提交 c03e84c1 编写于 作者: H hjxilinx

[td-186]support query on tags/tbname

上级 9c5e9268
......@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ typedef struct STableMetaInfo {
SVgroupsInfo *vgroupList;
* 1. keep the vnode index during the multi-vnode super table projection query
* 2. keep the vnode index for multi-vnode insertion
* 1. keep the vgroup index during the multi-vnode super table projection query
* 2. keep the vgroup index for multi-vnode insertion
int32_t vgroupIndex;
char name[TSDB_TABLE_ID_LEN]; // (super) table name
......@@ -304,118 +304,6 @@ static int32_t tscProcessDescribeTable(SSqlObj *pSql) {
return tscSetValueToResObj(pSql, rowLen);
// todo add order support
static int tscBuildMetricTagProjectionResult(SSqlObj *pSql) {
#if 0
// the result structure has been completed in sql parse, so we
// only need to reorganize the results in the column format
SSqlCmd * pCmd = &pSql->cmd;
SSqlRes * pRes = &pSql->res;
SQueryInfo *pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, 0);
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
SSuperTableMeta *pMetricMeta = pTableMetaInfo->pMetricMeta;
SSchema * pSchema = tscGetTableTagSchema(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta);
int32_t vOffset[TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS] = {0};
for (int32_t f = 1; f < pTableMetaInfo->numOfTags; ++f) {
int16_t tagColumnIndex = pTableMetaInfo->tagColumnIndex[f - 1];
if (tagColumnIndex == -1) {
vOffset[f] = vOffset[f - 1] + TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN;
} else {
vOffset[f] = vOffset[f - 1] + pSchema[tagColumnIndex].bytes;
int32_t totalNumOfResults = pMetricMeta->numOfTables;
int32_t rowLen = tscGetResRowLength(pQueryInfo->exprList);
tscInitResObjForLocalQuery(pSql, totalNumOfResults, rowLen);
int32_t rowIdx = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pMetricMeta->numOfVnodes; ++i) {
SVnodeSidList *pSidList = (SVnodeSidList *)((char *)pMetricMeta + pMetricMeta->list[i]);
for (int32_t j = 0; j < pSidList->numOfSids; ++j) {
STableIdInfo *pSidExt = tscGetMeterSidInfo(pSidList, j);
for (int32_t k = 0; k < pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput; ++k) {
SColIndex *pColIndex = &tscSqlExprGet(pQueryInfo, k)->colInfo;
int16_t offsetId = pColIndex->colIdx;
assert((pColIndex->flag & TSDB_COL_TAG) != 0);
char * val = NULL;//pSidExt->tags + vOffset[offsetId];
TAOS_FIELD *pField = tscFieldInfoGetField(&pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo, k);
memcpy(pRes->data + tscFieldInfoGetOffset(pQueryInfo, k) * totalNumOfResults + pField->bytes * rowIdx, val,
return 0;
static int tscBuildMetricTagSqlFunctionResult(SSqlObj *pSql) {
// SSqlCmd *pCmd = &pSql->cmd;
// SSqlRes *pRes = &pSql->res;
// SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, 0);
#if 0
SSuperTableMeta *pMetricMeta = tscGetMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, 0)->pMetricMeta;
int32_t totalNumOfResults = 1; // count function only produce one result
int32_t rowLen = tscGetResRowLength(pQueryInfo->exprList);
tscInitResObjForLocalQuery(pSql, totalNumOfResults, rowLen);
int32_t rowIdx = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < totalNumOfResults; ++i) {
for (int32_t k = 0; k < pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput; ++k) {
SSqlExpr *pExpr = tscSqlExprGet(pQueryInfo, i);
if (pExpr->colInfo.colIdx == -1 && pExpr->functionId == TSDB_FUNC_COUNT) {
TAOS_FIELD *pField = tscFieldInfoGetField(&pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo, k);
memcpy(pRes->data + tscFieldInfoGetOffset(pQueryInfo, i) * totalNumOfResults + pField->bytes * rowIdx,
&pMetricMeta->numOfTables, sizeof(pMetricMeta->numOfTables));
} else {
tscError("not support operations");
return 0;
static int tscProcessQueryTags(SSqlObj *pSql) {
SSqlCmd *pCmd = &pSql->cmd;
SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, 0);
STableMeta *pTableMeta = tscGetMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, 0)->pTableMeta;
if (pTableMeta == NULL || tscGetNumOfTags(pTableMeta) == 0 || tscGetNumOfColumns(pTableMeta) == 0) {
strcpy(pCmd->payload, "invalid table");
return pSql->res.code;
SSqlExpr *pExpr = taosArrayGetP(pQueryInfo->exprList, 0);
if (pExpr->functionId == TSDB_FUNC_COUNT) {
return tscBuildMetricTagSqlFunctionResult(pSql);
} else {
return tscBuildMetricTagProjectionResult(pSql);
static void tscProcessCurrentUser(SSqlObj *pSql) {
SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(&pSql->cmd, 0);
......@@ -503,8 +391,6 @@ int tscProcessLocalCmd(SSqlObj *pSql) {
pSql->res.code = (uint8_t)taosCfgDynamicOptions(pCmd->payload);
} else if (pCmd->command == TSDB_SQL_DESCRIBE_TABLE) {
pSql->res.code = (uint8_t)tscProcessDescribeTable(pSql);
} else if (pCmd->command == TSDB_SQL_RETRIEVE_TAGS) {
pSql->res.code = (uint8_t)tscProcessQueryTags(pSql);
} else if (pCmd->command == TSDB_SQL_RETRIEVE_EMPTY_RESULT) {
* set the qhandle to be 1 in order to pass the qhandle check, and to call partial release function to
......@@ -1264,14 +1264,6 @@ int32_t parseSelectClause(SSqlCmd* pCmd, int32_t clauseIndex, tSQLExprList* pSel
if (isSTable) {
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
int32_t numOfCols = tscGetNumOfColumns(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta);
if (tscQueryTags(pQueryInfo)) { // local handle the metric tag query
pCmd->count = numOfCols; // the number of meter schema, tricky.
