未验证 提交 bb7e1b22 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #6080 from taosdata/feature/TD-4038

[TD-4038]support bind  multiple tables
......@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ void tscLockByThread(int64_t *lockedBy);
void tscUnlockByThread(int64_t *lockedBy);
int tsInsertInitialCheck(SSqlObj *pSql);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -154,13 +154,12 @@ typedef struct STagCond {
typedef struct SParamInfo {
int32_t idx;
char type;
uint8_t type;
uint8_t timePrec;
int16_t bytes;
uint32_t offset;
} SParamInfo;
typedef struct SBoundColumn {
bool hasVal; // denote if current column has bound or not
int32_t offset; // all column offset value
......@@ -372,7 +371,8 @@ typedef struct SSqlObj {
tsem_t rspSem;
SSqlCmd cmd;
SSqlRes res;
bool isBind;
SSubqueryState subState;
struct SSqlObj **pSubs;
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_taosdata_jdbc_TSDBJNIConnector_getResultSetImp
* Class: com_taosdata_jdbc_TSDBJNIConnector
* Method: isUpdateQueryImp
* Signature: (J)J
* Signature: (JJ)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_taosdata_jdbc_TSDBJNIConnector_isUpdateQueryImp
(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jlong con, jlong tres);
......@@ -185,6 +185,44 @@ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_taosdata_jdbc_TSDBJNIConnector_unsubscribeImp
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_taosdata_jdbc_TSDBJNIConnector_validateCreateTableSqlImp
(JNIEnv *, jobject, jlong, jbyteArray);
* Class: com_taosdata_jdbc_TSDBJNIConnector
* Method: prepareStmtImp
* Signature: ([BJ)I
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_taosdata_jdbc_TSDBJNIConnector_prepareStmtImp
(JNIEnv *, jobject, jbyteArray, jlong);
* Class: com_taosdata_jdbc_TSDBJNIConnector
* Method: setBindTableNameImp
* Signature: (JLjava/lang/String;J)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_taosdata_jdbc_TSDBJNIConnector_setBindTableNameImp
(JNIEnv *, jobject, jlong, jstring, jlong);
* Class: com_taosdata_jdbc_TSDBJNIConnector
* Method: bindColDataImp
* Signature: (J[B[B[BIIIIJ)J
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_taosdata_jdbc_TSDBJNIConnector_bindColDataImp
(JNIEnv *, jobject, jlong, jbyteArray, jbyteArray, jbyteArray, jint, jint, jint, jint, jlong);
* Class: com_taosdata_jdbc_TSDBJNIConnector
* Method: executeBatchImp
* Signature: (JJ)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_taosdata_jdbc_TSDBJNIConnector_executeBatchImp(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jlong stmt, jlong con);
* Class: com_taosdata_jdbc_TSDBJNIConnector
* Method: executeBatchImp
* Signature: (JJ)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_taosdata_jdbc_TSDBJNIConnector_closeStmt(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jlong stmt, jlong con);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -687,4 +687,194 @@ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_taosdata_jdbc_TDDBJNIConnector_getResultTimePrec
return taos_result_precision(result);
\ No newline at end of file
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_taosdata_jdbc_TSDBJNIConnector_prepareStmtImp(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jbyteArray jsql, jlong con) {
TAOS *tscon = (TAOS *)con;
if (tscon == NULL) {
jniError("jobj:%p, connection already closed", jobj);
if (jsql == NULL) {
jniError("jobj:%p, conn:%p, empty sql string", jobj, tscon);
return JNI_SQL_NULL;
jsize len = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, jsql);
char *str = (char *) calloc(1, sizeof(char) * (len + 1));
if (str == NULL) {
jniError("jobj:%p, conn:%p, alloc memory failed", jobj, tscon);
(*env)->GetByteArrayRegion(env, jsql, 0, len, (jbyte *)str);
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) {
// todo handle error
TAOS_STMT* pStmt = taos_stmt_init(tscon);
int32_t code = taos_stmt_prepare(pStmt, str, len);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
jniError("jobj:%p, conn:%p, code:%s", jobj, tscon, tstrerror(code));
return (jlong) pStmt;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_taosdata_jdbc_TSDBJNIConnector_setBindTableNameImp(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jlong stmt, jstring jname, jlong conn) {
TAOS *tsconn = (TAOS *)conn;
if (tsconn == NULL) {
