提交 a11bba75 编写于 作者: S sunag

sea3d + google draco

上级 d5aa4433
* SEA3D - Google Draco
* @author Sunag / http://www.sunag.com.br/
'use strict';
// Lossy Compression
SEA3D.GeometryDraco = function ( name, data, sea3d ) {
this.name = name;
this.data = data;
this.sea3d = sea3d;
var attrib = data.readUShort(),
this.isBig = ( attrib & 1 ) !== 0;
data.readVInt = this.isBig ? data.readUInt : data.readUShort;
this.groups = [];
if ( attrib & 32 ) {
this.uv = [];
this.uv.length = data.readUByte();
if ( attrib & 1024 ) {
var numGroups = data.readUByte(),
groupOffset = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < numGroups; i ++ ) {
var groupLength = data.readVInt() * 3;
this.groups.push( {
start: groupOffset,
count: groupLength,
} );
groupOffset += groupLength;
var module = SEA3D.GeometryDraco.getModule(),
dracoData = new Int8Array( data.concat( data.position, data.bytesAvailable ).buffer );
var decoder = new module.Decoder();
var buffer = new module.DecoderBuffer();
buffer.Init( dracoData, dracoData.length );
var geometryType = decoder.GetEncodedGeometryType( buffer );
var mesh = new module.Mesh();
var decodingStatus = decoder.DecodeBufferToMesh( buffer, mesh );
if ( ! decodingStatus.ok() ) {
console.error( "SEA3D Draco Decoding failed:", decodingStatus.error_msg() );
var index = 0;
this.vertex = this.readFloat32Array( module, decoder, mesh, index ++, module.POSITION );
if ( attrib & 4 ) this.normal = this.readFloat32Array( module, decoder, mesh, index ++, module.NORMAL );
if ( attrib & 32 ) {
for ( i = 0; i < this.uv.length; i ++ ) {
this.uv[ i ] = this.readFloat32Array( module, decoder, mesh, index ++, module.TEX_COORD );
if ( attrib & 64 ) {
this.jointPerVertex = decoder.GetAttribute( mesh, index ).num_components();
this.joint = this.readUint16Array( module, decoder, mesh, index ++ );
this.weight = this.readFloat32Array( module, decoder, mesh, index ++ );
this.indexes = this.readIndices( module, decoder, mesh );
module.destroy( mesh );
module.destroy( buffer );
module.destroy( decoder );
SEA3D.GeometryDraco.getModule = function () {
if ( ! this.module ) {
this.module = DracoDecoderModule();
return this.module;
SEA3D.GeometryDraco.prototype.type = "sdrc";
SEA3D.GeometryDraco.prototype.readIndices = function ( module, decoder, mesh ) {
var numFaces = mesh.num_faces(),
numIndices = numFaces * 3,
indices = new ( numIndices >= 0xFFFE ? Uint32Array : Uint16Array )( numIndices );
var ia = new module.DracoInt32Array();
for ( var i = 0; i < numFaces; ++ i ) {
decoder.GetFaceFromMesh( mesh, i, ia );
var index = i * 3;
indices[ index ] = ia.GetValue( 0 );
indices[ index + 1 ] = ia.GetValue( 1 );
indices[ index + 2 ] = ia.GetValue( 2 );
module.destroy( ia );
return indices;
SEA3D.GeometryDraco.prototype.readTriangleStripIndices = function ( module, decoder, mesh ) {
var dracoArray = new module.DracoInt32Array();
decoder.GetTriangleStripsFromMesh( mesh, dracoArray );
var size = mesh.num_faces() * 3,
output = new ( size >= 0xFFFE ? Uint32Array : Uint16Array )( size );
for ( var i = 0; i < size; ++ i ) {
output[ i ] = dracoArray.GetValue( i );
module.destroy( dracoArray );
return output;
SEA3D.GeometryDraco.prototype.readFloat32Array = function ( module, decoder, mesh, attrib, type ) {
var attribute = decoder.GetAttribute( mesh, attrib ),
numPoints = mesh.num_points();
var dracoArray = new module.DracoFloat32Array();
decoder.GetAttributeFloatForAllPoints( mesh, attribute, dracoArray );
var size = numPoints * attribute.num_components(),
output = new Float32Array( size );
for ( var i = 0; i < size; ++ i ) {
output[ i ] = dracoArray.GetValue( i );
module.destroy( dracoArray );
return output;
SEA3D.GeometryDraco.prototype.readUint16Array = function ( module, decoder, mesh, attrib, type ) {
var attribute = decoder.GetAttribute( mesh, attrib ),
numPoints = mesh.num_points();
var dracoArray = new module.DracoUInt16Array();
decoder.GetAttributeUInt16ForAllPoints( mesh, attribute, dracoArray );
var size = numPoints * attribute.num_components(),
output = new Uint16Array( size );
for ( var i = 0; i < size; ++ i ) {
output[ i ] = dracoArray.GetValue( i );
module.destroy( dracoArray );
return output;
// Geometry Update
SEA3D.GeometryUpdateDraco = function ( name, data, sea3d ) {
this.name = name;
this.data = data;
this.sea3d = sea3d;
this.index = data.readUInt();
this.bytes = data.concat( data.position, data.length - data.position );
SEA3D.GeometryUpdateDraco.prototype.type = "sDRC";
// Updaters
THREE.SEA3D.prototype.readGeometryUpdateDraco = function ( sea ) {
var obj = this.file.objects[ sea.index ],
geo = obj.tag;
var seaUpdate = new SEA3D.GeometryDraco( "", sea.bytes, sea.sea3d );
seaUpdate.tag = geo;
this.readGeometryBuffer( seaUpdate );
// Extension
setTypeRead: function () {
this.file.addClass( SEA3D.GeometryDraco, true );
this.file.addClass( SEA3D.GeometryUpdateDraco, true );
this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.GeometryDraco.prototype.type ] = this.readGeometryBuffer;
this.file.typeRead[ SEA3D.GeometryUpdateDraco.prototype.type ] = this.readGeometryUpdateDraco;
} );
......@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
<div id="info">
<a href="http://threejs.org" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Three.JS</a> - Exported by <a href="https://github.com/sunag/sea3d" style="color:#FFFFFF" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SEA3D Exporter</a> and edited by <a href="https://github.com/sunag/sea3d" style="color:#FFFFFF" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SEA3D Studio</a>. Asset by <a href="http://vhalldez.cgsociety.org/" style="color:#FFFFFF" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Valdez Araujo</a>
<br/>Geometry Compression with <a href="https://github.com/google/draco" style="color:#FFFFFF" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Draco</a> and content with LZMA using <a href="http://sunag.github.io/sea3d/IO/index.html" style="color:#FFFFFF" target="_blank">SEA3D I.O.</a> Tools<br>
<script src="../build/three.js"></script>
......@@ -47,6 +49,9 @@
<script src="js/loaders/sea3d/SEA3DLZMA.js"></script>
<script src="js/loaders/sea3d/SEA3DLoader.js"></script>
<script src="js/libs/draco/draco_decoder.js"></script>
<script src="js/loaders/sea3d/SEA3DDraco.js"></script>
<script src="js/Detector.js"></script>
<script src="js/libs/stats.min.js"></script>
......@@ -92,7 +97,7 @@
loader.load( './models/sea3d/mascot.tjs.sea' );
loader.load( './models/sea3d/mascot.draco.tjs.sea' );
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