提交 dfc7c836 编写于 作者: H Hongze Cheng

Merge branch 'develop' into feature/update

......@@ -33,15 +33,11 @@ struct SColumnFilterElem;
typedef bool (*__filter_func_t)(struct SColumnFilterElem* pFilter, char* val1, char* val2);
typedef int32_t (*__block_search_fn_t)(char* data, int32_t num, int64_t key, int32_t order);
typedef struct SPosInfo {
int32_t pageId:20;
int32_t rowId:12;
} SPosInfo;
typedef struct SGroupResInfo {
int32_t groupId;
int32_t numOfDataPages;
SPosInfo pos;
int32_t pageId;
int32_t rowId;
} SGroupResInfo;
typedef struct SSqlGroupbyExpr {
......@@ -53,9 +49,10 @@ typedef struct SSqlGroupbyExpr {
} SSqlGroupbyExpr;
typedef struct SWindowResult {
SPosInfo pos; // Position of current result in disk-based output buffer
int32_t pageId; // pageId & rowId is the position of current result in disk-based output buffer
int32_t rowId:15;
bool closed:1; // this result status: closed or opened
uint16_t numOfRows; // number of rows of current time window
bool closed; // this result status: closed or opened
SResultInfo* resultInfo; // For each result column, there is a resultInfo
union {STimeWindow win; char* key;}; // start key of current time window
} SWindowResult;
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE char *getPosInResultPage(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, int3
SQuery *pQuery = pRuntimeEnv->pQuery;
int32_t realRowId = (int32_t)(pResult->pos.rowId * GET_ROW_PARAM_FOR_MULTIOUTPUT(pQuery, pRuntimeEnv->topBotQuery, pRuntimeEnv->stableQuery));
int32_t realRowId = (int32_t)(pResult->rowId * GET_ROW_PARAM_FOR_MULTIOUTPUT(pQuery, pRuntimeEnv->topBotQuery, pRuntimeEnv->stableQuery));
return ((char *)page->data) + pRuntimeEnv->offset[columnIndex] * pRuntimeEnv->numOfRowsPerPage +
pQuery->pSelectExpr[columnIndex].bytes * realRowId;
......@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ static STimeWindow getActiveTimeWindow(SWindowResInfo *pWindowResInfo, int64_t t
static int32_t addNewWindowResultBuf(SWindowResult *pWindowRes, SDiskbasedResultBuf *pResultBuf, int32_t sid,
int32_t numOfRowsPerPage) {
if (pWindowRes->pos.pageId != -1) {
if (pWindowRes->pageId != -1) {
return 0;
......@@ -590,11 +590,11 @@ static int32_t addNewWindowResultBuf(SWindowResult *pWindowRes, SDiskbasedResult
// set the number of rows in current disk page
if (pWindowRes->pos.pageId == -1) { // not allocated yet, allocate new buffer
pWindowRes->pos.pageId = pageId;
pWindowRes->pos.rowId = (int32_t)(pData->num++);
if (pWindowRes->pageId == -1) { // not allocated yet, allocate new buffer
pWindowRes->pageId = pageId;
pWindowRes->rowId = (int32_t)(pData->num++);
assert(pWindowRes->pos.pageId >= 0);
assert(pWindowRes->pageId >= 0);
return 0;
......@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ static int32_t setWindowOutputBufByKey(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SWindowRes
*newWind = true;
// not assign result buffer yet, add new result buffer
if (pWindowRes->pos.pageId == -1) {
if (pWindowRes->pageId == -1) {
int32_t ret = addNewWindowResultBuf(pWindowRes, pResultBuf, sid, pRuntimeEnv->numOfRowsPerPage);
if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return -1;
......@@ -1143,7 +1143,7 @@ static int32_t setGroupResultOutputBuf(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, char *pDat
assert(pRuntimeEnv->windowResInfo.interval == 0);
if (pWindowRes->pos.pageId == -1) {
if (pWindowRes->pageId == -1) {
int32_t ret = addNewWindowResultBuf(pWindowRes, pResultBuf, GROUPRESULTID, pRuntimeEnv->numOfRowsPerPage);
