提交 cd6df491 编写于 作者: H Hongze Cheng

Merge branch 'develop' into feature/TD-1925_new

......@@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ TDengine支持针对数据的聚合查询。提供支持的聚合和选择函数
适用于:表。(从 2.0.15 版本开始,本函数也支持超级表)
......@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ SELECT AVG(current), MAX(current), LEASTSQUARES(current, start_val, step_val), P
- 数据库名最大长度为32
- 表名最大长度为192,每行数据最大长度16k个字符
- 列名最大长度为64,最多允许1024列,最少需要2列,第一列必须是时间戳
- 标签最多允许128个,可以0个,标签总长度不超过16k个字符
- 标签最多允许128个,可以1个,标签总长度不超过16k个字符
- SQL语句最大长度65480个字符,但可通过系统配置参数maxSQLLength修改,最长可配置为1M
- 库的数目,超级表的数目、表的数目,系统不做限制,仅受系统资源限制
......@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ Master Vnode遵循下面的写入流程:
1. Master vnode收到应用的数据插入请求,验证OK,进入下一步;
2. 如果系统配置参数walLevel大于0,vnode将把该请求的原始数据包写入数据库日志文件WAL。如果walLevel设置为2,而且fsync设置为0,TDengine还将WAL数据立即落盘,以保证即使宕机,也能从数据库日志文件中恢复数据,避免数据的丢失;
3. 如果有多个副本,vnode将把数据包转发给同一虚拟节点组内slave vnodes, 该转发包带有数据的版本号(version);
4. 写入内存,并记录加入到skip list;
4. 写入内存,并记录加入到skip list;
5. Master vnode返回确认信息给应用,表示写入成功。
6. 如果第2,3,4步中任何一步失败,将直接返回错误给应用。
......@@ -288,13 +288,6 @@ C/C++的API类似于MySQL的C API。应用程序使用时,需要包含TDengine
* res:`taos_query_a`回调时返回的结果集
* fp:回调函数。其参数`param`是用户可定义的传递给回调函数的参数结构体;`numOfRows`是获取到的数据的行数(不是整个查询结果集的函数)。 在回调函数中,应用可以通过调用`taos_fetch_row`前向迭代获取批量记录中每一行记录。读完一块内的所有记录后,应用需要在回调函数中继续调用`taos_fetch_rows_a`获取下一批记录进行处理,直到返回的记录数(numOfRows)为零(结果返回完成)或记录数为负值(查询出错)。
- `void taos_fetch_row_a(TAOS_RES *res, void (*fp)(void *param, TAOS_RES *, TAOS_ROW row), void *param);`
* res:`taos_query_a`回调时返回的结果集
* fp:回调函数。其参数`param`是应用提供的一个用于回调的参数。回调时,第三个参数`row`指向一行记录。不同于`taos_fetch_rows_a`,应用无需调用`taos_fetch_row`来获取一行数据,更加简单,但数据提取性能不及批量获取的API。
### 参数绑定API
......@@ -1085,8 +1085,8 @@ static void printfQueryMeta() {
printf("database name: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.dbName);
printf("super table query info: \n");
printf("rate: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.rate);
printf("specified table query info: \n");
printf("query interval: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.rate);
printf("concurrent: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.concurrent);
printf("sqlCount: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sqlCount);
......@@ -1102,11 +1102,11 @@ static void printfQueryMeta() {
printf(" sql[%d]: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", i, g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sql[i]);
printf("sub table query info: \n");
printf("rate: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.rate);
printf("super table query info: \n");
printf("query interval: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.rate);
printf("threadCnt: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.threadCnt);
printf("childTblCount: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.childTblCount);
printf("childTblPrefix: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.childTblPrefix);
printf("stable name: \033[33m%s\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.sTblName);
if (SUBSCRIBE_MODE == g_jsonType) {
printf("mod: \033[33m%d\033[0m\n", g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.subscribeMode);
......@@ -4020,23 +4020,23 @@ void *superQueryProcess(void *sarg) {
selectAndGetResult(winfo->taos, g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sql[i], tmpFile);
int64_t t2 = taosGetTimestampUs();
printf("taosc select sql return, Spent %f s\n", (t2 - t1)/1000000.0);
printf("=[taosc] thread[%"PRIu64"] complete one sql, Spent %f s\n", (uint64_t)pthread_self(), (t2 - t1)/1000000.0);
} else {
int64_t t1 = taosGetTimestampUs();
int retCode = curlProceSql(g_queryInfo.host, g_queryInfo.port, g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sql[i], winfo->curl_handle);
int64_t t2 = taosGetTimestampUs();
printf("http select sql return, Spent %f s \n", (t2 - t1)/1000000.0);
printf("=[restful] thread[%"PRIu64"] complete one sql, Spent %f s\n", (uint64_t)pthread_self(), (t2 - t1)/1000000.0);
