rndis.h 5.3 KB
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 * File      : rndis.h
 * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS
 * COPYRIGHT (C) 2012, RT-Thread Development Team
 * The license and distribution terms for this file may be
 * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
 * http://www.rt-thread.org/license/LICENSE
 * Change Logs:
 * Date           Author            Notes
 * 2012-12-24     heyuanjie87       first version

#ifndef  __RNDIS_H__
#define  __RNDIS_H__

#include <rtthread.h>

#define USB_ETH_MTU	                    1500+14

#define RESPONSE_AVAILABLE            0x00000001

/* Remote NDIS version numbers */

/* common status values */
#define RNDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS 			0X00000000
#define RNDIS_STATUS_FAILURE			0XC0000001

/* Remote NDIS message types */
#define REMOTE_NDIS_PACKET_MSG			0x00000001
#define REMOTE_NDIS_HALT_MSG			0X00000003
#define REMOTE_NDIS_QUERY_MSG			0X00000004
#define REMOTE_NDIS_SET_MSG				0X00000005
#define REMOTE_NDIS_RESET_MSG			0X00000006
#define REMOTE_NDIS_QUERY_CMPLT			0X80000004
#define REMOTE_NDIS_SET_CMPLT			0X80000005
#define REMOTE_NDIS_RESET_CMPLT			0X80000006

/* device flags */
#define RNDIS_DF_CONNECTIONLESS			0x00000001
/* mediums */
#define RNDIS_MEDIUM_802_3				0x00000000

struct ucls_rndis
    uep_t notify;
    rt_uint32_t filter;
    rt_bool_t header;
    rt_uint8_t rndis_state;
    rt_uint8_t media_state;
    rt_uint8_t ethaddr[6];

/* Remote NDIS generic message type */
struct rndis_gen_msg
    rt_uint32_t	MessageType;
    rt_uint32_t	MessageLength;
typedef struct rndis_gen_msg* rndis_gen_msg_t;

struct rndis_packet_msg
	rt_uint32_t	MessageType;
	rt_uint32_t	MessageLength;
	rt_uint32_t	DataOffset;
	rt_uint32_t	DataLength;
	rt_uint32_t	OOBDataOffset;
	rt_uint32_t	OOBDataLength;
	rt_uint32_t	NumOOBDataElements;
	rt_uint32_t	PerPacketInfoOffset;
	rt_uint32_t	PerPacketInfoLength;
	rt_uint32_t	VcHandle;
	rt_uint32_t	Reserved;
typedef struct rndis_packet_msg* rndis_packet_msg_t;

/* Remote NDIS Initialize Message */
struct rndis_init_msg
    rt_uint32_t MessageType;
    rt_uint32_t	MessageLength;
    rt_uint32_t	RequestId;
    rt_uint32_t	MajorVersion;
    rt_uint32_t	MinorVersion;
    rt_uint32_t	MaxTransferSize;
typedef struct rndis_init_msg* rndis_init_msg_t;

/* Response */
struct rndis_init_cmplt
    rt_uint32_t	MessageType;
    rt_uint32_t	MessageLength;
    rt_uint32_t	RequestId;
    rt_uint32_t	Status;
    rt_uint32_t	MajorVersion;
    rt_uint32_t	MinorVersion;
    rt_uint32_t	DeviceFlags;
    rt_uint32_t	Medium;
    rt_uint32_t MaxPacketsPerTransfer;
    rt_uint32_t	MaxTransferSize;
    rt_uint32_t PacketAlignmentFactor;
    rt_uint32_t	AfListOffset;
    rt_uint32_t	AfListSize;
typedef struct rndis_init_cmplt* rndis_init_cmplt_t;

/* Remote NDIS Halt Message */
struct rndis_halt_msg
    rt_uint32_t	MessageType;
    rt_uint32_t	MessageLength;
    rt_uint32_t	RequestId;

/* Remote NDIS Query Message */
struct rndis_query_msg
    rt_uint32_t	MessageType;
    rt_uint32_t	MessageLength;
    rt_uint32_t	RequestId;
    rt_uint32_t	Oid;
    rt_uint32_t	InformationBufferLength;
    rt_uint32_t	InformationBufferOffset;
    rt_uint32_t	DeviceVcHandle;
typedef struct rndis_query_msg* rndis_query_msg_t;

/* Response */
struct rndis_query_cmplt
    rt_uint32_t	MessageType;
    rt_uint32_t	MessageLength;
    rt_uint32_t	RequestId;
    rt_uint32_t	Status;
    rt_uint32_t	InformationBufferLength;
    rt_uint32_t	InformationBufferOffset;
typedef struct rndis_query_cmplt* rndis_query_cmplt_t;

/* Remote NDIS Set Message */
struct rndis_set_msg
    rt_uint32_t	MessageType;
    rt_uint32_t	MessageLength;
    rt_uint32_t	RequestId;
    rt_uint32_t	Oid;
    rt_uint32_t	InformationBufferLength;
    rt_uint32_t	InformationBufferOffset;
    rt_uint32_t	DeviceVcHandle;
typedef struct rndis_set_msg* rndis_set_msg_t;

/* Response */
struct rndis_set_cmplt
    rt_uint32_t	MessageType;
    rt_uint32_t	MessageLength;
    rt_uint32_t	RequestId;
    rt_uint32_t	Status;
typedef struct rndis_set_cmplt* rndis_set_cmplt_t;

/* Remote NDIS Soft Reset Message */
struct rndis_reset_msg
    rt_uint32_t	MessageType;
    rt_uint32_t	MessageLength;
    rt_uint32_t	Reserved;

/* Remote NDIS Indicate Status Message */
struct rndis_indicate_status_msg
    rt_uint32_t MessageType;
    rt_uint32_t	MessageLength;
    rt_uint32_t	Status;
    rt_uint32_t	StatusBufferLength;
    rt_uint32_t	StatusBufferOffset;
typedef struct rndis_indicate_status_msg* rndis_indicate_status_msg_t;

struct rndis_keepalive_msg
	rt_uint32_t	MessageType;
	rt_uint32_t	MessageLength;
	rt_uint32_t	RequestID;
typedef struct rndis_keepalive_msg* rndis_keepalive_msg_t;

/* Response: */
struct rndis_keepalive_cmplt
	rt_uint32_t	MessageType;
	rt_uint32_t	MessageLength;
	rt_uint32_t	RequestId;
	rt_uint32_t	Status;
typedef struct rndis_keepalive_cmplt* rndis_keepalive_cmplt_t;
