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## ERNIE 2.0: A Continual Pre-training Framework for Language Understanding

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 * [Pre-training Tasks](#pre-training-tasks)
    * [Word-aware Tasks](#word-aware-tasks)
       * [Knowledge Masking Task](#knowledge-masking-task)
       * [Capitalization Prediction Task](#capitalization-prediction-task)
       * [Token-Document Relation Prediction Task](#token-document-relation-prediction-task)
    * [Structure-aware Tasks](#structure-aware-tasks)
       * [Sentence Reordering Task](#sentence-reordering-task)
       * [Sentence Distance Task](#sentence-distance-task)
    * [Semantic-aware Tasks](#semantic-aware-tasks)
       * [Discourse Relation Task](#discourse-relation-task)
       * [IR Relevance Task](#ir-relevance-task)
 * [ERNIE 1.0: <strong>E</strong>nhanced <strong>R</strong>epresentation through k<strong>N</strong>owledge <strong>I</strong>nt<strong>E</strong>gration](#ernie-10-enhanced-representation-through-knowledge-integration)
 * [Compare the ERNIE 1.0 and ERNIE 2.0](#compare-the-ernie-10-and-ernie-20)
 * [Results](#results)
   * [Results on English Datasets](#results-on-english-datasets)
   * [Results on Chinese Datasets](#results-on-chinese-datasets)
 * [Release Notes](#release-notes)
 * [Communication](#communication)
 * [Usage](#usage)
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<div align="center"><i>arxiv: ERNIE 2.0: A Continual Pre-training Framework for Language Understanding</i>, <a href="" target="_blank"><i>link</i></a> </div>

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**[ERNIE 2.0]( is a continual pre-training framework for language understanding** in which pre-training tasks can be incrementally built and learned through multi-task learning. In this framework, different customized tasks can be incrementally introduced at any time. For example, the tasks including named entity prediction, discourse relation recognition, sentence order prediction are leveraged in order to enable the models to learn language representations.


We compare the performance of [ERNIE 2.0 model]( with the existing SOTA pre-training models on the authoritative English dataset GLUE and 9 popular Chinese datasets separately. And the results show that [ERNIE 2.0 model]( outperforms BERT and XLNet on 7 GLUE tasks and outperforms BERT on all of the 9 Chinese NLP tasks. Specifically, according to the experimental results on GLUE datasets, we observe that [ERNIE 2.0 model]( almost comprehensively outperforms BERT and XLNet on English tasks, whether the base model or the large model. And according to the experimental results on all Chinese datasets, ERNIE 2.0 model comprehensively outperforms BERT on all of the 9 Chinese datasets. Furthermore, ERNIE 2.0 large model achieves the best performance and creates new state-of-the-art results on these Chinese NLP task.

### Pre-training Tasks

We construct several tasks to capture different aspects of information in the training corpora:

- **Word-aware Tasks**: to handle the lexical information
- **Structure-aware Tasks**:  to capture the syntactic information
- **Semantic-aware Tasks**:  in charge of semantic signals

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At the same time, ERINE 2.0 feeds task embedding to model the characteristic of different tasks. We represent different tasks with an ID ranging from 0 to N. Each task ID is assigned to one unique task embedding.

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#### Word-aware Tasks

##### Knowledge Masking Task

- [ERNIE 1.0]( introduced phrase and named entity masking strategies to help the model learn the dependency information in both local contexts and global contexts.

##### Capitalization Prediction Task

- Capitalized words usually have certain specific semantic value compared to other words in sentences. we add a task to predict whether the word is capitalized or not.

##### Token-Document Relation Prediction Task

- A task to predict whether the token in a segment appears in other segments of the original document.

#### Structure-aware Tasks

##### Sentence Reordering Task

- This task try to learn the relationships among sentences by randomly spliting a given paragraph into 1 to m segments and reorganizing these permuted segments as a standard classification task.

##### Sentence Distance Task

- This task handles the distance between sentences as a 3-class classification problem.

#### Semantic-aware Tasks

##### Discourse Relation Task

- A task try to predict the semantic or rhetorical relation between two sentences.

##### IR Relevance Task

- A 3-class classification task which predicts the relationship between a query and a title.

### ERNIE 1.0: **E**nhanced **R**epresentation through k**N**owledge **I**nt**E**gration

0xflotus 已提交
**[ERNIE 1.0](** is a new unsupervised language representation learning method enhanced by knowledge masking strategies, which includes entity-level masking and phrase-level masking. Inspired by the masking strategy of BERT ([Devlin et al., 2018](, **ERNIE** introduced phrase masking and named entity masking and predicts the whole masked phrases or named entities. Phrase-level strategy masks the whole phrase which is a group of words that functions as a conceptual unit. Entity-level strategy masks named entities including persons, locations, organizations, products, etc., which can be denoted with proper names.
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**Harry Potter is a series of fantasy novel written by J. K. Rowling**

```- Learned by BERT :[mask] Potter is a series [mask] fantasy novel [mask] by J. [mask] Rowling```

```- Learned by ERNIE:Harry Potter is a series of [mask] [mask] written by [mask] [mask] [mask]```

In the example sentence above, BERT can identify the  “K.” through the local co-occurring words J., K., and Rowling, but the model fails to learn any knowledge related to the word "J. K. Rowling". ERNIE however can extrapolate the relationship between Harry Potter and J. K. Rowling by analyzing implicit knowledge of words and entities, and infer that Harry Potter is a novel written by J. K. Rowling.