if (0 != retCode) {
printf("========curl return fail, threadID[%d]\n", winfo->threadID);
printf("====curl return fail, threadID[%d]\n", winfo->threadID);
return NULL;
et = taosGetTimestampMs();
printf("========thread[%"PRIu64"] complete all sqls to super table once queries duration:%.6fs\n\n", (uint64_t)pthread_self(), (double)(et - st)/1000.0);
printf("==thread[%"PRIu64"] complete all sqls to specify tables once queries duration:%.6fs\n\n", (uint64_t)pthread_self(), (double)(et - st)/1000.0);
return NULL;
......@@ -4065,7 +4065,7 @@ void *subQueryProcess(void *sarg) {
char sqlstr[1024];
threadInfo *winfo = (threadInfo *)sarg;
int64_t st = 0;
int64_t et = 0;
int64_t et = g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.rate*1000;
while (1) {
if (g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.rate && (et - st) < g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.rate*1000) {
taosMsleep(g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.rate*1000 - (et - st)); // ms
......@@ -4085,17 +4085,12 @@ void *subQueryProcess(void *sarg) {
et = taosGetTimestampMs();
printf("========thread[%"PRIu64"] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables once queries duration:%.4fs\n\n", (uint64_t)pthread_self(), (double)(et - st)/1000.0);
printf("####thread[%"PRIu64"] complete all sqls to allocate all sub-tables[%d - %d] once queries duration:%.4fs\n\n", (uint64_t)pthread_self(), winfo->start_table_id, winfo->end_table_id, (double)(et - st)/1000.0);
return NULL;
int queryTestProcess() {
printf("Press enter key to continue\n\n");
TAOS * taos = NULL;
taos = taos_connect(g_queryInfo.host, g_queryInfo.user, g_queryInfo.password, g_queryInfo.dbName, g_queryInfo.port);
......@@ -4108,9 +4103,13 @@ int queryTestProcess() {
(void)getAllChildNameOfSuperTable(taos, g_queryInfo.dbName, g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.sTblName, &g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.childTblName, &g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.childTblCount);
printf("Press enter key to continue\n\n");
pthread_t *pids = NULL;
threadInfo *infos = NULL;
//==== create sub threads for query from super table
//==== create sub threads for query from specify table
if (g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.sqlCount > 0 && g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.concurrent > 0) {
pids = malloc(g_queryInfo.superQueryInfo.concurrent * sizeof(pthread_t));
......@@ -4146,7 +4145,7 @@ int queryTestProcess() {
pthread_t *pidsOfSub = NULL;
threadInfo *infosOfSub = NULL;
//==== create sub threads for query from sub table
//==== create sub threads for query from all sub table of the super table
if ((g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.sqlCount > 0) && (g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.threadCnt > 0)) {
pidsOfSub = malloc(g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.threadCnt * sizeof(pthread_t));
infosOfSub = malloc(g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.threadCnt * sizeof(threadInfo));
......@@ -4177,6 +4176,7 @@ int queryTestProcess() {
t_info->start_table_id = last;
t_info->end_table_id = i < b ? last + a : last + a - 1;
last = t_info->end_table_id + 1;
t_info->taos = taos;
pthread_create(pidsOfSub + i, NULL, subQueryProcess, t_info);
......@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ static void syncStartCheckPeerConn(SSyncPeer *pPeer) {
int32_t ret = strcmp(pPeer->fqdn, tsNodeFqdn);
if (pPeer->nodeId == 0 || (ret > 0) || (ret == 0 && pPeer->port > tsSyncPort)) {
int32_t checkMs = 100 + (pNode->vgId * 10) % 100;
if (pNode->vgId > 1) checkMs = tsStatusInterval * 1000 + checkMs;
sDebug("%s, check peer connection after %d ms", pPeer->id, checkMs);
taosTmrReset(syncCheckPeerConnection, checkMs, (void *)pPeer->rid, tsSyncTmrCtrl, &pPeer->timer);
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