提交 799c1955 编写于 作者: A alteredq

Filled-in Matrix4 docs.

上级 e228586b
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Matrix4 - A 4x4 Matrix
.. rubric:: Constructor
.. ...............................................................................
.. class:: Matrix4( [ n11, n12, n13, n14, n21, n22, n23, n24, n31, n32, n33, n34, n41, n42, n43,n44 ] )
.. class:: Matrix4( n11, n12, n13, n14, n21, n22, n23, n24, n31, n32, n33, n34, n41, n42, n43, n44 )
A 4x4 Matrix
......@@ -35,287 +35,420 @@ Matrix4 - A 4x4 Matrix
.. rubric:: Methods
.. ...............................................................................
.. function:: Matrix4.set(n11, n12, n13, n14, n21, n22, n23, n24, n31, n32, n33, n34, n41, n42, n43,n44)
.. function:: Matrix4.clone( )
Clones this matrix
:returns: New instance identical to this matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.set( n11, n12, n13, n14, n21, n22, n23, n24, n31, n32, n33, n34, n41, n42, n43, n44 )
Sets all fields of this matrix
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.identity()
Resets this matrix to identity
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.copy(m)
.. function:: Matrix4.copy( m )
Copies a matrix into this matrix
Copies a matrix ``m`` into this matrix
:param Matrix4 m: Matrix to be copied
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.lookAt(eye,center,up)
.. function:: Matrix4.lookAt( eye, center, up )
Constructs rotation matrix, looking from ``eye`` towards ``center`` with defined ``up`` vector
:param Vector3 eye: //todo
:param Vector3 center: //todo
:param Vector3 up: //todo
:param Vector3 eye: vector
:param Vector3 center: vector
:param Vector3 up: vector
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.multiply(a,b)
.. function:: Matrix4.multiply( a, b )
Sets this matrix to ``a * b``
:param Matrix4 a: //todo
:param Matrix4 b: //todo
:param Matrix4 a: source matrix A
:param Matrix4 b: source matrix B
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.multiplySelf(a)
.. function:: Matrix4.multiplyToArray( a, b, r )
Sets this matrix to ``a * b`` and sets result into flat array ``r``
:param Matrix4 a: //todo
Destination array can be regular JS array or Typed Array
.. function:: Matrix4.multiplyToArray(a,b,r)
:param Matrix4 a: source matrix A
:param Matrix4 b: source matrix B
:param array r: destination array
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.multiplySelf( a )
:param Matrix4 a: //todo
:param Matrix4 b: //todo
:param array r: //todo
Multiplies this matrix by ``a``
.. function:: Matrix4.multiplyScalar(s)
:param Matrix4 a: matrix
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.multiplyScalar( s )
:param float a: //todo
Multiplies this matrix by ``s``
.. function:: Matrix4.multiplyVector3(v)
:param float a: number
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
Applys this matrix to a :class:`Vector3`
.. function:: Matrix4.multiplyVector3( v )
:param Vector3 v: //todo
:rtype: Vector3
Applies this matrix to a :class:`Vector3`
.. function:: Matrix4.multiplyVector4(v)
:param Vector3 v: vector
:returns: Multiplied vector
:rtype: :class:`Vector3`
Applys this matrix to a :class:`Vector4`
.. function:: Matrix4.multiplyVector4( v )
:param Vector4 v: //todo
:rtype: Vector4
Applies this matrix to a :class:`Vector4`
.. function:: Matrix4.rotateAxis(v)
:param Vector4 v: vector
:returns: Multiplied vector
:rtype: :class:`Vector4`
.. function:: Matrix4.rotateAxis( v )
:param Vector3 v: //todo
Applies rotation submatrix of this matrix to vector ``v`` and then normalizes it
.. function:: Matrix4.crossVector(a)
:param Vector3 v: vector
:returns: Rotated vector
:rtype: :class:`Vector3`
.. function:: Matrix4.crossVector( a )
:param Vector4 a: //todo
:param Vector4 a: vector
:rtype: :class:`Vector4`
.. function:: Matrix4.determinant()
Computes determinant of this matrix
.. function:: Matrix4.transpose()
Based on http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/matrix/functions/inverse/fourD/index.htm
:returns: Determinant
:rtype: float
.. function:: Matrix4.clone()
.. function:: Matrix4.transpose()
Clones this matrix
Transposes this matrix
:returns: New instance of this matrix
:rtype: Matrix4
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.flatten()
Flattens this matrix into internal :attr:`Matrix4.flat` array
.. function:: Matrix4.flattenToArray(flat)
:returns: Flat array with this matrix values
:rtype: array
.. function:: Matrix4.flattenToArray( flat )
:param array flat: //todo
Flattens this matrix into supplied ``flat`` array
:param array flat: array
:returns: Flat array with this matrix values
:rtype: array
.. function:: Matrix4.flattenToArrayOffset(flat,offset)
.. function:: Matrix4.flattenToArrayOffset( flat, offset )
Flattens this matrix into supplied ``flat`` array starting from ``offset`` position in the array
:param array flat: //todo
:param integer offset: //todo
:param array flat: array
:param integer offset: offset
:returns: Flat array with this matrix values
:rtype: array
.. function:: Matrix4.setTranslation(x,y,z)
.. function:: Matrix4.setTranslation( x, y, z )
Sets this matrix as translation transform
:param float x: //todo
:param float y: //todo
:param float z: //todo
:param float x: x-translation
:param float y: y-translation
:param float z: z-translation
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.setScale(x,y,z)
.. function:: Matrix4.setScale( x, y, z )
Sets this matrix as scale transform
:param float x: //todo
:param float y: //todo
:param float z: //todo
:param float x: x-scale
:param float y: y-scale
:param float z: z-scale
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.setRotationX(theta)
.. function:: Matrix4.setRotationX( theta )
Sets this matrix as rotation transform around x-axis by ``theta`` radians
:param float theta: Rotation angle in radians
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.setRotationY(theta)
.. function:: Matrix4.setRotationY( theta )
Sets this matrix as rotation transform around y-axis by ``theta`` radians
:param float theta: Rotation angle in radians