Integrating both phrase information and named entity information enables the model to obtain better language representation compare to BERT. ERNIE is trained on multi-source data and knowledge collected from encyclopedia articles, news, and forum dialogues, which improves its performance in context-based knowledge reasoning.

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### Compare the ERNIE 1.0 and ERNIE 2.0

#### Pre-Training Tasks
| Tasks | ERNIE model 1.0 | ERNIE model 2.0 (en) | ERNIE model 2.0 (zh) |
| ------------------- | -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------- |
| **Word-aware**      | ✅ Knowledge Masking        | ✅ Knowledge Masking <br> ✅ Capitalization Prediction <br> ✅ Token-Document Relation Prediction | ✅ Knowledge Masking                       |
| **Structure-aware** |                            | ✅ Sentence Reordering                                        | ✅ Sentence Reordering <br> ✅ Sentence Distance |
| **Semantic-aware**  | ✅ Next Sentence Prediction | ✅ Discourse Relation                                         | ✅ Discourse Relation <br> ✅ IR Relevance  |

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## Results

### Results on English Datasets

The English version ERNIE 2.0 is evaluated on [GLUE benchmark]( including 10 datasets and 11 test sets, which cover tasks about Natural Language Inference, e.g., MNLI, Sentiment Analysis, e.g., SST-2, Coreference Resolution, e.g., WNLI and so on. We compare single model ERNIE 2.0 with XLNet and BERT on GLUE dev set according to the result in the paper [XLNet (Z. Yang. etc)](  and compare with BERT on GLUE test set according to the [open leaderboard](

#### Single Model Results on GLUE-Dev

| <strong>Dataset</strong> | <strong>CoLA</strong> | <strong>SST-2</strong> | <strong>MRPC</strong> | <strong>STS-B</strong> | <strong>QQP</strong> | <strong>MNLI-m</strong> | <strong>QNLI</strong> | <strong>RTE</strong> |
| --------------------- | --------------------- | ---------------------- | --------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------------- | ----------------------- | --------------------- | -------------------- |
| **metric**            | **matthews corr.**    | **acc**                | **acc**          | **pearson corr.**      | **acc**              | **acc**                 | **acc**               | **acc**              |
| **BERT Large**        | 60.6                  | 93.2                   | 88.0                  | 90.0                   | 91.3                 | 86.6                    | 92.3                  | 70.4                 |
| **XLNet Large**       | 63.6          | 95.6   | 89.2   | 91.8    | 91.8  | 89.8   | 93.9   | 83.8   |
| **ERNIE 2.0 Large**   | 65.4<br/>(**+4.8,+1.8**)   | 96.0<br/>(**+2.8,+0.4**)    | 89.7<br/>(**+1.7,+0.5**)   | 92.3<br/>(**+2.3,+0.5**)    | 92.5<br/>(**+1.2,+0.7**)  | 89.1<br/>(**+2.5,-0.7**)     | 94.3<br/>(**+2.0,+0.4**)   | 85.2<br/>(**+14.8,+1.4**) |

We use single-task dev results in the table.

#### Single Model Results on GLUE-Test

| <strong>Dataset</strong>                | -                          | <strong>CoLA</strong> | <strong>SST-2</strong> | <strong>MRPC</strong>         | <strong>STS-B</strong>        | <strong>QQP</strong>          | <strong>MNLI-m</strong> | <strong>MNLI-mm</strong> | <strong>QNLI</strong> | <strong>RTE</strong> | <strong>WNLI</strong> | <strong>AX</strong> |
| ------------------- | -------------------------- | --------------------- | ---------------------- | ----------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------ | --------------------- | -------------------- | --------------------- | ------------------- |
| **Metric**          | **<strong>score</strong>** | **matthews corr.**    | **acc**                | **f1-score/acc**              | **spearman/pearson corr.**    | **f1-score/acc**              | **acc**                 | **acc**                  | **acc**               | **acc**              | **acc**               | **matthews corr.**  |
| **BERT Base**       | 78.3                       | 52.1                  | 93.5                   | 88.9/84.8                     | 85.8/87.1                     | 71.2/89.2                     | 84.6                    | 83.4                     | 90.5                  | 66.4                 | 65.1                  | 34.2                |
| **ERNIE 2.0 Base**  | 80.6<br/>(**+2.3**)        | 55.2<br/>(**+3.1**)   | 95.0<br/>(**+1.5**)    | 89.9/86.1<br/>(**+1.0/+1.3**) | 86.5/87.6<br/>(**+0.7/+0.5**) | 73.2/89.8<br/>(**+2.0/+0.6**) | 86.1<br/>(**+1.5**)     | 85.5<br/>(**+2.1**)      | 92.9<br/>(**+2.4**)   | 74.8<br/>(**+8.4**)  | 65.1                  | 37.4<br/>(**+3.2**) |
| **BERT Large**      | 80.5                       | 60.5                  | 94.9                   | 89.3/85.4                     | 86.5/87.6                     | 72.1/89.3                     | 86.7                    | 85.9                     | 92.7                  | 70.1                 | 65.1                  | 39.6                |
| **ERNIE 2.0 Large** | 83.6<br/>(**+3.1**)        | 63.5<br/>(**+3.0**)   | 95.6<br/>(**+0.7**)    | 90.2/87.4<br/>(**+0.9/+2.0**) | 90.6/91.2<br/>(**+4.1/+3.6**) | 73.8/90.1<br/>(**+1.7/+0.8**) | 88.7<br/>(**+2.0**)     | 88.8<br/>(**+2.9**)      | 94.6<br/>(**+1.9**)   | 80.2<br/>(**+10.1**) | 67.8<br/>(**+2.7**)   | 48.0<br/>(**+8.4**) |

Because XLNet have not published single model test result on GLUE, so we only compare ERNIE 2.0 with BERT here.

