提交 f08e9b08 编写于 作者: S Steven Li

now able to fan out conflicting tasks, and detect incorrect results

上级 5d14a745
......@@ -20,12 +20,15 @@ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
import getopt
import argparse
import copy
import threading
import random
import logging
import datetime
from typing import List
from util.log import *
from util.dnodes import *
from util.cases import *
......@@ -42,14 +45,13 @@ def runThread(wt: WorkerThread):
class WorkerThread:
def __init__(self, pool: SteppingThreadPool, tid, dbState,
def __init__(self, pool: ThreadPool, tid,
tc: ThreadCoordinator,
# te: TaskExecutor,
): # note: main thread context!
# self._curStep = -1
self._pool = pool
self._tid = tid
self._dbState = dbState
self._tid = tid
self._tc = tc
# self.threadIdent = threading.get_ident()
self._thread = threading.Thread(target=runThread, args=(self,))
......@@ -82,16 +84,18 @@ class WorkerThread:
def _doTaskLoop(self) :
# while self._curStep < self._pool.maxSteps:
# tc = ThreadCoordinator(None)
while True:
self._tc.crossStepBarrier() # shared barrier first, INCLUDING the last one
while True:
tc = self._tc # Thread Coordinator, the overall master
tc.crossStepBarrier() # shared barrier first, INCLUDING the last one
logger.debug("Thread task loop exited barrier...")
self.crossStepGate() # then per-thread gate, after being tapped
logger.debug("Thread task loop exited step gate...")
if not self._tc.isRunning():
task = self._tc.fetchTask()
task = tc.fetchTask()
def verifyThreadSelf(self): # ensure we are called by this own thread
if ( threading.get_ident() != self._thread.ident ):
......@@ -129,25 +133,31 @@ class WorkerThread:
if ( gConfig.per_thread_db_connection ):
return self._dbConn.execSql(sql)
return self._dbState.getDbConn().execSql(sql)
return self._tc.getDbState.getDbConn().execSql(sql)
class ThreadCoordinator:
def __init__(self, pool, wd: WorkDispatcher):
def __init__(self, pool, wd: WorkDispatcher, dbState):
self._curStep = -1 # first step is 0
self._pool = pool
self._wd = wd
self._te = None # prepare for every new step
self._dbState = dbState
self._executedTasks: List[Task] = [] # in a given step
self._lock = threading.RLock() # sync access for a few things
self._stepBarrier = threading.Barrier(self._pool.numThreads + 1) # one barrier for all threads
def getTaskExecutor(self):
return self._te
def getDbState(self) -> DbState :
return self._dbState
def crossStepBarrier(self):
def run(self, dbState):
self._pool.createAndStartThreads(dbState, self)
def run(self):
# Coordinate all threads step by step
self._curStep = -1 # not started yet
......@@ -161,10 +171,14 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
self._stepBarrier.reset() # Other worker threads should now be at the "gate"
# At this point, all threads should be pass the overall "barrier" and before the per-thread "gate"
self._dbState.transition(self._executedTasks) # at end of step, transiton the DB state
# Get ready for next step
logger.info("<-- Step {} finished".format(self._curStep))
self._curStep += 1 # we are about to get into next step. TODO: race condition here!
logger.debug("\r\n--> Step {} starts with main thread waking up".format(self._curStep)) # Now not all threads had time to go to sleep
# A new TE for the new step
self._te = TaskExecutor(self._curStep)
logger.debug("Main thread waking up at step {}, tapping worker threads".format(self._curStep)) # Now not all threads had time to go to sleep
......@@ -202,10 +216,19 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
def fetchTask(self) -> Task :
if ( not self.isRunning() ): # no task
raise RuntimeError("Cannot fetch task when not running")
return self._wd.pickTask()
# return self._wd.pickTask()
# Alternatively, let's ask the DbState for the appropriate task
dbState = self.getDbState()
tasks = dbState.getTasksAtState()
i = Dice.throw(len(tasks))
return copy.copy(tasks[i]) # Needs a fresh copy, to save execution results, etc.
def saveExecutedTask(self, task):
with self._lock:
# We define a class to run a number of threads in locking steps.
class SteppingThreadPool:
class ThreadPool:
def __init__(self, dbState, numThreads, maxSteps, funcSequencer):
self.numThreads = numThreads
self.maxSteps = maxSteps
......@@ -215,13 +238,12 @@ class SteppingThreadPool:
self.curStep = 0
self.threadList = []
# self.stepGate = threading.Condition() # Gate to hold/sync all threads
# self.numWaitingThreads = 0
# self.numWaitingThreads = 0
# starting to run all the threads, in locking steps
def createAndStartThreads(self, dbState, tc: ThreadCoordinator):
def createAndStartThreads(self, tc: ThreadCoordinator):
for tid in range(0, self.numThreads): # Create the threads
workerThread = WorkerThread(self, tid, dbState, tc)
workerThread = WorkerThread(self, tid, tc)
workerThread.start() # start, but should block immediately before step 0
......@@ -263,9 +285,6 @@ class LinearQueue():
if ( index in self.inUse ):
return False
# if ( index in self.inUse ):
# self.inUse.remove(index) # TODO: what about discard?
self.firstIndex += 1
return index
......@@ -337,7 +356,8 @@ class DbConn:
