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# Design for TensorArray
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This design doc presents the necessity of a new C++ class `TensorArray`.
In addition to the very simple C++ implementation

class TensorArray {
  explicit TensorArray(const LoDTensor&);
  explicit TensorArray(size_t size);

  vector<LoDTensor> values_;

We also need to expose it to PaddlePaddle's Python API,
because users would want to use it with our very flexible operators `WhileLoop`.
An example for a RNN based on dynamic operators is 

input = pd.data(...)
num_steps = Var(12)

TensorArray states(size=num_steps)
TensorArray step_inputs(unstack_from=input)
TensorArray step_outputs(size=num_steps)

W = Tensor(...)
U = Tensor(...)
default_state = some_op()

step = Var(1)

wloop = paddle.create_whileloop(loop_vars=[step])
with wloop.frame():
    wloop.break_if(pd.equal(step, num_steps)
    pre_state = states.read(step-1, default_state)
    step_input = step_inputs.read(step)
    state = pd.sigmoid(pd.matmul(U, pre_state) + pd.matmul(W, step_input))
    states.write(step, state)
    step_outputs.write(step, state) # output state

output = step_outputs.stack()

## Background
Steps are one of the core concepts of RNN. In each time step of RNN, there should be several input segments, states, and output segments; all these components act like arrays, for example, call `states[step_id]` will get the state in `step_id`th time step.

An RNN can be implemented with the following pseudocode

Array states;
Array input_segments;
Array output_segments;
Parameter W, U;

step = 1
seq_len = 12
while_loop {
   if (step == seq_len) break;
    states[step] = sigmoid(W * states[step-1] + U * input_segments[step]);
    output_segments[step] = states[step] // take state as output
According to the [RNN roadmap](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues/4561), there are several different RNNs that PaddlePaddle will eventually support.

Currently, the basic RNN implementation supported by PaddlePaddle is the `recurrent_op` which takes tensors as input and splits them into `input_segments`.

Since a tensor cannot store variable-length sequences directly, PaddlePaddle implements the tensor with level of details (`LoDTensor` for short).
Segmenting the `LoDTensor` is much more complicated than splitting a tensor, that makes it necessary to refactor the `recurrent_op` with `LoDTensor` segmenting support.

As the next step in RNN support, `dynamic_recurrent_op` should be introduced to handle inputs with variable-length sequences.

The implementation is similar to `recurrent_op`. 
The key difference is the way **the original input `LoDTensors` and outupts are split to get the `input_segments` and the `output_segments`.**

Though it can't be built over `recurrent_op` or `dynamic_recurrent_op` directly,
the logic behind splitting a tensor or a LoD tensor into `input_segments` remains the same.

## Why `TensorArray`
The logic behind splitting the inputs to segments, states and outputs is similar and can be shared in a seperate module.

The array of `states`, `input_segments` and `output_segments` would be exposed to users when writing a dynamic RNN model similar to the above pseudo codes. 

So there should be an array-like container, which can store the segments of a tensor or LoD tensor.

**This container can store an array of tensors and provides several methods to split a tensor or a LoD tensor** .
This is where the notion of `TensorArray` comes from.

## Introduce TensorArray to uniform all the three RNNs
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TensorArray as a new concept is borrowed from TensorFlow, 
it is meant to be used with dynamic iteration primitives such as `while_loop` and `map_fn`.

This concept can be used to support our new design of dynamic operations, and help to refactor some existing variant-sentence-related layers, 
such as `recurrent_op`, `RecurrentGradientMachine`.
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In [our design for dynamic RNN](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/pull/4401), 
`TensorArray` is used to segment inputs and store states in all time steps.
By providing some methods similar to a C++ array,
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the definition of some state-based dynamic models such as RNN can be more natural and highly flexible.