if (ret != 0) {
return -1;
......@@ -2652,7 +2652,7 @@ static void doMerge(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, int64_t timestamp, SWindowRes
SQuery * pQuery = pRuntimeEnv->pQuery;
SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx = pRuntimeEnv->pCtx;
tFilePage *page = getResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, pWindowRes->pos.pageId);
tFilePage *page = getResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, pWindowRes->pageId);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pQuery->numOfOutput; ++i) {
int32_t functionId = pQuery->pSelectExpr[i].base.functionId;
......@@ -2823,14 +2823,14 @@ int32_t tableResultComparFn(const void *pLeft, const void *pRight, void *param)
SWindowResInfo *pWindowResInfo1 = &supporter->pTableQueryInfo[left]->windowResInfo;
SWindowResult * pWindowRes1 = getWindowResult(pWindowResInfo1, leftPos);
tFilePage *page1 = getResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, pWindowRes1->pos.pageId);
tFilePage *page1 = getResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, pWindowRes1->pageId);
char *b1 = getPosInResultPage(pRuntimeEnv, PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_INDEX, pWindowRes1, page1);
TSKEY leftTimestamp = GET_INT64_VAL(b1);
SWindowResInfo *pWindowResInfo2 = &supporter->pTableQueryInfo[right]->windowResInfo;
SWindowResult * pWindowRes2 = getWindowResult(pWindowResInfo2, rightPos);
tFilePage *page2 = getResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, pWindowRes2->pos.pageId);
tFilePage *page2 = getResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, pWindowRes2->pageId);
char *b2 = getPosInResultPage(pRuntimeEnv, PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_INDEX, pWindowRes2, page2);
TSKEY rightTimestamp = GET_INT64_VAL(b2);
......@@ -2867,7 +2867,7 @@ int32_t mergeIntoGroupResult(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
SGroupResInfo* info = &pQInfo->groupResInfo;
if (pQInfo->groupIndex == numOfGroups && info->pos.pageId == info->numOfDataPages) {
if (pQInfo->groupIndex == numOfGroups && info->pageId == info->numOfDataPages) {
......@@ -2883,10 +2883,10 @@ void copyResToQueryResultBuf(SQInfo *pQInfo, SQuery *pQuery) {
SGroupResInfo* pGroupResInfo = &pQInfo->groupResInfo;
// all results have been return to client, try next group
if (pGroupResInfo->pos.pageId == pGroupResInfo->numOfDataPages) {
if (pGroupResInfo->pageId == pGroupResInfo->numOfDataPages) {
pGroupResInfo->numOfDataPages = 0;
pGroupResInfo->pos.pageId = 0;
pGroupResInfo->pos.rowId = 0;
pGroupResInfo->pageId = 0;
pGroupResInfo->rowId = 0;
// current results of group has been sent to client, try next group
if (mergeIntoGroupResult(pQInfo) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -2914,22 +2914,22 @@ void copyResToQueryResultBuf(SQInfo *pQInfo, SQuery *pQuery) {
assert(size == pGroupResInfo->numOfDataPages);
bool done = false;
for (int32_t j = pGroupResInfo->pos.pageId; j < size; ++j) {
for (int32_t j = pGroupResInfo->pageId; j < size; ++j) {
SPageInfo* pi = *(SPageInfo**) taosArrayGet(list, j);
tFilePage* pData = getResBufPage(pResultBuf, pi->pageId);
assert(pData->num > 0 && pData->num <= pRuntimeEnv->numOfRowsPerPage && pGroupResInfo->pos.rowId < pData->num);
int32_t numOfRes = (int32_t)(pData->num - pGroupResInfo->pos.rowId);
assert(pData->num > 0 && pData->num <= pRuntimeEnv->numOfRowsPerPage && pGroupResInfo->rowId < pData->num);
