提交 c7c8ab00 编写于 作者: P Ping Xiao

Merge branch 'master' into xiaoping/add_test_case

......@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ def pre_test(){
sh '''
cd ${WK}
git pull >/dev/null
export TZ=Asia/Harbin
git clean -dfx
......@@ -6166,7 +6166,7 @@ int32_t doFunctionsCompatibleCheck(SSqlCmd* pCmd, SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo) {
// projection query on super table does not compatible with "group by" syntax
if (tscNonOrderedProjectionQueryOnSTable(pQueryInfo, 0)) {
if (tscIsProjectionQuery(pQueryInfo)) {
return invalidSqlErrMsg(tscGetErrorMsgPayload(pCmd), msg3);
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
#define MAX_IP_SIZE 20
#define MAX_HISTORY_SIZE 1000
#define MAX_COMMAND_SIZE 65536
#define MAX_COMMAND_SIZE 1048586
#define HISTORY_FILE ".taos_history"
......@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ void resetCommand(Command *cmd, const char s[]) {
clearScreen(cmd->endOffset + prompt_size, cmd->screenOffset + prompt_size);
memset(cmd->buffer, 0, MAX_COMMAND_SIZE);
memset(cmd->command, 0, MAX_COMMAND_SIZE);
strcpy(cmd->command, s);
strncpy(cmd->command, s, MAX_COMMAND_SIZE);
int size = 0;
int width = 0;
getMbSizeInfo(s, &size, &width);
......@@ -2573,10 +2573,7 @@ static void* createTable(void *sarg)
int64_t lastPrintTime = taosGetTimestampMs();
int buff_len;
if (superTblInfo)
buff_len = superTblInfo->maxSqlLen;
buff_len = BUFFER_SIZE;
buff_len = BUFFER_SIZE / 8;
char *buffer = calloc(buff_len, 1);
if (buffer == NULL) {
......@@ -2624,7 +2621,7 @@ static void* createTable(void *sarg)
return NULL;
len += snprintf(buffer + len,
superTblInfo->maxSqlLen - len,
buff_len - len,
"if not exists %s.%s%d using %s.%s tags %s ",
winfo->db_name, superTblInfo->childTblPrefix,
i, winfo->db_name,
......@@ -2632,7 +2629,7 @@ static void* createTable(void *sarg)
if ((batchNum < superTblInfo->batchCreateTableNum)
&& ((superTblInfo->maxSqlLen - len)
&& ((buff_len - len)
>= (superTblInfo->lenOfTagOfOneRow + 256))) {
......@@ -3479,9 +3476,11 @@ static bool getMetaFromInsertJsonFile(cJSON* root) {
if (childTblExists
&& childTblExists->type == cJSON_String
&& childTblExists->valuestring != NULL) {
if (0 == strncasecmp(childTblExists->valuestring, "yes", 3)) {
if ((0 == strncasecmp(childTblExists->valuestring, "yes", 3))
&& (g_Dbs.db[i].drop == false)) {
g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblExists = TBL_ALREADY_EXISTS;
} else if (0 == strncasecmp(childTblExists->valuestring, "no", 2)) {
} else if ((0 == strncasecmp(childTblExists->valuestring, "no", 2)
|| (g_Dbs.db[i].drop == true))) {
g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblExists = TBL_NO_EXISTS;
} else {
g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblExists = TBL_NO_EXISTS;
......@@ -3527,18 +3526,20 @@ static bool getMetaFromInsertJsonFile(cJSON* root) {
cJSON* childTbl_limit = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "childtable_limit");
if (childTbl_limit) {
if ((childTbl_limit) && (g_Dbs.db[i].drop != true)
&& (g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblExists == TBL_ALREADY_EXISTS)) {
if (childTbl_limit->type != cJSON_Number) {
printf("ERROR: failed to read json, childtable_limit\n");
g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblLimit = childTbl_limit->valueint;
} else {
g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblLimit = -1; // select ... limit -1 means all query result
g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblLimit = -1; // select ... limit -1 means all query result, drop = yes mean all table need recreate, limit value is invalid.