pQueryInfo->command = TSDB_SQL_RETRIEVE_TAGS;
* transfer sql functions that need secondary merge into another format
* in dealing with metric queries such as: count/first/last
......@@ -1320,8 +1312,8 @@ SSqlExpr* doAddProjectCol(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t outputIndex, int32_t c
if (functionId == TSDB_FUNC_TAGPRJ) {
index.columnIndex = colIndex - tscGetNumOfColumns(pTableMeta);
addRequiredTagColumn(pTableMetaInfo, &index);
tscColumnListInsert(pTableMetaInfo->tagColList, &index);
} else {
index.columnIndex = colIndex;
......@@ -1333,7 +1325,7 @@ SSqlExpr* doAddProjectCol(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t outputIndex, int32_t c
void addRequiredTagColumn(STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo, SColumnIndex* index) {
tscColumnListInsert(pTableMetaInfo->tagColList, index);
static void addProjectQueryCol(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t startPos, SColumnIndex* pIndex, tSQLExprItem* pItem) {
......@@ -1374,7 +1366,7 @@ void tscAddSpecialColumnForSelect(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t outputColIndex
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, pIndex->tableIndex);
if (TSDB_COL_IS_TAG(flag)) {
addRequiredTagColumn(pTableMetaInfo, pIndex);
tscColumnListInsert(pTableMetaInfo->tagColList, pIndex);
......@@ -2532,12 +2524,11 @@ int32_t parseGroupbyClause(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, tVariantList* pList, SSqlCmd*
relIndex -= numOfCols;
SColIndex colIndex = {
.colIndex = relIndex, .flag = TSDB_COL_TAG, .colId = pSchema->colId,
SColIndex colIndex = { .colIndex = relIndex, .flag = TSDB_COL_TAG, .colId = pSchema->colId, };
taosArrayPush(pGroupExpr->columnInfo, &colIndex);
addRequiredTagColumn(pTableMetaInfo, &index);
index.columnIndex = relIndex;
tscColumnListInsert(pTableMetaInfo->tagColList, &index);
} else {
// check if the column type is valid, here only support the bool/tinyint/smallint/bigint group by
if (pSchema->type > TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
......@@ -3724,13 +3715,13 @@ static void doAddJoinTagsColumnsIntoTagList(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, SCondExpr* p
pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, index.tableIndex);
// int32_t columnInfo = index.columnIndex - tscGetNumOfColumns(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta);
addRequiredTagColumn(pTableMetaInfo, &index);
tscColumnListInsert(pTableMetaInfo->tagColList, &index);
getColumnIndexByName(&pCondExpr->pJoinExpr->pRight->colInfo, pQueryInfo, &index);
pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, index.tableIndex);
// columnInfo = index.columnIndex - tscGetNumOfColumns(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta);
addRequiredTagColumn(pTableMetaInfo, &index);
tscColumnListInsert(pTableMetaInfo->tagColList, &index);
......@@ -3758,7 +3749,7 @@ static int32_t getTagQueryCondExpr(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, SCondExpr* pCondExpr,
for(int32_t j = 0; j < num; ++j) {
SColIndex* pIndex = taosArrayGet(colList, j);
SColumnIndex index = {.tableIndex = i, .columnIndex = pIndex->colIndex - numOfCols};
addRequiredTagColumn(pTableMetaInfo, &index);
tscColumnListInsert(pTableMetaInfo->tagColList, &index);
tsSetSTableQueryCond(&pQueryInfo->tagCond, uid, &buf);
......@@ -4668,14 +4659,9 @@ int32_t parseLimitClause(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t clauseIndex, SQuerySQL*
bool queryOnTags = false;
// if (tscQueryOnlyMetricTags(pQueryInfo, &queryOnTags) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
// }
if (queryOnTags == true) { // local handle the super table tag query
pQueryInfo->command = TSDB_SQL_RETRIEVE_TAGS;
} else {
bool queryOnTags = tscQueryTags(pQueryInfo);
if (queryOnTags != true) { // local handle the super table tag query
if (tscIsProjectionQueryOnSTable(pQueryInfo, 0)) {
if (pQueryInfo->slimit.limit > 0 || pQueryInfo->slimit.offset > 0) {
return invalidSqlErrMsg(pQueryInfo->msg, msg3);
......@@ -4709,6 +4695,7 @@ int32_t parseLimitClause(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t clauseIndex, SQuerySQL*
if (pTableMetaInfo->vgroupList->numOfVgroups == 0) {
tscTrace("%p no table in super table, no output result", pSql);
// keep original limitation value in globalLimit
......@@ -4888,7 +4875,7 @@ void addGroupInfoForSubquery(SSqlObj* pParentObj, SSqlObj* pSql, int32_t subClau
pColIndex->colIndex = relIndex;
index = (SColumnIndex) {.tableIndex = tableIndex, .columnIndex = relIndex};
addRequiredTagColumn(pTableMetaInfo, &index);
tscColumnListInsert(pTableMetaInfo->tagColList, &index);
......@@ -5209,7 +5196,7 @@ int32_t doFunctionsCompatibleCheck(SSqlCmd* pCmd, SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo) {
const char* msg4 = "retrieve tags not compatible with group by or interval query";
// only retrieve tags, group by is not supportted
if (pCmd->command == TSDB_SQL_RETRIEVE_TAGS) {
if (tscQueryTags(pQueryInfo)) {
if (pQueryInfo->groupbyExpr.numOfGroupCols > 0 || pQueryInfo->intervalTime > 0) {
return invalidSqlErrMsg(tscGetErrorMsgPayload(pCmd), msg4);
} else {
......@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ int tscBuildQueryMsg(SSqlObj *pSql, SSqlInfo *pInfo) {
STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
STableMeta * pTableMeta = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta;
if (taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->colList) <= 0) {
if (taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->colList) <= 0 && !tscQueryTags(pQueryInfo)) {
tscError("%p illegal value of numOfCols in query msg: %d", pSql, tscGetNumOfColumns(pTableMeta));
return -1;
......@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ int tscBuildQueryMsg(SSqlObj *pSql, SSqlInfo *pInfo) {
pSchema = tscGetTableTagSchema(pTableMeta);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfTags; ++i) {
SColumn *pCol = taosArrayGetP(pQueryInfo->colList, i);
SColumn *pCol = taosArrayGetP(pTableMetaInfo->tagColList, i);
SSchema *pColSchema = &pSchema[pCol->colIndex.columnIndex];
if ((pCol->colIndex.columnIndex >= numOfTagColumns || pCol->colIndex.columnIndex < -1) ||
......@@ -2642,7 +2642,6 @@ void tscInitMsgsFp() {
tscProcessMsgRsp[TSDB_SQL_RETRIEVE] = tscProcessRetrieveRspFromNode; // rsp handled by same function.
tscProcessMsgRsp[TSDB_SQL_DESCRIBE_TABLE] = tscProcessDescribeTableRsp;
tscProcessMsgRsp[TSDB_SQL_RETRIEVE_TAGS] = tscProcessTagRetrieveRsp;
tscProcessMsgRsp[TSDB_SQL_CURRENT_DB] = tscProcessTagRetrieveRsp;
tscProcessMsgRsp[TSDB_SQL_CURRENT_USER] = tscProcessTagRetrieveRsp;
tscProcessMsgRsp[TSDB_SQL_SERV_VERSION] = tscProcessTagRetrieveRsp;
......@@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ int32_t tscHandleMasterSTableQuery(SSqlObj *pSql) {
// pRes->code check only serves in launching metric sub-queries
if (pRes->code == TSDB_CODE_QUERY_CANCELLED) {
pCmd->command = TSDB_SQL_RETRIEVE_METRIC; // enable the abort of kill metric function.
