提交 6f413a2c 编写于 作者: G Garrett Johnson


上级 d527e1b7
......@@ -170,6 +170,10 @@ export default class CSM {
_cameraToLightMatrix.multiplyMatrices( light.shadow.camera.matrixWorldInverse, cameraMatrix );
frustums[ i ].toSpace( _cameraToLightMatrix, _lightSpaceFrustum );
const farTopRight = _lightSpaceFrustum.vertices.far[ 0 ];
const nearBotLeft = _lightSpaceFrustum.vertices.near[ 2 ];
let squaredBBWidth = farTopRight.distanceTo( nearBotLeft );
for ( let j = 0; j < 4; j ++ ) {
......@@ -178,11 +182,6 @@ export default class CSM {
_bbox.getSize( _size );
_bbox.getCenter( _center );
_center.z = _bbox.max.z + this.lightMargin;
let squaredBBWidth = _lightSpaceFrustum.vertices.far[ 0 ].distanceTo( _lightSpaceFrustum.vertices.near[ 2 ] );
if ( this.fade ) {
// expand the shadow extents by the fade margin if fade is enabled.
......@@ -196,6 +195,8 @@ export default class CSM {
const texelSize = squaredBBWidth / this.shadowMapSize;
_bbox.getCenter( _center );
_center.z = _bbox.max.z + this.lightMargin;
_center.x = Math.floor( _center.x / texelSize ) * texelSize;
_center.y = Math.floor( _center.y / texelSize ) * texelSize;
_center.applyMatrix4( light.shadow.camera.matrixWorld );
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