### Results on Chinese Datasets

#### Results on Natural Language Inference

      <th colspan="2"><center><strong>XNLI</strong></center></th>
      <td rowspan="2">
      <td colspan="2">
      <td colspan="1" width="">
      <td colspan="1" width="">
        <strong>BERT Base
        <strong>ERNIE 1.0 Base
      <td>79.9 <span>(<strong>+1.8</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>78.4 <span>(<strong>+1.2</strong>)</span></td>
        <strong>ERNIE 2.0 Base
      <td>81.2 <span>(<strong>+3.1</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>79.7 <span>(<strong>+2.5</strong>)</span></td>
        <strong>ERNIE 2.0 Large
      <td>82.6 <span>(<strong>+4.5</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>81.0 <span>(<strong>+3.8</strong>)</span></td>

 - **XNLI**

XNLI is a natural language inference dataset in 15 languages. It was jointly built by Facebook and New York University. We use Chinese data of XNLI to evaluate language understanding ability of our model. [url:]

#### Results on Machine Reading Comprehension

      <th colspan="2"><center><strong>DuReader</strong></center></th>
      <th colspan="2"><center><strong>CMRC2018</strong><center></th>
      <th colspan="4"><strong>DRCD</strong></th>
      <td rowspan="2">
      <td colspan="1">
      <td colspan="1">
      <td colspan="1">
      <td colspan="1">
      <td colspan="2">
      <td colspan="2">
      <td colspan="2" width="">
      <td colspan="2" width="">
      <td colspan="1" width="">
      <td colspan="1" width="">
      <td colspan="1" width="">
      <td colspan="1" width="">
      <td><strong>BERT Base</strong></td>
      <td><strong>ERNIE 1.0 Base</strong></td>
      <td>57.9 <span>(<strong>-1.6</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>72.1 <span>(<strong>-1.0</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>65.1 <span>(<strong>-1.2</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>85.1 <span>(<strong>-0.8</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>84.6 <span>(<strong>-1.1</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>84.0 <span>(<strong>-0.9</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>90.9 <span>(<strong>-0.7</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>90.5 <span>(<strong>-0.4</strong>)</span></td>
      <td><strong>ERNIE 2.0 Base</strong></td>
      <td>61.3 <span>(<strong>+1.8</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>74.9 <span>(<strong>+1.8</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>69.1 <span>(<strong>+2.8</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>88.6 <span>(<strong>+2.7</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>88.5 <span>(<strong>+2.8</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>88.0 <span>(<strong>+3.1</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>93.8 <span>(<strong>+2.2</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>93.4 <span>(<strong>+2.5</strong>)</span></td>
      <td><strong>ERNIE 2.0 Large</strong></td>
      <td>64.2 <span>(<strong>+4.7</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>77.3 <span>(<strong>+4.2</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>71.5 <span>(<strong>+5.2</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>89.9 <span>(<strong>+4.0</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>89.7 <span>(<strong>+4.0</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>89.0 <span>(<strong>+4.1</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>94.7 <span>(<strong>+3.1</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>94.2 <span>(<strong>+3.3</strong>)</span></td>


*\*The extractive single-document subset of DuReader dataset is an internal data set*

*\*The DRCD dataset is converted from Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese based on tool:*

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\* *The pre-training data of ERNIE 1.0 BASE does not contain instances whose length exceeds 128, but other models is pre-trained with the instances whose length are 512. It causes poorer performance of ERNIE 1.0 BASE on long-text tasks. So We have released [ERNIE 1.0 Base (max-len-512)]( on July 29th, 2019*
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 - **DuReader**

DuReader is a new large-scale, open-domain Chinese machine reading comprehension (MRC) dataset, which is designed to address real-world MRC. This dataset was released in ACL2018 (He et al., 2018) by Baidu. In this dataset, questions and documents are based on Baidu Search and Baidu Zhidao, answers are manually generated.
Our experiment was carried out on an extractive single-document subset of DuReader. The training set contained 15,763 documents and questions, and the validation set contained 1628 documents and questions. The goal was to extract continuous fragments from documents as answers. [url:]

 - **CMRC2018**

CMRC2018 is a evaluation of Chinese extractive reading comprehension hosted by Chinese Information Processing Society of China (CIPS-CL). [url:]

 - **DRCD**

DRCD is an open domain Traditional Chinese machine reading comprehension (MRC) dataset released by Delta Research Center. We translate this dataset to Simplified Chinese for our experiment. [url:]