pCmd->command = TSDB_SQL_RETRIEVE_METRIC; // enable the abort of kill super table function.
return pRes->code;
......@@ -1015,10 +1015,8 @@ int32_t tscHandleMasterSTableQuery(SSqlObj *pSql) {
int32_t ret = tscLocalReducerEnvCreate(pSql, &pMemoryBuf, &pDesc, &pModel, nBufferSize);
if (ret != 0) {
if (pSql->fp) {
return pRes->code;
return ret;
pSql->pSubs = calloc(pSql->numOfSubs, POINTER_BYTES);
......@@ -1129,9 +1127,7 @@ static void tscAbortFurtherRetryRetrieval(SRetrieveSupport *trsupport, TAOS_RES
tscError("sub:%p failed to flush data to disk:reason:%s", tres, lpMsgBuf);
char buf[256] = {0};
strerror_r(errno, buf, 256);
tscError("sub:%p failed to flush data to disk:reason:%s", tres, buf);
tscError("sub:%p failed to flush data to disk:reason:%s", tres, strerror(errno));
trsupport->pState->code = -errCode;
......@@ -1198,8 +1194,8 @@ void tscHandleSubqueryError(SRetrieveSupport *trsupport, SSqlObj *pSql, int numO
} else { // reach the maximum retry count, abort
atomic_val_compare_exchange_32(&pState->code, TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS, numOfRows);
tscError("%p sub:%p retrieve failed,code:%d,orderOfSub:%d failed.no more retry,set global code:%d", pPObj, pSql,
numOfRows, subqueryIndex, pState->code);
tscError("%p sub:%p retrieve failed,code:%s,orderOfSub:%d failed.no more retry,set global code:%d", pPObj, pSql,
numOfRows, subqueryIndex, tstrerror(pState->code));
......@@ -151,15 +151,11 @@ bool tscIsTwoStageSTableQuery(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t tableIndex) {
return false;
// for select query super table, the metricmeta can not be null in any cases.
// for select query super table, the super table vgroup list can not be null in any cases.
if (pQueryInfo->command == TSDB_SQL_SELECT && UTIL_TABLE_IS_SUPERTABLE(pTableMetaInfo)) {
// assert(pTableMetaInfo->pMetricMeta != NULL);
assert(pTableMetaInfo->vgroupList != NULL);
// if (pTableMetaInfo->pMetricMeta == NULL) {
// return false;
// }
return false;
......@@ -191,12 +187,11 @@ bool tscIsProjectionQueryOnSTable(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t tableIndex) {
return false;
// only query on tag, not a projection query
// only query on tag, a project query
if (tscQueryTags(pQueryInfo)) {
return false;
return true;
// for project query, only the following two function is allowed
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfExprs; ++i) {
int32_t functionId = tscSqlExprGet(pQueryInfo, i)->functionId;
if (functionId != TSDB_FUNC_PRJ && functionId != TSDB_FUNC_TAGPRJ && functionId != TSDB_FUNC_TAG &&
......@@ -1793,20 +1788,25 @@ SSqlObj* createSubqueryObj(SSqlObj* pSql, int16_t tableIndex, void (*fp)(), void
SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex);
pNewQueryInfo->command = pQueryInfo->command;
pNewQueryInfo->type = pQueryInfo->type;
pNewQueryInfo->slidingTimeUnit = pQueryInfo->slidingTimeUnit;
pNewQueryInfo->window = pQueryInfo->window;
pNewQueryInfo->intervalTime = pQueryInfo->intervalTime;
pNewQueryInfo->slidingTime = pQueryInfo->slidingTime;
pNewQueryInfo->limit = pQueryInfo->limit;
pNewQueryInfo->slidingTime = pQueryInfo->slidingTime;
pNewQueryInfo->type = pQueryInfo->type;
pNewQueryInfo->window = pQueryInfo->window;
pNewQueryInfo->limit = pQueryInfo->limit;
pNewQueryInfo->slimit = pQueryInfo->slimit;
pNewQueryInfo->order = pQueryInfo->order;
pNewQueryInfo->order = pQueryInfo->order;
pNewQueryInfo->clauseLimit = pQueryInfo->clauseLimit;
pNewQueryInfo->pTableMetaInfo = NULL;
pNewQueryInfo->defaultVal = NULL;
pNewQueryInfo->defaultVal = NULL;
pNewQueryInfo->numOfTables = 0;
pNewQueryInfo->tsBuf = NULL;
pNewQueryInfo->groupbyExpr = pQueryInfo->groupbyExpr;
if (pQueryInfo->groupbyExpr.columnInfo != NULL) {
pNewQueryInfo->groupbyExpr.columnInfo = taosArrayClone(pQueryInfo->groupbyExpr.columnInfo);
tscTagCondCopy(&pNewQueryInfo->tagCond, &pQueryInfo->tagCond);
if (pQueryInfo->interpoType != TSDB_INTERPO_NONE) {
......@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ int tsdbTableSetName(STableCfg *config, char *name, bool dup);
int tsdbTableSetSName(STableCfg *config, char *sname, bool dup);
void tsdbClearTableCfg(STableCfg *config);
int32_t tsdbGetTableTagVal(TsdbRepoT *repo, STableId* id, int32_t col, int16_t *type, int16_t *bytes, char **val);
int32_t tsdbTableGetName(TsdbRepoT *repo, STableId* id, char** name);
int32_t tsdbGetTableTagVal(TsdbRepoT *repo, STableId* id, int32_t colId, int16_t *type, int16_t *bytes, char **val);
int32_t tsdbGetTableName(TsdbRepoT *repo, STableId* id, char** name);
int tsdbCreateTable(TsdbRepoT *repo, STableCfg *pCfg);
int tsdbDropTable(TsdbRepoT *pRepo, STableId tableId);
......@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ typedef struct tQueryInfo {
int32_t colIndex; // index of column in schema
uint8_t optr; // expression operator
SSchema sch; // schema of tags
tVariant q; // query condition value on the specific schema, filter expression
// tVariant q; // query condition value on the specific schema, filter expression
char* q;
__compar_fn_t compare; // filter function
} tQueryInfo;
......@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ enum _sql_type {
* build empty result instead of accessing dnode to fetch result
......@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
* @date 2018-2-15
* @version 0.2 operation for column filter
* @author liaohj
* @Description parse tag query expression to build ast
* ver 0.2, filter the result on first column with high priority to limit the candidate set
