提交 5e8b651f 编写于 作者: A Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #2839 from DumDereDum:issue_2818

......@@ -419,8 +419,11 @@ struct RaycastInvoker : ParallelLoopBody
// near clipping plane
const float clip = 0.f;
float tmin = max(v_reduce_max(minAx), clip);
float tmax = v_reduce_min(maxAx);
float _minAx[4], _maxAx[4];
v_store(_minAx, minAx);
v_store(_maxAx, maxAx);
float tmin = max( {_minAx[0], _minAx[1], _minAx[2], clip} );
float tmax = min( {_maxAx[0], _maxAx[1], _maxAx[2]} );
// precautions against getting coordinates out of bounds
tmin = tmin + tstep;
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