jniError("jobj:%p, connection already closed", jobj);
TAOS_STMT* pStmt = (TAOS_STMT*) stmt;
if (pStmt == NULL) {
jniError("jobj:%p, conn:%p, invalid stmt handle", jobj, tsconn);
return JNI_SQL_NULL;
const char *name = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jname, NULL);
int32_t code = taos_stmt_set_tbname((void*)stmt, name);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
(*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jname, name);
jniError("jobj:%p, conn:%p, code:%s", jobj, tsconn, tstrerror(code));
jniDebug("jobj:%p, conn:%p, set stmt bind table name:%s", jobj, tsconn, name);
(*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jname, name);
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_taosdata_jdbc_TSDBJNIConnector_bindColDataImp(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jlong stmt,
jbyteArray colDataList, jbyteArray lengthList, jbyteArray nullList, jint dataType, jint dataBytes, jint numOfRows, jint colIndex, jlong con) {
TAOS *tscon = (TAOS *)con;
if (tscon == NULL) {
jniError("jobj:%p, connection already closed", jobj);
TAOS_STMT* pStmt = (TAOS_STMT*) stmt;
if (pStmt == NULL) {
jniError("jobj:%p, conn:%p, invalid stmt", jobj, tscon);
return JNI_SQL_NULL;
// todo refactor
jsize len = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, colDataList);
char *colBuf = (char *)calloc(1, len);
(*env)->GetByteArrayRegion(env, colDataList, 0, len, (jbyte *)colBuf);
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) {
// todo handle error
len = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, lengthList);
char *lengthArray = (char*) calloc(1, len);
(*env)->GetByteArrayRegion(env, lengthList, 0, len, (jbyte*) lengthArray);
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) {
len = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, nullList);
char *nullArray = (char*) calloc(1, len);
(*env)->GetByteArrayRegion(env, nullList, 0, len, (jbyte*) nullArray);
if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) {
// bind multi-rows with only one invoke.
TAOS_MULTI_BIND* b = calloc(1, sizeof(TAOS_MULTI_BIND));
b->num = numOfRows;
b->buffer_type = dataType; // todo check data type
b->buffer_length = IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(dataType)? dataBytes:tDataTypes[dataType].bytes;
b->is_null = nullArray;
b->buffer = colBuf;
b->length = (int32_t*)lengthArray;
// set the length and is_null array
switch(dataType) {
int32_t bytes = tDataTypes[dataType].bytes;
for(int32_t i = 0; i < numOfRows; ++i) {
b->length[i] = bytes;
// do nothing
int32_t code = taos_stmt_bind_single_param_batch(pStmt, b, colIndex);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
jniError("jobj:%p, conn:%p, code:%s", jobj, tscon, tstrerror(code));
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_taosdata_jdbc_TSDBJNIConnector_executeBatchImp(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jlong stmt, jlong con) {
TAOS *tscon = (TAOS *)con;
if (tscon == NULL) {
jniError("jobj:%p, connection already closed", jobj);
TAOS_STMT *pStmt = (TAOS_STMT*) stmt;
if (pStmt == NULL) {
jniError("jobj:%p, conn:%p, invalid stmt", jobj, tscon);
return JNI_SQL_NULL;
int32_t code = taos_stmt_execute(pStmt);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
jniError("jobj:%p, conn:%p, code:%s", jobj, tscon, tstrerror(code));
jniDebug("jobj:%p, conn:%p, batch execute", jobj, tscon);
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_taosdata_jdbc_TSDBJNIConnector_closeStmt(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jlong stmt, jlong con) {
TAOS *tscon = (TAOS *)con;
if (tscon == NULL) {
jniError("jobj:%p, connection already closed", jobj);
TAOS_STMT *pStmt = (TAOS_STMT*) stmt;
if (pStmt == NULL) {
jniError("jobj:%p, conn:%p, invalid stmt", jobj, tscon);
return JNI_SQL_NULL;
int32_t code = taos_stmt_close(pStmt);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
jniError("jobj:%p, conn:%p, code:%s", jobj, tscon, tstrerror(code));
jniDebug("jobj:%p, conn:%p, stmt closed", jobj, tscon);
......@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ int32_t tsParseOneColumn(SSchema *pSchema, SStrToken *pToken, char *payload, cha
* The server time/client time should not be mixed up in one sql string
* Do not employ sort operation is not involved if server time is used.