......@@ -468,7 +467,7 @@ void tExprTreeDestroy(tExprNode **pExpr, void (*fp)(void *)) {
typedef struct {
tVariant v;
char* v;
int32_t optr;
} SEndPoint;
......@@ -521,21 +520,19 @@ static int32_t setQueryCond(tQueryInfo *queryColInfo, SQueryCond* pCond) {
pCond->start = calloc(1, sizeof(tVariant));
tVariantAssign(&pCond->start->v, &queryColInfo->q);
pCond->start = calloc(1, sizeof(SEndPoint));
pCond->start->optr = queryColInfo->optr;
pCond->start->v = queryColInfo->q;
} else if (optr == TSDB_RELATION_LESS || optr == TSDB_RELATION_LESS_EQUAL) {
pCond->end = calloc(1, sizeof(tVariant));
tVariantAssign(&pCond->end->v, &queryColInfo->q);
pCond->end = calloc(1, sizeof(SEndPoint));
pCond->end->optr = queryColInfo->optr;
pCond->end->v = queryColInfo->q;
} else if (optr == TSDB_RELATION_IN) {
printf("relation is in\n");
} else if (optr == TSDB_RELATION_LIKE) {
printf("relation is like\n");
......@@ -543,18 +540,16 @@ static int32_t setQueryCond(tQueryInfo *queryColInfo, SQueryCond* pCond) {
static void tQueryIndexColumn(SSkipList* pSkipList, tQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, SArray* result) {
SSkipListIterator* iter = NULL;
int32_t type = pQueryInfo->q.nType;
SQueryCond cond = { 0 };
SQueryCond cond = {0};
setQueryCond(pQueryInfo, &cond);
if (cond.start != NULL) {
iter = tSkipListCreateIterFromVal(pSkipList, (char*) &cond.start->v.i64Key, type, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
iter = tSkipListCreateIterFromVal(pSkipList, (char*) &cond.start->v, pSkipList->keyInfo.type, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
} else {
iter = tSkipListCreateIterFromVal(pSkipList, (char*) &cond.end->v.i64Key, type, TSDB_ORDER_DESC);
iter = tSkipListCreateIterFromVal(pSkipList, (char*) &cond.end->v, pSkipList->keyInfo.type, TSDB_ORDER_DESC);
__compar_fn_t func = getComparFunc(pSkipList->keyInfo.type, type, 0);
__compar_fn_t func = getKeyComparFunc(pSkipList->keyInfo.type);
if (cond.start != NULL) {
int32_t optr = cond.start->optr;
......@@ -563,7 +558,7 @@ static void tQueryIndexColumn(SSkipList* pSkipList, tQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, SArr
while(tSkipListIterNext(iter)) {
SSkipListNode* pNode = tSkipListIterGet(iter);
int32_t ret = func(SL_GET_NODE_KEY(pSkipList, pNode), &cond.start->v.i64Key);
int32_t ret = func(SL_GET_NODE_KEY(pSkipList, pNode), cond.start->v);
if (ret == 0) {
taosArrayPush(result, SL_GET_NODE_DATA(pNode));
} else {
......@@ -578,7 +573,7 @@ static void tQueryIndexColumn(SSkipList* pSkipList, tQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, SArr
SSkipListNode* pNode = tSkipListIterGet(iter);
if (comp) {
ret = func(SL_GET_NODE_KEY(pSkipList, pNode), &cond.start->v.i64Key);
ret = func(SL_GET_NODE_KEY(pSkipList, pNode), cond.start->v);
assert(ret >= 0);
......@@ -605,7 +600,7 @@ static void tQueryIndexColumn(SSkipList* pSkipList, tQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, SArr
SSkipListNode* pNode = tSkipListIterGet(iter);
if (comp) {
ret = func(SL_GET_NODE_KEY(pSkipList, pNode), &cond.end->v.i64Key);
ret = func(SL_GET_NODE_KEY(pSkipList, pNode), cond.end->v);
assert(ret <= 0);
......@@ -699,21 +694,18 @@ int32_t intersect(SArray *pLeft, SArray *pRight, SArray *pFinalRes) {
* traverse the result and apply the function to each item to check if the item is qualified or not
static UNUSED_FUNC void tSQLListTraverseOnResult(struct tExprNode *pExpr, __result_filter_fn_t fp, SArray *pResult) {
// assert(pExpr->_node.pLeft->nodeType == TSQL_NODE_COL && pExpr->_node.pRight->nodeType == TSQL_NODE_VALUE);
// // brutal force scan the result list and check for each item in the list
// int64_t num = pResult->num;
// for (int32_t i = 0, j = 0; i < pResult->num; ++i) {
// if (fp == NULL || (fp(pResult->pRes[i], pExpr->_node.info) == true)) {
// pResult->pRes[j++] = pResult->pRes[i];
// } else {
// num--;
// }
// }
// pResult->num = num;
static void tArrayTraverse(tExprNode *pExpr, __result_filter_fn_t fp, SArray *pResult) {
assert(pExpr->_node.pLeft->nodeType == TSQL_NODE_COL && pExpr->_node.pRight->nodeType == TSQL_NODE_VALUE && fp != NULL);
// scan the result array list and check for each item in the list
for (int32_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(pResult); ++i) {
void* item = taosArrayGet(pResult, i);
if (fp(item, pExpr->_node.info)) {
} else {
taosArrayRemove(pResult, i);
static bool filterItem(tExprNode *pExpr, const void *pItem, SBinaryFilterSupp *param) {
......@@ -771,12 +763,7 @@ static void exprTreeTraverseImpl(tExprNode *pExpr, SArray *pResult, SBinaryFilte
static void tSQLBinaryTraverseOnSkipList(
tExprNode *pExpr,
SArray *pResult,
SSkipList *pSkipList,
SBinaryFilterSupp *param
) {
static void tSQLBinaryTraverseOnSkipList(tExprNode *pExpr, SArray *pResult, SSkipList *pSkipList, SBinaryFilterSupp *param ) {
SSkipListIterator* iter = tSkipListCreateIter(pSkipList);
while (tSkipListIterNext(iter)) {
......@@ -797,20 +784,26 @@ static void tQueryIndexlessColumn(SSkipList* pSkipList, tQueryInfo* pQueryInfo,
bool addToResult = false;
SSkipListNode *pNode = tSkipListIterGet(iter);
STable* table = *(STable**) SL_GET_NODE_DATA(pNode);
char* pTable = SL_GET_NODE_DATA(pNode);
//todo refactor:
char* name = (*(STable**) pTable)->name;
// char* name = NULL;
// tsdbGetTableName(tsdb, pTable, &name);
// todo speed up by using hash
if (pQueryInfo->colIndex == TSDB_TBNAME_COLUMN_INDEX) {
if (pQueryInfo->optr == TSDB_RELATION_IN) {
addToResult = pQueryInfo->compare(table->name, pQueryInfo->q.arr);
