XRControllerModelLoader.js 6.6 KB
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 * @author Nell Waliczek / https://github.com/NellWaliczek
 * @author Brandon Jones / https://github.com/toji

import {
} from "../../../build/three.module.js";

import {
	Constants as MotionControllerConstants,
} from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@webxr-input-profiles/motion-controllers@0.1.0/dist/motion-controllers.module.js'

const DEFAULT_PROFILES_PATH = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@webxr-input-profiles/assets@0.1.0/dist/profiles'

function XRControllerModel( ) {

	Object3D.call( this );

	this.motionController = null;
	this.envMap = null;


XRControllerModel.prototype = Object.assign( Object.create( Object3D.prototype ), {

	constructor: XRControllerModel,

	setEnvironmentMap: function ( envMap ) {

		if ( this.envMap == envMap ) {

			return this;


		this.envMap = envMap;
		this.traverse(( child ) => {

			if ( child.isMesh ) {

				child.material.envMap = this.envMap;
				child.material.needsUpdate = true;



		return this;


	 * Polls data from the XRInputSource and updates the model's components to match
	 * the real world data
	updateMatrixWorld: function ( force ) {

		Object3D.prototype.updateMatrixWorld.call( this, force );

		if ( !this.motionController ) return;

		// Cause the MotionController to poll the Gamepad for data

		// Update the 3D model to reflect the button, thumbstick, and touchpad state
		Object.values( this.motionController.components ).forEach(( component ) => {

			// Update node data based on the visual responses' current states
			Object.values( component.visualResponses ).forEach(( visualResponse ) => {

				const { valueNode, minNode, maxNode, value, valueNodeProperty } = visualResponse;

				// Skip if the visual response node is not found. No error is needed,
				// because it will have been reported at load time.
				if ( !valueNode ) return;

				// Calculate the new properties based on the weight supplied
				if ( valueNodeProperty === MotionControllerConstants.VisualResponseProperty.VISIBILITY ) {

					valueNode.visible = value;

				} else if ( valueNodeProperty === MotionControllerConstants.VisualResponseProperty.TRANSFORM ) {







} );

 * Walks the model's tree to find the nodes needed to animate the components and
 * saves them to the motionContoller components for use in the frame loop. When
 * touchpads are found, attaches a touch dot to them.
function findNodes( motionController, scene ) {

	// Loop through the components and find the nodes needed for each components' visual responses
	Object.values( motionController.components ).forEach(( component ) => {

		const { type, touchPointNodeName, visualResponses } = component;

		if (type === MotionControllerConstants.ComponentType.TOUCHPAD) {

			component.touchPointNode = scene.getObjectByName( touchPointNodeName );
			if ( component.touchPointNode ) {

				// Attach a touch dot to the touchpad.
				const sphereGeometry = new SphereGeometry( 0.001 );
				const material = new MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x0000FF });
				const sphere = new Mesh( sphereGeometry, material );
				component.touchPointNode.add( sphere );

			} else {

				console.warn(`Could not find touch dot, ${component.touchPointNodeName}, in touchpad component ${componentId}`);



		// Loop through all the visual responses to be applied to this component
		Object.values( visualResponses ).forEach(( visualResponse ) => {

			const { valueNodeName, minNodeName, maxNodeName, valueNodeProperty } = visualResponse;

			// If animating a transform, find the two nodes to be interpolated between.
			if ( valueNodeProperty === MotionControllerConstants.VisualResponseProperty.TRANSFORM ) {

				visualResponse.minNode = scene.getObjectByName(minNodeName);
				visualResponse.maxNode = scene.getObjectByName(maxNodeName);

				// If the extents cannot be found, skip this animation
				if ( !visualResponse.minNode ) {

					console.warn(`Could not find ${minNodeName} in the model`);


				if ( !visualResponse.maxNode ) {

					console.warn(`Could not find ${maxNodeName} in the model`);


			// If the target node cannot be found, skip this animation
			visualResponse.valueNode = scene.getObjectByName(valueNodeName);
			if ( !visualResponse.valueNode ) {

				console.warn(`Could not find ${valueNodeName} in the model`);


var XRControllerModelLoader = ( function () {

	function XRControllerModelLoader( gltfLoader ) {

		this.gltfLoader = gltfLoader;


	XRControllerModelLoader.prototype = {

		constructor: XRControllerModelLoader,

		setGLTFLoader: function ( gltfLoader ) {

			this.gltfLoader = gltfLoader;
			return this;


		getControllerModel: function ( controller ) {

			if ( !this.gltfLoader ) {

				throw new Error(`GLTFLoader not set.`);


			const controllerModel = new XRControllerModel();
			let scene = null;

			controller.addEventListener( 'connected', ( event ) => {

				const xrInputSource = event.data;

				fetchProfile(xrInputSource, this.path).then(({ profile, assetPath }) => {

					controllerModel.motionController = new MotionController(

					this.gltfLoader.load( controllerModel.motionController.assetUrl, ( asset ) => {

						scene = asset.scene;

						// Find the nodes needed for animation and cache them on the motionController.
						findNodes( controllerModel.motionController, scene );

						// Apply any environment map that the mesh already has set.
						if ( controllerModel.envMap ) {

							scene.traverse(( child ) => {

								if ( child.isMesh ) {

									child.material.envMap = controllerModel.envMap;
									child.material.needsUpdate = true;




						// Add the glTF scene to the controllerModel.
						controllerModel.add( scene );

					() => {

						throw new Error(`Asset ${motionController.assetUrl} missing or malformed.`);


				}).catch((err) => {




			controller.addEventListener( 'disconnected', () => {

				controllerModel.motionController = null;
				controllerModel.remove( scene );


			return controllerModel;



	return XRControllerModelLoader;

} )();

export { XRControllerModelLoader };