## Dynamic-operations on TensorArray

`TensorArray` will be used directly when defining dynamic models, so some operators listed below should be implemented

# several helper operators for TensorArray
def tensor_array_stack(ta, tensor):
    get a tensor array `ta`, return a packed `tensor`.

def tensor_array_unstack(tensor, ta):
    get a `tensor`, unstack it and get a tensor array `ta`.

def tensor_array_write(ta, index, tensor, data_shared):
    get a `tensor` and a scalar tensor `index`, write `tensor` into index-th
    value of the tensor array `ta`.
    `data_shared` is an attribute that specifies whether to copy or reference the tensors.

def tensor_array_read(ta, index, tensor):
    get a tensor array `ta`, a scalar tensor `index`, read the index-th value of
    `ta` and return as the `tensor`.

def tensor_array_size(ta, tensor):
    get a tensor array `ta`, return the size of `ta` and return as the scalar `tensor`.

It is trivial for users to use so many low-level operators, so some helper methods should be proposed in python wrapper to make `TensorArray` easier to use, 
for example

class TensorArray:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
        self.desc = TensorArrayDesc()

    def stack(self, name=None):
        Pack the values in a `TensorArray` into a tensor with rank one higher
        than each tensor in `values`.
        `stack` can be used to split tensor into time steps for RNN or whileloop.

        @name: str
            the name of the variable to output.
dongzhihong 已提交
        tensor = Var(name)
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        tensor_array_stack(self.name, tensor)
        return tensor

    def unstack(self, input):
        Unpacks the given dimension of a rank-`R` tensor into rank-`(R-1)` tensors.
        `unstack` can be used to concatenate all the time steps for RNN or whileloop.

        @input: str
            the name of input tensor
        tensor_array_unstack(tensor, self.name)

    def write(self, index, value, data_shared=True):
        Write value into index of the TensorArray.
        If `data_shared` is set to True, than the index-th value in TensorArray will
        be shared with the tensor passed in.

        @index: str
            name of a scalar tensor
        @value: str
            name of a tensor
        @data_shared: bool
        tensor_array_write(self.name, index, value, data_shared)

    def read(self, index, output):
        Read the value at location `index` in the `TensorArray`.

        @index: str
            name of a scalar tensor
            name of a output variable
        tensor_array_read(self.name, index, output)

    def size(self, output):
        Return the number of values.

        @output: str
            name of a scalar tensor
        tensor_array_size(self.name, output)
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## LoDTensor-related Supports
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The `RecurrentGradientMachine` in Paddle serves as a flexible RNN layer; it takes varience-length sequences as input, and output sequences too.

Since each step of RNN can only take a tensor-represented batch of data as input, 
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some preprocess should be taken on the inputs such as sorting the sentences by their length in descending order and cut each word and pack to new batches.

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Such cut-like operations can be embedded into `TensorArray` as general methods called `unpack` and `pack`,
these two operations are similar to `stack` and `unstack` except that they operate on variable-length sequences formated as a LoD tensor rather than a tensor.

Some definitions are like

def unpack(level):
    Split LodTensor in some `level` and generate batches, if set `sort_by_length`,
    will sort by length.

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        - a new `TensorArray`, whose values are LodTensors and represents batches
          of data.
        - an int32 Tensor, which stores the map from the new batch's indices to
          original LoDTensor

def pack(level, indices_map):
    Recover the original LoD-arranged LoDTensor with the values in a `TensorArray`
    and `level` and `indices_map`.

With these two methods, a varience-length sentence supported RNN can be implemented like
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// input is the varient-length data
LodTensor sentence_input(xxx);
TensorArray ta;
Tensor indice_map;
Tensor boot_state = xxx; // to initialize rnn's first state
TensorArray::unpack(input, 1/*level*/, true/*sort_by_length*/, &ta, &indice_map);
TessorArray step_outputs;
TensorArray states;

for (int step = 0; step = ta.size(); step++) {
  auto state = states.read(step);
  // rnnstep is a function which acts like a step of RNN
  auto step_input = ta.read(step);
  auto step_output = rnnstep(step_input, state);
  step_outputs.write(step_output, true/*data_shared*/);

// rnn_output is the final output of an rnn
LoDTensor rnn_output = ta.pack(ta, indice_map);
the code above shows that by embedding the LoDTensor-related preprocess operations into `TensorArray`,
the implementation of a RNN that supports varient-length sentences is far more concise than `RecurrentGradientMachine` because the latter mixes all the codes together, hard to read and extend.