int32_t numOfRes = (int32_t)(pData->num - pGroupResInfo->rowId);
if (numOfRes > pQuery->rec.capacity - offset) {
numOfCopiedRows = (int32_t)(pQuery->rec.capacity - offset);
pGroupResInfo->pos.rowId += numOfCopiedRows;
pGroupResInfo->rowId += numOfCopiedRows;
done = true;
} else {
numOfCopiedRows = (int32_t)pData->num;
pGroupResInfo->pos.pageId += 1;
pGroupResInfo->pos.rowId = 0;
pGroupResInfo->pageId += 1;
pGroupResInfo->rowId = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pQuery->numOfOutput; ++i) {
......@@ -3020,8 +3020,8 @@ int32_t mergeIntoGroupResultImpl(SQInfo *pQInfo, SArray *pGroup) {
pGroupResInfo->numOfDataPages = (int32_t)taosArrayGetSize(pageList);
pGroupResInfo->groupId = tid;
pGroupResInfo->pos.pageId = 0;
pGroupResInfo->pos.rowId = 0;
pGroupResInfo->pageId = 0;
pGroupResInfo->rowId = 0;
return pGroupResInfo->numOfDataPages;
......@@ -3067,7 +3067,7 @@ int32_t mergeIntoGroupResultImpl(SQInfo *pQInfo, SArray *pGroup) {
SWindowResInfo *pWindowResInfo = &pTableList[pos]->windowResInfo;
SWindowResult *pWindowRes = getWindowResult(pWindowResInfo, cs.position[pos]);
tFilePage *page = getResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, pWindowRes->pos.pageId);
tFilePage *page = getResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, pWindowRes->pageId);
char *b = getPosInResultPage(pRuntimeEnv, PRIMARYKEY_TIMESTAMP_COL_INDEX, pWindowRes, page);
TSKEY ts = GET_INT64_VAL(b);
......@@ -3104,7 +3104,7 @@ int32_t mergeIntoGroupResultImpl(SQInfo *pQInfo, SArray *pGroup) {
lastTimestamp = ts;
// move to the next element of current entry
int32_t currentPageId = pWindowRes->pos.pageId;
int32_t currentPageId = pWindowRes->pageId;
cs.position[pos] += 1;
if (cs.position[pos] >= pWindowResInfo->size) {
......@@ -3117,7 +3117,7 @@ int32_t mergeIntoGroupResultImpl(SQInfo *pQInfo, SArray *pGroup) {
} else {
// current page is not needed anymore
SWindowResult *pNextWindowRes = getWindowResult(pWindowResInfo, cs.position[pos]);
if (pNextWindowRes->pos.pageId != currentPageId) {
if (pNextWindowRes->pageId != currentPageId) {
releaseResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, page);
......@@ -3329,7 +3329,8 @@ int32_t createQueryResultInfo(SQuery *pQuery, SWindowResult *pResultRow, bool is
pResultRow->pos = (SPosInfo) {-1, -1};
pResultRow->pageId = -1;
pResultRow->rowId = -1;
char* buf = (char*) pResultRow->resultInfo + numOfCols * sizeof(SResultInfo);
......@@ -3796,7 +3797,7 @@ void setExecutionContext(SQInfo *pQInfo, int32_t groupIndex, TSKEY nextKey) {
* not assign result buffer yet, add new result buffer
* all group belong to one result set, and each group result has different group id so set the id to be one
if (pWindowRes->pos.pageId == -1) {
if (pWindowRes->pageId == -1) {
if (addNewWindowResultBuf(pWindowRes, pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, groupIndex, pRuntimeEnv->numOfRowsPerPage) !=
......@@ -3813,7 +3814,7 @@ void setWindowResOutputBuf(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SWindowResult *pResult
SQuery *pQuery = pRuntimeEnv->pQuery;
// Note: pResult->pos[i]->num == 0, there is only fixed number of results for each group
tFilePage *page = getResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, pResult->pos.pageId);
tFilePage *page = getResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, pResult->pageId);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pQuery->numOfOutput; ++i) {
SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx = &pRuntimeEnv->pCtx[i];