#### Results on Named Entity Recognition

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      <th colspan="2"><center><strong>MSRA-NER (SIGHAN2006)</strong></center></th>
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      <td rowspan="2">
      <td colspan="2">
      <td colspan="1" width="">
      <td colspan="1" width="">
      <td><strong>BERT Base</strong></td>
      <td><strong>ERNIE 1.0 Base</strong></td>
      <td>95.0 <span>(<strong>+1.0</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>93.8 <span>(<strong>+1.2</strong>)</span></td>
      <td><strong>ERNIE 2.0 Base</strong></td>
      <td>95.2 <span>(<strong>+1.2</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>93.8 <span>(<strong>+1.2</strong>)</span></td>
      <td><strong>ERNIE 2.0 Large</strong></td>
      <td>96.3 <span>(<strong>+2.3</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>95.0 <span>(<strong>+2.4</strong>)</span></td>

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 - **MSRA-NER (SIGHAN2006)**
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MSRA-NER (SIGHAN2006) dataset is released by MSRA for recognizing the names of people, locations and organizations in text.
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#### Results on Sentiment Analysis Task

      <th colspan="2"><center><strong>ChnSentiCorp</strong></center></th>
      <td rowspan="2">
      <td colspan="2">
      <td colspan="1" width="">
      <td colspan="1" width="">
      <td><strong>BERT Base</strong></td>
      <td><strong>ERNIE 1.0 Base</strong></td>
      <td>95.2 <span>(<strong>+0.6</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>95.4 <span>(<strong>+1.1</strong>)</span></td>
      <td><strong>ERNIE 2.0 Base</strong></td>
      <td>95.7 <span>(<strong>+1.1</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>95.5 <span>(<strong>+1.2</strong>)</span></td>
      <td><strong>ERNIE 2.0 Large</strong></td>
      <td>96.1 <span>(<strong>+1.5</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>95.8 <span>(<strong>+1.5</strong>)</span></td>

 - **ChnSentiCorp**

ChnSentiCorp is a sentiment analysis dataset consisting of reviews on online shopping of hotels, notebooks and books.

#### Results on Question Answering Task

      <th colspan="4"><center><strong>NLPCC2016-DBQA</strong></center></th>
      <td rowspan="2">
      <td colspan="2">
      <td colspan="2">
      <td colspan="1" width="">
      <td colspan="1" width="">
      <td colspan="1" width="">
      <td colspan="1" width="">
      <td><strong>BERT Base</strong></td>
      <td><strong>ERNIE 1.0 Base</strong></td>
      <td>95.0 <span>(<strong>+0.3</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>95.1 <span>(<strong>+0.5</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>82.3 <span>(<strong>+1.6</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>82.7 <span>(<strong>+1.9</strong>)</span></td>
      <td><strong>ERNIE 2.0 Base</strong></td>
      <td>95.7 <span>(<strong>+1.0</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>95.7 <span>(<strong>+1.1</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>84.7 <span>(<strong>+4.0</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>85.3 <span>(<strong>+4.5</strong>)</span></td>
      <td><strong>ERNIE 2.0 Large</strong></td>
      <td>95.9 <span>(<strong>+1.2</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>95.8 <span>(<strong>+1.2</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>85.3 <span>(<strong>+4.6</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>85.8 <span>(<strong>+5.0</strong>)</span></td>

 - **NLPCC2016-DBQA**

NLPCC2016-DBQA is a sub-task of NLPCC-ICCPOL 2016 Shared Task which is hosted by NLPCC(Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing), this task targets on selecting documents from the candidates to answer the questions. [url:]

#### Results on Semantic Similarity

      <th colspan="2"><center><strong>LCQMC</strong></center></th>
      <th colspan="2"><center><strong>BQ Corpus</strong></center></th>
      <td rowspan="2">
      <td colspan="2">
      <td colspan="2">
      <td colspan="1" width="">
      <td colspan="1" width="">
      <td colspan="1" width="">
      <td colspan="1" width="">
      <td><strong>BERT Base</strong></td>
      <td><strong>ERNIE 1.0 Base</strong></td>
      <td>89.7 <span>(<strong>+0.9</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>87.4 <span>(<strong>+0.4</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>86.1 <span>(<strong>+0.2</strong>)</span></td>
      <td><strong>ERNIE 2.0 Base</strong></td>
      <td>90.9 <span>(<strong>+2.1</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>87.9 <span>(<strong>+0.9</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>86.4 <span>(<strong>+0.5</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>85.0 <span>(<strong>+0.2</strong>)</span></td>
      <td><strong>ERNIE 2.0 Large</strong></td>
      <td>90.9 <span>(<strong>+2.1</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>87.9 <span>(<strong>+0.9</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>86.5 <span>(<strong>+0.6</strong>)</span></td>
      <td>85.2 <span>(<strong>+0.4</strong>)</span></td>

*\* You can apply to the dataset owners for LCQMC、BQ Corpus. For the LCQMC:, For BQ Corpus:*

 - **LCQMC**

LCQMC is a Chinese question semantic matching corpus published in COLING2018. [url:]

 - **BQ Corpus**

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BQ Corpus (Bank Question corpus) is a Chinese corpus for sentence semantic equivalence identification. This dataset was published in EMNLP 2018. [url:]
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## Release Notes

- Aug 21, 2019: featuers update: fp16 finetuning, multiprocess finetining.
- July 30, 2019: release ERNIE 2.0
- Apr 10, 2019: update ERNIE_stable-1.0.1.tar.gz, update config and vocab
- Mar 18, 2019: update ERNIE_stable.tgz
- Mar 15, 2019: release ERNIE 1.0

## Communication

- [Github Issues]( bug reports, feature requests, install issues, usage issues, etc.
- QQ discussion group: 760439550 (ERNIE discussion group).
- [Forums]( discuss implementations, research, etc.

