提交 24f376ed 编写于 作者: J James Kiefer


上级 a82e43d7
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ THREE.AssimpJSONLoader.prototype = {
setTexturePath: function ( value ) {
this.texturePath = value;
extractUrlBase: function ( url ) { // from three/src/loaders/Loader.js
var parts = url.split( '/' );
......@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ THREE.BinaryLoader.prototype = {
Model.prototype.constructor = Model;
var geometry = new Model( texturePath );
var materials = THREE.Loader.prototype.initMaterials( jsonMaterials, texturePath );
var materials = THREE.Loader.prototype.initMaterials( jsonMaterials, texturePath, this.crossOrigin );
if ( THREE.Loader.prototype.needsTangents( materials ) ) geometry.computeTangents();
......@@ -132,4 +132,4 @@ THREE.CompressedTextureLoader.prototype = {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ THREE.JSONLoader.prototype = {
var scope = this;
this.texturePath = this.texturePath && ( typeof this.texturePath === "string" ) ? this.texturePath : this.extractUrlBase( url );
var texturePath = this.texturePath && ( typeof this.texturePath === "string" ) ? this.texturePath : THREE.Loader.prototype.extractUrlBase( url );
var loader = new THREE.XHRLoader( this.manager );
loader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin );
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ THREE.JSONLoader.prototype = {
var object = scope.parse(json, texturePath);
var object = scope.parse( json, texturePath );
onLoad( object.geometry, object.materials );
} );
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ THREE.JSONLoader.prototype = {
parse = function ( json, texturePath ) {
parse: function ( json, texturePath ) {
var scope = this,
geometry = new THREE.Geometry(),
......@@ -478,9 +478,9 @@ THREE.JSONLoader.prototype = {
} else {
var materials = this.initMaterials( json.materials, texturePath );
var materials = THREE.Loader.prototype.initMaterials( json.materials, texturePath, this.crossOrigin );
if ( this.needsTangents( materials ) ) {
if ( THREE.Loader.prototype.needsTangents( materials ) ) {
......@@ -2,476 +2,485 @@
* @author alteredq / http://alteredqualia.com/
THREE.Loader = function ( showStatus ) {
this.showStatus = showStatus;
this.statusDomElement = showStatus ? THREE.Loader.prototype.addStatusElement() : null;
var globalImageLoader = null;
this.imageLoader = new THREE.ImageLoader();
THREE.Loader = function ( showStatus ) {
this.onLoadStart = function () {};
this.onLoadProgress = function () {};
this.onLoadComplete = function () {};
this.showStatus = showStatus;
this.statusDomElement = showStatus ? THREE.Loader.prototype.addStatusElement() : null;
this.onLoadStart = function () {};
this.onLoadProgress = function () {};
this.onLoadComplete = function () {};
THREE.Loader.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Loader,
THREE.Loader.prototype = {
crossOrigin: undefined,
constructor: THREE.Loader,
addStatusElement: function () {
crossOrigin: undefined,
var e = document.createElement( 'div' );
addStatusElement: function () {
e.style.position = 'absolute';
e.style.right = '0px';
e.style.top = '0px';
e.style.fontSize = '0.8em';
e.style.textAlign = 'left';
e.style.background = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.25)';
e.style.color = '#fff';
e.style.width = '120px';
e.style.padding = '0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em';
e.style.zIndex = 1000;
var e = document.createElement( 'div' );
e.innerHTML = 'Loading ...';
e.style.position = 'absolute';
e.style.right = '0px';
e.style.top = '0px';
e.style.fontSize = '0.8em';
e.style.textAlign = 'left';