static int32_t tsCheckTimestamp(STableDataBlocks *pDataBlocks, const char *start) {
int32_t tsCheckTimestamp(STableDataBlocks *pDataBlocks, const char *start) {
// once the data block is disordered, we do NOT keep previous timestamp any more
if (!pDataBlocks->ordered) {
......@@ -411,6 +411,7 @@ static int32_t tsCheckTimestamp(STableDataBlocks *pDataBlocks, const char *start
if (k <= pDataBlocks->prevTS && (pDataBlocks->tsSource == TSDB_USE_CLI_TS)) {
pDataBlocks->ordered = false;
tscWarn("NOT ordered input timestamp");
pDataBlocks->prevTS = k;
......@@ -693,6 +694,8 @@ void tscSortRemoveDataBlockDupRows(STableDataBlocks *dataBuf) {
pBlocks->numOfRows = i + 1;
dataBuf->size = sizeof(SSubmitBlk) + dataBuf->rowSize * pBlocks->numOfRows;
dataBuf->prevTS = INT64_MIN;
static int32_t doParseInsertStatement(SSqlCmd* pCmd, char **str, STableDataBlocks* dataBuf, int32_t *totalNum) {
......@@ -1262,7 +1265,7 @@ int tsParseInsertSql(SSqlObj *pSql) {
goto _clean;
if (taosHashGetSize(pCmd->pTableBlockHashList) > 0) { // merge according to vgId
if ((pCmd->insertType != TSDB_QUERY_TYPE_STMT_INSERT) && taosHashGetSize(pCmd->pTableBlockHashList) > 0) { // merge according to vgId
if ((code = tscMergeTableDataBlocks(pSql, true)) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
goto _clean;
......@@ -1255,67 +1255,73 @@ int32_t tscMergeTableDataBlocks(SSqlObj* pSql, bool freeBlockMap) {
STableDataBlocks* pOneTableBlock = *p;
while(pOneTableBlock) {
// the maximum expanded size in byte when a row-wise data is converted to SDataRow format
int32_t expandSize = getRowExpandSize(pOneTableBlock->pTableMeta);
STableDataBlocks* dataBuf = NULL;
int32_t ret = tscGetDataBlockFromList(pVnodeDataBlockHashList, pOneTableBlock->vgId, TSDB_PAYLOAD_SIZE,
INSERT_HEAD_SIZE, 0, &pOneTableBlock->tableName, pOneTableBlock->pTableMeta, &dataBuf, pVnodeDataBlockList);
if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
tscError("0x%"PRIx64" failed to prepare the data block buffer for merging table data, code:%d", pSql->self, ret);
return ret;
SSubmitBlk* pBlocks = (SSubmitBlk*) pOneTableBlock->pData;
int64_t destSize = dataBuf->size + pOneTableBlock->size + pBlocks->numOfRows * expandSize + sizeof(STColumn) * tscGetNumOfColumns(pOneTableBlock->pTableMeta);
if (dataBuf->nAllocSize < destSize) {
while (dataBuf->nAllocSize < destSize) {
dataBuf->nAllocSize = (uint32_t)(dataBuf->nAllocSize * 1.5);
if (pBlocks->numOfRows > 0) {
// the maximum expanded size in byte when a row-wise data is converted to SDataRow format
int32_t expandSize = getRowExpandSize(pOneTableBlock->pTableMeta);
STableDataBlocks* dataBuf = NULL;
int32_t ret = tscGetDataBlockFromList(pVnodeDataBlockHashList, pOneTableBlock->vgId, TSDB_PAYLOAD_SIZE,
INSERT_HEAD_SIZE, 0, &pOneTableBlock->tableName, pOneTableBlock->pTableMeta, &dataBuf, pVnodeDataBlockList);
if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
tscError("0x%"PRIx64" failed to prepare the data block buffer for merging table data, code:%d", pSql->self, ret);
return ret;
char* tmp = realloc(dataBuf->pData, dataBuf->nAllocSize);
if (tmp != NULL) {
dataBuf->pData = tmp;
memset(dataBuf->pData + dataBuf->size, 0, dataBuf->nAllocSize - dataBuf->size);
} else { // failed to allocate memory, free already allocated memory and return error code
tscError("0x%"PRIx64" failed to allocate memory for merging submit block, size:%d", pSql->self, dataBuf->nAllocSize);
int64_t destSize = dataBuf->size + pOneTableBlock->size + pBlocks->numOfRows * expandSize + sizeof(STColumn) * tscGetNumOfColumns(pOneTableBlock->pTableMeta);
if (dataBuf->nAllocSize < destSize) {
while (dataBuf->nAllocSize < destSize) {
dataBuf->nAllocSize = (uint32_t)(dataBuf->nAllocSize * 1.5);
char* tmp = realloc(dataBuf->pData, dataBuf->nAllocSize);
if (tmp != NULL) {
dataBuf->pData = tmp;
memset(dataBuf->pData + dataBuf->size, 0, dataBuf->nAllocSize - dataBuf->size);
} else { // failed to allocate memory, free already allocated memory and return error code
tscError("0x%"PRIx64" failed to allocate memory for merging submit block, size:%d", pSql->self, dataBuf->nAllocSize);
char* ekey = (char*)pBlocks->data + pOneTableBlock->rowSize*(pBlocks->numOfRows-1);
char* ekey = (char*)pBlocks->data + pOneTableBlock->rowSize*(pBlocks->numOfRows-1);
tscDebug("0x%"PRIx64" name:%s, name:%d rows:%d sversion:%d skey:%" PRId64 ", ekey:%" PRId64, pSql->self, tNameGetTableName(&pOneTableBlock->tableName),
