lwIP  2.1.2
Lightweight IP stack
snmp_core.h File Reference
#include "lwip/apps/snmp_opts.h"
#include "lwip/ip_addr.h"
#include "lwip/err.h"

Data Structures

struct  snmp_obj_id
union  snmp_variant_value
struct  snmp_node
struct  snmp_node_instance
struct  snmp_tree_node
struct  snmp_leaf_node
struct  snmp_mib
struct  snmp_oid_range
struct  snmp_next_oid_state


#define SNMP_NODE_TREE   0x00


enum  snmp_err_t
enum  snmp_access_t


u8_t snmp_oid_in_range (const u32_t *oid_in, u8_t oid_len, const struct snmp_oid_range *oid_ranges, u8_t oid_ranges_len)
void snmp_next_oid_init (struct snmp_next_oid_state *state, const u32_t *start_oid, u8_t start_oid_len, u32_t *next_oid_buf, u8_t next_oid_max_len)
u8_t snmp_next_oid_precheck (struct snmp_next_oid_state *state, const u32_t *oid, u8_t oid_len)
u8_t snmp_next_oid_check (struct snmp_next_oid_state *state, const u32_t *oid, u8_t oid_len, void *reference)
void snmp_oid_assign (struct snmp_obj_id *target, const u32_t *oid, u8_t oid_len)
void snmp_oid_combine (struct snmp_obj_id *target, const u32_t *oid1, u8_t oid1_len, const u32_t *oid2, u8_t oid2_len)
void snmp_oid_prefix (struct snmp_obj_id *target, const u32_t *oid, u8_t oid_len)
void snmp_oid_append (struct snmp_obj_id *target, const u32_t *oid, u8_t oid_len)
u8_t snmp_oid_equal (const u32_t *oid1, u8_t oid1_len, const u32_t *oid2, u8_t oid2_len)
s8_t snmp_oid_compare (const u32_t *oid1, u8_t oid1_len, const u32_t *oid2, u8_t oid2_len)
u8_t snmp_oid_to_ip4 (const u32_t *oid, ip4_addr_t *ip)
void snmp_ip4_to_oid (const ip4_addr_t *ip, u32_t *oid)
u8_t snmp_oid_to_ip6 (const u32_t *oid, ip6_addr_t *ip)
void snmp_ip6_to_oid (const ip6_addr_t *ip, u32_t *oid)
u8_t snmp_ip_to_oid (const ip_addr_t *ip, u32_t *oid)
u8_t snmp_ip_port_to_oid (const ip_addr_t *ip, u16_t port, u32_t *oid)
u8_t snmp_oid_to_ip (const u32_t *oid, u8_t oid_len, ip_addr_t *ip)
u8_t snmp_oid_to_ip_port (const u32_t *oid, u8_t oid_len, ip_addr_t *ip, u16_t *port)
u8_t netif_to_num (const struct netif *netif)
err_t snmp_decode_bits (const u8_t *buf, u32_t buf_len, u32_t *bit_value)
u8_t snmp_encode_bits (u8_t *buf, u32_t buf_len, u32_t bit_value, u8_t bit_count)

Detailed Description

SNMP core API for implementing MIBs

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SNMP_NODE_TREE   0x00

SNMP MIB node types tree node is the only node the stack can process in order to walk the tree, all other nodes are assumed to be leaf nodes. This cannot be an enum because users may want to define their own node types.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ snmp_access_t

SNMP node instance access types

◆ snmp_err_t

enum snmp_err_t

error codes predefined by SNMP prot.

Function Documentation

◆ netif_to_num()

u8_t netif_to_num ( const struct netif netif)

Convert netif to interface index


◆ snmp_decode_bits()

err_t snmp_decode_bits ( const u8_t *  buf,
u32_t  buf_len,
u32_t *  bit_value 

Decodes BITS pseudotype value from ASN.1 OctetString.

Because BITS pseudo type is encoded as OCTET STRING, it cannot directly be encoded/decoded by the agent. Instead call this function as required from get/test/set methods.
bufpoints to a buffer holding the ASN1 octet string
buf_lenlength of octet string
bit_valuedecoded Bit value with Bit0 == LSB
ERR_OK if successful, ERR_ARG if bit value contains more than 32 bit

◆ snmp_encode_bits()

u8_t snmp_encode_bits ( u8_t *  buf,
u32_t  buf_len,
u32_t  bit_value,
u8_t  bit_count 

Encodes BITS pseudotype value into ASN.1 OctetString.