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## Usage
  * [Install PaddlePaddle](#install-paddlepaddle)
  * [Pre-trained Models &amp; Datasets](#pre-trained-models--datasets)
     * [Models](#models)
     * [Datasets](#datasets)
        * [English Datasets](#english-datasets)
        * [Chinese Datasets](#chinese-datasets)
  * [Fine-tuning](#fine-tuning)
     * [Batchsize and GPU Settings](#batchsize-and-gpu-settings)
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     * [Multiprocessing and fp16 auto mix-precision finetune](#multiprocessing-and-fp16-auto-mix-precision-finetune)
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     * [Classification](#classification)
        * [Single Sentence Classification Tasks](#single-sentence-classification-tasks)
        * [Sentence Pair Classification Tasks](#sentence-pair-classification-tasks)
     * [Sequence Labeling](#sequence-labeling)
        * [Named Entity Recognition](#named-entity-recognition)
     * [Machine Reading Comprehension](#machine-reading-comprehension)
  * [Pre-training with ERNIE 1.0](#pre-training-with-ernie-10)
     * [Data Preprocessing](#data-preprocessing)
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652 653
     * [Pretrain ERNIE1.0](#pretrain-ernie10)
  * [Distillation](#distillation)
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654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661
  * [FAQ](#faq)
     * [FAQ1: How to get sentence/tokens embedding of ERNIE?](#faq1-how-to-get-sentencetokens-embedding-of-ernie)
     * [FAQ2: How to predict on new data with Fine-tuning model?](#faq2-how-to-predict-on-new-data-with-fine-tuning-model)
     * [FAQ3: Is the  argument batch_size for one GPU card or for all GPU cards?](#faq3-is-the--argument-batch_size-for-one-gpu-card-or-for-all-gpu-cards)
     * [FAQ4: Can not find library: Please try to add the lib path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.](#faq4-can-not-find-library-libcudnnso-please-try-to-add-the-lib-path-to-ld_library_path)
     * [FAQ5: Can not find library: Please try to add the lib path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.](#faq5-can-not-find-library-libncclso-please-try-to-add-the-lib-path-to-ld_library_path)

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### Install PaddlePaddle
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663 664 665

This code base has been tested with Paddle Fluid 1.5.1 under Python2.

chenxuyi 已提交
**\*Important\*** When finished installing Paddle Fluid, remember to update LD_LIBRARY_PATH about CUDA, cuDNN, NCCL2, for more information on paddlepaddle setup, you can click [here]( and [here]( Also, you can read FAQ at the end of this document when you encounter errors.
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667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676

For beginners of PaddlePaddle, the following documentation will tutor you about installing PaddlePaddle:

> - [Installation Manuals]( :Installation on Ubuntu/CentOS/Windows/MacOS is supported.

If you have been armed with certain level of deep learning knowledge, and it happens to be the first time to try PaddlePaddle, the following cases of model building will expedite your learning process:

> - [Programming with Fluid]( : Core concepts and basic usage of Fluid
> - [Deep Learning Basics]( This section encompasses various fields of fundamental deep learning knowledge, such as image classification, customized recommendation, machine translation, and examples implemented by Fluid are provided.

0xflotus 已提交
For more information about paddlepadde, Please refer to [PaddlePaddle Github]( or [Official Website]( for details.
tianxin 已提交

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679 680 681 682
Other dependency of ERNIE is listed in `requirements.txt`, you can install it by
pip install -r requirements.txt
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683 684

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### Pre-trained Models & Datasets
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#### Models
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688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696

| Model                                              | Description                                                 |
| :------------------------------------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------- |
| [ERNIE 1.0 Base for Chinese](                    | with params |
| [ERNIE 1.0 Base for Chinese](       | with params, config and vocabs|
| [ERNIE 1.0 Base for Chinese(max-len-512)](    | with params, config and vocabs|
| [ERNIE 2.0 Base for English](   | with params, config and vocabs |
| [ERNIE 2.0 Large for English]( | with params, config and vocabs |

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#### Datasets
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##### English Datasets
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700 701 702 703 704

Download the [GLUE data]( by running [this script]( and unpack it to some directory `${TASK_DATA_PATH}`

After the dataset is downloaded, you should run `sh ./script/en_glue/preprocess/ $TASK_DATA_PATH` to convert the data format for training. If everything goes well, there will be a folder named `glue_data_processed`  created with all the converted datas in it.