pBlocks->tid, pBlocks->numOfRows, pBlocks->sversion, GET_INT64_VAL(pBlocks->data), GET_INT64_VAL(ekey));
tscDebug("0x%"PRIx64" name:%s, name:%d rows:%d sversion:%d skey:%" PRId64 ", ekey:%" PRId64, pSql->self, tNameGetTableName(&pOneTableBlock->tableName),
pBlocks->tid, pBlocks->numOfRows, pBlocks->sversion, GET_INT64_VAL(pBlocks->data), GET_INT64_VAL(ekey));
int32_t len = pBlocks->numOfRows * (pOneTableBlock->rowSize + expandSize) + sizeof(STColumn) * tscGetNumOfColumns(pOneTableBlock->pTableMeta);
int32_t len = pBlocks->numOfRows * (pOneTableBlock->rowSize + expandSize) + sizeof(STColumn) * tscGetNumOfColumns(pOneTableBlock->pTableMeta);
pBlocks->tid = htonl(pBlocks->tid);
pBlocks->uid = htobe64(pBlocks->uid);
pBlocks->sversion = htonl(pBlocks->sversion);
pBlocks->numOfRows = htons(pBlocks->numOfRows);
pBlocks->schemaLen = 0;
pBlocks->tid = htonl(pBlocks->tid);
pBlocks->uid = htobe64(pBlocks->uid);
pBlocks->sversion = htonl(pBlocks->sversion);
pBlocks->numOfRows = htons(pBlocks->numOfRows);
pBlocks->schemaLen = 0;
// erase the empty space reserved for binary data
int32_t finalLen = trimDataBlock(dataBuf->pData + dataBuf->size, pOneTableBlock, pCmd->submitSchema);
assert(finalLen <= len);
// erase the empty space reserved for binary data
int32_t finalLen = trimDataBlock(dataBuf->pData + dataBuf->size, pOneTableBlock, pCmd->submitSchema);
assert(finalLen <= len);
dataBuf->size += (finalLen + sizeof(SSubmitBlk));
assert(dataBuf->size <= dataBuf->nAllocSize);
dataBuf->size += (finalLen + sizeof(SSubmitBlk));
assert(dataBuf->size <= dataBuf->nAllocSize);
// the length does not include the SSubmitBlk structure
pBlocks->dataLen = htonl(finalLen);
dataBuf->numOfTables += 1;
// the length does not include the SSubmitBlk structure
pBlocks->dataLen = htonl(finalLen);
dataBuf->numOfTables += 1;
pBlocks->numOfRows = 0;
}else {
tscDebug("0x%"PRIx64" table %s data block is empty", pSql->self, pOneTableBlock->tableName.tname);
p = taosHashIterate(pCmd->pTableBlockHashList, p);
if (p == NULL) {
......@@ -84,10 +84,12 @@ public abstract class AbstractResultSet extends WrapperImpl implements ResultSet
public InputStream getUnicodeStream(int columnIndex) throws SQLException {
if (isClosed())
if (isClosed()) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_RESULTSET_CLOSED);
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_METHOD);
......@@ -171,6 +173,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractResultSet extends WrapperImpl implements ResultSet
public InputStream getUnicodeStream(String columnLabel) throws SQLException {
return getUnicodeStream(findColumn(columnLabel));
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ public class TSDBConnection extends AbstractConnection {
public TSDBJNIConnector getConnection() {
public TSDBJNIConnector getConnector() {
return this.connector;
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public class TSDBConnection extends AbstractConnection {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_CONNECTION_CLOSED);
return new TSDBStatement(this, this.connector);
return new TSDBStatement(this);
public TSDBSubscribe subscribe(String topic, String sql, boolean restart) throws SQLException {
......@@ -74,14 +74,18 @@ public class TSDBConnection extends AbstractConnection {
public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql) throws SQLException {
if (isClosed())
if (isClosed()) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_CONNECTION_CLOSED);
return new TSDBPreparedStatement(this, this.connector, sql);
return new TSDBPreparedStatement(this, sql);
public void close() throws SQLException {
if (isClosed)
if (isClosed) {
this.isClosed = true;
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ package com.taosdata.jdbc;
import com.taosdata.jdbc.utils.TaosInfo;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.util.List;
......@@ -29,10 +30,13 @@ public class TSDBJNIConnector {
private static volatile Boolean isInitialized = false;
private TaosInfo taosInfo = TaosInfo.getInstance();
// Connection pointer used in C
private long taos = TSDBConstants.JNI_NULL_POINTER;
// result set status in current connection
private boolean isResultsetClosed = true;
private int affectedRows = -1;
static {
......@@ -75,7 +79,6 @@ public class TSDBJNIConnector {
public boolean connect(String host, int port, String dbName, String user, String password) throws SQLException {
