提交 b8d290ef 编写于 作者: M Mugen87

Quaternion: Added .transformTo()

上级 b293519b
......@@ -169,6 +169,15 @@
<h3>[method:Quaternion premultiply]( [param:Quaternion q] )</h3>
<p>Pre-multiplies this quaternion by [page:Quaternion q].</p>
<h3>[method:Quaternion transformTo]( [param:Quaternion q], [param:Float step] )</h3>
[page:Quaternion q] - The target quaternion.<br />
[page:float step] - The angular step in radians.<br /><br />
Transforms this quaternion by a given angular step to the defined quaternion *q*.
The method ensures that the final quaternion will not overshoot *q*.
<h3>[method:Quaternion slerp]( [param:Quaternion qb], [param:float t] )</h3>
[page:Quaternion qb] - The other quaternion rotation<br />
......@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ var files = {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>three.js transform orientation</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">
body {
font-weight: bold;
#info {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
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color: #ffffff;
padding: 5px;
a {
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<script src="../build/three.js"></script>
<script src="js/controls/OrbitControls.js"></script>
<script src="js/Detector.js"></script>
<div id="container"></div>
<div id="info">
<a href="https://threejs.org" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">three.js</a> - gradually transform an orientation to a target orientation
if ( ! Detector.webgl ) Detector.addGetWebGLMessage();
var camera, scene, renderer, mesh, target;
var spherical = new THREE.Spherical();
var rotationMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
var targetRotation = new THREE.Quaternion();
var clock = new THREE.Clock();
var speed = 2;
function init() {
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 70, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.01, 10 );
camera.position.z = 5;
scene = new THREE.Scene();
var geometry = new THREE.ConeBufferGeometry( 0.2, 1, 8 );
geometry.rotateX( Math.PI * 0.5 );
var material = new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial();
mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
scene.add( mesh );
var targetGeometry = new THREE.SphereBufferGeometry( 0.05 );
var targetMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xff0000 } );
target = new THREE.Mesh( targetGeometry, targetMaterial );
scene.add( target );
var sphereGeometry = new THREE.SphereBufferGeometry( 2, 32, 32 );
var sphereMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xcccccc, wireframe: true, transparent: true, opacity: 0.3 } );
var sphere = new THREE.Mesh( sphereGeometry, sphereMaterial );
scene.add( sphere );
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
window.addEventListener( 'resize', onResize, false );
var controls = new THREE.OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
function onResize() {
camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
function animate() {
requestAnimationFrame( animate );
var delta = clock.getDelta();
if ( ! mesh.quaternion.equals( targetRotation ) ) {
var step = speed * delta;
mesh.quaternion.transformTo( targetRotation, step );
renderer.render( scene, camera );
function generateTarget() {
// generate a random points on a sphere
spherical.theta = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2;
spherical.phi = Math.acos( ( 2 * Math.random() ) - 1 );
spherical.radius = 2;
target.position.setFromSpherical( spherical );
// compute target rotation
rotationMatrix.lookAt( target.position, mesh.position, mesh.up );
targetRotation.setFromRotationMatrix( rotationMatrix );
setTimeout( generateTarget, 2000 );
......@@ -400,6 +400,20 @@ Object.assign( Quaternion.prototype, {
transformTo: function ( q, step ) {
var angle = this.angleTo( q );
if ( angle === 0 ) return this;
var t = Math.min( 1, step / angle );
this.slerp( q, t );
return this;
inverse: function () {
// quaternion is assumed to have unit length
......@@ -403,6 +403,26 @@ export default QUnit.module( 'Maths', () => {
} );
QUnit.test( "transformTo", ( assert ) => {
var a = new Quaternion();
var b = new Quaternion().setFromEuler( new Euler( 0, Math.PI, 0 ) );
var c = new Quaternion();
var halfPI = Math.PI * 0.5;
a.transformTo( b, 0 );
assert.ok( a.equals( a ) === true, "Passed!" );
a.transformTo( b, Math.PI * 2 ); // test overshoot
assert.ok( a.equals( b ) === true, "Passed!" );
a.set( 0, 0, 0, 1 );
a.transformTo( b, halfPI );
assert.ok( a.angleTo( c ) - halfPI <= eps, "Passed!" );
} );
QUnit.test( "inverse/conjugate", ( assert ) => {
var a = new Quaternion( x, y, z, w );
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