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##### Chinese Datasets
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706 707 708 709 710

You can download Chinese Datasets from [here](

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#### Fine-tuning
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##### Batchsize and GPU Settings
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714 715 716 717 718

In our experiments, we found that the batch size is important for different tasks. For users can more easily reproducing results, we list the batch size and gpu cards here:

| Dataset      | Batch Size      | GPU                 |
| ------------ | --------------- | ------------------- |
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719 720
| CoLA         | 32 / 64 (base)   | 1                   |
| SST-2        | 64 / 256 (base)  | 8                   |
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721 722
| STS-B        | 128             | 8                   |
| QQP          | 256             | 8                   |
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| MNLI         | 256 / 512 (base) | 8                   |
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| QNLI         | 256             | 8                   |
chenxuyi 已提交
725 726
| RTE          | 16 / 4 (base)    | 1                   |
| MRPC         | 16 / 32 (base)   | 2                   |
tianxin 已提交
727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738
| WNLI         | 8               | 1                   |
| XNLI         | 65536 (tokens) | 8                   |
| CMRC2018     | 64              | 8 (large) / 4(base) |
| DRCD         | 64              | 8 (large) / 4(base) |
| MSRA-NER(SIGHAN2006)     | 16              | 1                   |
| ChnSentiCorp | 24              | 1                   |
| LCQMC        | 32              | 1                   |
| BQ Corpus    | 64              | 1                   |
| NLPCC2016-DBQA         | 64              | 8                   |

\* *For MNLI, QNLI,we used 32GB V100, for other tasks we used 22GB P40*

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#### Multiprocessing and fp16 auto mix-precision finetune
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741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749

multiprocessing finetuning can be simply enabled with ``  in your finetune script.
with multiprocessing finetune paddle can fully utilize your CPU/GPU capacity to accelerate finetuning.
`` should place in front of your finetune command. make sure to provide number of process and device id per node by specifiying `--nproc_per_node` and `--selected_gpus`. Number of device ids should match `nproc_per_node` and `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES`, and the indexing should start from 0.

fp16 finetuning can be simply enable by specifing `--use_fp16 true` in your training script (make sure you use have a Tensor Core device). ERNIE will cast computation op to fp16 precision, while maintain storage in fp32 precision. approximately 60% speedup is seen on XNLI finetuning.
dynamic loss scale is used to avoid gradient vanish.

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#### Classification
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##### Single Sentence Classification Tasks
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753 754 755 756 757 758 759

The code used to perform classification/regression finetuning is in ``, we also provide the shell scripts for each task including best hyperpameters.

Take an English task `SST-2` and a Chinese task `ChnSentCorp` for example,

Step1: Download and unarchive  the model in path `${MODEL_PATH}`, if everything goes well, there should be a folder named `params` in `$MODEL_PATH`;

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Step2: Download and unarchive the data set in `${TASK_DATA_PATH}`, for English tasks, there should be 9 folders named `CoLA` , `MNLI`,  `MRPC`,  `QNLI` , `QQP`,  `RTE` , `SST-2`,  `STS-B` , `WNLI`; for Chinese tasks, there should be 6 folders named  `cmrc2018` `drc`, `xnli`, `msra-ner`, `chnsentcorp`,  `nlpcc-dbqa` in `${TASK_DATA_PATH}`;
tianxin 已提交
761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809

Step3: Follow the instructions below based on your own task type for starting  your programs.

 Take `SST-2` as an example, the path of its training data set should be `${TASK_DATA_PATH}/SST-2/train.tsv`,  the data should have 2 fields with tsv format: `text_a  label`, Here is some example datas:

label  text_a
0   hide new secretions from the parental units
0   contains no wit , only labored gags
1   that loves its characters and communicates something rather beautiful about human nature
0   remains utterly satisfied to remain the same throughout
0   on the worst revenge-of-the-nerds clichés the filmmakers could dredge up
0   that 's far too tragic to merit such superficial treatment
1   demonstrates that the director of such hollywood blockbusters as patriot games can still turn out a small , personal film with an emotional wallop .
1   of saucy

Before runinng the scripts, we should set some environment variables

export TASK_DATA_PATH=(the value of ${TASK_DATA_PATH} mentioned above)
export MODEL_PATH=(the value of ${MODEL_PATH} mentioned above)

Run `sh script/en_glue/ernie_large/SST-2/`  for finetuning,some logs will be shown below:

epoch: 3, progress: 22456/67349, step: 3500, ave loss: 0.015862, ave acc: 0.984375, speed: 1.328810 steps/s
[dev evaluation] ave loss: 0.174793, acc:0.957569, data_num: 872, elapsed time: 15.314256 s file: ./data/dev.tsv, epoch: 3, steps: 3500
testing ./data/test.tsv, save to output/test_out.tsv

Similarly, for the Chinese task `ChnSentCorp`, after setting the environment variables, run`sh script/zh_task/ernie_base/`, some logs will be shown below:

[dev evaluation] ave loss: 0.303819, acc:0.943333, data_num: 1200, elapsed time: 16.280898 s, file: ./task_data/chnsenticorp/dev.tsv, epoch: 9, steps: 4001
[dev evaluation] ave loss: 0.228482, acc:0.958333, data_num: 1200, elapsed time: 16.023091 s, file: ./task_data/chnsenticorp/test.tsv, epoch: 9, steps: 4001

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##### Sentence Pair Classification Tasks
tianxin 已提交

