提交 89e7970f 编写于 作者: L Lewy Blue


上级 c3242254
......@@ -63,164 +63,152 @@ function animate() {
<h3>[property:HTMLDOMElement domElement]</h3>
The HTMLDOMElement used to listen for mouse / touch events. This must be passed in the constructor; changing it here will
not set up new event listeners. Default is the whole document.
<h3>[property:Boolean enabled]</h3>
<h3>[property:Boolean autoRotate]</h3>
Whether or not the controls are enabled.
Set to true to automatically rotate around the target.<br> Note that if this is enabled, you must call [page:.update]
() in your animation loop.
<h3>[property:Camera object]</h3>
<h3>[property:Float autoRotateSpeed]</h3>
The camera ( or other object ) that is being controlled.
How fast to rotate around the target if [property:Boolean autoRotate] is true. Default is 2.0, which equates to 30 seconds
per rotation at 60fps.<br> Note that if [property:Boolean autoRotate] is enabled, you must call [page:.update]
() in your animation loop.
<h3>[property:Vector3 target]</h3>
[property:Float dampingFactor]</h3>
The focus point of the controls, the [page:.object] orbits around this.
It can be updated manually at any point to change the focus of the controls.
The damping inertia used if [property:Boolean enableDamping] is set to true.<br> Note that for this to work, you must
call [page:.update] () in your animation loop.
<h3>[property:Float minDistance]</h3>
<h3>[property:HTMLDOMElement domElement]</h3>
How far you can dolly in ( [page:PerspectiveCamera] only ). Default is 0.
The HTMLDOMElement used to listen for mouse / touch events. This must be passed in the constructor; changing it here will
not set up new event listeners. Default is the whole document.
<h3>[property:Float maxDistance]</h3>
<h3>[property:Boolean enabled]</h3>
How far you can dolly out ( [page:PerspectiveCamera] only ). Default is Infinity.
Whether or not the controls are enabled.
<h3>[property:Float minZoom]</h3>
<h3>[property:Boolean enableDamping]</h3>
How far you can zoom in ( [page:OrthographicCamera] only ). Default is 0.
Set to true to enable damping (inertia), which can be used to give a sense of weight to the controls. Default is false.<br> Note that if this is enabled, you must call [page:.update] () in your animation loop.
<h3>[property:Float maxZoom]</h3>
<h3>[property:Boolean enableKeys]</h3>
How far you can zoom out ( [page:OrthographicCamera] only ). Default is Infinity.
Enable or disable the use of keyboard controls.
<h3>[property:Float minPolarAngle]</h3>
<h3>[property:Boolean enablePan]</h3>
How far you can orbit vertically, lower limit. Range is 0 to Math.PI radians,
and default is 0.
Enable or disable camera panning. Default is true.
<h3>[property:Float maxPolarAngle]</h3>
<h3>[property:Boolean enableRotate]</h3>
How far you can orbit vertically, upper limit. Range is 0 to Math.PI radians,
and default is Math.PI.
Enable or disable horizontal and vertical rotation of the camera. Default is true.<br>
Note that it is possible to disable a single axis by setting the min and max of the
[page:.minPolarAngle polar angle] or [page:.minAzimuthAngle azimuth angle] to the same value,
which will cause the vertical or horizontal rotation to be fixed at that value.
<h3>[property:Float minAzimuthAngle]</h3>
<h3>[property:Boolean enableZoom]</h3>
How far you can orbit horizontally, lower limit. Range is - Math.PI to Math.PI
( or - Infinity for no limit ) and default is - Infinity;
Enable or disable zooming (dollying) of the camera.
<h3>[property:Float maxAzimuthAngle]</h3>
<h3>[property:Float keyPanSpeed]</h3>
How far you can orbit horizontally, upper limit. Range is - Math.PI to Math.PI
( or Infinity for no limit ) and default is Infinity;
How fast to pan the camera when the keyboard is used. Default is 7.0 pixels per keypress.
<h3>[property:Boolean enableDamping]</h3>
<h3>[property:Object keys]</h3>
Set to true to enable damping (inertia), which can be used to give a sense of weight to the controls.
Default is false.<br>
Note that if this is enabled, you must call [page:.update] () in your animation loop.
This object contains references to the keycodes for controlling camera panning. Default is the 4 arrow keys.
controls.keys = {
LEFT: 37, //left arrow
UP: 38, // up arrow
RIGHT: 39, // right arrow
BOTTOM: 40 // down arrow
</code> See [link:https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/keyCode this page] for a full
list of keycodes.
<h3>[property:Float dampingFactor]</h3>
<h3>[property:Float maxAzimuthAngle]</h3>
The damping inertia used if [property:Boolean enableDamping] is set to true.<br>
Note that for this to work, you must call [page:.update] () in your animation loop.
How far you can orbit horizontally, upper limit. Range is - Math.PI to Math.PI ( or Infinity for no limit ) and default is
<h3>[property:Boolean enableZoom]</h3>
<h3>[property:Float maxDistance]</h3>
Enable or disable zooming (dollying) of the camera.