addToResult = pQueryInfo->compare(name, pQueryInfo->q);
} else if(pQueryInfo->optr == TSDB_RELATION_LIKE) {
addToResult = !pQueryInfo->compare(table->name, pQueryInfo->q.pz);
addToResult = !pQueryInfo->compare(name, pQueryInfo->q);
} else {
// TODO: other columns
if (addToResult) {
taosArrayPush(result, (void*)&table);
taosArrayPush(result, pTable);
......@@ -834,7 +827,7 @@ void tExprTreeTraverse(tExprNode *pExpr, SSkipList *pSkipList, SArray *result, S
param->setupInfoFn(pExpr, param->pExtInfo);
if (pSkipList == NULL) {
tSQLListTraverseOnResult(pExpr, param->fp, result);
tArrayTraverse(pExpr, param->fp, result);
......@@ -920,7 +913,6 @@ void tExprTreeTraverse(tExprNode *pExpr, SSkipList *pSkipList, SArray *result, S
tExprTreeTraverse(pSecond, NULL, result, param);
void tExprTreeCalcTraverse(tExprNode *pExprs, int32_t numOfRows, char *pOutput, void *param, int32_t order,
char *(*getSourceDataBlock)(void *, const char*, int32_t)) {
if (pExprs == NULL) {
......@@ -1651,8 +1651,7 @@ static bool needReverseScan(SQuery *pQuery) {
static bool onlyQueryTags(SQuery* pQuery) {
for(int32_t i = 0; i < pQuery->numOfOutput; ++i) {
int32_t functionId = pQuery->pSelectExpr[i].base.functionId;
if (functionId != TSDB_FUNC_TAG) {
if (functionId != TSDB_FUNC_TAGPRJ) {
return false;
......@@ -2548,7 +2547,7 @@ static void doSetTagValueInParam(void *tsdb, STableId* pTableId, int32_t tagColI
int16_t type = 0;
tsdbTableGetName(tsdb, pTableId, &val);
tsdbGetTableName(tsdb, pTableId, &val);
} else {
......@@ -4380,6 +4379,10 @@ static int64_t queryOnDataBlocks(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
if (pTableQueryInfo != NULL) {
assert(pTableQueryInfo != NULL && pTableQueryInfo != NULL);
......@@ -4852,8 +4855,7 @@ static void multiTableQueryProcess(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
// do check all qualified data blocks
int64_t el = queryOnDataBlocks(pQInfo);
qTrace("QInfo:%p forward scan completed, elapsed time: %lldms, reversed scan start, order:%d", pQInfo, el,
pQuery->order.order ^ 1u);
qTrace("QInfo:%p forward scan completed, elapsed time: %lldms, reversed scan start", pQInfo, el);
// query error occurred or query is killed, abort current execution
if (pQInfo->code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS || isQueryKilled(pQInfo)) {
......@@ -4883,8 +4885,6 @@ static void multiTableQueryProcess(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
if (isIntervalQuery(pQuery) || isSumAvgRateQuery(pQuery)) {
// assert(pSupporter->groupIndex == 0 && pSupporter->numOfGroupResultPages == 0);
if (mergeIntoGroupResult(pQInfo) == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
copyResToQueryResultBuf(pQInfo, pQuery);
......@@ -5213,11 +5213,12 @@ bool validateExprColumnInfo(SQueryTableMsg *pQueryMsg, SSqlFuncMsg *pExprMsg, SC
static int32_t validateQueryMsg(SQueryTableMsg *pQueryMsg) {
if (pQueryMsg->intervalTime < 0) {
qError("qmsg:%p illegal value of aggTimeInterval %" PRId64 "", pQueryMsg, pQueryMsg->intervalTime);
qError("qmsg:%p illegal value of interval time %" PRId64 "", pQueryMsg, pQueryMsg->intervalTime);
return -1;
if (pQueryMsg->numOfCols <= 0 || pQueryMsg->numOfCols > TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS) {
if (pQueryMsg->numOfCols < 0 || pQueryMsg->numOfTags < 0 || (pQueryMsg->numOfCols + pQueryMsg->numOfTags <= 0) ||
pQueryMsg->numOfCols > TSDB_MAX_COLUMNS) {
qError("qmsg:%p illegal value of numOfCols %d", pQueryMsg, pQueryMsg->numOfCols);
return -1;
......@@ -5513,7 +5514,7 @@ static int32_t createSqlFunctionExprFromMsg(SQueryTableMsg *pQueryMsg, SExprInfo
} else{
int32_t j = getColumnIndexInSource(pQueryMsg, &pExprs[i].base, pTagCols);
assert(j < pQueryMsg->numOfCols);
assert(j < pQueryMsg->numOfCols || j < pQueryMsg->numOfTags);
SColumnInfo* pCol = (TSDB_COL_IS_TAG(pExprs[i].base.colInfo.flag))? &pTagCols[j]:&pQueryMsg->colList[j];
type = pCol->type;
......@@ -6148,7 +6149,7 @@ void qTableQuery(qinfo_t qinfo) {
qTrace("QInfo:%p query task is launched", pQInfo);
if (onlyQueryTags(pQInfo->runtimeEnv.pQuery)) {
buildTagQueryResult(pQInfo); // todo support the limit/offset
} else if (pQInfo->runtimeEnv.stableQuery) {
} else {
......@@ -6258,16 +6259,26 @@ static void buildTagQueryResult(SQInfo* pQInfo) {
for(int32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
SExprInfo* pExprInfo = pQuery->pSelectExpr;
char* data = NULL;
SGroupItem* item = taosArrayGet(pa, i);
char* data = NULL;
for(int32_t j = 0; j < pQuery->numOfOutput; ++j) {
tsdbGetTableTagVal(pQInfo->tsdb, &item->id, j, &type, &bytes, &data);
assert(bytes == pExprInfo[j].bytes && type == pExprInfo[j].type);
memcpy(pQuery->sdata[j]->data + num * bytes, data, bytes);
// todo check the return value
if (pExprInfo[j].base.colInfo.colId == TSDB_TBNAME_COLUMN_INDEX) {
tsdbGetTableName(pQInfo->tsdb, &item->id, &data);
strncpy(pQuery->sdata[j]->data + i * TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN, data, TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN);
} else {
tsdbGetTableTagVal(pQInfo->tsdb, &item->id, pExprInfo[j].base.colInfo.colId, &type, &bytes, &data);
assert(bytes == pExprInfo[j].bytes && type == pExprInfo[j].type);
memcpy(pQuery->sdata[j]->data + i * bytes, data, bytes);
pQuery->rec.rows = num;
setQueryStatus(pQuery, QUERY_COMPLETED);
......@@ -239,6 +239,10 @@ int32_t tsdbGetTableTagVal(TsdbRepoT* repo, STableId* id, int32_t colId, int16_t
if (pCol == NULL) {
return -1; // No matched tags. Maybe the modification of tags has not been done yet.
