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		[page:Object3D] &rarr;


		<div class="desc">
			Create a non-positional ( global ) audio object.<br /><br />

			This uses the [link: Web Audio API].


		<div>[example:misc_sound misc / sound ]</div>
		//Create an AudioListener and add it to the camera
		var listener = new THREE.AudioListener();
		camera.add( listener );

		// create a global audio source
		var sound = new THREE.Audio( listener );

		var audioLoader = new THREE.AudioLoader();

		//Load a sound and set it as the Audio object's buffer
		audioLoader.load( 'sounds/ambient.ogg', function( buffer ) {
			sound.setBuffer( buffer );
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			sound.setLoop( true );
			sound.setVolume( 0.5 );
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		<h3>[name]( [page:AudioListener listener] )</h3>
		listener — (required) [page:AudioListener AudioListener] instance.


		<h3>[property:Boolean autoplay]</h3>
		<div>Whether to start playback automatically. Default is *false*.</div>

		<h3>[property:AudioContext context]</h3>
		<div>The [link: AudioContext] of the [page:AudioListener listener] given in the constructor.</div>

		<h3>[property:Array filters]</h3>
		<div>Whether the audio is currently playing. Default is empty array.</div>

		<h3>[property:GainNode gain]</h3>
		<div>A [link: GainNode] created
		using [link: AudioContext.createGain]().</div>

		<h3>[property:Boolean hasPlaybackControl]</h3>
		<div>Whether playback can be controlled using the [ play](),
			[page:Audio.pause pause]() etc. methods. Default is *true*.</div>

		<h3>[property:Number playbackRate]</h3>
		<div>Speed of playback. Default is *1*.</div>

		<h3>[property:Boolean isPlaying]</h3>
		<div>Whether the audio is currently playing.</div>

		<h3>[property:Number startTime]</h3>
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		<div>The time at which the sound should begin to play. Same as the *when* paramter of [link: AudioBufferSourceNode.start](). Default is *0*.</div>

		<h3>[property:Number offset]</h3>
		<div>An offset to the time within the audio buffer that playback should begin. Same as the *offset* paramter of [link: AudioBufferSourceNode.start](). Default is *0*.</div>
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		<h3>[property:String source]</h3>
		<div>An [link: AudioBufferSourceNode] created
		using [link: AudioContext.createBufferSource]().</div>

		<h3>[property:String sourceType]</h3>
		<div>Type of the audio source. Default is string 'empty'.</div>

		<h3>[property:String type]</h3>
		<div>String denoting the type, set to 'Audio'.</div>


		<h3>[method:null connect]()</h3>
		Connect to the [page:Audio.source]. This is used internally on initialisation and when
		setting / removing filters.

		<h3>[method:null disconnect]()</h3>
		Disconnect from the [page:Audio.source]. This is used internally when
		setting / removing filters.

		<h3>[method:Array getFilter]()</h3>
		Returns the first element of the [page:Audio.filters filters] array.

		<h3>[method:null getFilters]()</h3>
		Returns the [page:Audio.filters filters] array.

		<h3>[method:Boolean getLoop]()</h3>
		Return the value of [link: source.loop]
		 (whether playback should loop).

		<h3>[method:GainNode getOutput]()</h3>
		Return the [page:Audio.gain gainNode].

		<h3>[method:Number getPlaybackRate]()</h3>
		Return the value of [page:Audio.playbackRate playbackRate].

		<h3>[method:Number getVolume]( value )</h3>
		Return the current volume.

		<h3>[method:null play]()</h3>
		If [page:Audio.hasPlaybackControl hasPlaybackControl] is true, starts playback.

		<h3>[method:null pause]()</h3>
		If [page:Audio.hasPlaybackControl hasPlaybackControl] is true, pauses playback.

		<h3>[method:null onEnded]()</h3>
		Called automatically when playback finished. Sets If [page:Audio.isPlaying isPlaying] to false.

		<h3>[method:Audio setBuffer]( audioBuffer )</h3>
		Setup the [page:Audio.source source] to the audioBuffer, and sets [page:Audio.sourceType sourceType] to 'buffer'.<br />
		If [page:Audio.autoplay autoplay], also starts playback.

		<h3>[method:null setFilter]( filter )</h3>
		Add the filter to the [page:Audio.filters filters] array.

		<h3>[method:Audio setFilters]( [page:Array value] )</h3>
		value - arrays of filters.<br />
		Set the [page:Audio.filters filters] array to *value*.

		<h3>[method:null setLoop]( [page:Boolean value] )</h3>
		Set [link: source.loop] to *value*
		(whether playback should loop).

		<h3>[method:null setNodeSource]( audioNode )</h3>
		Setup the [page:Audio.source source] to the audioBuffer, and sets [page:Audio.sourceType sourceType] to 'audioNode'.<br />
		Also sets [page:Audio.hasPlaybackControl hasPlaybackControl] to false.


		<h3>[method:null setPlaybackRate]( [page:Number value] )</h3>
		If [page:Audio.hasPlaybackControl hasPlaybackControl] is enabled, set the [page:Audio.playbackRate playbackRate] to *value*.

		<h3>[method:null setVolume]( [page:Number value] )</h3>
		Set the volume.

		<h3>[method:null stop]()</h3>
		If [page:Audio.hasPlaybackControl hasPlaybackControl] is enabled, stops playback,
		resets [page:Audio.startTime startTime] to *0* and sets [page:Audio.isPlaying isPlaying] to false.


		[link:[path].js src/[path].js]