TouchSocket.csproj 4.7 KB
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<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
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若汝棋茗 已提交
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		<Copyright>Copyright © 2022 若汝棋茗</Copyright>

This is a lightweight, plug-in - enabled comprehensive network communication library. Basic communication functions include Tcp, Udp, Ssl, Rpc, and Http. HTTP server supports WebSocket, static web page, XmlRpc, WebApi, JsonRpc and other extension plug-ins. And custom protocol TouchRpc, support Ssl encryption, asynchronous call, permission management, error status return, service callback, distributed call, etc. It takes 3.8 seconds for 100,000 calls when the no-load function is executing, and 0.9 seconds when the state is not returned.


特别说明:本程序集在源码里内嵌了Newtonsoft.Json 11.0.3,但为防止冲突,已修改其命名空间。

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