提交 ea60fa33 编写于 作者: H Hongze Cheng

Merge branch 'develop' into feature/2.0tsdb

......@@ -198,6 +198,10 @@ void taos_fetch_rows_a(TAOS_RES *taosa, void (*fp)(void *, TAOS_RES *, int), voi
SSqlRes *pRes = &pSql->res;
SSqlCmd *pCmd = &pSql->cmd;
// user-defined callback function is stored in fetchFp
pSql->fetchFp = fp;
pSql->fp = tscAsyncFetchRowsProxy;
if (pRes->qhandle == 0) {
tscError("qhandle is NULL");
......@@ -205,10 +209,6 @@ void taos_fetch_rows_a(TAOS_RES *taosa, void (*fp)(void *, TAOS_RES *, int), voi
// user-defined callback function is stored in fetchFp
pSql->fetchFp = fp;
pSql->fp = tscAsyncFetchRowsProxy;
pSql->param = param;
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ SConnObj *mnodeAccquireConn(int32_t connId, char *user, uint32_t ip, uint16_t po
uint64_t expireTime = CONN_KEEP_TIME * 1000 + (uint64_t)taosGetTimestampMs();
SConnObj *pConn = taosCacheUpdateExpireTimeByName(tsMnodeConnCache, &connId, sizeof(int32_t), expireTime);
if (pConn == NULL) {
mError("connId:%d, is already destroyed, user:%s ip:%s:%u", connId, user, taosIpStr(ip), port);
mDebug("connId:%d, is already destroyed, user:%s ip:%s:%u", connId, user, taosIpStr(ip), port);
return NULL;
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ void httpReleaseContext(HttpContext *pContext) {
assert(refCount >= 0);
HttpContext **ppContext = pContext->ppContext;
httpDebug("context:%p, is releasd, data:%p refCount:%d", pContext, ppContext, refCount);
httpDebug("context:%p, is released, data:%p refCount:%d", pContext, ppContext, refCount);
if (tsHttpServer.contextCache != NULL) {
taosCacheRelease(tsHttpServer.contextCache, (void **)(&ppContext), false);
......@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ void httpProcessMultiSqlRetrieveCallBack(void *param, TAOS_RES *result, int numO
if (tscResultsetFetchCompleted(result)) {
isContinue = false;
if (isContinue) {
// retrieve next batch of rows
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, user:%s, process pos:%d, continue retrieve, numOfRows:%d, sql:%s",
......@@ -75,7 +79,8 @@ void httpProcessMultiSqlCallBack(void *param, TAOS_RES *result, int code) {
HttpContext *pContext = (HttpContext *)param;
if (pContext == NULL) return;
HttpSqlCmds * multiCmds = pContext->multiCmds;
code = taos_errno(result);
HttpSqlCmds *multiCmds = pContext->multiCmds;
HttpEncodeMethod *encode = pContext->encodeMethod;
HttpSqlCmd *singleCmd = multiCmds->cmds + multiCmds->pos;
......@@ -109,8 +114,8 @@ void httpProcessMultiSqlCallBack(void *param, TAOS_RES *result, int code) {
int num_fields = taos_field_count(result);
if (num_fields == 0) {
bool isUpdate = tscIsUpdateQuery(result);
if (isUpdate) {
// not select or show commands
int affectRows = taos_affected_rows(result);
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, user:%s, process pos:%d, affect rows:%d, sql:%s",
......@@ -221,9 +226,9 @@ void httpProcessSingleSqlRetrieveCallBack(void *param, TAOS_RES *result, int num
if (numOfRows < 0) {
httpError("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, user:%s, retrieve failed, code:%s", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr,
pContext->user, tstrerror(numOfRows));