cJSON* childTbl_offset = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "childtable_offset");
if (childTbl_offset) {
if ((childTbl_offset) && (g_Dbs.db[i].drop != true)
&& (g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].childTblExists == TBL_ALREADY_EXISTS)) {
if (childTbl_offset->type != cJSON_Number || 0 > childTbl_offset->valueint) {
printf("ERROR: failed to read json, childtable_offset\n");
......@@ -5164,13 +5165,15 @@ static void startMultiThreadInsertData(int threads, char* db_name,
int limit, offset;
if ((superTblInfo->childTblExists == TBL_NO_EXISTS) &&
((superTblInfo->childTblOffset != 0) || (superTblInfo->childTblLimit != 0))) {
((superTblInfo->childTblOffset != 0) || (superTblInfo->childTblLimit >= 0))) {
printf("WARNING: offset and limit will not be used since the child tables are not exists!\n");
if ((superTblInfo->childTblExists == TBL_ALREADY_EXISTS)
&& (superTblInfo->childTblOffset >= 0)) {
if (superTblInfo->childTblLimit < 0) {
if ((superTblInfo->childTblLimit < 0)
|| ((superTblInfo->childTblOffset + superTblInfo->childTblLimit)
> (superTblInfo->childTblCount))) {
superTblInfo->childTblLimit =
superTblInfo->childTblCount - superTblInfo->childTblOffset;
......@@ -315,6 +315,10 @@ void sdbUpdateAsync() {
taosTmrReset(sdbUpdateSyncTmrFp, 200, NULL, tsMnodeTmr, &tsSdbTmr);
static int node_cmp(const void *l, const void *r) {
return ((SNodeInfo *)l)->nodeId - ((SNodeInfo *)r)->nodeId;
int32_t sdbUpdateSync(void *pMnodes) {
SMInfos *pMinfos = pMnodes;
if (!mnodeIsRunning()) {
......@@ -382,6 +386,8 @@ int32_t sdbUpdateSync(void *pMnodes) {
qsort(syncCfg.nodeInfo, syncCfg.replica, sizeof(syncCfg.nodeInfo[0]), node_cmp);
sdbInfo("vgId:1, work as mnode, replica:%d", syncCfg.replica);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < syncCfg.replica; ++i) {
sdbInfo("vgId:1, mnode:%d, %s:%d", syncCfg.nodeInfo[i].nodeId, syncCfg.nodeInfo[i].nodeFqdn,
......@@ -1131,4 +1137,4 @@ static void *sdbWorkerFp(void *pWorker) {
int32_t sdbGetReplicaNum() {
return tsSdbMgmt.cfg.replica;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2771,14 +2771,16 @@ static void percentile_function(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
SPercentileInfo *pInfo = GET_ROWCELL_INTERBUF(pResInfo);
if (pCtx->currentStage == REPEAT_SCAN && pInfo->stage == 0) {
pInfo->stage += 1;
// all data are null, set it completed
if (pInfo->numOfElems == 0) {
pResInfo->complete = true;
} else {
pInfo->pMemBucket = tMemBucketCreate(pCtx->inputBytes, pCtx->inputType, pInfo->minval, pInfo->maxval);
pInfo->stage += 1;
// the first stage, only acquire the min/max value
......@@ -2857,14 +2859,16 @@ static void percentile_function_f(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, int32_t index) {
SPercentileInfo *pInfo = (SPercentileInfo *)GET_ROWCELL_INTERBUF(pResInfo);
if (pCtx->currentStage == REPEAT_SCAN && pInfo->stage == 0) {
pInfo->stage += 1;
// all data are null, set it completed
if (pInfo->numOfElems == 0) {
pResInfo->complete = true;
} else {
pInfo->pMemBucket = tMemBucketCreate(pCtx->inputBytes, pCtx->inputType, pInfo->minval, pInfo->maxval);
pInfo->stage += 1;
if (pInfo->stage == 0) {
......@@ -4015,7 +4015,7 @@ static SFillColInfo* createFillColInfo(SExprInfo* pExpr, int32_t numOfOutput, in