Because BITS pseudo type is encoded as OCTET STRING, it cannot directly be encoded/decoded by the agent. Instead call this function as required from get/test/set methods.
bufpoints to a buffer where the resulting ASN1 octet string is stored to
buf_lenmax length of the bufffer
bit_valueBit value to encode with Bit0 == LSB
bit_countNumber of possible bits for the bit value (according to rfc we have to send all bits independant from their truth value)
number of bytes used from buffer to store the resulting OctetString

◆ snmp_ip4_to_oid()

void snmp_ip4_to_oid ( const ip4_addr_t ip,
u32_t *  oid 

Convert ip4_addr to InetAddressIPv4 (no InetAddressType)

ippoints to input struct
oidpoints to u32_t ident[4] output

◆ snmp_ip6_to_oid()

void snmp_ip6_to_oid ( const ip6_addr_t ip,
u32_t *  oid 

Convert ip6_addr to InetAddressIPv6 (no InetAddressType)

ippoints to input struct
oidpoints to u32_t ident[16] output

◆ snmp_ip_port_to_oid()

u8_t snmp_ip_port_to_oid ( const ip_addr_t ip,
u16_t  port,
u32_t *  oid 

Convert to InetAddressType+InetAddress+InetPortNumber

ipIP address
OID length

◆ snmp_ip_to_oid()

u8_t snmp_ip_to_oid ( const ip_addr_t ip,
u32_t *  oid 

Convert to InetAddressType+InetAddress

ipIP address
OID length

◆ snmp_next_oid_check()

u8_t snmp_next_oid_check ( struct snmp_next_oid_state state,
const u32_t *  oid,
u8_t  oid_len,
void *  reference 

checks the passed OID if it is a candidate to be the next one (get_next); returns !=0 if passed oid is currently closest, otherwise 0

◆ snmp_next_oid_init()

void snmp_next_oid_init ( struct snmp_next_oid_state state,
const u32_t *  start_oid,
u8_t  start_oid_len,
u32_t *  next_oid_buf,
u8_t  next_oid_max_len 

initialize struct next_oid_state using this function before passing it to next_oid_check

◆ snmp_next_oid_precheck()

u8_t snmp_next_oid_precheck ( struct snmp_next_oid_state state,
const u32_t *  oid,
u8_t  oid_len 

checks if the passed incomplete OID may be a possible candidate for snmp_next_oid_check(); this methid is intended if the complete OID is not yet known but it is very expensive to build it up, so it is possible to test the starting part before building up the complete oid and pass it to snmp_next_oid_check()

◆ snmp_oid_append()

void snmp_oid_append ( struct snmp_obj_id target,
const u32_t *  oid,
u8_t  oid_len 

Append OIDs to struct snmp_obj_id

targetAssignment target to append to
oid_lenOID length

◆ snmp_oid_assign()

void snmp_oid_assign ( struct snmp_obj_id target,
const u32_t *  oid,
u8_t  oid_len 

Assign an OID to struct snmp_obj_id

targetAssignment target
oid_lenOID length

◆ snmp_oid_combine()

void snmp_oid_combine ( struct snmp_obj_id target,
const u32_t *  oid1,
u8_t  oid1_len,
const u32_t *  oid2,
u8_t  oid2_len 

Combine two OIDs into struct snmp_obj_id

targetAssignmet target
oid1OID 1
oid1_lenOID 1 length
oid2OID 2
oid2_lenOID 2 length

◆ snmp_oid_compare()

s8_t snmp_oid_compare ( const u32_t *  oid1,
u8_t  oid1_len,
const u32_t *  oid2,
u8_t  oid2_len 

Compare two OIDs

oid1OID 1
oid1_lenOID 1 length
oid2OID 2
oid2_lenOID 2 length
-1: OID1<OID2 1: OID1 >OID2 0: equal

◆ snmp_oid_equal()

u8_t snmp_oid_equal ( const u32_t *  oid1,
u8_t  oid1_len,
const u32_t *  oid2,
u8_t  oid2_len 

Check of two OIDs are equal

oid1OID 1
oid1_lenOID 1 length
oid2OID 2
oid2_lenOID 2 length
1: equal 0: non-equal

◆ snmp_oid_in_range()

u8_t snmp_oid_in_range ( const u32_t *  oid_in,
u8_t  oid_len,
const struct snmp_oid_range oid_ranges,
u8_t  oid_ranges_len 

checks if incoming OID length and values are in allowed ranges

◆ snmp_oid_prefix()

void snmp_oid_prefix ( struct snmp_obj_id target,
const u32_t *  oid,
u8_t  oid_len 

Prefix an OID to OID in struct snmp_obj_id

targetAssignment target to prefix
oid_lenOID length

◆ snmp_oid_to_ip()

u8_t snmp_oid_to_ip ( const u32_t *  oid,
u8_t  oid_len,
ip_addr_t ip 

Convert from InetAddressType+InetAddress to ip_addr_t

oid_lenOID length
ipIP address
Parsed OID length

◆ snmp_oid_to_ip4()

u8_t snmp_oid_to_ip4 ( const u32_t *  oid,
ip4_addr_t ip 

Conversion from InetAddressIPv4 oid to lwIP ip4_addr

oidpoints to u32_t ident[4] input
ippoints to output struct

◆ snmp_oid_to_ip6()

u8_t snmp_oid_to_ip6 ( const u32_t *  oid,
ip6_addr_t ip 

Conversion from InetAddressIPv6 oid to lwIP ip6_addr

oidpoints to u32_t oid[16] input
ippoints to output struct

◆ snmp_oid_to_ip_port()

u8_t snmp_oid_to_ip_port ( const u32_t *  oid,
u8_t  oid_len,
ip_addr_t ip,
u16_t *  port 

Convert from InetAddressType+InetAddress+InetPortNumber to ip_addr_t and u16_t

oid_lenOID length
ipIP address
Parsed OID length