if (encode->stopJsonFp) {
(encode->stopJsonFp)(pContext, &pContext->singleCmd);
......@@ -238,6 +243,11 @@ void httpProcessSingleSqlCallBack(void *param, TAOS_RES *result, int unUsedCode)
if (pContext == NULL) return;
int32_t code = taos_errno(result);
if (code != unUsedCode) {
httpError("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, user:%s, resultset code:%s input code:%s not matched, sqlObj:%p", pContext,
pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr, pContext->user, tstrerror(code), tstrerror(unUsedCode), (SSqlObj *)result);
HttpEncodeMethod *encode = pContext->encodeMethod;
......@@ -6333,6 +6333,7 @@ int32_t qKillQuery(qinfo_t qinfo) {
......@@ -6545,13 +6546,14 @@ void** qRegisterQInfo(void* pMgmt, uint64_t qInfo) {
SQueryMgmt *pQueryMgmt = pMgmt;
if (pQueryMgmt->qinfoPool == NULL) {
qError("QInfo:%p failed to add qhandle into qMgmt, since qMgmt is closed", (void *)qInfo);
return NULL;
if (pQueryMgmt->closed) {
qError("QInfo:%p failed to add qhandle into cache, since qMgmt is colsing", (void *)qInfo);
return NULL;
} else {
uint64_t handleVal = (uint64_t) qInfo;
......@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ void *taosCachePut(SCacheObj *pCacheObj, const void *key, size_t keyLen, const v
} else { // old data exists, update the node
pNode = taosUpdateCacheImpl(pCacheObj, pOld, key, keyLen, pData, dataSize, duration * 1000L);
uDebug("cache:%s, key:%p, %p exist in cache, updated", pCacheObj->name, key, pNode->data);
uDebug("cache:%s, key:%p, %p exist in cache, updated old:%p", pCacheObj->name, key, pNode->data, pOld);
......@@ -307,26 +307,30 @@ void *taosCacheAcquireByKey(SCacheObj *pCacheObj, const void *key, size_t keyLen
return NULL;
void *pData = NULL;
SCacheDataNode **ptNode = (SCacheDataNode **)taosHashGet(pCacheObj->pHashTable, key, keyLen);
int32_t ref = 0;
if (ptNode != NULL) {
ref = T_REF_INC(*ptNode);
pData = (*ptNode)->data;
if (ptNode != NULL) {
if (pData != NULL) {
atomic_add_fetch_32(&pCacheObj->statistics.hitCount, 1);
uDebug("cache:%s, key:%p, %p is retrieved from cache, refcnt:%d", pCacheObj->name, key, (*ptNode)->data, ref);
uDebug("cache:%s, key:%p, %p is retrieved from cache, refcnt:%d", pCacheObj->name, key, pData, ref);
} else {
atomic_add_fetch_32(&pCacheObj->statistics.missCount, 1);
uDebug("cache:%s, key:%p, not in cache, retrieved failed", pCacheObj->name, key);
atomic_add_fetch_32(&pCacheObj->statistics.totalAccess, 1);
return (ptNode != NULL) ? (*ptNode)->data : NULL;
return pData;
void* taosCacheUpdateExpireTimeByName(SCacheObj *pCacheObj, void *key, size_t keyLen, uint64_t expireTime) {
......@@ -453,21 +457,20 @@ void taosCacheRelease(SCacheObj *pCacheObj, void **data, bool _remove) {
} else {
uDebug("cache:%s, key:%p, %p is released, refcnt:%d", pCacheObj->name, pNode->key, pNode->data, T_REF_VAL_GET(pNode) - 1);
// NOTE: once refcount is decrease, pNode may be freed by other thread immediately.
int32_t ref = T_REF_DEC(pNode);
if (inTrashCan) {
if (inTrashCan && (ref == 0)) {
// Remove it if the ref count is 0.
// The ref count does not need to load and check again after lock acquired, since ref count can not be increased when
// the node is in trashcan.