e.style.background = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.25)';
e.style.color = '#fff';
e.style.width = '120px';
e.style.padding = '0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em';
e.style.zIndex = 1000;
return e;
e.innerHTML = 'Loading ...';
return e;
updateProgress: function ( progress ) {
var message = 'Loaded ';
updateProgress: function ( progress ) {
if ( progress.total ) {
var message = 'Loaded ';
message += ( 100 * progress.loaded / progress.total ).toFixed( 0 ) + '%';
if ( progress.total ) {
message += ( 100 * progress.loaded / progress.total ).toFixed( 0 ) + '%';
} else {
message += ( progress.loaded / 1024 ).toFixed( 2 ) + ' KB';
} else {
message += ( progress.loaded / 1024 ).toFixed( 2 ) + ' KB';
this.statusDomElement.innerHTML = message;
this.statusDomElement.innerHTML = message;
extractUrlBase: function ( url ) {
var parts = url.split( '/' );
extractUrlBase: function ( url ) {
if ( parts.length === 1 ) return './';
var parts = url.split( '/' );
if ( parts.length === 1 ) return './';
return parts.join( '/' ) + '/';
return parts.join( '/' ) + '/';
initMaterials: function ( materials, texturePath ) {
var array = [];
initMaterials: function ( materials, texturePath, crossOrigin ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < materials.length; ++ i ) {
var array = [];
array[ i ] = this.createMaterial( materials[ i ], texturePath );
for ( var i = 0; i < materials.length; ++ i ) {
array[ i ] = this.createMaterial( materials[ i ], texturePath, crossOrigin );
return array;
return array;
needsTangents: function ( materials ) {
for ( var i = 0, il = materials.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
needsTangents: function ( materials ) {
var m = materials[ i ];
for ( var i = 0, il = materials.length; i < il; i ++ ) {
if ( m instanceof THREE.ShaderMaterial ) return true;
var m = materials[ i ];
if ( m instanceof THREE.ShaderMaterial ) return true;
return false;
return false;
createMaterial: function ( m, texturePath ) {
var scope = this;
createMaterial: function ( m, texturePath, crossOrigin ) {
function nearest_pow2( n ) {
var scope = this;
var l = Math.log( n ) / Math.LN2;
return Math.pow( 2, Math.round( l ) );
if ( crossOrigin === undefined && scope.crossOrigin !== undefined ) crossOrigin = scope.crossOrigin;
if ( globalImageLoader === null ) globalImageLoader = new THREE.ImageLoader();
function create_texture( where, name, sourceFile, repeat, offset, wrap, anisotropy ) {
var fullPath = texturePath + sourceFile;
function nearest_pow2( n ) {
var texture;
var l = Math.log( n ) / Math.LN2;
return Math.pow( 2, Math.round( l ) );
var loader = THREE.Loader.Handlers.get( fullPath );
if ( loader !== null ) {
function create_texture( where, name, sourceFile, repeat, offset, wrap, anisotropy ) {
texture = loader.load( fullPath );
var fullPath = texturePath + sourceFile;
} else {
var texture;
texture = new THREE.Texture();
var loader = THREE.Loader.Handlers.get( fullPath );
loader = scope.imageLoader;
loader.crossOrigin = scope.crossOrigin;
loader.load( fullPath, function ( image ) {
if ( loader !== null ) {
if ( THREE.Math.isPowerOfTwo( image.width ) === false ||
THREE.Math.isPowerOfTwo( image.height ) === false ) {
texture = loader.load( fullPath );
var width = nearest_pow2( image.width );
var height = nearest_pow2( image.height );
} else {
var canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
texture = new THREE.Texture();
var context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
context.drawImage( image, 0, 0, width, height );
loader = globalImageLoader;
loader.setCrossOrigin( crossOrigin );
loader.load( fullPath, function ( image ) {
texture.image = canvas;