0xflotus 已提交
Take `RTE` as an example,  the data should have 3 fields `text_a    text_b   label` with tsv format. Here is some example datas:
tianxin 已提交
813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845
text_a  text_b  label
Oil prices fall back as Yukos oil threat lifted Oil prices rise.    0
No Weapons of Mass Destruction Found in Iraq Yet.   Weapons of Mass Destruction Found in Iraq.  0
Iran is said to give up al Qaeda members.   Iran hands over al Qaeda members.   1
Sani-Seat can offset the rising cost of paper products  The cost of paper is rising.    1

the path of its training data set should be `${TASK_DATA_PATH}/RTE/train.tsv`

Before runinng the scripts, we should set some environment variables like before:

export TASK_DATA_PATH=(the value of ${TASK_DATA_PATH} mentioned above)
export MODEL_PATH=(the value of ${MODEL_PATH} mentioned above)

Run `sh script/en_glue/ernie_large/RTE/` for finetuning, some logs are shown below:

epoch: 4, progress: 2489/2490, step: 760, ave loss: 0.000729, ave acc: 1.000000, speed: 1.221889 steps/s
train pyreader queue size: 9, learning rate: 0.000000
epoch: 4, progress: 2489/2490, step: 770, ave loss: 0.000833, ave acc: 1.000000, speed: 1.246080 steps/s
train pyreader queue size: 0, learning rate: 0.000000
epoch: 4, progress: 2489/2490, step: 780, ave loss: 0.000786, ave acc: 1.000000, speed: 1.265365 steps/s
validation result of dataset ./data/dev.tsv:
[dev evaluation] ave loss: 0.898279, acc:0.851986, data_num: 277, elapsed time: 6.425834 s file: ./data/dev.tsv, epoch: 4, steps: 781
testing ./data/test.tsv, save to output/test_out.5.2019-07-23-15-25-06.tsv.4.781

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#### Sequence Labeling
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##### Named Entity Recognition
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849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864

 Take `MSRA-NER(SIGHAN2006)` as an example, the data should have 2 fields,  `text_a  label`, with tsv format. Here is some example datas :
text_a  label
在 这 里 恕 弟 不 恭 之 罪 , 敢 在 尊 前 一 诤 : 前 人 论 书 , 每 曰 “ 字 字 有 来 历 , 笔 笔 有 出 处 ” , 细 读 公 字 , 何 尝 跳 出 前 人 藩 篱 , 自 隶 变 而 后 , 直 至 明 季 , 兄 有 何 新 出 ?    O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O
相 比 之 下 , 青 岛 海 牛 队 和 广 州 松 日 队 的 雨 中 之 战 虽 然 也 是 0 ∶ 0 , 但 乏 善 可 陈 。   O O O O O B-ORG I-ORG I-ORG I-ORG I-ORG O B-ORG I-ORG I-ORG I-ORG I-ORG O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O
理 由 多 多 , 最 无 奈 的 却 是 : 5 月 恰 逢 双 重 考 试 , 她 攻 读 的 博 士 学 位 论 文 要 通 考 ; 她 任 教 的 两 所 学 校 , 也 要 在 这 段 时 日 大 考 。    O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O

Also, remember to set environmental variables like above, and run `sh script/zh_task/ernie_base/`  for finetuning, some logs are shown below:

[dev evaluation] f1: 0.951949, precision: 0.944636, recall: 0.959376, elapsed time: 19.156693 s
[test evaluation] f1: 0.937390, precision: 0.925988, recall: 0.949077, elapsed time: 36.565929 s

chenxuyi 已提交
#### Machine Reading Comprehension
tianxin 已提交
866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907

 Take `DRCD` as an example, convert the data into SQUAD format firstly:
  "version": "1.3",
  "data": [
      "paragraphs": [
          "id": "1001-11",
          "context": "广州是京广铁路、广深铁路、广茂铁路、广梅汕铁路的终点站。2009年末,武广客运专线投入运营,多单元列车覆盖980公里的路程,最高时速可达350公里/小时。2011年1月7日,广珠城际铁路投入运营,平均时速可达200公里/小时。广州铁路、长途汽车和渡轮直达香港,广九直通车从广州东站开出,直达香港九龙红磡站,总长度约182公里,车程在两小时内。繁忙的长途汽车每年会从城市中的不同载客点把旅客接载至香港。在珠江靠市中心的北航道有渡轮线路,用于近江居民直接渡江而无需乘坐公交或步行过桥。南沙码头和莲花山码头间每天都有高速双体船往返,渡轮也开往香港中国客运码头和港澳码头。",
          "qas": [
              "question": "广珠城际铁路平均每小时可以走多远?",
              "id": "1001-11-1",
              "answers": [
                  "text": "200公里",
                  "answer_start": 104,
                  "id": "1"
      "id": "1001",
      "title": "广州"

Also, remember to set environmental variables like above, and run `sh script/zh_task/ernie_base/`  for finetuning, some logs are shown below:

[dev evaluation] em: 88.450624, f1: 93.749887, avg: 91.100255, question_num: 3524
[test evaluation] em: 88.061838, f1: 93.520152, avg: 90.790995, question_num: 3493

chenxuyi 已提交
### Pre-training with ERNIE 1.0
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#### Data Preprocessing
tianxin 已提交
911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923

We construct the training dataset based on [Baidu Baike](, [Baidu Knows(Baidu Zhidao)](, [Baidu Tieba]( for Chinese version ERNIE, and [Wikipedia](, [Reddit](, [BookCorpus]( for English version ERNIE.