assert(pCol != NULL);
SDataRow row = (SDataRow)pTable->tagVal;
......@@ -248,10 +252,10 @@ int32_t tsdbGetTableTagVal(TsdbRepoT* repo, STableId* id, int32_t colId, int16_t
*type = pCol->type;
*bytes = pCol->bytes;
return 0;
int32_t tsdbTableGetName(TsdbRepoT *repo, STableId* id, char** name) {
int32_t tsdbGetTableName(TsdbRepoT *repo, STableId* id, char** name) {
STsdbMeta* pMeta = tsdbGetMeta(repo);
STable* pTable = tsdbGetTableByUid(pMeta, id->uid);
......@@ -102,20 +102,19 @@ typedef struct STsdbQueryHandle {
SCompBlock* pBlock;
int32_t numOfBlocks;
SField** pFields;
SArray* pColumns; // column list, SColumnInfoData array list
SArray* pColumns; // column list, SColumnInfoData array list
bool locateStart;
int32_t realNumOfRows;
SArray* pTableCheckInfo;
int32_t activeIndex;
bool checkFiles; // check file stage
void* qinfo; // query info handle, for debug purpose
void* qinfo; // query info handle, for debug purpose
STableBlockInfo* pDataBlockInfo;
SFileGroup* pFileGroup;
SFileGroupIter fileIter;
SCompIdx* compIndex;
SRWHelper rhelper;
SRWHelper rhelper;
} STsdbQueryHandle;
static void tsdbInitDataBlockLoadInfo(SDataBlockLoadInfo* pBlockLoadInfo) {
......@@ -138,7 +137,6 @@ TsdbQueryHandleT* tsdbQueryTables(TsdbRepoT* tsdb, STsdbQueryCond* pCond, STable
pQueryHandle->order = pCond->order;
pQueryHandle->window = pCond->twindow;
pQueryHandle->pTsdb = tsdb;
pQueryHandle->compIndex = calloc(10000, sizeof(SCompIdx));
tsdbInitReadHelper(&pQueryHandle->rhelper, (STsdbRepo*) tsdb);
pQueryHandle->cur.fid = -1;
......@@ -163,7 +161,7 @@ TsdbQueryHandleT* tsdbQueryTables(TsdbRepoT* tsdb, STsdbQueryCond* pCond, STable
.pTableObj = tsdbGetTableByUid(tsdbGetMeta(tsdb), id->uid),
assert(info.pTableObj != NULL);
assert(info.pTableObj != NULL && info.pTableObj->tableId.tid == id->tid);
taosArrayPush(pQueryHandle->pTableCheckInfo, &info);
......@@ -288,8 +286,6 @@ static int32_t getFileCompInfo(STsdbQueryHandle* pQueryHandle, int32_t* numOfBlo
tsdbSetAndOpenHelperFile(&pQueryHandle->rhelper, fileGroup);
// load all the comp offset value for all tables in this file
// tsdbLoadCompIdx(fileGroup, pQueryHandle->compIndex, 10000); // todo set dynamic max tables
*numOfBlocks = 0;
size_t numOfTables = taosArrayGetSize(pQueryHandle->pTableCheckInfo);
......@@ -1117,16 +1113,13 @@ TsdbQueryHandleT* tsdbQueryFromTagConds(STsdbQueryCond* pCond, int16_t stableId,
SArray* tsdbGetTableList(TsdbQueryHandleT* pQueryHandle) { return NULL; }
static int32_t getAllTableIdList(STsdbRepo* tsdb, int64_t uid, SArray* list) {
STable* pTable = tsdbGetTableByUid(tsdbGetMeta(tsdb), uid);
assert(pTable != NULL); // assert pTable is a super table
SSkipListIterator* iter = tSkipListCreateIter(pTable->pIndex);
static int32_t getAllTableIdList(STable* pSuperTable, SArray* list) {
SSkipListIterator* iter = tSkipListCreateIter(pSuperTable->pIndex);
while (tSkipListIterNext(iter)) {
SSkipListNode* pNode = tSkipListIterGet(iter);
STable* t = *(STable**)SL_GET_NODE_DATA(pNode);
taosArrayPush(list, &t);
taosArrayPush(list, &t->tableId);
......@@ -1151,7 +1144,7 @@ static void convertQueryResult(SArray* pRes, SArray* pTableList) {
size_t size = taosArrayGetSize(pTableList);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
STable* pTable = taosArrayGetP(pTableList, i);
taosArrayPush(pRes, &pTable);
taosArrayPush(pRes, &pTable->tableId);
......@@ -1160,27 +1153,31 @@ static void destroyHelper(void* param) {
tQueryInfo* pInfo = (tQueryInfo*)param;
if (pInfo->optr != TSDB_RELATION_IN) {
// tVariantDestroy(&(pInfo->q));
static void getTagColumnInfo(SExprTreeSupporter* pSupporter, SSchema* pSchema, int32_t* index) {
*index = 0;
static int32_t getTagColumnInfo(SExprTreeSupporter* pSupporter, SSchema* pSchema) {
// filter on table name(TBNAME)
if (strcasecmp(pSchema->name, TSQL_TBNAME_L) == 0) {
while ((*index) < pSupporter->numOfTags) {
if (pSupporter->pTagSchema[*index].bytes == pSchema->bytes &&
pSupporter->pTagSchema[*index].type == pSchema->type &&
pSupporter->pTagSchema[*index].colId == pSchema->colId) {
for(int32_t i = 0; i < pSupporter->numOfTags; ++i) {
if (pSupporter->pTagSchema[i].bytes == pSchema->bytes &&
pSupporter->pTagSchema[i].type == pSchema->type &&
pSupporter->pTagSchema[i].colId == pSchema->colId) {
return i;
return -2;
void filterPrepare(void* expr, void* param) {
......@@ -1189,28 +1186,29 @@ void filterPrepare(void* expr, void* param) {
int32_t i = 0, offset = 0;
int32_t i = 0;
pExpr->_node.info = calloc(1, sizeof(tQueryInfo));
tQueryInfo* pInfo = pExpr->_node.info;
SExprTreeSupporter* pSupporter = (SExprTreeSupporter*)param;
tVariant* pCond = pExpr->_node.pRight->pVal;
SSchema* pSchema = pExpr->_node.pLeft->pSchema;
tQueryInfo* pInfo = pExpr->_node.info;
tVariant* pCond = pExpr->_node.pRight->pVal;
SSchema* pSchema = pExpr->_node.pLeft->pSchema;
getTagColumnInfo(pSupporter, pSchema, &i);
assert((i >= 0 && i < TSDB_MAX_TAGS) || (i == TSDB_TBNAME_COLUMN_INDEX));
assert((offset >= 0 && offset < TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN) || (offset == TSDB_TBNAME_COLUMN_INDEX));
// todo : if current super table does not change schema yet, this function may failed, add test case
int32_t index = getTagColumnInfo(pSupporter, pSchema);
assert((index >= 0 && i < TSDB_MAX_TAGS) || (index == TSDB_TBNAME_COLUMN_INDEX));
pInfo->sch = *pSchema;
pInfo->colIndex = i;
pInfo->colIndex = index;
pInfo->optr = pExpr->_node.optr;
pInfo->compare = getComparFunc(pSchema->type, pCond->nType, pInfo->optr);
tVariantAssign(&pInfo->q, pCond);
if (pInfo->optr != TSDB_RELATION_IN) {