if (this.taos != TSDBConstants.JNI_NULL_POINTER) {
// this.closeConnectionImp(this.taos);
this.taos = TSDBConstants.JNI_NULL_POINTER;
......@@ -97,12 +100,6 @@ public class TSDBJNIConnector {
* @throws SQLException
public long executeQuery(String sql) throws SQLException {
// close previous result set if the user forgets to invoke the
// free method to close previous result set.
// if (!this.isResultsetClosed) {
// freeResultSet(taosResultSetPointer);
// }
Long pSql = 0l;
try {
pSql = this.executeQueryImp(sql.getBytes(TaosGlobalConfig.getCharset()), this.taos);
......@@ -169,37 +166,14 @@ public class TSDBJNIConnector {
private native long isUpdateQueryImp(long connection, long pSql);
* Free resultset operation from C to release resultset pointer by JNI
* Free result set operation from C to release result set pointer by JNI
public int freeResultSet(long pSql) {
int res = TSDBConstants.JNI_SUCCESS;
// if (result != taosResultSetPointer && taosResultSetPointer != TSDBConstants.JNI_NULL_POINTER) {
// throw new RuntimeException("Invalid result set pointer");
// }
// if (taosResultSetPointer != TSDBConstants.JNI_NULL_POINTER) {
res = this.freeResultSetImp(this.taos, pSql);
// taosResultSetPointer = TSDBConstants.JNI_NULL_POINTER;
// }
int res = this.freeResultSetImp(this.taos, pSql);
isResultsetClosed = true;
return res;
* Close the open result set which is associated to the current connection. If the result set is already
* closed, return 0 for success.
// public int freeResultSet() {
// int resCode = TSDBConstants.JNI_SUCCESS;
// if (!isResultsetClosed) {
// resCode = this.freeResultSetImp(this.taos, this.taosResultSetPointer);
// taosResultSetPointer = TSDBConstants.JNI_NULL_POINTER;
// isResultsetClosed = true;
// }
// return resCode;
// }
private native int freeResultSetImp(long connection, long result);
......@@ -246,6 +220,7 @@ public class TSDBJNIConnector {
public void closeConnection() throws SQLException {
int code = this.closeConnectionImp(this.taos);
if (code < 0) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_JNI_CONNECTION_NULL);
} else if (code == 0) {
......@@ -253,6 +228,7 @@ public class TSDBJNIConnector {
} else {
throw new SQLException("Undefined error code returned by TDengine when closing a connection");
// invoke closeConnectionImpl only here
......@@ -289,7 +265,7 @@ public class TSDBJNIConnector {
private native void unsubscribeImp(long subscription, boolean isKeep);
* Validate if a <I>create table</I> sql statement is correct without actually creating that table
* Validate if a <I>create table</I> SQL statement is correct without actually creating that table
public boolean validateCreateTableSql(String sql) {
int res = validateCreateTableSqlImp(taos, sql.getBytes());
......@@ -297,4 +273,66 @@ public class TSDBJNIConnector {
private native int validateCreateTableSqlImp(long connection, byte[] sqlBytes);
public long prepareStmt(String sql) throws SQLException {
Long stmt = 0L;
try {
stmt = prepareStmtImp(sql.getBytes(), this.taos);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING);
if (stmt == TSDBConstants.JNI_CONNECTION_NULL) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_JNI_CONNECTION_NULL);
if (stmt == TSDBConstants.JNI_SQL_NULL) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_JNI_SQL_NULL);
if (stmt == TSDBConstants.JNI_OUT_OF_MEMORY) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_JNI_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
return stmt;
private native long prepareStmtImp(byte[] sql, long con);
public void setBindTableName(long stmt, String tableName) throws SQLException {
int code = setBindTableNameImp(stmt, tableName, this.taos);
if (code != TSDBConstants.JNI_SUCCESS) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_UNKNOWN, "failed to set table name");
private native int setBindTableNameImp(long stmt, String name, long conn);
public void bindColumnDataArray(long stmt, ByteBuffer colDataList, ByteBuffer lengthList, ByteBuffer isNullList, int type, int bytes, int numOfRows,int columnIndex) throws SQLException {
int code = bindColDataImp(stmt, colDataList.array(), lengthList.array(), isNullList.array(), type, bytes, numOfRows, columnIndex, this.taos);
if (code != TSDBConstants.JNI_SUCCESS) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_UNKNOWN, "failed to bind column data");
