提交 a46a88ee 编写于 作者: M Mr.doob

Merge branch 'blender-transform-armature' of https://github.com/rmx/three.js into dev

......@@ -697,6 +697,25 @@ def generate_uvs(uv_layers, option_uv_coords):
return ",".join("[%s]" % n for n in layers)
# ##############################################################################
# Model exporter - armature
# (only the first armature will exported)
# ##############################################################################
def get_armature():
if len(bpy.data.armatures) == 0:
print("Warning: no armatures in the scene")
return None, None
armature = bpy.data.armatures[0]
# Someone please figure out a proper way to get the armature node
for object in bpy.data.objects:
if object.type == 'ARMATURE':
return armature, object
print("Warning: no node of type 'ARMATURE' in the scene")
return None, None
# ##############################################################################
# Model exporter - bones
# (only the first armature will exported)
......@@ -704,39 +723,39 @@ def generate_uvs(uv_layers, option_uv_coords):
def generate_bones(option_bones, flipyz):
if not option_bones or len(bpy.data.armatures) == 0:
if not option_bones:
return "", 0
hierarchy = []
armature, armatureObject = get_armature()
if armature is None or armatureObject is None:
return "", 0
armature = bpy.data.armatures[0]
hierarchy = []
TEMPLATE_BONE = '{"parent":%d,"name":"%s","pos":[%g,%g,%g],"rotq":[0,0,0,1]}'
for bone in armature.bones:
bonePos = None
boneIndex = None
if bone.parent == None:
if flipyz:
joint = TEMPLATE_BONE % (-1, bone.name, bone.head.x, bone.head.z, -bone.head.y)
joint = TEMPLATE_BONE % (-1, bone.name, bone.head.x, bone.head.y, bone.head.z)
bonePos = bone.head_local
boneIndex = -1
index = i = 0
bonePos = bone.head_local - bone.parent.head_local
boneIndex = i = 0
for parent in armature.bones:
if parent.name == bone.parent.name:
index = i
boneIndex = i
i += 1
position = bone.head_local - bone.parent.head_local
if flipyz:
joint = TEMPLATE_BONE % (index, bone.name, position.x, position.z, -position.y)
joint = TEMPLATE_BONE % (index, bone.name, position.x, position.y, position.z)
bonePosWorld = armatureObject.matrix_world * bonePos
if flipyz:
joint = TEMPLATE_BONE % (boneIndex, bone.name, bonePosWorld.x, bonePosWorld.z, -bonePosWorld.y)
joint = TEMPLATE_BONE % (boneIndex, bone.name, bonePosWorld.x, bonePosWorld.y, bonePosWorld.z)
bones_string = ",".join(hierarchy)
return bones_string, len(armature.bones)
......@@ -754,7 +773,7 @@ def generate_indices_and_weights(meshes, option_skinning):
indices = []
weights = []
armature = bpy.data.armatures[0]
armature, armatureObject = get_armature()
for mesh, object in meshes:
......@@ -828,13 +847,18 @@ def generate_indices_and_weights(meshes, option_skinning):
def generate_animation(option_animation_skeletal, option_frame_step, flipyz):
if not option_animation_skeletal or len(bpy.data.actions) == 0 or len(bpy.data.armatures) == 0:
if not option_animation_skeletal or len(bpy.data.actions) == 0:
return ""
# TODO: Add scaling influences
action = bpy.data.actions[0]
armature = bpy.data.armatures[0]
armature, armatureObject = get_armature()
if armature is None or armatureObject is None:
return "", 0
armatureMat = armatureObject.matrix_world
l,r,s = armatureMat.decompose()
armatureRotMat = r.to_matrix()
parents = []
parent_index = -1
......@@ -857,8 +881,8 @@ def generate_animation(option_animation_skeletal, option_frame_step, flipyz):
for frame in range(int(start_frame), int(end_frame / option_frame_step) + 1):
pos, pchange = position(hierarchy, frame * option_frame_step)
rot, rchange = rotation(hierarchy, frame * option_frame_step)
pos, pchange = position(hierarchy, frame * option_frame_step, action, armatureMat)
rot, rchange = rotation(hierarchy, frame * option_frame_step, action, armatureRotMat)
if flipyz:
px, py, pz = pos.x, pos.z, -pos.y
......@@ -930,16 +954,13 @@ def handle_position_channel(channel, frame, position):
return change
def position(bone, frame):
def position(bone, frame, action, armatureMatrix):
position = mathutils.Vector((0,0,0))
change = False
action = bpy.data.actions[0]
ngroups = len(action.groups)
if ngroups > 0:
index = 0
......@@ -982,7 +1003,7 @@ def position(bone, frame):
position.y += (bone.head * parentInvertedLocalMatrix).y + parentHeadTailDiff.y
position.z += (bone.head * parentInvertedLocalMatrix).z + parentHeadTailDiff.z
return position, change
return armatureMatrix*position, change
def handle_rotation_channel(channel, frame, rotation):
......@@ -1010,7 +1031,7 @@ def handle_rotation_channel(channel, frame, rotation):
return change
def rotation(bone, frame):
def rotation(bone, frame, action, armatureMatrix):
# TODO: calculate rotation also from rotation_euler channels
......@@ -1018,23 +1039,23 @@ def rotation(bone, frame):
change = False
action = bpy.data.actions[0]
ngroups = len(action.groups)
# animation grouped by bones
if ngroups > 0:
index = 0
index = -1
for i in range(ngroups):
if action.groups[i].name == bone.name:
index = i
for channel in action.groups[index].channels:
if "quaternion" in channel.data_path:
hasChanged = handle_rotation_channel(channel, frame, rotation)
change = change or hasChanged
if index > -1:
for channel in action.groups[index].channels:
if "quaternion" in channel.data_path:
hasChanged = handle_rotation_channel(channel, frame, rotation)
change = change or hasChanged
# animation in raw fcurves
......@@ -1050,6 +1071,7 @@ def rotation(bone, frame):
rot3 = rotation.to_3d()
rotation.xyz = rot3 * bone.matrix_local.inverted()
rotation.xyz = armatureMatrix * rotation.xyz
return rotation, change
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