tVariantTypeSetType(&pInfo->q, pInfo->sch.type);
pInfo->compare = getComparFunc(pSchema->type, pInfo->optr);
if (pInfo->optr == TSDB_RELATION_IN) {
pInfo->q = (char*) pCond->arr;
} else {
pInfo->q = calloc(1, pSchema->bytes);
tVariantDump(pCond, pInfo->q, pSchema->type);
......@@ -1245,13 +1243,16 @@ typedef struct STableGroupSupporter {
int32_t numOfCols;
SColIndex* pCols;
STSchema* pTagSchema;
void* tsdbMeta;
} STableGroupSupporter;
int32_t tableGroupComparFn(const void *p1, const void *p2, const void *param) {
STableGroupSupporter* pTableGroupSupp = (STableGroupSupporter*) param;
STableId* id1 = (STableId*) p1;
STableId* id2 = (STableId*) p2;
STable *pTable1 = *(STable **) p1;
STable *pTable2 = *(STable **) p2;
STable *pTable1 = tsdbGetTableByUid(pTableGroupSupp->tsdbMeta, id1->uid);
STable *pTable2 = tsdbGetTableByUid(pTableGroupSupp->tsdbMeta, id2->uid);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pTableGroupSupp->numOfCols; ++i) {
SColIndex* pColIndex = &pTableGroupSupp->pCols[i];
......@@ -1288,29 +1289,36 @@ int32_t tableGroupComparFn(const void *p1, const void *p2, const void *param) {
return 0;
void createTableGroupImpl(SArray* pGroups, STable** pTables, size_t numOfTables, STableGroupSupporter* pSupp, __ext_compar_fn_t compareFn) {
void createTableGroupImpl(SArray* pGroups, SArray* pTableIdList, size_t numOfTables, STableGroupSupporter* pSupp,
__ext_compar_fn_t compareFn) {
STableId* pId = taosArrayGet(pTableIdList, 0);
SArray* g = taosArrayInit(16, sizeof(STableId));
taosArrayPush(g, &pTables[0]->tableId);
taosArrayPush(g, pId);
for (int32_t i = 1; i < numOfTables; ++i) {
int32_t ret = compareFn(&pTables[i - 1], &pTables[i], pSupp);
STableId* prev = taosArrayGet(pTableIdList, i - 1);
STableId* p = taosArrayGet(pTableIdList, i);
int32_t ret = compareFn(prev, p, pSupp);
assert(ret == 0 || ret == -1);
if (ret == 0) {
taosArrayPush(g, &pTables[i]->tableId);
taosArrayPush(g, p);
} else {
taosArrayPush(pGroups, &g); // current group is ended, start a new group
g = taosArrayInit(16, POINTER_BYTES);
taosArrayPush(g, &pTables[i]->tableId);
g = taosArrayInit(16, sizeof(STableId));
taosArrayPush(g, p);
taosArrayPush(pGroups, &g);
SArray* createTableGroup(SArray* pTableList, STSchema* pTagSchema, SColIndex* pCols, int32_t numOfOrderCols) {
SArray* createTableGroup(SArray* pTableList, STSchema* pTagSchema, SColIndex* pCols, int32_t numOfOrderCols,
TsdbRepoT* tsdb) {
assert(pTableList != NULL);
SArray* pTableGroup = taosArrayInit(1, POINTER_BYTES);
size_t size = taosArrayGetSize(pTableList);
......@@ -1322,20 +1330,21 @@ SArray* createTableGroup(SArray* pTableList, STSchema* pTagSchema, SColIndex* pC
if (numOfOrderCols == 0 || size == 1) { // no group by tags clause or only one table
SArray* sa = taosArrayInit(size, sizeof(STableId));
for(int32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
STable* pTable = taosArrayGetP(pTableList, i);
taosArrayPush(sa, &pTable->tableId);
STableId* tableId = taosArrayGet(pTableList, i);
taosArrayPush(sa, tableId);
taosArrayPush(pTableGroup, &sa);
uTrace("all %d tables belong to one group", size);
} else {
STableGroupSupporter *pSupp = (STableGroupSupporter *) calloc(1, sizeof(STableGroupSupporter));
pSupp->tsdbMeta = tsdbGetMeta(tsdb);
pSupp->numOfCols = numOfOrderCols;
pSupp->pTagSchema = pTagSchema;
pSupp->pCols = pCols;
taosqsort(pTableList->pData, size, POINTER_BYTES, pSupp, tableGroupComparFn);
createTableGroupImpl(pTableGroup, pTableList->pData, size, pSupp, tableGroupComparFn);
taosqsort(pTableList->pData, size, sizeof(STableId), pSupp, tableGroupComparFn);
createTableGroupImpl(pTableGroup, pTableList, size, pSupp, tableGroupComparFn);
......@@ -1349,7 +1358,7 @@ bool tSkipListNodeFilterCallback(const void* pNode, void* param) {
char* val = NULL;
int8_t type = pInfo->sch.type;
if (pInfo->colIndex == TSDB_TBNAME_COLUMN_INDEX) {
val = pTable->name;
......@@ -1360,14 +1369,14 @@ bool tSkipListNodeFilterCallback(const void* pNode, void* param) {
int32_t ret = 0;
if (pInfo->optr == TSDB_RELATION_IN) {
ret = pInfo->compare(val, pInfo->q.arr);
ret = pInfo->compare(val, pInfo->q);
} else {
ret = pInfo->compare(val, pInfo->q.pz);
ret = pInfo->compare(val, pInfo->q);
} else {
tVariant t = {0};
tVariantCreateFromBinary(&t, val, (uint32_t)pInfo->sch.bytes, type);
ret = pInfo->compare(&t.i64Key, &pInfo->q.i64Key);
// tVariant t = {0};
// tVariantCreateFromBinary(&t, val, (uint32_t)pInfo->sch.bytes, type);
ret = pInfo->compare(val, pInfo->q);
switch (pInfo->optr) {
......@@ -1399,6 +1408,7 @@ bool tSkipListNodeFilterCallback(const void* pNode, void* param) {
return true;
......@@ -1409,7 +1419,7 @@ static int32_t doQueryTableList(STable* pSTable, SArray* pRes, tExprNode* pExpr)
SSchema* schema = calloc(schemaNCols(pSchema), sizeof(SSchema));
for (int32_t i = 0; i < schemaNCols(pSchema); ++i) {
schema[i].colId = schemaColAt(pSchema, i)->colId;
schema[i].type = schemaColAt(pSchema, i)->type;
schema[i].type = schemaColAt(pSchema, i)->type;
schema[i].bytes = schemaColAt(pSchema, i)->bytes;
......@@ -1433,21 +1443,21 @@ static int32_t doQueryTableList(STable* pSTable, SArray* pRes, tExprNode* pExpr)
int32_t tsdbQuerySTableByTagCond(TsdbRepoT *tsdb, int64_t uid, const char *pTagCond, size_t len, int16_t tagNameRelType,
const char* tbnameCond, STableGroupInfo *pGroupInfo, SColIndex *pColIndex, int32_t numOfCols) {
STable* pSTable = tsdbGetTableByUid(tsdbGetMeta(tsdb), uid);
if (pSTable == NULL) {
STable* pTable = tsdbGetTableByUid(tsdbGetMeta(tsdb), uid);
if (pTable == NULL) {