private native int bindColDataImp(long stmt, byte[] colDataList, byte[] lengthList, byte[] isNullList, int type, int bytes, int numOfRows, int columnIndex, long conn);
public void executeBatch(long stmt) throws SQLException {
int code = executeBatchImp(stmt, this.taos);
if (code != TSDBConstants.JNI_SUCCESS) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_UNKNOWN, "failed to execute batch bind");
private native int executeBatchImp(long stmt, long con);
public void closeBatch(long stmt) throws SQLException {
int code = closeStmt(stmt, this.taos);
if (code != TSDBConstants.JNI_SUCCESS) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_UNKNOWN, "failed to close batch bind");
private native int closeStmt(long stmt, long con);
......@@ -18,33 +18,40 @@ import com.taosdata.jdbc.utils.Utils;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* TDengine only supports a subset of the standard SQL, thus this implemetation of the
* TDengine only supports a subset of the standard SQL, thus this implementation of the
* standard JDBC API contains more or less some adjustments customized for certain
* compatibility needs.
public class TSDBPreparedStatement extends TSDBStatement implements PreparedStatement {
private String rawSql;
private Object[] parameters;
private boolean isPrepared;
private ArrayList<ColumnInfo> colData;
private String tableName;
private long nativeStmtHandle = 0;
private volatile TSDBParameterMetaData parameterMetaData;
TSDBPreparedStatement(TSDBConnection connection, TSDBJNIConnector connecter, String sql) {
super(connection, connecter);
TSDBPreparedStatement(TSDBConnection connection, String sql) {
int parameterCnt = 0;
if (sql.contains("?")) {
int parameterCnt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sql.length(); i++) {
if ('?' == sql.charAt(i)) {
......@@ -53,6 +60,12 @@ public class TSDBPreparedStatement extends TSDBStatement implements PreparedStat
parameters = new Object[parameterCnt];
this.isPrepared = true;
if (parameterCnt > 1) {
// the table name is also a parameter, so ignore it.
this.colData = new ArrayList<ColumnInfo>(parameterCnt - 1);
this.colData.addAll(Collections.nCopies(parameterCnt - 1, null));
private void init(String sql) {
......@@ -260,10 +273,14 @@ public class TSDBPreparedStatement extends TSDBStatement implements PreparedStat
public void setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x) throws SQLException {
if (isClosed())
if (isClosed()) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_STATEMENT_CLOSED);
if (parameterIndex < 1 && parameterIndex >= parameters.length)
if (parameterIndex < 1 && parameterIndex >= parameters.length) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_PARAMETER_INDEX_OUT_RANGE);
parameters[parameterIndex - 1] = x;
......@@ -300,9 +317,10 @@ public class TSDBPreparedStatement extends TSDBStatement implements PreparedStat
public void setRef(int parameterIndex, Ref x) throws SQLException {
if (isClosed())
if (isClosed()) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_STATEMENT_CLOSED);
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_METHOD);
......@@ -515,4 +533,276 @@ public class TSDBPreparedStatement extends TSDBStatement implements PreparedStat
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_STATEMENT_CLOSED);
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_METHOD);
// NOTE: the following APIs are not JDBC compatible
// set the bind table name
private static class ColumnInfo {
private ArrayList data;
private int type;
private int bytes;
private boolean typeIsSet;
public ColumnInfo() {
this.typeIsSet = false;
public void setType(int type) throws SQLException {
if (this.isTypeSet()) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_UNKNOWN, "column data type has been set");
this.typeIsSet = true;
this.type = type;
public boolean isTypeSet() {
return this.typeIsSet;
public void setTableName(String name) {
this.tableName = name;
public <T> void setValueImpl(int columnIndex, ArrayList<T> list, int type, int bytes) throws SQLException {
ColumnInfo col = (ColumnInfo) this.colData.get(columnIndex);
if (col == null) {
ColumnInfo p = new ColumnInfo();
p.bytes = bytes;
p.data = (ArrayList<?>) list.clone();
this.colData.set(columnIndex, p);
} else {
if (col.type != type) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_UNKNOWN, "column data type mismatch");