......@@ -3840,7 +3841,7 @@ void setWindowResOutputBufInitCtx(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SWindowResult *
SQuery *pQuery = pRuntimeEnv->pQuery;
// Note: pResult->pos[i]->num == 0, there is only fixed number of results for each group
tFilePage* bufPage = getResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, pResult->pos.pageId);
tFilePage* bufPage = getResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, pResult->pageId);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pQuery->numOfOutput; ++i) {
SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx = &pRuntimeEnv->pCtx[i];
......@@ -4019,12 +4020,12 @@ static int32_t doCopyToSData(SQInfo *pQInfo, SWindowResInfo *pResultInfo, int32_
for (int32_t i = startIdx; (i < totalSet) && (i >= 0); i += step) {
if (result[i].numOfRows == 0) {
pQInfo->groupIndex += 1;
pGroupResInfo->pos.rowId = 0;
pGroupResInfo->rowId = 0;
int32_t numOfRowsToCopy = result[i].numOfRows - pGroupResInfo->pos.rowId;
int32_t oldOffset = pGroupResInfo->pos.rowId;
int32_t numOfRowsToCopy = result[i].numOfRows - pGroupResInfo->rowId;
int32_t oldOffset = pGroupResInfo->rowId;
* current output space is not enough to accommodate all data of this page, only partial results
......@@ -4032,13 +4033,13 @@ static int32_t doCopyToSData(SQInfo *pQInfo, SWindowResInfo *pResultInfo, int32_
if (numOfRowsToCopy > pQuery->rec.capacity - numOfResult) {
numOfRowsToCopy = (int32_t) pQuery->rec.capacity - numOfResult;
pGroupResInfo->pos.rowId += numOfRowsToCopy;
pGroupResInfo->rowId += numOfRowsToCopy;
} else {
pGroupResInfo->pos.rowId = 0;
pGroupResInfo->rowId = 0;
pQInfo->groupIndex += 1;
tFilePage *page = getResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, result[i].pos.pageId);
tFilePage *page = getResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, result[i].pageId);
for (int32_t j = 0; j < pQuery->numOfOutput; ++j) {
int32_t size = pRuntimeEnv->pCtx[j].outputBytes;
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ void clearTimeWindowResBuf(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SWindowResult *pWindow
tFilePage *page = getResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, pWindowRes->pos.pageId);
tFilePage *page = getResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, pWindowRes->pageId);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pRuntimeEnv->pQuery->numOfOutput; ++i) {
SResultInfo *pResultInfo = &pWindowRes->resultInfo[i];
......@@ -279,7 +279,8 @@ void clearTimeWindowResBuf(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SWindowResult *pWindow
pWindowRes->numOfRows = 0;
pWindowRes->pos = (SPosInfo){-1, -1};
pWindowRes->pageId = -1;
pWindowRes->rowId = -1;
pWindowRes->closed = false;
......@@ -308,10 +309,10 @@ void copyTimeWindowResBuf(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SWindowResult *dst, con
memcpy(pDst->interResultBuf, pSrc->interResultBuf, pDst->bufLen);
// copy the output buffer data from src to dst, the position info keep unchanged
tFilePage *dstpage = getResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, dst->pos.pageId);
tFilePage *dstpage = getResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, dst->pageId);
char * dstBuf = getPosInResultPage(pRuntimeEnv, i, dst, dstpage);
tFilePage *srcpage = getResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, src->pos.pageId);
tFilePage *srcpage = getResBufPage(pRuntimeEnv->pResultBuf, src->pageId);
