0`.</p>
<a href="#" class="btn__run-demo" id="run-element-without-popover">Show Demo</a>
<pre><code class="javascript">const driver = new Driver({
opacity: 0,
element: '#run-element-without-popover',
popover: {
title: 'Title for the Popover',
description: 'Description for it',
position: 'top', // can be `top`, `left`, `right`, `bottom`
<p class="top-20">..and you can do the same for the feature introductions</p>
<hr class="hr__fancy">
<div class="section__example">
<h3>..and much much more</h3>
<p>Driver comes with many options that you can manipulate to make driver behave as you may like</p>
<h4>Driver Definition</h4>
<p>Here are the options that Driver understands</p>
<pre><code class="javascript">const driver = new Driver({
animate: true, // Animate while changing highlighted element
opacity: 0.75, // Background opacity (0 means only popovers and without overlay)
padding: 10, // Distance of element from around the edges
onHighlightStarted: (Element) {}, // Called when element is about to be highlighted
onHighlighted: (Element) {}, // Called when element is fully highlighted
onDeselected: (Element) {}, // Called when element has been deselected
<div class="section__example">
<h4>Step Definition</h4>
<p>Here are the set of options that you can pass in each step i.e. an item in array of steps or the object that you pass to <code>highlight</code> method</p>
<pre><code class="javascript">const stepDefinition = {
element: '#some-item', // Query selector for the item to be highlighted
popover: { // There will be no popover if empty or not given
title: 'Title', // Title on the popover
description: 'Description', // Body of the popover
showButtons: false, // Do not show control buttons in footer
doneBtnText: 'Done', // Text on the last button
closeBtnText: 'Close', // Text on the close button
nextBtnText: 'Next', // Next button text
prevBtnText: 'Previous', // Previous button text
<div class="section__example">
<h4>API Methods</h4>
<p>Below are the set of methods that are available to you</p>
<pre><code class="javascript">const driver = new Driver(driverOptions);
const isActivated = driver.isActivated; // Checks if the driver is active or not
driver.moveNext(); // Moves to next step in the steps list
driver.movePrevious(); // Moves to previous step in the steps list
driver.start(stepNumber = 0); // Starts driving through the defined steps
driver.highlight(string|stepDefinition); // highlights the element using query selector or the step definition
driver.reset(); // Resets the overlay and clears the screen
driver.hasHighlightedElement(); // Checks if there is any highlighted element
driver.hasNextStep(); // Checks if there is next step to move to
driver.hasPreviousStep(); // Checks if there is previous step to move to
// Gets the currently highlighted element on screen
const activeElement = driver.getHighlightedElement();
const lastActiveElement = driver.getLastHighlightedElement();
activeElement.getScreenCoordinates(); // Gets screen co-ordinates of the active element
activeElement.hidePopover(); // Hide the popover
activeElement.showPopover(); // Show the popover
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