public void setInt(int columnIndex, ArrayList<Integer> list) throws SQLException {
setValueImpl(columnIndex, list, TSDBConstants.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT, Integer.BYTES);
public void setFloat(int columnIndex, ArrayList<Float> list) throws SQLException {
setValueImpl(columnIndex, list, TSDBConstants.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, Float.BYTES);
public void setTimestamp(int columnIndex, ArrayList<Long> list) throws SQLException {
setValueImpl(columnIndex, list, TSDBConstants.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, Long.BYTES);
public void setLong(int columnIndex, ArrayList<Long> list) throws SQLException {
setValueImpl(columnIndex, list, TSDBConstants.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT, Long.BYTES);
public void setDouble(int columnIndex, ArrayList<Double> list) throws SQLException {
setValueImpl(columnIndex, list, TSDBConstants.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, Double.BYTES);
public void setBoolean(int columnIndex, ArrayList<Boolean> list) throws SQLException {
setValueImpl(columnIndex, list, TSDBConstants.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, Byte.BYTES);
public void setByte(int columnIndex, ArrayList<Byte> list) throws SQLException {
setValueImpl(columnIndex, list, TSDBConstants.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT, Byte.BYTES);
public void setShort(int columnIndex, ArrayList<Short> list) throws SQLException {
setValueImpl(columnIndex, list, TSDBConstants.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT, Short.BYTES);
public void setString(int columnIndex, ArrayList<String> list, int size) throws SQLException {
setValueImpl(columnIndex, list, TSDBConstants.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, size);
// note: expand the required space for each NChar character
public void setNString(int columnIndex, ArrayList<String> list, int size) throws SQLException {
setValueImpl(columnIndex, list, TSDBConstants.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR, size * Integer.BYTES);
public void columnDataAddBatch() throws SQLException {
// pass the data block to native code
if (rawSql == null) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_UNKNOWN, "sql statement not set yet");
// table name is not set yet, abort
if (this.tableName == null) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_UNKNOWN, "table name not set yet");
int numOfCols = this.colData.size();
if (numOfCols == 0) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_UNKNOWN, "column data not bind");
TSDBJNIConnector connector = ((TSDBConnection) this.getConnection()).getConnector();
this.nativeStmtHandle = connector.prepareStmt(rawSql);
connector.setBindTableName(this.nativeStmtHandle, this.tableName);
ColumnInfo colInfo = (ColumnInfo) this.colData.get(0);
if (colInfo == null) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_UNKNOWN, "column data not bind");
int rows = colInfo.data.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numOfCols; ++i) {
ColumnInfo col1 = this.colData.get(i);
if (col1 == null || !col1.isTypeSet()) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_UNKNOWN, "column data not bind");
if (rows != col1.data.size()) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_UNKNOWN, "the rows in column data not identical");
ByteBuffer colDataList = ByteBuffer.allocate(rows * col1.bytes);
ByteBuffer lengthList = ByteBuffer.allocate(rows * Integer.BYTES);
ByteBuffer isNullList = ByteBuffer.allocate(rows * Byte.BYTES);
switch (col1.type) {
case TSDBConstants.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT: {
for (int j = 0; j < rows; ++j) {
Integer val = (Integer) col1.data.get(j);
colDataList.putInt(val == null? Integer.MIN_VALUE:val);
isNullList.put((byte) (val == null? 1:0));
for (int j = 0; j < rows; ++j) {
Byte val = (Byte) col1.data.get(j);
colDataList.put(val == null? 0:val);
isNullList.put((byte) (val == null? 1:0));
for (int j = 0; j < rows; ++j) {
Boolean val = (Boolean) col1.data.get(j);
if (val == null) {
colDataList.put((byte) 0);
} else {
colDataList.put((byte) (val? 1:0));
isNullList.put((byte) (val == null? 1:0));
for (int j = 0; j < rows; ++j) {
Short val = (Short) col1.data.get(j);
colDataList.putShort(val == null? 0:val);
isNullList.put((byte) (val == null? 1:0));
for (int j = 0; j < rows; ++j) {
Long val = (Long) col1.data.get(j);