if ( THREE.Math.isPowerOfTwo( image.width ) === false ||
THREE.Math.isPowerOfTwo( image.height ) === false ) {
} else {
var width = nearest_pow2( image.width );
var height = nearest_pow2( image.height );
texture.image = image;
var canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
var context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
context.drawImage( image, 0, 0, width, height );
texture.needsUpdate = true;
texture.image = canvas;
} );
} else {
texture.image = image;
texture.sourceFile = sourceFile;
if ( repeat ) {
texture.needsUpdate = true;
texture.repeat.set( repeat[ 0 ], repeat[ 1 ] );
} );
if ( repeat[ 0 ] !== 1 ) texture.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
if ( repeat[ 1 ] !== 1 ) texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
texture.sourceFile = sourceFile;
if ( offset ) {
if ( repeat ) {
texture.offset.set( offset[ 0 ], offset[ 1 ] );
texture.repeat.set( repeat[ 0 ], repeat[ 1 ] );
if ( repeat[ 0 ] !== 1 ) texture.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
if ( repeat[ 1 ] !== 1 ) texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
if ( offset ) {
if ( wrap ) {
texture.offset.set( offset[ 0 ], offset[ 1 ] );
var wrapMap = {
'repeat': THREE.RepeatWrapping,
'mirror': THREE.MirroredRepeatWrapping
if ( wrapMap[ wrap[ 0 ] ] !== undefined ) texture.wrapS = wrapMap[ wrap[ 0 ] ];
if ( wrapMap[ wrap[ 1 ] ] !== undefined ) texture.wrapT = wrapMap[ wrap[ 1 ] ];
if ( wrap ) {
var wrapMap = {
'repeat': THREE.RepeatWrapping,
'mirror': THREE.MirroredRepeatWrapping
if ( anisotropy ) {
if ( wrapMap[ wrap[ 0 ] ] !== undefined ) texture.wrapS = wrapMap[ wrap[ 0 ] ];
if ( wrapMap[ wrap[ 1 ] ] !== undefined ) texture.wrapT = wrapMap[ wrap[ 1 ] ];
texture.anisotropy = anisotropy;
if ( anisotropy ) {
where[ name ] = texture;
texture.anisotropy = anisotropy;
function rgb2hex( rgb ) {
where[ name ] = texture;
return ( rgb[ 0 ] * 255 << 16 ) + ( rgb[ 1 ] * 255 << 8 ) + rgb[ 2 ] * 255;
function rgb2hex( rgb ) {
// defaults
return ( rgb[ 0 ] * 255 << 16 ) + ( rgb[ 1 ] * 255 << 8 ) + rgb[ 2 ] * 255;
var mtype = 'MeshLambertMaterial';
var mpars = { color: 0xeeeeee, opacity: 1.0, map: null, lightMap: null, normalMap: null, bumpMap: null, wireframe: false };
// parameters from model file
// defaults
if ( m.shading ) {
var mtype = 'MeshLambertMaterial';
var mpars = { color: 0xeeeeee, opacity: 1.0, map: null, lightMap: null, normalMap: null, bumpMap: null, wireframe: false };
var shading = m.shading.toLowerCase();
// parameters from model file
if ( shading === 'phong' ) mtype = 'MeshPhongMaterial';
else if ( shading === 'basic' ) mtype = 'MeshBasicMaterial';
if ( m.shading ) {
var shading = m.shading.toLowerCase();
if ( m.blending !== undefined && THREE[ m.blending ] !== undefined ) {
if ( shading === 'phong' ) mtype = 'MeshPhongMaterial';
else if ( shading === 'basic' ) mtype = 'MeshBasicMaterial';
mpars.blending = THREE[ m.blending ];
if ( m.blending !== undefined && THREE[ m.blending ] !== undefined ) {
if ( m.transparent !== undefined || m.opacity < 1.0 ) {
mpars.blending = THREE[ m.blending ];
mpars.transparent = m.transparent;
if ( m.transparent !== undefined || m.opacity < 1.0 ) {
if ( m.depthTest !== undefined ) {
mpars.transparent = m.transparent;
mpars.depthTest = m.depthTest;
if ( m.depthTest !== undefined ) {
if ( m.depthWrite !== undefined ) {
mpars.depthTest = m.depthTest;
mpars.depthWrite = m.depthWrite;
if ( m.depthWrite !== undefined ) {
if ( m.visible !== undefined ) {
mpars.depthWrite = m.depthWrite;
mpars.visible = m.visible;
if ( m.visible !== undefined ) {
if ( m.flipSided !== undefined ) {
mpars.visible = m.visible;
mpars.side = THREE.BackSide;