return pFillCol;
int32_t doInitQInfo(SQInfo *pQInfo, STSBuf *pTsBuf, SArray* prevResult, void *tsdb, int32_t vgId, bool isSTableQuery) {
int32_t doInitQInfo(SQInfo *pQInfo, STSBuf *pTsBuf, void *tsdb, int32_t vgId, bool isSTableQuery) {
SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv = &pQInfo->runtimeEnv;
SQuery *pQuery = pQInfo->runtimeEnv.pQuery;
......@@ -4026,8 +4026,6 @@ int32_t doInitQInfo(SQInfo *pQInfo, STSBuf *pTsBuf, SArray* prevResult, void *ts
pQuery->timeWindowInterpo = timeWindowInterpoRequired(pQuery);
pQuery->stabledev = isStabledev(pQuery);
pRuntimeEnv->prevResult = prevResult;
int32_t code = setupQueryHandle(tsdb, pQInfo, isSTableQuery);
......@@ -6383,6 +6381,8 @@ int32_t initQInfo(SQueryTableMsg *pQueryMsg, void *tsdb, int32_t vgId, SQInfo *p
SArray* prevResult = NULL;
if (pQueryMsg->prevResultLen > 0) {
prevResult = interResFromBinary(param->prevResult, pQueryMsg->prevResultLen);
pRuntimeEnv->prevResult = prevResult;
pQuery->precision = tsdbGetCfg(tsdb)->precision;
......@@ -6404,7 +6404,7 @@ int32_t initQInfo(SQueryTableMsg *pQueryMsg, void *tsdb, int32_t vgId, SQInfo *p
// filter the qualified
if ((code = doInitQInfo(pQInfo, pTsBuf, prevResult, tsdb, vgId, isSTable)) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
if ((code = doInitQInfo(pQInfo, pTsBuf, tsdb, vgId, isSTable)) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
goto _error;
......@@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ python3 ./test.py -f query/floatCompare.py
python3 ./test.py -f query/query1970YearsAf.py
python3 ./test.py -f query/bug3351.py
python3 ./test.py -f query/bug3375.py
python3 ./test.py -f query/queryJoin10tables.py
python3 ./test.py -f query/queryStddevWithGroupby.py
python3 ./test.py -f stream/metric_1.py
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import taos
import sys
from util.log import *
from util.sql import *
from util.cases import *
from util.dnodes import *
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug(f"start to excute {__file__}")
def createtable(self):
# create stbles
tdSql.execute("create table if not exists stb1 (ts timestamp, c1 int) tags(t11 int, t12 int)")
tdSql.execute("create table if not exists stb2 (ts timestamp, c2 int) tags(t21 int, t22 int)")
tdSql.execute("create table if not exists stb3 (ts timestamp, c3 int) tags(t31 int, t32 int)")
tdSql.execute("create table if not exists stb4 (ts timestamp, c4 int) tags(t41 int, t42 int)")
tdSql.execute("create table if not exists stb5 (ts timestamp, c5 int) tags(t51 int, t52 int)")
tdSql.execute("create table if not exists stb6 (ts timestamp, c6 int) tags(t61 int, t62 int)")
tdSql.execute("create table if not exists stb7 (ts timestamp, c7 int) tags(t71 int, t72 int)")
tdSql.execute("create table if not exists stb8 (ts timestamp, c8 int) tags(t81 int, t82 int)")
tdSql.execute("create table if not exists stb9 (ts timestamp, c9 int) tags(t91 int, t92 int)")
tdSql.execute("create table if not exists stb10 (ts timestamp, c10 int) tags(t101 int, t102 int)")
tdSql.execute("create table if not exists stb11 (ts timestamp, c11 int) tags(t111 int, t112 int)")
# create normal tables
tdSql.execute("create table t10 using stb1 tags(0, 9)")