How far you can dolly out ( [page:PerspectiveCamera] only ). Default is Infinity.
<h3>[property:Float zoomSpeed]</h3>
<h3>[property:Float maxPolarAngle]</h3>
Speed of zooming / dollying. Default is 1.
How far you can orbit vertically, upper limit. Range is 0 to Math.PI radians, and default is Math.PI.
<h3>[property:Boolean enableRotate]</h3>
<h3>[property:Float maxZoom]</h3>
Enable or disable horizontal and vertical rotation of the camera. Default is true.<br>
Note that it is possible to disable a single axis by setting the min and max of the
[page:.minPolarAngle polar angle] or [page:.minAzimuthAngle azimuth angle] to the same value,
which will cause the vertical or horizontal rotation to be fixed at that value.
How far you can zoom out ( [page:OrthographicCamera] only ). Default is Infinity.
<h3>[property:Float rotateSpeed]</h3>
<h3>[property:Float minAzimuthAngle]</h3>
Speed of rotation. Default is 1.
How far you can orbit horizontally, lower limit. Range is - Math.PI to Math.PI ( or - Infinity for no limit ) and default
is - Infinity;
<h3>[property:Boolean enablePan]</h3>
<h3>[property:Float minDistance]</h3>
Enable or disable camera panning. Default is true.
How far you can dolly in ( [page:PerspectiveCamera] only ). Default is 0.
<h3>[property:Float keyPanSpeed]</h3>
<h3>[property:Float minPolarAngle]</h3>
How fast to pan the camera when the keyboard is used. Default is 7.0 pixels per keypress.
How far you can orbit vertically, lower limit. Range is 0 to Math.PI radians, and default is 0.
<h3>[property:Boolean autoRotate]</h3>
<h3>[property:Float minZoom]</h3>
Set to true to automatically rotate around the target.<br>
Note that if this is enabled, you must call [page:.update] () in your animation loop.
How far you can zoom in ( [page:OrthographicCamera] only ). Default is 0.
<h3>[property:Float autoRotateSpeed]</h3>
[property:Object mouseButtons]</h3>
How fast to rotate around the target if [property:Boolean autoRotate] is true. Default is 2.0, which equates to 30 seconds per rotation at 60fps.<br>
Note that if [property:Boolean autoRotate] is enabled, you must call [page:.update] () in your animation loop.
This object contains references to the mouse buttons used for the controls.
controls.mouseButtons = {
<h3>[property:Boolean enableKeys]</h3>
<h3>[property:Camera object]</h3>
Enable or disable the use of keyboard controls.
The camera ( or other object ) that is being controlled.
<h3>[property:Object keys]</h3>
<h3>[property:Vector3 position0]</h3>
This object contains references to the keycodes for controlling camera panning.
Default is the 4 arrow keys.
controls.keys = {
LEFT: 37, //left arrow
UP: 38, // up arrow
RIGHT: 39, // right arrow
BOTTOM: 40 // down arrow
See [link:https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/keyCode this page] for a full list of keycodes.
Used internally by the [method:saveState] and [method:reset] methods.
<h3>[property:Object mouseButtons]</h3>
<h3>[property:Float rotateSpeed]</h3>
This object contains references to the mouse buttons used for the controls.
controls.mouseButtons = {
Speed of rotation. Default is 1.
<h3>[property:Vector3 target0]</h3>
......@@ -228,9 +216,10 @@ controls.mouseButtons = {
Used internally by the [method:saveState] and [method:reset] methods.
<h3>[property:Vector3 position0]</h3>
<h3>[property:Vector3 target]</h3>
Used internally by the [method:saveState] and [method:reset] methods.
The focus point of the controls, the [page:.object] orbits around this. It can be updated manually at any point to change
the focus of the controls.
<h3>[property:Float zoom0]</h3>
......@@ -238,11 +227,18 @@ controls.mouseButtons = {
Used internally by the [method:saveState] and [method:reset] methods.
<h3>[property:Float zoomSpeed]</h3>
Speed of zooming / dollying. Default is 1.
<h3>[method:radians getPolarAngle] ()</h3>
<h3>[method:null dispose] ()</h3>
Get the current vertical rotation, in radians.
Remove all the event listeners.
<h3>[method:radians getAzimuthalAngle] ()</h3>
......@@ -250,9 +246,9 @@ controls.mouseButtons = {
Get the current horizontal rotation, in radians.
<h3>[method:null saveState] ()</h3>
<h3>[method:radians getPolarAngle] ()</h3>
Save the current state of the controls. This can later be recovered with [page:.reset].
Get the current vertical rotation, in radians.
<h3>[method:null reset] ()</h3>
......@@ -260,9 +256,9 @@ controls.mouseButtons = {
Reset the controls to their state from either the last time the [page:.saveState] was called, or the initial state.
<h3>[method:null dispose] ()</h3>
<h3>[method:null saveState] ()</h3>
Remove all the event listeners.
Save the current state of the controls. This can later be recovered with [page:.reset].
<h3>[method:false update] ()</h3>
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