if ( m.flipSided !== undefined ) {
if ( m.doubleSided !== undefined ) {
mpars.side = THREE.BackSide;
mpars.side = THREE.DoubleSide;
if ( m.doubleSided !== undefined ) {
if ( m.wireframe !== undefined ) {
mpars.side = THREE.DoubleSide;
mpars.wireframe = m.wireframe;
if ( m.wireframe !== undefined ) {
mpars.wireframe = m.wireframe;
if ( m.vertexColors !== undefined ) {
if ( m.vertexColors !== undefined ) {
if ( m.vertexColors === 'face' ) {
if ( m.vertexColors === 'face' ) {
mpars.vertexColors = THREE.FaceColors;
mpars.vertexColors = THREE.FaceColors;
} else if ( m.vertexColors ) {
} else if ( m.vertexColors ) {
mpars.vertexColors = THREE.VertexColors;
mpars.vertexColors = THREE.VertexColors;
// colors
// colors
if ( m.colorDiffuse ) {
if ( m.colorDiffuse ) {
mpars.color = rgb2hex( m.colorDiffuse );
mpars.color = rgb2hex( m.colorDiffuse );
} else if ( m.DbgColor ) {
} else if ( m.DbgColor ) {
mpars.color = m.DbgColor;
mpars.color = m.DbgColor;
if ( m.colorSpecular ) {
if ( m.colorSpecular ) {
mpars.specular = rgb2hex( m.colorSpecular );
mpars.specular = rgb2hex( m.colorSpecular );
if ( m.colorAmbient ) {
if ( m.colorAmbient ) {
mpars.ambient = rgb2hex( m.colorAmbient );
mpars.ambient = rgb2hex( m.colorAmbient );
if ( m.colorEmissive ) {
if ( m.colorEmissive ) {
mpars.emissive = rgb2hex( m.colorEmissive );
mpars.emissive = rgb2hex( m.colorEmissive );
// modifiers
// modifiers
if ( m.transparency ) {
if ( m.transparency ) {
mpars.opacity = m.transparency;
mpars.opacity = m.transparency;
if ( m.specularCoef ) {
if ( m.specularCoef ) {
mpars.shininess = m.specularCoef;
mpars.shininess = m.specularCoef;
// textures
// textures
if ( m.mapDiffuse && texturePath ) {
if ( m.mapDiffuse && texturePath ) {
create_texture( mpars, 'map', m.mapDiffuse, m.mapDiffuseRepeat, m.mapDiffuseOffset, m.mapDiffuseWrap, m.mapDiffuseAnisotropy );
create_texture( mpars, 'map', m.mapDiffuse, m.mapDiffuseRepeat, m.mapDiffuseOffset, m.mapDiffuseWrap, m.mapDiffuseAnisotropy );
if ( m.mapLight && texturePath ) {
if ( m.mapLight && texturePath ) {
create_texture( mpars, 'lightMap', m.mapLight, m.mapLightRepeat, m.mapLightOffset, m.mapLightWrap, m.mapLightAnisotropy );
create_texture( mpars, 'lightMap', m.mapLight, m.mapLightRepeat, m.mapLightOffset, m.mapLightWrap, m.mapLightAnisotropy );
if ( m.mapBump && texturePath ) {
if ( m.mapBump && texturePath ) {
create_texture( mpars, 'bumpMap', m.mapBump, m.mapBumpRepeat, m.mapBumpOffset, m.mapBumpWrap, m.mapBumpAnisotropy );
create_texture( mpars, 'bumpMap', m.mapBump, m.mapBumpRepeat, m.mapBumpOffset, m.mapBumpWrap, m.mapBumpAnisotropy );
if ( m.mapNormal && texturePath ) {
if ( m.mapNormal && texturePath ) {
create_texture( mpars, 'normalMap', m.mapNormal, m.mapNormalRepeat, m.mapNormalOffset, m.mapNormalWrap, m.mapNormalAnisotropy );
create_texture( mpars, 'normalMap', m.mapNormal, m.mapNormalRepeat, m.mapNormalOffset, m.mapNormalWrap, m.mapNormalAnisotropy );
if ( m.mapSpecular && texturePath ) {
if ( m.mapSpecular && texturePath ) {
create_texture( mpars, 'specularMap', m.mapSpecular, m.mapSpecularRepeat, m.mapSpecularOffset, m.mapSpecularWrap, m.mapSpecularAnisotropy );
create_texture( mpars, 'specularMap', m.mapSpecular, m.mapSpecularRepeat, m.mapSpecularOffset, m.mapSpecularWrap, m.mapSpecularAnisotropy );
if ( m.mapAlpha && texturePath ) {
if ( m.mapAlpha && texturePath ) {
create_texture( mpars, 'alphaMap', m.mapAlpha, m.mapAlphaRepeat, m.mapAlphaOffset, m.mapAlphaWrap, m.mapAlphaAnisotropy );
create_texture( mpars, 'alphaMap', m.mapAlpha, m.mapAlphaRepeat, m.mapAlphaOffset, m.mapAlphaWrap, m.mapAlphaAnisotropy );
if ( m.mapBumpScale ) {
if ( m.mapBumpScale ) {