For the Chinese version dataset, we use a private version wordseg tool in Baidu to label those Chinese corpora in different granularities, such as character, word, entity, etc. Then using class `CharTokenizer` in [``](  for tokenization to get word boundaries. Finally, the words are mapped to ids according to the vocabulary  [`config/vocab.txt`](config/vocab.txt) . During training progress, we randomly mask words based on boundary information.

Here are some train instances after processing (which can be found in [`data/demo_train_set.gz`](./data/demo_train_set.gz) and [`data/demo_valid_set.gz`](./data/demo_valid_set.gz)), each line corresponds to one training instance:

1 1048 492 1333 1361 1051 326 2508 5 1803 1827 98 164 133 2777 2696 983 121 4 19 9 634 551 844 85 14 2476 1895 33 13 983 121 23 7 1093 24 46 660 12043 2 1263 6 328 33 121 126 398 276 315 5 63 44 35 25 12043 2;0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1;0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55;-1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 -1;0

Each instance is composed of 5 fields, which are joined by `;`in one line, represented `token_ids; sentence_type_ids; position_ids; seg_labels; next_sentence_label` respectively. Especially, in the field`seg_labels`,  0 means the begin of one word, 1 means non-begin of one word, -1 means placeholder, the other number means  `CLS` or `SEP`.

chenxuyi 已提交
#### Pretrain ERNIE 1.0
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925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943

The start entry for pretrain is  [`script/zh_task/`](./script/zh_task/ Before we run the train program, remember to set  CUDA、cuDNN、NCCL2 etc. in the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Execute  `sh script/zh_task/` , the progress of pretrain will start with default parameters.

Here are some logs in the pretraining progress, including learning rate, epochs, steps, errors, training speed etc. The information will be printed according to the command parameter `--validation_steps`

current learning_rate:0.000001
epoch: 1, progress: 1/1, step: 30, loss: 10.540648, ppl: 19106.925781, next_sent_acc: 0.625000, speed: 0.849662 steps/s, file: ./data/demo_train_set.gz, mask_type: mask_word
feed_queue size 70
current learning_rate:0.000001
epoch: 1, progress: 1/1, step: 40, loss: 10.529287, ppl: 18056.654297, next_sent_acc: 0.531250, speed: 0.849549 steps/s, file: ./data/demo_train_set.gz, mask_type: mask_word
feed_queue size 70
current learning_rate:0.000001
epoch: 1, progress: 1/1, step: 50, loss: 10.360563, ppl: 16398.287109, next_sent_acc: 0.625000, speed: 0.843776 steps/s, file: ./data/demo_train_set.gz, mask_type: mask_word

chenxuyi 已提交
944 945 946 947 948
### Distillation

ERNIE provide a toolkit for data distillation to further accelerate your ineference, see <a href="./distill/">here</a> for detail

tianxin 已提交

chenxuyi 已提交
### FAQ
tianxin 已提交

chenxuyi 已提交
#### FAQ1: How to get sentence/tokens embedding of ERNIE?
tianxin 已提交
953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961

Run ``` ``` we can get the both sentence embedding and tokens embeddings. The input data format should be same as that mentioned in chapter [Fine-tuning](#fine-tuning).

Here is an example to get sentence embedding and token embedding for LCQMC dev dataset:

export FLAGS_sync_nccl_allreduce=1

Dmytro Petruk 已提交
python -u \
tianxin 已提交
963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976
                   --use_cuda true \
                   --batch_size 32 \
                   --output_dir "./test" \
                   --init_pretraining_params ${MODEL_PATH}/params \
                   --data_set ${TASK_DATA_PATH}/lcqmc/dev.tsv \
                   --vocab_path ${MODEL_PATH}/vocab.txt \
                   --max_seq_len 128 \
                   --ernie_config_path ${MODEL_PATH}/ernie_config.json

when finished running this script,  `cls_emb.npy` and `top_layer_emb.npy `will be generated for sentence embedding and token embedding respectively in folder `test` .

chenxuyi 已提交
#### FAQ2: How to predict on new data with Fine-tuning model?
tianxin 已提交
978 979 980 981

Take classification tasks for example, here is the script for batch prediction:

982 983 984 985 986
python -u \
    --ernie_config_path ${MODEL_PATH}/ernie_config.json \
    --init_checkpoint "./checkpoints/step_100" \
    --save_inference_model_path ./saved_model \
    --predict_set  ${TASK_DATA_PATH}/xnli/test.tsv \
chenxuyi 已提交
    --vocab_path ${MODEL_PATH}/vocab.txt \
    --num_labels 3 
tianxin 已提交
989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996

Argument  `init_checkpoint` is the path of the model, `predict_set` is the path of test file,  `num_labels` is the number of target labels.

**Note**: `predict_set `should be a tsv file with two fields named `text_a`、`text_b(optional)`

chenxuyi 已提交
#### FAQ3: Is the  argument batch_size for one GPU card or for all GPU cards?
tianxin 已提交
998 999 1000 1001 1002

For one GPU card.

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#### FAQ4: Can not find library: Please try to add the lib path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
tianxin 已提交
1004 1005 1006 1007 1008

Export the path of cuda to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, e.g.: `export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/work/cudnn/cudnn_v[your cudnn version]/cuda/lib64`

chenxuyi 已提交
#### FAQ5: Can not find library: Please try to add the lib path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
tianxin 已提交
1010 1011

Download [NCCL2](, and export the library path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, e.g.:`export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/work/nccl/lib`