char * srcBuf = getPosInResultPage(pRuntimeEnv, i, (SWindowResult *)src, srcpage);
size_t s = pRuntimeEnv->pQuery->pSelectExpr[i].bytes;
......@@ -215,6 +215,11 @@ static void rpcUnlockConn(SRpcConn *pConn);
static void rpcAddRef(SRpcInfo *pRpc);
static void rpcDecRef(SRpcInfo *pRpc);
static void rpcFree(void *p) {
tTrace("free mem: %p", p);
static void rpcInit(void) {
tsProgressTimer = tsRpcTimer/2;
......@@ -222,7 +227,7 @@ static void rpcInit(void) {
tsRpcOverhead = sizeof(SRpcReqContext);
tsRpcRefId = taosOpenRef(200, free);
tsRpcRefId = taosOpenRef(200, rpcFree);
void *rpcOpen(const SRpcInit *pInit) {
......@@ -1271,7 +1271,6 @@ static void copyAllRemainRowsFromFileBlock(STsdbQueryHandle* pQueryHandle, STabl
int32_t end = endPos;
if (!ASCENDING_TRAVERSE(pQueryHandle->order)) {
assert(start >= end);
SWAP(start, end, int32_t);
......@@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ int taosAddRef(int refId, void *p)
pNode = pSet->nodeList[hash];
while ( pNode ) {
if ( pNode->p == p )
while (pNode) {
if (pNode->p == p)
pNode = pNode->next;
......@@ -176,8 +176,9 @@ int taosAddRef(int refId, void *p)
pNode->count = 1;
pNode->prev = 0;
pNode->next = pSet->nodeList[hash];
if (pSet->nodeList[hash]) pSet->nodeList[hash]->prev = pNode;
pSet->nodeList[hash] = pNode;
uTrace("refId:%d p:%p is added, count::%d", refId, p, pSet->count);
uTrace("refId:%d p:%p is added, count:%d malloc mem: %p", refId, p, pSet->count, pNode);
} else {
uTrace("refId:%d p:%p is not added, since no memory", refId, p);
......@@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ int taosAcquireRef(int refId, void *p)
SRefNode *pNode;
SRefSet *pSet;
if ( refId < 0 || refId >= TSDB_REF_OBJECTS ) {
if (refId < 0 || refId >= TSDB_REF_OBJECTS) {
uTrace("refId:%d p:%p failed to acquire, refId not valid", refId, p);
......@@ -267,7 +268,7 @@ void taosReleaseRef(int refId, void *p)
pNode = pSet->nodeList[hash];
while (pNode) {
if ( pNode->p == p )
if (pNode->p == p)
pNode = pNode->next;
......@@ -291,7 +292,7 @@ void taosReleaseRef(int refId, void *p)
released = 1;
uTrace("refId:%d p:%p is removed, count::%d", refId, p, pSet->count);
uTrace("refId:%d p:%p is removed, count:%d, free mem: %p", refId, p, pSet->count, pNode);
} else {
uTrace("refId:%d p:%p is released", refId, p);
# 如何在 windows环境下使用jdbc进行TDengine应用开发
## 环境准备
>java -version
java version "1.8.0_131"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_131-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.131-b11, mixed mode)
>mvn --version
Apache Maven 3.5.0 (ff8f5e7444045639af65f6095c62210b5713f426; 2017-04-04T03:39:06+08:00)
Maven home: D:\apache-maven-3.5.0\bin\..
Java version: 1.8.0_131, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\jre
Default locale: zh_CN, platform encoding: GBK
OS name: "windows 10", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"
<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.0.0.xsd">
<!-- 配置本地maven仓库的路径 -->
<!-- 配置阿里云Maven镜像仓库 -->
<name>aliyun maven</name>
<!-- 配置jdk,maven会默认使用java1.8 -->
# tar -zxvf package/TDengine-server-
# cd TDengine-server/
# ./install.sh
# systemctl start taosd
# taos
taos> show dnodes;
id | end_point | vnodes | cores | status | role | create_time |
1 | td01:6030 | 2 | 4 | ready | any | 2020-08-19 18:40:25.045 |
Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.005765s)
# hostname -f
``` td01
配置完成后,在命令行内使用taos shell连接server端
Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
Copyright (c) 2017 by TAOS Data, Inc. All rights reserved.
