提交 6910a7a2 编写于 作者: M Mr.doob

GLTFExporter: Clean up.

上级 66e4d925
......@@ -785,21 +785,32 @@ THREE.GLTFExporter.prototype = {
} else {
if ( format !== THREE.RGBAFormat && format !== THREE.RGBFormat )
throw "Only RGB and RGBA formats are supported";
if ( format !== THREE.RGBAFormat && format !== THREE.RGBFormat ) {
if ( image.width !== canvas.width || image.height !== canvas.height )
console.warn( "Image size and imposed canvas sized do not match" );
console.error( 'GLTFExporter: Only RGB and RGBA formats are supported.' );
if ( image.width > options.maxTextureSize || image.height > options.maxTextureSize ) {
console.warn( 'GLTFExporter: Image size is bigger than maxTextureSize', image );
let data = image.data;
if ( format === THREE.RGBFormat ) {
data = new Uint8ClampedArray( image.height * image.width * 4 );
data.forEach( function ( _, i ) {
data[ i ] = i % 4 === 3 ? 255 : image.data[ 3 * Math.floor( i / 4 ) + i % 4 ];
for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i += 4 ) {
} );
data[ i + 0 ] = image.data[ i + 0 ];
data[ i + 1 ] = image.data[ i + 1 ];
data[ i + 2 ] = image.data[ i + 2 ];
data[ i + 3 ] = 255;
......@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ import {
} from "../../../build/three.module.js";
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import {
// Constants
POINTS: 0x0000,
LINES: 0x0001,
......@@ -753,7 +754,7 @@ GLTFExporter.prototype = {
* Process image
* @param {Image} image to process
* @param {Integer} format of the image (e.g. THREE.RGBFormat, RGBAFormat etc)
* @param {Integer} format of the image (e.g. RGBFormat, RGBAFormat etc)
* @param {Boolean} flipY before writing out the image
* @return {Integer} Index of the processed texture in the "images" array
......@@ -807,21 +808,32 @@ GLTFExporter.prototype = {
} else {
if ( format !== RGBAFormat && format !== RGBFormat )
throw "Only RGB and RGBA formats are supported";
if ( format !== RGBAFormat && format !== RGBFormat ) {
console.error( 'GLTFExporter: Only RGB and RGBA formats are supported.' );
if ( image.width > options.maxTextureSize || image.height > options.maxTextureSize ) {
console.warn( 'GLTFExporter: Image size is bigger than maxTextureSize', image );
if ( image.width !== canvas.width || image.height !== canvas.height )
console.warn( "Image size and imposed canvas sized do not match" );
let data = image.data;
if ( format === RGBFormat ) {
data = new Uint8ClampedArray( image.height * image.width * 4 );
data.forEach( function ( _, i ) {
data[ i ] = i % 4 === 3 ? 255 : image.data[ 3 * Math.floor( i / 4 ) + i % 4 ];
for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i += 4 ) {
data[ i + 0 ] = image.data[ i + 0 ];
data[ i + 1 ] = image.data[ i + 1 ];
data[ i + 2 ] = image.data[ i + 2 ];
data[ i + 3 ] = 255;
} );
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ var files = [
{ path: 'exporters/ColladaExporter.js', dependencies: [], ignoreList: [] },
{ path: 'exporters/DRACOExporter.js', dependencies: [], ignoreList: [ 'Geometry' ] },
{ path: 'exporters/GLTFExporter.js', dependencies: [], ignoreList: [ 'AnimationClip', 'Camera', 'Geometry', 'Material', 'Mesh', 'Object3D', 'RGBFormat', 'Scenes', 'ShaderMaterial', 'Matrix4' ] },
{ path: 'exporters/GLTFExporter.js', dependencies: [], ignoreList: [ 'AnimationClip', 'Camera', 'Geometry', 'Material', 'Mesh', 'Object3D', 'Scenes', 'ShaderMaterial', 'Matrix4' ] },
{ path: 'exporters/MMDExporter.js', dependencies: [ { name: 'MMDParser', path: 'libs/mmdparser.module.js' } ], ignoreList: [] },
{ path: 'exporters/OBJExporter.js', dependencies: [], ignoreList: [] },
{ path: 'exporters/PLYExporter.js', dependencies: [], ignoreList: [] },
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