tdSql.execute("create table t11 using stb1 tags(1, 8)")
tdSql.execute("create table t12 using stb1 tags(2, 7)")
tdSql.execute("create table t13 using stb1 tags(3, 6)")
tdSql.execute("create table t14 using stb1 tags(4, 5)")
tdSql.execute("create table t15 using stb1 tags(5, 4)")
tdSql.execute("create table t16 using stb1 tags(6, 3)")
tdSql.execute("create table t17 using stb1 tags(7, 2)")
tdSql.execute("create table t18 using stb1 tags(8, 1)")
tdSql.execute("create table t19 using stb1 tags(9, 0)")
tdSql.execute("create table t110 using stb1 tags(10, 10)")
tdSql.execute("create table t20 using stb2 tags(0, 9)")
tdSql.execute("create table t21 using stb2 tags(1, 8)")
tdSql.execute("create table t22 using stb2 tags(2, 7)")
tdSql.execute("create table t30 using stb3 tags(0, 9)")
tdSql.execute("create table t31 using stb3 tags(1, 8)")
tdSql.execute("create table t32 using stb3 tags(2, 7)")
def inserttable(self):
for i in range(100):
if i<60:
tdSql.execute(f"insert into t20 values('2020-10-01 00:00:{i}.000', {i})")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into t21 values('2020-10-01 00:00:{i}.000', {i})")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into t22 values('2020-10-01 00:00:{i}.000', {i})")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into t30 values('2020-10-01 00:00:{i}.000', {i})")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into t31 values('2020-10-01 00:00:{i}.000', {i})")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into t32 values('2020-10-01 00:00:{i}.000', {i})")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into t20 values('2020-10-01 00:01:{i-60}.000', {i})")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into t21 values('2020-10-01 00:01:{i-60}.000', {i})")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into t22 values('2020-10-01 00:01:{i-60}.000', {i})")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into t30 values('2020-10-01 00:01:{i-60}.000', {i})")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into t31 values('2020-10-01 00:01:{i-60}.000', {i})")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into t32 values('2020-10-01 00:01:{i-60}.000', {i})")
for j in range(11):
if i<60:
tdSql.execute(f"insert into t1{j} values('2020-10-01 00:00:{i}.000', {i})")
tdSql.execute(f"insert into t1{j} values('2020-10-01 00:01:{i-60}.000', {i})")
def queryjointable(self):
'''select from t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15,t16,t17,t18,t19
where t10.ts=t11.ts and t10.ts=t12.ts and t10.ts=t13.ts and t10.ts=t14.ts and t10.ts=t15.ts
and t10.ts=t16.ts and t10.ts=t17.ts and t10.ts=t18.ts and t10.ts=t19.ts'''
tdSql.error("select * from t10 where t10.ts=t11.ts")
tdSql.error("select * from where t10.ts=t11.ts")
tdSql.error("select * from t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15,t16,t17,t18,t19")
tdSql.error("select * from stb1, stb2, stb3 where stb1.ts=stb2.ts and stb1.ts=stb3.ts")
tdSql.error("select * from stb1, stb2, stb3 where stb1.t11=stb2.t21 and stb1.t11=stb3.t31")
tdSql.error("select * from stb1, stb2, stb3")
'''select * from stb1
join stb2 on stb1.ts=stb2.ts and stb1.t11=stb2.t21
join stb3 on stb1.ts=stb3.ts and stb1.t11=stb3.t31'''
tdSql.error("select * from t10 join t11 on t10.ts=t11.ts join t12 on t11.ts=t12.ts")