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.setRotationZ(theta)
.. function:: Matrix4.setRotationZ( theta )
Sets this matrix as rotation transform around z-axis by ``theta`` radians
:param float theta: Rotation angle in radians
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.setRotationAxis(axis,angle)
.. function:: Matrix4.setRotationAxis( axis, angle )
Sets this matrix as rotation transform around ``axis`` by ``angle`` radians
:param Vector3 axis: //todo:description
:param float angle: //todo:description
Based on http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article1199.asp
.. function:: Matrix4.setPosition(v)
:param Vector3 axis: Rotation axis
:param float angle: Rotation angle in radians
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.setPosition( v )
Sets just position component for this matrix from vector ``v``
:param Vector3 v: //todo
:param Vector3 v: position vector
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.getPosition()
Returns position component from this matrix
Note: this method returns a reference to internal class vector, make copy or clone if you don't use it right away.
:returns: Vector with position
:rtype: :class:`Vector3`
.. function:: Matrix4.getColumnX()
Returns x-column component from this matrix
Note: this method returns a reference to internal class vector, make copy or clone if you don't use it right away.
:returns: Vector with x-column
:rtype: :class:`Vector3`
.. function:: Matrix4.getColumnY()
Returns y-column component from this matrix
Note: this method returns a reference to internal class vector, make copy or clone if you don't use it right away.
:returns: Vector with y-column
:rtype: :class:`Vector3`
.. function:: Matrix4.getColumnZ()
Returns z-column component from this matrix
.. function:: Matrix4.getInverse(m)
Note: this method returns a reference to internal class vector, make copy or clone if you don't use it right away.
:returns: Vector with z-column
:rtype: :class:`Vector3`
:param Matrix4 m: //todo
.. function:: Matrix4.getInverse( m )
.. function:: Matrix4.setRotationFromEuler(v,order)
Sets this matrix to inverse of matrix ``m``
Based on http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/matrix/functions/inverse/fourD/index.htm
:param Matrix4 m: source matrix
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.setRotationFromEuler( v, order )
Sets rotation submatrix of this matrix to rotation specified by Euler angles
Default order ``XYZ``
:param Vector3 v: Vector3 with all the rotations
:param string order: The order of rotations eg. 'XYZ'
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.setRotationFromQuaternion(q)
.. function:: Matrix4.setRotationFromQuaternion( q )
Sets rotation submatrix of this matrix to rotation specified by quaternion
:param Quaternion q: //todo
:param Quaternion q: rotation
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.scale(v)
.. function:: Matrix4.scale( v )
Multiplies columns of this matrix by vector ``v``
:param Vector3 v: //todo
:param Vector3 v: scale vector
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.compose(translation, rotation, scale)
.. function:: Matrix4.compose( translation, rotation, scale )
Sets this matrix to transform composed of ``translation``, ``rotation`` and ``scale``
:param Vector3 translation: //todo
:param Quaternion rotation: //todo
:param Vector3 scale: //todo
:param Vector3 translation: vector
:param Quaternion rotation: quaternion
:param Vector3 scale: vector
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.decompose(translation, rotation, scale)
.. function:: Matrix4.decompose( translation, rotation, scale )
Decomposes this matrix into `translation``, ``rotation`` and ``scale`` components
:param Vector3 translation: //todo
:param Quaternion rotation: //todo
:param Vector3 scale: //todo
:returns: //todo
:rtype: //todo
If parameters are not supplied, new instances will be created
.. function:: Matrix4.extractPosition(m)
:param Vector3 translation: destination translation vector
:param Quaternion rotation: destination rotation quaternion
:param Vector3 scale: destination scale vector
:returns: Array [ translation, rotation, scale ]
:rtype: Array
.. function:: Matrix4.extractPosition( m )
:param Matrix4 m:
Copies translation component of supplied matrix ``m`` into this matrix translation
.. function:: Matrix4.extractRotation(m)
:param Matrix4 m: source matrix
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.extractRotation( m )
:param Matrix4 m:
Copies rotation component of supplied matrix ``m`` into this matrix rotation
.. function:: Matrix4.rotateByAxis(axis,angle)
:param Matrix4 m: source matrix
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.rotateByAxis( axis, angle )
:param Vector3 axis: //todo:description
:param float angle: //todo:description
Rotates this matrix around supplied ``axis`` by ``angle``
.. function:: Matrix4.rotateX(angle)
:param Vector3 axis: rotation axis
:param float angle: rotation angle in radians
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.rotateX( angle )
:param float angle: //todo:description
Rotates this matrix around x-axis by ``angle``
.. function:: Matrix4.rotateY(angle)
:param float angle: rotation angle in radians
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.rotateY( angle )
:param float angle: //todo:description
Rotates this matrix around y-axis by ``angle``
.. function:: Matrix4.rotateZ(angle)
:param float angle: rotation angle in radians
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.rotateZ( angle )
:param float angle: //todo:description
Rotates this matrix around z-axis by ``angle``
.. function:: Matrix4.translate(v)
:param float angle: rotation angle in radians
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
:param Vector3 v: //todo:description
.. function:: Matrix4.translate( v )
.. function:: Matrix4.makeInvert3x3(m)(static)
Translates this matrix by vector ``v``
:param Vector3 v: translation vector
:returns: This matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. ...............................................................................