uError("failed to get stable, uid:%" PRIu64, uid);
SArray* res = taosArrayInit(8, sizeof(STableId));
STSchema* pTagSchema = tsdbGetTableTagSchema(tsdbGetMeta(tsdb), pSTable);
STSchema* pTagSchema = tsdbGetTableTagSchema(tsdbGetMeta(tsdb), pTable);
// no tags and tbname condition, all child tables of this stable are involved
if (tbnameCond == NULL && (pTagCond == NULL || len == 0)) {
int32_t ret = getAllTableIdList(tsdb, uid, res);
int32_t ret = getAllTableIdList(pTable, res);
if (ret == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
pGroupInfo->numOfTables = taosArrayGetSize(res);
pGroupInfo->pGroupList = createTableGroup(res, pTagSchema, pColIndex, numOfCols);
pGroupInfo->pGroupList = createTableGroup(res, pTagSchema, pColIndex, numOfCols, tsdb);
return ret;
......@@ -1470,9 +1480,9 @@ int32_t tsdbQuerySTableByTagCond(TsdbRepoT *tsdb, int64_t uid, const char *pTagC
doQueryTableList(pSTable, res, expr);
doQueryTableList(pTable, res, expr);
pGroupInfo->numOfTables = taosArrayGetSize(res);
pGroupInfo->pGroupList = createTableGroup(res, pTagSchema, pColIndex, numOfCols);
pGroupInfo->pGroupList = createTableGroup(res, pTagSchema, pColIndex, numOfCols, tsdb);
return ret;
......@@ -1512,12 +1522,10 @@ void tsdbCleanupQueryHandle(TsdbQueryHandleT queryHandle) {
size_t cols = taosArrayGetSize(pQueryHandle->pColumns);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < cols; ++i) {
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ int WCSPatternMatch(const wchar_t *zPattern, const wchar_t *zString, size_t size
__compar_fn_t getKeyComparFunc(int32_t keyType);
__compar_fn_t getComparFunc(int32_t type, int32_t filterDataType, int32_t optr);
__compar_fn_t getComparFunc(int32_t type, int32_t optr);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ static UNUSED_FUNC int32_t compareStrPatternComp(const void* pLeft, const void*
static int32_t compareFindStrInArray(const void* pLeft, const void* pRight) {
const SArray* arr = (const SArray*)pRight;
const SArray* arr = (const SArray*) pRight;
return taosArraySearchString(arr, pLeft) == NULL ? 0 : 1;
......@@ -232,55 +232,42 @@ static UNUSED_FUNC int32_t compareWStrPatternComp(const void* pLeft, const void*
// todo promote the type definition before the comparsion
__compar_fn_t getComparFunc(int32_t type, int32_t filterDataType, int32_t optr) {
__compar_fn_t getComparFunc(int32_t type, int32_t optr) {
__compar_fn_t comparFn = NULL;
switch (type) {
comparFn = compareInt16Val; break;
comparFn = compareInt32Val; break;
// assert(type == filterDataType);
if (filterDataType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT || filterDataType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) {
comparFn = compareInt64Val;
} else if (filterDataType >= TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT && filterDataType <= TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE) {
comparFn = compareIntDoubleVal;
comparFn = compareInt64Val; break;
if (filterDataType >= TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL && filterDataType <= TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT) {
comparFn = compareInt32Val;
} else if (filterDataType >= TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT && filterDataType <= TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE) {
comparFn = compareIntDoubleVal;
comparFn = compareInt8Val; break;
comparFn = compareDoubleVal; break;
if (filterDataType >= TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL && filterDataType <= TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT) {
comparFn = compareDoubleIntVal;
} else if (filterDataType >= TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT && filterDataType <= TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE) {
comparFn = compareDoubleVal;
comparFn = compareDoubleVal; break;
if (optr == TSDB_RELATION_LIKE) { /* wildcard query using like operator */
assert(filterDataType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY);
comparFn = compareStrPatternComp;
} else if (optr == TSDB_RELATION_IN) {
assert(filterDataType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_ARRAY);
comparFn = compareFindStrInArray;
} else { /* normal relational comparFn */
assert(filterDataType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY);
comparFn = compareStrVal;
......@@ -288,8 +275,6 @@ __compar_fn_t getComparFunc(int32_t type, int32_t filterDataType, int32_t optr)
assert(filterDataType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR);
if (optr == TSDB_RELATION_LIKE) {
comparFn = compareWStrPatternComp;
} else {
......@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ SArray* tSkipListGet(SSkipList *pSkipList, SSkipListKey pKey, int16_t keyType) {
__compar_fn_t filterComparFn = getComparFunc(pSkipList->keyInfo.type, keyType, 0);
__compar_fn_t filterComparFn = getComparFunc(pSkipList->keyInfo.type, 0);
int32_t ret = -1;
for (int32_t i = sLevel; i >= 0; --i) {
SSkipListNode *p = SL_GET_FORWARD_POINTER(pNode, i);
......@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ SSkipListIterator *tSkipListCreateIterFromVal(SSkipList* pSkipList, const char*
SSkipListNode *forward[MAX_SKIP_LIST_LEVEL] = {0};
int32_t ret = -1;
__compar_fn_t filterComparFn = getComparFunc(pSkipList->keyInfo.type, type, 0);
__compar_fn_t filterComparFn = getKeyComparFunc(pSkipList->keyInfo.type);
SSkipListNode* pNode = pSkipList->pHead;
for (int32_t i = pSkipList->level - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
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