'''select * from stb1,stb2,stb3
where stb1.ts=stb2.ts and stb1.ts=stb3.ts and stb1.t11=stb2.t21 and stb1.t11 =stb3.t31'''
tdSql.query("select * from t11,t12,t13 where t11.ts=t12.ts and t11.ts=t13.ts")
tdSql.error("selec * from t11,t12,t13 where t11.ts=t12.ts and t11.ts=t13.ts")
tdSql.error("select * form t11,t12,t13 where t11.ts=t12.ts and t11.ts=t13.ts")
tdSql.error("select * from t11,t12,t13 when t11.ts=t12.ts and t11.ts=t13.ts")
tdSql.error("select * from t11,t12,t13 when t11.ts <> t12.ts and t11.ts=t13.ts")
tdSql.error("select * from t11,t12,t13 when t11.ts != t12.ts and t11.ts=t13.ts")
tdSql.error("select * from t11,t12,t13 when t11.ts=t12.ts or t11.ts=t13.ts")
tdSql.error("select * from t11,t12,t13 when t11.ts=t12.ts=t13.ts")
tdSql.error("select * from t11,t12,t13 when t11.c1=t12.c2 and t11.c1=t13.c3")
tdSql.error("select * from t11,t12,t13 when t11.ts=t12.ts and t11.ts=t13.c3 and t11.c1=t13.ts")
tdSql.error("select ts from t11,t12,t13 when t11.ts=t12.ts and t11.ts=t13.ts")
tdSql.error("select * from t11,t12,t13 when t11.ts=ts and t11.ts=t13.ts")
tdSql.error("select * from t11,t12,t13 when t11.ts=t12.ts and t11.ts=t13.ts and ts>100")
tdSql.error("select * from t11,t12,stb1 when t11.ts=t12.ts and t11.ts=stb1.ts")
tdSql.error("select t14.ts from t11,t12,t13 when t11.ts=t12.ts and t11.ts=t13.ts")
tdSql.error("select * from t11,t12,t13 when t11.ts=t12.ts and t11.ts=t13.ts1")
tdSql.error("select * from t11,t12,t13 when t11.ts=t12.ts and t11.ts=t14.ts")
tdSql.error("select * from t11,t12,t13 when t11.ts=t12.ts")
tdSql.error("select * from t11,t12,t13 when t11.ts=t12.ts and t11.ts=t13.ts and t11.c1=t13.c3")
'''select * from t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15,t16,t17,t18,t19,t20
where t10.ts=t11.ts and t10.ts=t12.ts and t10.ts=t13.ts and t10.ts=t14.ts and t10.ts=t15.ts
and t10.ts=t16.ts and t10.ts=t17.ts and t10.ts=t18.ts and t10.ts=t19.ts and t10.ts=t20.ts'''
'''select * from t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15,t16,t17,t18,t19,t20
where t10.ts=t11.ts and t10.ts=t12.ts and t10.ts=t13.ts and t10.ts=t14.ts and t10.ts=t15.ts
and t10.ts=t16.ts and t10.ts=t17.ts and t10.ts=t18.ts and t10.ts=t19.ts'''
'''select * from t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15,t16,t17,t18,t19
where t10.ts=t11.ts and t10.ts=t12.ts and t10.ts=t13.ts and t10.ts=t14.ts and t10.ts=t15.ts
and t10.ts=t16.ts and t10.ts=t17.ts and t10.ts=t18.ts and t10.ts=t19.ts and t10.c1=t19.c1'''
'''select * from stb1,stb2,stb3
where stb1.ts=stb2.ts and stb1.ts=stb3.ts and stb1.t11=stb2.t21'''
'''select * from stb1,stb2,stb3
where stb1.ts=stb2.ts and stb1.t11=stb2.t21 and stb1.t11=stb3.t31'''
'''select * from stb1,stb2,stb3
where stb1.ts=stb2.ts and stb1.ts=stb3.ts and stb1.t11=stb2.t21 and stb1.t11=stb3.t31
and stb1.t12=stb3=t32'''
'''select * from stb1,stb2,stb3,stb4,stb5,stb6,stb7,stb8,stb9,stb10,stb11
where stb1.ts=stb2.ts and stb1.ts=stb3.ts and stb1.ts=stb4.ts and stb1.ts=stb5.ts and stb1.ts=stb6.ts
and stb1.ts=stb7.ts and stb1.ts=stb8.ts and stb1.ts=stb9.ts and stb1.ts=stb10.ts and stb1.ts=stb11.ts
and stb1.t11=stb2.t21 and stb1.t11=stb3.t31 and stb1.t11=stb4.t41 and stb1.t11=stb5.t51
and stb1.t11=stb6.t61 and stb1.t11=stb7.t71 and stb1.t11=stb8.t81 and stb1.t11=stb9.t91