.. rubric:: Static methods
.. ...............................................................................
:param Matrix4 v:
:returns: A 3x3 Matrix
:rtype: Matrix3
.. function:: Matrix4.makeInvert3x3( m )
.. function:: Matrix4.makeFrustum( left, right, bottom, top, near, far )(static)
Inverts just rotation submatrix of matrix ``m``
//todo:description and parameters
Note: this method returns a reference to internal 3x3 matrix, make copy or clone if you don't use it right away.
:returns: //todo
:rtype: Matrix4
Based on http://code.google.com/p/webgl-mjs/
.. function:: Matrix4.makePerspective( fov, aspect, near, far )(static)
:param Matrix4 m: source matrix
:returns: inverted submatrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix3`
//todo:description and parameters
.. function:: Matrix4.makeFrustum( left, right, bottom, top, near, far )
:returns: //todo
:rtype: Matrix4
Creates frustum matrix
.. function:: Matrix4.makeOrtho( left, right, top, bottom, near, far )(static)
:param float left: left
:param float right: right
:param float bottom: bottom
:param float top: top
:param float near: near
:param float far: far
:returns: New instance of frustum matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
//todo:description and parameters
.. function:: Matrix4.makePerspective( fov, aspect, near, far )
:returns: //todo
:rtype: Matrix4
Creates perspective projection matrix
:param float fov: vertical field of view in degrees
:param float aspect: aspect ratio
:param float near: near plane
:param float far: far plane
:returns: New instance of projection matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. function:: Matrix4.makeOrtho( left, right, top, bottom, near, far )
Creates orthographic projection matrix
:param float left: left
:param float right: right
:param float top: top
:param float bottom: bottom
:param float near: near plane
:param float far: far plane
:returns: New instance of projection matrix
:rtype: :class:`Matrix4`
.. ...............................................................................
.. rubric:: Example
......@@ -323,4 +456,21 @@ Matrix4 - A 4x4 Matrix
\ No newline at end of file
// simple rig for rotation around 3 axes
var m = new THREE.Matrix4();
var m1 = new THREE.Matrix4();
var m2 = new THREE.Matrix4();
var m3 = new THREE.Matrix4();
var alpha = 0;
var beta = Math.PI;
var gamma = Math.PI/2;
m1.setRotationX( alpha );
m2.setRotationY( beta );
m3.setRotationZ( gamma );
m.multiply( m1, m2 );
m.multiplySelf( m3 );
......@@ -770,7 +770,8 @@ THREE.Matrix4.prototype = {
rotateByAxis: function ( axis, angle ) {
// optimize by checking axis
// optimize by checking axis
if ( axis.x === 1 && axis.y === 0 && axis.z === 0 ) {
return this.rotateX( angle );
......@@ -797,8 +798,8 @@ THREE.Matrix4.prototype = {
var xx = x * x,
yy = y * y,
zz = z * z,
c = Math.cos(angle),
s = Math.sin(angle),
c = Math.cos( angle ),
s = Math.sin( angle ),
oneMinusCosine = 1 - c,
xy = x * y * oneMinusCosine,
xz = x * z * oneMinusCosine,
......@@ -863,8 +864,8 @@ THREE.Matrix4.prototype = {
m23 = this.n23,
m33 = this.n33,
m43 = this.n43,
c = Math.cos(angle),
s = Math.sin(angle);
c = Math.cos( angle ),
s = Math.sin( angle );
this.n12 = c * m12 + s * m13;
this.n22 = c * m22 + s * m23;
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