提交 50132bac 编写于 作者: L looeee

Created docs for interleave and instanced buffers and geometries

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[page:BufferAttribute] &rarr;
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An instanced version of [page:BufferAttribute].
<h3>[name]( [page:TypedArray array], [page:Integer itemSize], [page:Number meshPerAttribute] )</h3>
See [page:BufferAttribute] for inherited properties.
<h3>[property:Number meshPerAttribute]</h3>
Default is *1*.
<h3>[property:Boolean isInstancedBufferAttribute]</h3>
Default is *true*.
See [page:BufferAttribute] for inherited methods.
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[page:BufferGeometry] &rarr;
<div class="desc">
An instanced version of [page:BufferGeometry].
<h3>[name]( )</h3>
See [page:BufferGeometry] for inherited properties.
<h3>[property:Number maxInstancedCount]</h3>
Default is *undefined*.
<h3>[property:Boolean isInstancedBufferGeometry]</h3>
Default is *true*.
See [page:BufferAttribute] for inherited methods.
<h3>[property:Number addGroup]( start, count, materialIndex )</h3>
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[page:InterleavedBuffer] &rarr;
<div class="desc">
An instanced version of [page:InterleavedBuffer].
<h3>[name]( [page:TypedArray array], [page:Integer itemSize], [page:Number meshPerAttribute] )</h3>
See [page:InterleavedBuffer] for inherited properties.
<h3>[property:Number meshPerAttribute]</h3>
Default is *1*.
<h3>[property:Boolean isInstancedInterleavedBuffer]</h3>
Default is *true*.
See [page:InterleavedBuffer] for inherited methods.
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<h3>[name]( [page:TypedArray array], [page:Integer stride] )</h3>
<h3>[property:Array array]</h3>
<h3>[property:Integer stride]</h3>
<h3>[property:Integer count]</h3>
Gives the total number of elements in the array.
<h3>[property:Boolean dynamic]</h3>
Default is *false*.
<h3>[property:Object updateRange]</h3>
Object containing offset and count.
<h3>[property:Number updateRange.offset]</h3>
DEfault is *0*.
<h3>[property:Number updateRange.count]</h3>
Default is *-1*.
<h3>[property:Integer version]</h3>
A version number, incremented every time the needsUpdate property is set to true.
<h3>[property:Integer isInterleavedBuffer]</h3>
Default is *true*.
<h3>[property:Integer needsUpdate]</h3>
Default is *false*. Setting this to true increments [page:InterleavedBuffer.version version].
<h3>[method:null setArray] ( [page:TypedArray array] ) </h3>
array - must be a Typed Array.
<h3>[method:InterleavedBuffer setDynamic] ( [page:Boolean value] ) </h3>
Set [page:InterleavedBuffer.dynamic dynamic] to value.
<h3>[method:InterleavedBuffer copy]( source ) </h3>
Copy the array, count, stride and value of dynamic to this.
<h3>[method:InterleavedBuffer copyAt]( index1, attribute, index2 ) </h3>
<h3>[method:InterleavedBuffer set]( value, offset ) </h3>
<h3>[method:InterleavedBuffer clone]( index, x, y ) </h3>
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<div class="desc">
<h3>[name]( [page:InterleavedBuffer interleavedBuffer], [page:Integer itemSize], [page:Integer offset], [page:Boolean normalized] )</h3>
<h3>[property:InterleavedBuffer data]</h3>
The [page:InterleavedBuffer InterleavedBuffer] instance passed in the constructor.
<h3>[property:Integer itemSize]</h3>
<h3>[property:Integer offset]</h3>
<h3>[property:Boolean normalized]</h3>
Default is *true*.
<h3>[property:Boolean isInterleavedBufferAttribute]</h3>
Default is *true*.
<h3>[method:Integer count]()</h3>
The value of [page:InterleavedBufferAttribute.data data].count.
<h3>[method:Array array]()</h3>
The value of [page:InterleavedBufferAttribute.data data].array.
<h3>[method:null getX]( index ) </h3>
<h3>[method:null getY]( index ) </h3>
<h3>[method:null getZ]( index ) </h3>
<h3>[method:null getW]( index ) </h3>
<h3>[method:null setX]( index, x ) </h3>
<h3>[method:null setY]( index, y ) </h3>
<h3>[method:null setZ]( index, z ) </h3>
<h3>[method:null setXY]( index, x, y ) </h3>
<h3>[method:null setXYZ]( index, x, y, z ) </h3>
<h3>[method:null setXYZW]( index, x, y, z, w ) </h3>
[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]
......@@ -62,6 +62,11 @@ var list = {
[ "EventDispatcher", "api/core/EventDispatcher" ],
[ "Face3", "api/core/Face3" ],
[ "Geometry", "api/core/Geometry" ],
[ "InstancedBufferAttribute", "api/core/InstancedBufferAttribute" ],
[ "InstancedBufferGeometry", "api/core/InstancedBufferGeometry" ],
[ "InstancedInterleavedBuffer", "api/core/InstancedInterleavedBuffer" ],
[ "InterleavedBuffer", "api/core/InterleavedBuffer" ],
[ "InterleavedBufferAttribute", "api/core/InterleavedBufferAttribute" ],
[ "Layers", "api/core/Layers" ],
[ "Object3D", "api/core/Object3D" ],
[ "Raycaster", "api/core/Raycaster" ],
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