if (ref == 0) {
assert(pNode->pTNodeHeader->pData == pNode);
taosRemoveFromTrashCan(pCacheObj, pNode->pTNodeHeader);
assert(pNode->pTNodeHeader->pData == pNode);
taosRemoveFromTrashCan(pCacheObj, pNode->pTNodeHeader);
// else {
......@@ -108,9 +108,10 @@ static int32_t vnodeProcessQueryMsg(SVnodeObj *pVnode, SReadMsg *pReadMsg) {
if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
handle = qRegisterQInfo(pVnode->qMgmt, (uint64_t) pQInfo);
if (handle == NULL) { // failed to register qhandle
vError("vgId:%d QInfo:%p register qhandle failed, return to app, code:%s", pVnode->vgId, (void *)pQInfo,
qDestroyQueryInfo(pQInfo); // destroy it directly
vError("vgId:%d QInfo:%p register qhandle failed, return to app, code:%s", pVnode->vgId, (void*) pQInfo, tstrerror(pRsp->code));
} else {
assert(*handle == pQInfo);
pRsp->qhandle = htobe64((uint64_t) pQInfo);
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode2 -c alternativeRole -v 2
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode3 -c alternativeRole -v 2
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode4 -c alternativeRole -v 2
$totalTableNum = 10
$totalTableNum = 40
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c maxtablesPerVnode -v $totalTableNum
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode2 -c maxtablesPerVnode -v $totalTableNum
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode3 -c maxtablesPerVnode -v $totalTableNum
......@@ -65,9 +65,10 @@ sleep 3000
$totalTableNum = 20
$sleepTimer = 3000
$maxTables = $totalTableNum * 2
$db = db
print create database $db replica 3 maxTables $totalTableNum
sql create database $db replica 3 maxTables $totalTableNum
print create database $db replica 3 maxTables $maxTables
sql create database $db replica 3 maxTables $maxTables
sql use $db
# create table , insert data
$tblStart = 0
$tblEnd = 2000
$tsStart = 1325347200000 # 2012-01-01 00:00:00.000
$tsEnd = 1325347210000
sql connect
$db = db1
$stb = stb1
#subtable: tb0 - tb4999
#print create table $stb (ts timestamp, c1 int) tags(t1 int, t2 binary(16))
sleep 20000 # wait other client insert data
print ====================== client5 start loop query
$db = db2
$stb = stb2
print create database if not exists $db replica 2
sql create database if not exists $db replica 2
sql use $db
print ==== client4start create table
$i = $tblStart
while $i < $tblEnd
$tb = dtb . $i
sql create table $tb (ts timestamp, c1 int)
$i = $i + 1
print ==== client4start insert, include multi table data in one insert sql
$totalRows = 0
$totalRowsPerTbl = 0
$rowsPerLoop = 100
$ts = $tsStart
$i = $tblStart
while $i < $tblEnd
$tb0 = dtb . $i
$i = $i + 1
$tb1 = dtb . $i
$i = $i + 1
$tb2 = dtb . $i
$i = $i + 1
$tb3 = dtb . $i
$i = $i + 1
$tb4 = dtb . $i
$i = $i + 1
$x = 0
while $x < $rowsPerLoop
sql insert into $tb0 values ( $ts + 0a , $x ) ( $ts + 2a , $x ) ( $ts + 4a , $x ) ( $ts + 6a , $x ) ( $ts + 8a , $x ) ( $ts + 10a , $x ) ( $ts + 12a , $x ) ( $ts + 14a , $x ) ( $ts + 16a , $x ) ( $ts + 18a , $x ) ( $ts + 20a , $x ) ( $ts + 22a , $x ) ( $ts + 24a , $x ) ( $ts + 26a , $x ) ( $ts + 28a , $x ) ( $ts + 30a , $x ) ( $ts + 32a , $x ) ( $ts + 34a , $x ) ( $ts + 36a , $x ) ( $ts + 38a , $x ) $tb1 values ( $ts + 0a , $x ) ( $ts + 2a , $x ) ( $ts + 4a , $x ) ( $ts + 6a , $x ) ( $ts + 8a , $x ) ( $ts + 10a , $x ) ( $ts + 12a , $x ) ( $ts + 14a , $x ) ( $ts + 16a , $x ) ( $ts + 18a , $x ) ( $ts + 20a , $x ) ( $ts + 22a , $x ) ( $ts + 24a , $x ) ( $ts + 26a , $x ) ( $ts + 28a , $x ) ( $ts + 30a , $x ) ( $ts + 32a , $x ) ( $ts + 34a , $x ) ( $ts + 36a , $x ) ( $ts + 38a , $x ) $tb2 values ( $ts + 0a , $x ) ( $ts + 2a , $x ) ( $ts + 4a , $x ) ( $ts + 6a , $x ) ( $ts + 8a , $x ) ( $ts + 10a , $x ) ( $ts + 12a , $x ) ( $ts + 14a , $x ) ( $ts + 16a , $x ) ( $ts + 18a , $x ) ( $ts + 20a , $x ) ( $ts + 22a , $x ) ( $ts + 24a , $x ) ( $ts + 26a , $x ) ( $ts + 28a , $x ) ( $ts + 30a , $x ) ( $ts + 32a , $x ) ( $ts + 34a , $x ) ( $ts + 36a , $x ) ( $ts + 38a , $x ) $tb3 values ( $ts + 0a , $x ) ( $ts + 2a , $x ) ( $ts + 4a , $x ) ( $ts + 6a , $x ) ( $ts + 8a , $x ) ( $ts + 10a , $x ) ( $ts + 12a , $x ) ( $ts + 14a , $x ) ( $ts + 16a , $x ) ( $ts + 18a , $x ) ( $ts + 20a , $x ) ( $ts + 22a , $x ) ( $ts + 24a , $x ) ( $ts + 26a , $x ) ( $ts + 28a , $x ) ( $ts + 30a , $x ) ( $ts + 32a , $x ) ( $ts + 34a , $x ) ( $ts + 36a , $x ) ( $ts + 38a , $x ) $tb4 values ( $ts + 0a , $x ) ( $ts + 2a , $x ) ( $ts + 4a , $x ) ( $ts + 6a , $x ) ( $ts + 8a , $x ) ( $ts + 10a , $x ) ( $ts + 12a , $x ) ( $ts + 14a , $x ) ( $ts + 16a , $x ) ( $ts + 18a , $x ) ( $ts + 20a , $x ) ( $ts + 22a , $x ) ( $ts + 24a , $x ) ( $ts + 26a , $x ) ( $ts + 28a , $x ) ( $ts + 30a , $x ) ( $ts + 32a , $x ) ( $ts + 34a , $x ) ( $ts + 36a , $x ) ( $ts + 38a , $x )
$x = $x + 20
$ts = $ts + 40a
$totalRowsPerTbl = $totalRowsPerTbl + $x
$x = $x * 5
$totalRows = $totalRows + $x
sql select count(*) from tb10
if $data00 != $totalRowsPerTbl then
print data00 $data00 totalRowsPerTbl $totalRowsPerTbl
print ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
print ************ client4 insert loss: $deltaRows *****
print ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
print ====client4 start alter table
$i = $tblStart
while $i < $tblEnd
$tb = dtb . $i
sql alter table $tb add c2 float
$i = $i + 1
print ====client4 continue insert, include multi table data in one insert sql
$i = $tblStart
while $i < $tblEnd
$tb0 = dtb . $i
$i = $i + 1
$tb1 = dtb . $i
$i = $i + 1
$tb2 = dtb . $i
$i = $i + 1
$tb3 = dtb . $i
$i = $i + 1
$tb4 = dtb . $i
$i = $i + 1
$x = 0
while $x < $rowsPerLoop
sql insert into $tb0 values ( $ts + 0a , $x ) ( $ts + 2a , $x ) ( $ts + 4a , $x ) ( $ts + 6a , $x ) ( $ts + 8a , $x ) ( $ts + 10a , $x ) ( $ts + 12a , $x ) ( $ts + 14a , $x ) ( $ts + 16a , $x ) ( $ts + 18a , $x ) ( $ts + 20a , $x ) ( $ts + 22a , $x ) ( $ts + 24a , $x ) ( $ts + 26a , $x ) ( $ts + 28a , $x ) ( $ts + 30a , $x ) ( $ts + 32a , $x ) ( $ts + 34a , $x ) ( $ts + 36a , $x ) ( $ts + 38a , $x ) $tb1 values ( $ts + 0a , $x ) ( $ts + 2a , $x ) ( $ts + 4a , $x ) ( $ts + 6a , $x ) ( $ts + 8a , $x ) ( $ts + 10a , $x ) ( $ts + 12a , $x ) ( $ts + 14a , $x ) ( $ts + 16a , $x ) ( $ts + 18a , $x ) ( $ts + 20a , $x ) ( $ts + 22a , $x ) ( $ts + 24a , $x ) ( $ts + 26a , $x ) ( $ts + 28a , $x ) ( $ts + 30a , $x ) ( $ts + 32a , $x ) ( $ts + 34a , $x ) ( $ts + 36a , $x ) ( $ts + 38a , $x ) $tb2 values ( $ts + 0a , $x ) ( $ts + 2a , $x ) ( $ts + 4a , $x ) ( $ts + 6a , $x ) ( $ts + 8a , $x ) ( $ts + 10a , $x ) ( $ts + 12a , $x ) ( $ts + 14a , $x ) ( $ts + 16a , $x ) ( $ts + 18a , $x ) ( $ts + 20a , $x ) ( $ts + 22a , $x ) ( $ts + 24a , $x ) ( $ts + 26a , $x ) ( $ts + 28a , $x ) ( $ts + 30a , $x ) ( $ts + 32a , $x ) ( $ts + 34a , $x ) ( $ts + 36a , $x ) ( $ts + 38a , $x ) $tb3 values ( $ts + 0a , $x ) ( $ts + 2a , $x ) ( $ts + 4a , $x ) ( $ts + 6a , $x ) ( $ts + 8a , $x ) ( $ts + 10a , $x ) ( $ts + 12a , $x ) ( $ts + 14a , $x ) ( $ts + 16a , $x ) ( $ts + 18a , $x ) ( $ts + 20a , $x ) ( $ts + 22a , $x ) ( $ts + 24a , $x ) ( $ts + 26a , $x ) ( $ts + 28a , $x ) ( $ts + 30a , $x ) ( $ts + 32a , $x ) ( $ts + 34a , $x ) ( $ts + 36a , $x ) ( $ts + 38a , $x ) $tb4 values ( $ts + 0a , $x ) ( $ts + 2a , $x ) ( $ts + 4a , $x ) ( $ts + 6a , $x ) ( $ts + 8a , $x ) ( $ts + 10a , $x ) ( $ts + 12a , $x ) ( $ts + 14a , $x ) ( $ts + 16a , $x ) ( $ts + 18a , $x ) ( $ts + 20a , $x ) ( $ts + 22a , $x ) ( $ts + 24a , $x ) ( $ts + 26a , $x ) ( $ts + 28a , $x ) ( $ts + 30a , $x ) ( $ts + 32a , $x ) ( $ts + 34a , $x ) ( $ts + 36a , $x ) ( $ts + 38a , $x )
$x = $x + 20
$ts = $ts + 40a
$totalRowsPerTbl = $totalRowsPerTbl + $x
$x = $x * 5
$totalRows = $totalRows + $x
sql select count(*) from tb10
if $data00 != $totalRowsPerTbl then
print data00 $data00 totalRowsPerTbl $totalRowsPerTbl
print ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
print ************ client4 insert loss: $deltaRows *****
print ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
sql use $db
sql select count(*) from $stb
$tsQueryStart = $tsStart
$tsQueryStart = $tsStart + 90000
sql select * from $stb where ts > $tsQueryStart and ts < $tsQueryStart order by ts asc limit 500 offset 7
sql select * from $stb where ts > $tsQueryStart and ts < $tsQueryStart order by ts desc limit 500 offset 7
sql select * from $stb where ts > $tsQueryStart and ts < $tsQueryStart and t2 == 'client1_0'
sql select * from $stb where ts > $tsQueryStart and ts < $tsQueryStart and t2 == 'client1_1'
sql select * from $stb where ts > $tsQueryStart and ts < $tsQueryStart and t2 == 'client1_2'
sql select * from $stb where ts > $tsQueryStart and ts < $tsQueryStart and t2 == 'client1_3'
sql select * from $stb where ts > $tsQueryStart and ts < $tsQueryStart and t2 == 'client2_0'
sql select * from $stb where ts > $tsQueryStart and ts < $tsQueryStart and t2 == 'client2_1'
sql select * from $stb where ts > $tsQueryStart and ts < $tsQueryStart and t2 == 'client2_2'
sql select * from $stb where ts > $tsQueryStart and ts < $tsQueryStart and t2 == 'client2_3'
sql select min(c1) from $stb
sql select max(c1) from $stb
sql select first(*) from $stb
sql select last(*) from $stb
sql select last_row(*) from $stb
sql select sum(c1) from $stb
sql select avg(c1) from $stb
sql select min(c1) from tb1
sql select max(c1) from tb10
sql select first(*) from tb100
sql select last(*) from tb1000
sql select last_row(*) from tb20
sql select sum(c1) from tb200
sql select avg(c1) from tb2000
print ====================== client4 drop database
sql drop if exists database $db
goto loop_lable
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ run_back unique/cluster/main1_client1_2.sim
run_back unique/cluster/main1_client1_3.sim
run_back unique/cluster/client3.sim
run_back unique/cluster/client4.sim
run_back unique/cluster/client5.sim
sleep 20000
......@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ run_back unique/cluster/main2_client2_2.sim
run_back unique/cluster/main2_client2_3.sim
run_back unique/cluster/client3.sim
run_back unique/cluster/client4.sim
run_back unique/cluster/client5.sim
sleep 20000
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