and stb1.t11=stb10.t101 and stb1.t11=stb11.t111'''
'''select * from stb1,stb2,stb3,stb4,stb5,stb6,stb7,stb8,stb9,stb10
where stb1.ts=stb2.ts and stb1.ts=stb3.ts and stb1.ts=stb4.ts and stb1.ts=stb5.ts and stb1.ts=stb6.ts
and stb1.ts=stb7.ts and stb1.ts=stb8.ts and stb1.ts=stb9.ts and stb1.ts=stb10.ts and stb1.t11=stb2.t21
and stb1.t11=stb3.t31 and stb1.t11=stb4.t41 and stb1.t11=stb5.t51 and stb1.t11=stb6.t61
and stb1.t11=stb7.t71 and stb1.t11=stb8.t81 and stb1.t11=stb9.t91 and stb1.t11=stb10.t101
and stb1.t12=stb11.t102'''
def run(self):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1:create table")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step2:insert data")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step3:query timestamp type")
# after wal and sync, check again
tdSql.query("show dnodes")
index = tdSql.getData(0, 0)
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step4:query again after wal")
def stop(self):
tdLog.success(f"{__file__} successfully executed")
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
\ No newline at end of file
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from util.log import *
from util.cases import *
from util.sql import *
from util.dnodes import *
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
def querysqls(self):
tdSql.query("select stddev(c1) from t10 group by c1")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 0)
tdSql.checkData(1, 0, 0)
tdSql.checkData(2, 0, 0)
tdSql.checkData(3, 0, 0)
tdSql.checkData(4, 0, 0)
tdSql.checkData(5, 0, 0)
tdSql.query("select stddev(c2) from t10")
tdSql.checkData(0, 0, 0.5)
def run(self):
tdSql.execute("drop database if exists db")
tdSql.execute("create database if not exists db keep 36500")
tdSql.execute("use db")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step1:create table && insert data")
tdSql.execute("create stable stb1 (ts timestamp , c1 int ,c2 float) tags(t1 int)")
tdSql.execute("create table t10 using stb1 tags(1)")
tdSql.execute("insert into t10 values ('1969-12-31 00:00:00.000', 2,1)")
tdSql.execute("insert into t10 values ('1970-01-01 00:00:00.000', 3,1)")
tdSql.execute("insert into t10 values (0, 4,1)")
tdSql.execute("insert into t10 values (now-18725d, 1,2)")
tdSql.execute("insert into t10 values ('2021-04-06 00:00:00.000', 5,2)")
tdSql.execute("insert into t10 values (now+1d,6,2)")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step2:query and check")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("==========step3:after wal,check again")
tdSql.query("show dnodes")
index = tdSql.getData(0, 0)
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ sql_error select sum(c3), ts, c2 from group_tb0 where c1 < 20 group by c1;
sql_error select sum(c3), first(ts), c2 from group_tb0 where c1 < 20 group by c1;
sql_error select first(c3), ts, c1, c2 from group_tb0 where c1 < 20 group by c1;
sql_error select first(c3), last(c3), ts, c1 from group_tb0 where c1 < 20 group by c1;
sql_error select ts from group_tb0 group by c1;
#===========================interval=====not support======================
sql_error select count(*), c1 from group_tb0 where c1<20 interval(1y) group by c1;
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