# self._tdSql.prepare() # Recreate database, etc.
self._cursor.execute('drop database if exists db')
self._cursor.execute('create database db')
logger.debug("Resetting DB, dropped database")
# self._cursor.execute('create database db')
# self._cursor.execute('use db')
# tdSql.execute('show databases')
......@@ -355,16 +375,24 @@ class DbConn:
# State of the database as we believe it to be
class DbState():
STATE_EMPTY = 1 # nothing there, no even a DB
STATE_DB_ONLY = 2 # we have a DB, but nothing else
STATE_TABLE_ONLY = 3 # we have a table, but totally empty
STATE_HAS_DATA = 4 # we have some data in the table
def __init__(self):
self.tableNumQueue = LinearQueue()
self._lastTick = datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1) # initial date time tick
self._lastInt = 0 # next one is initial integer
self._lock = threading.RLock()
self._state = self.STATE_INVALID
# self.openDbServerConnection()
self._dbConn = DbConn()
self._dbConn.resetDb() # drop and recreate DB
self._state = self.STATE_EMPTY # initial state, the result of above
def getDbConn(self):
return self._dbConn
......@@ -403,12 +431,63 @@ class DbState():
def cleanUp(self):
def getTasksAtState(self):
if ( self._state == self.STATE_EMPTY ):
return [CreateDbTask(self), CreateTableTask(self)]
elif ( self._state == self.STATE_DB_ONLY ):
return [DeleteDbTask(self), CreateTableTask(self), AddDataTask(self)]
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected DbState state: {}".format(self._state))
def transition(self, tasks):
if ( len(tasks) == 0 ): # before 1st step, or otherwise empty
return # do nothing
if ( self._state == self.STATE_EMPTY ):
self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, CreateDbTask) # param is class
self.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, CreateDbTask)
self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, CreateTableTask)
if ( self.hasSuccess(tasks, CreateDbTask) ):
self._state = self.STATE_DB_ONLY
if ( self.hasSuccess(tasks, CreateTableTask) ):
self._state = self.STATE_TABLE_ONLY
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected DbState state: {}".format(self._state))
logger.debug("New DB state is: {}".format(self._state))
def assertAtMostOneSuccess(self, tasks, cls):
sCnt = 0
for task in tasks :
if not isinstance(task, cls):
if task.isSuccess():
sCnt += 1
if ( sCnt >= 2 ):
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected more than 1 success with task: {}".format(cls))
def assertIfExistThenSuccess(self, tasks, cls):
sCnt = 0
for task in tasks :
if not isinstance(task, cls):
if task.isSuccess():
sCnt += 1
if ( sCnt <= 0 ):
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected zero success for task: {}".format(cls))
def hasSuccess(self, tasks, cls):
for task in tasks :
if not isinstance(task, cls):
if task.isSuccess():
return True
return False
class TaskExecutor():
def __init__(self, curStep):
self._curStep = curStep
def execute(self, task, wt: WorkerThread): # execute a task on a thread
task.execute(self, wt)
def execute(self, task: Task, wt: WorkerThread): # execute a task on a thread
def logInfo(self, msg):
logger.info(" T[{}.x]: ".format(self._curStep) + msg)
......@@ -416,10 +495,13 @@ class TaskExecutor():
def logDebug(self, msg):
logger.debug(" T[{}.x]: ".format(self._curStep) + msg)
class Task():
def __init__(self, dbState):
self.dbState = dbState
self._err = None
def isSuccess(self):
return self._err == None
def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread):
raise RuntimeError("To be implemeted by child classes")
......@@ -428,12 +510,31 @@ class Task():
te = wt.getTaskExecutor()
self._executeInternal(te, wt) # TODO: no return value?
te.logDebug("[-] executing task {}...".format(self.__class__.__name__))
self._err = None
self._executeInternal(te, wt) # TODO: no return value?
except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err:
te.logDebug("[=]Taos Execution exception: {0}".format(err))
self._err = err
te.logDebug("[=]Unexpected exception")
te.logDebug("[X] task execution completed")
def execSql(self, sql):
return self.dbState.execute(sql)
class CreateDbTask(Task):
def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread):
wt.execSql("create database db")
class DeleteDbTask(Task):
def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread):
wt.execSql("drop database db")
class CreateTableTask(Task):
def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread):
tIndex = self.dbState.addTable()
......@@ -487,14 +588,14 @@ class Dice():
raise RuntimeError("System RNG is not deterministic")
def throw(cls, max): # get 0 to max-1
return cls.throwRange(0, max)
def throw(cls, stop): # get 0 to stop-1
return cls.throwRange(0, stop)
def throwRange(cls, min, max): # up to max-1
def throwRange(cls, start, stop): # up to stop-1
if ( not cls.seeded ):
raise RuntimeError("Cannot throw dice before seeding it")
return random.randrange(min, max)
return random.randrange(start, stop)
# Anyone needing to carry out work should simply come here
......@@ -546,10 +647,11 @@ def main():
dbState = DbState()
Dice.seed(0) # initial seeding of dice
tc = ThreadCoordinator(
SteppingThreadPool(dbState, gConfig.num_threads, gConfig.max_steps, 0),
ThreadPool(dbState, gConfig.num_threads, gConfig.max_steps, 0),
logger.info("Finished running thread pool")
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