taos> show databases;
name | created_time | ntables | vgroups | replica | quorum | days | keep1,keep2,keep(D) | cache(MB) | blocks | minrows | maxrows | wallevel | fsync | comp | precision | status |
test | 2020-08-19 18:43:50.731 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3650,3650,3650 | 16 | 6 | 100 | 4096 | 1 | 3000 | 2 | ms | ready |
log | 2020-08-19 18:40:28.064 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 30,30,30 | 1 | 3 | 100 | 4096 | 1 | 3000 | 2 | us | ready |
Query OK, 2 row(s) in set (0.068000s)
## 应用开发
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
public class JdbcDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Connection conn = getConn();
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
// create database
stmt.executeUpdate("create database if not exists db");
// use database
stmt.executeUpdate("use db");
// create table
stmt.executeUpdate("create table if not exists tb (ts timestamp, temperature int, humidity float)");
// insert data
int affectedRows = stmt.executeUpdate("insert into tb values(now, 23, 10.3) (now + 1s, 20, 9.3)");
System.out.println("insert " + affectedRows + " rows.");
// query data
ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery("select * from tb");
Timestamp ts = null;
int temperature = 0;
float humidity = 0;
ts = resultSet.getTimestamp(1);
temperature = resultSet.getInt(2);
humidity = resultSet.getFloat("humidity");
System.out.printf("%s, %d, %s\n", ts, temperature, humidity);
public static Connection getConn() throws Exception{
String jdbcUrl = "jdbc:TAOS://td01:0/log?user=root&password=taosdata";
Properties connProps = new Properties();
connProps.setProperty(TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_CHARSET, "UTF-8");
connProps.setProperty(TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_LOCALE, "en_US.UTF-8");
connProps.setProperty(TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_TIME_ZONE, "UTC-8");
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl, connProps);
return conn;
insert 2 rows.
2020-08-26 00:06:34.575, 23, 10.3
2020-08-26 00:06:35.575, 20, 9.3
## 指南
# hostname
# hostname -f
```s node5
> 什么是FQDN?
> FQDN(Full qualified domain name)全限定域名,fqdn由2部分组成:hostname+domainname。
> 例如,一个邮件服务器的fqdn可能是:mymail.somecollege.edu,其中mymail是hostname(主机名),somcollege.edu是domainname(域名)。本例中,.edu是顶级域名,.somecollege是二级域名。
> 当连接服务器时,必须指定fqdn,然后,dns服务器通过查看dns表,将hostname解析为相应的ip地址。如果只指定hostname(不指定domainname),应用程序可能服务解析主机名。因为如果你试图访问不在本地的远程服务器时,本地的dns服务器和可能没有远程服务器的hostname列表。
> 参考:https://kb.iu.edu/d/aiuv
......@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ python3 ./test.py -f query/select_last_crash.py
python3 ./test.py -f query/queryNullValueTest.py
python3 ./test.py -f query/queryInsertValue.py
python3 ./test.py -f query/queryConnection.py
python3 ./test.py -f query/queryCountCSVData.py
python3 ./test.py -f query/natualInterval.py
python3 ./test.py -f query/bug1471.py
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import taos
from util.log import tdLog
from util.cases import tdCases
from util.sql import tdSql
from util.dnodes import tdDnodes
class TDTestCase:
create table and insert data from disordered.csv which timestamp is disordered and
ordered.csv which timestamp is ordered.
then execute 'select count(*) from table xx;'
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
def run(self):
tdSql.execute("create database if not exists demo;");
tdSql.execute("use demo;")
tdSql.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test1 (ts TIMESTAMP, ValueID int, "
"VariantValue float, Quality int, Flags int);")
tdSql.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test2 (ts TIMESTAMP, ValueID int, "
"VariantValue float, Quality int, Flags int);")
ordered_csv = __file__.split('query')[0] + 'test_data/ordered.csv'
disordered_csv = __file__.split('query')[0] + 'test_data/disordered.csv'
tdSql.execute(" insert into test1 file '{file}';".format(file=ordered_csv))
tdSql.execute(" insert into test2 file '{file}';".format(file=disordered_csv))
print("==============insert into test1 and test2 form test file")
tdSql.query('select * from test1;')
with open(ordered_csv) as f1:
num1 = len(f1.readlines())
tdSql.query('select * from test2;')
with open(disordered_csv) as f2:
num2 = len(f2.readlines())
print("=============execute select count(*) from xxx")
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
this directory contains test data files
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