mpars.bumpScale = m.mapBumpScale;
mpars.bumpScale = m.mapBumpScale;
// special case for normal mapped material
// special case for normal mapped material
if ( m.mapNormal ) {
if ( m.mapNormal ) {
var shader = THREE.ShaderLib[ 'normalmap' ];
var uniforms = THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( shader.uniforms );
var shader = THREE.ShaderLib[ 'normalmap' ];
var uniforms = THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( shader.uniforms );
uniforms[ 'tNormal' ].value = mpars.normalMap;
uniforms[ 'tNormal' ].value = mpars.normalMap;
if ( m.mapNormalFactor ) {
if ( m.mapNormalFactor ) {
uniforms[ 'uNormalScale' ].value.set( m.mapNormalFactor, m.mapNormalFactor );
uniforms[ 'uNormalScale' ].value.set( m.mapNormalFactor, m.mapNormalFactor );
if ( mpars.map ) {
if ( mpars.map ) {
uniforms[ 'tDiffuse' ].value = mpars.map;
uniforms[ 'enableDiffuse' ].value = true;
uniforms[ 'tDiffuse' ].value = mpars.map;
uniforms[ 'enableDiffuse' ].value = true;
if ( mpars.specularMap ) {
if ( mpars.specularMap ) {
uniforms[ 'tSpecular' ].value = mpars.specularMap;
uniforms[ 'enableSpecular' ].value = true;
uniforms[ 'tSpecular' ].value = mpars.specularMap;
uniforms[ 'enableSpecular' ].value = true;
if ( mpars.lightMap ) {
if ( mpars.lightMap ) {
uniforms[ 'tAO' ].value = mpars.lightMap;
uniforms[ 'enableAO' ].value = true;
uniforms[ 'tAO' ].value = mpars.lightMap;
uniforms[ 'enableAO' ].value = true;
// for the moment don't handle displacement texture
// for the moment don't handle displacement texture
uniforms[ 'diffuse' ].value.setHex( mpars.color );
uniforms[ 'specular' ].value.setHex( mpars.specular );
uniforms[ 'ambient' ].value.setHex( mpars.ambient );
uniforms[ 'diffuse' ].value.setHex( mpars.color );
uniforms[ 'specular' ].value.setHex( mpars.specular );
uniforms[ 'ambient' ].value.setHex( mpars.ambient );
uniforms[ 'shininess' ].value = mpars.shininess;
uniforms[ 'shininess' ].value = mpars.shininess;
if ( mpars.opacity !== undefined ) {
if ( mpars.opacity !== undefined ) {
uniforms[ 'opacity' ].value = mpars.opacity;
uniforms[ 'opacity' ].value = mpars.opacity;
var parameters = { fragmentShader: shader.fragmentShader, vertexShader: shader.vertexShader, uniforms: uniforms, lights: true, fog: true };
var material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( parameters );
var parameters = { fragmentShader: shader.fragmentShader, vertexShader: shader.vertexShader, uniforms: uniforms, lights: true, fog: true };
var material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( parameters );
if ( mpars.transparent ) {
if ( mpars.transparent ) {
material.transparent = true;
material.transparent = true;
} else {
} else {
var material = new THREE[ mtype ]( mpars );
var material = new THREE[ mtype ]( mpars );
if ( m.DbgName !== undefined ) material.name = m.DbgName;
if ( m.DbgName !== undefined ) material.name = m.DbgName;
return material;
return material;
THREE.Loader.Handlers = {
THREE.Loader.Handlers = {
handlers: [],
handlers: [],
add: function ( regex, loader ) {
add: function ( regex, loader ) {
this.handlers.push( regex, loader );
this.handlers.push( regex, loader );
get: function ( file ) {
get: function ( file ) {
for ( var i = 0, l = this.handlers.length; i < l; i += 2 ) {
for ( var i = 0, l = this.handlers.length; i < l; i += 2 ) {
var regex = this.handlers[ i ];
var loader = this.handlers[ i + 1 ];
var regex = this.handlers[ i ];
var loader = this.handlers[ i + 1 ];
if ( regex.test( file ) ) {
if ( regex.test( file ) ) {
return loader;
return loader;
return null;
return null;
\ No newline at end of file
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