提交 18439fe9 编写于 作者: M Mr.doob

Editor: Improved Background UI.

上级 1af3252b
......@@ -26,6 +26,13 @@ input {
vertical-align: middle;
input[type="color"]::-webkit-color-swatch-wrapper {
padding: 0;
input[type="color"]::-webkit-color-swatch {
border: none;
textarea {
tab-size: 4;
white-space: pre;
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ function SidebarScene( editor ) {
'None': 'None',
'Color': 'Color',
'Texture': 'Texture',
'Equirectangular': 'Equirectangular'
'Equirectangular': 'Equirect'
} ).setWidth( '150px' );
backgroundType.onChange( function () {
......@@ -187,39 +187,18 @@ function SidebarScene( editor ) {
backgroundRow.add( new UIText( strings.getKey( 'sidebar/scene/background' ) ).setWidth( '90px' ) );
backgroundRow.add( backgroundType );
container.add( backgroundRow );
var colorRow = new UIRow();
colorRow.setMarginLeft( '90px' );
var backgroundColor = new UIColor().setValue( '#000000' ).onChange( onBackgroundChanged );
colorRow.add( backgroundColor );
container.add( colorRow );
var textureRow = new UIRow();
textureRow.setDisplay( 'none' );
textureRow.setMarginLeft( '90px' );
var backgroundColor = new UIColor().setValue( '#000000' ).setMarginLeft( '8px' ).onChange( onBackgroundChanged );
backgroundRow.add( backgroundColor );
var backgroundTexture = new UITexture().onChange( onBackgroundChanged );
textureRow.add( backgroundTexture );
var backgroundTexture = new UITexture().setMarginLeft( '8px' ).onChange( onBackgroundChanged );
backgroundTexture.setDisplay( 'none' );
backgroundRow.add( backgroundTexture );
container.add( textureRow );
var backgroundEquirectangularTexture = new UITexture().setMarginLeft( '8px' ).onChange( onBackgroundChanged );
backgroundEquirectangularTexture.setDisplay( 'none' );
backgroundRow.add( backgroundEquirectangularTexture );
var equirectangularRow = new UIRow();
equirectangularRow.setDisplay( 'none' );
equirectangularRow.setMarginLeft( '90px' );
var backgroundEquirectangularTexture = new UITexture().onChange( onBackgroundChanged );
equirectangularRow.add( backgroundEquirectangularTexture );
container.add( equirectangularRow );
container.add( backgroundRow );
......@@ -227,9 +206,10 @@ function SidebarScene( editor ) {
var type = backgroundType.getValue();
colorRow.setDisplay( type === 'Color' ? '' : 'none' );
textureRow.setDisplay( type === 'Texture' ? '' : 'none' );
equirectangularRow.setDisplay( type === 'Equirectangular' ? '' : 'none' );
backgroundType.setWidth( type === 'None' ? '150px' : '110px' );
backgroundColor.setDisplay( type === 'Color' ? '' : 'none' );
backgroundTexture.setDisplay( type === 'Texture' ? '' : 'none' );
backgroundEquirectangularTexture.setDisplay( type === 'Equirectangular' ? '' : 'none' );
......@@ -491,8 +491,8 @@ function UIColor() {
var dom = document.createElement( 'input' );
dom.className = 'Color';
dom.style.width = '64px';
dom.style.height = '17px';
dom.style.width = '32px';
dom.style.height = '16px';
dom.style.border = '0px';
dom.style.padding = '2px';
dom.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
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