colDataList.putLong(val == null? 0:val);
isNullList.put((byte) (val == null? 1:0));
for (int j = 0; j < rows; ++j) {
Float val = (Float) col1.data.get(j);
colDataList.putFloat(val == null? 0:val);
isNullList.put((byte) (val == null? 1:0));
for (int j = 0; j < rows; ++j) {
Double val = (Double) col1.data.get(j);
colDataList.putDouble(val == null? 0:val);
isNullList.put((byte) (val == null? 1:0));
String charset = TaosGlobalConfig.getCharset();
for (int j = 0; j < rows; ++j) {
String val = (String) col1.data.get(j);
colDataList.position(j * col1.bytes); // seek to the correct position
if (val != null) {
byte[] b = null;
try {
if (col1.type == TSDBConstants.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
b = val.getBytes();
} else {
b = val.getBytes(charset);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
if (val.length() > col1.bytes) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_UNKNOWN, "string data too long");
isNullList.put((byte) 0);
} else {
isNullList.put((byte) 1);
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_UNKNOWN, "not support data types");
connector.bindColumnDataArray(this.nativeStmtHandle, colDataList, lengthList, isNullList, col1.type, col1.bytes, rows, i);
public void columnDataExecuteBatch() throws SQLException {
TSDBJNIConnector connector = ((TSDBConnection) this.getConnection()).getConnector();
public void columnDataClearBatch() {
int size = this.colData.size();
this.colData.addAll(Collections.nCopies(size, null));
this.tableName = null; // clear the table name
public void columnDataCloseBatch() throws SQLException {
TSDBJNIConnector connector = ((TSDBConnection) this.getConnection()).getConnector();
this.nativeStmtHandle = 0L;
this.tableName = null;
......@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import com.taosdata.jdbc.utils.NullType;
public class TSDBResultSetBlockData {
private int numOfRows = 0;
private int rowIndex = 0;
......@@ -164,59 +166,7 @@ public class TSDBResultSetBlockData {
private static class NullType {
private static final byte NULL_BOOL_VAL = 0x2;
private static final String NULL_STR = "null";
public String toString() {
return NullType.NULL_STR;
public static boolean isBooleanNull(byte val) {
return val == NullType.NULL_BOOL_VAL;
private static boolean isTinyIntNull(byte val) {
return val == Byte.MIN_VALUE;
private static boolean isSmallIntNull(short val) {
return val == Short.MIN_VALUE;
private static boolean isIntNull(int val) {
return val == Integer.MIN_VALUE;
private static boolean isBigIntNull(long val) {
return val == Long.MIN_VALUE;
private static boolean isFloatNull(float val) {
return Float.isNaN(val);
private static boolean isDoubleNull(double val) {
return Double.isNaN(val);
private static boolean isBinaryNull(byte[] val, int length) {
if (length != Byte.BYTES) {
return false;
return val[0] == 0xFF;
private static boolean isNcharNull(byte[] val, int length) {
if (length != Integer.BYTES) {
return false;
return (val[0] & val[1] & val[2] & val[3]) == 0xFF;
* The original type may not be a string type, but will be converted to by
......@@ -488,8 +438,8 @@ public class TSDBResultSetBlockData {
try {
String ss = TaosGlobalConfig.getCharset();
return new String(dest, ss);
String charset = TaosGlobalConfig.getCharset();
return new String(dest, charset);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
......@@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ public class TSDBResultSetRowData {
data.set(col, value);
public int getInt(int col, int srcType) throws SQLException {
public int getInt(int col, int srcType) throws SQLException {
Object obj = data.get(col);
switch (srcType) {
......@@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ public class TSDBResultSetRowData {
long value = (long) obj;
if (value < 0)
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_NUMERIC_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE);
return new Long(value).intValue();
return Long.valueOf(value).intValue();
......@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
public class TSDBStatement extends AbstractStatement {
private TSDBJNIConnector connector;
* Status of current statement
......@@ -29,29 +27,26 @@ public class TSDBStatement extends AbstractStatement {
private TSDBConnection connection;
private TSDBResultSet resultSet;
public void setConnection(TSDBConnection connection) {
this.connection = connection;
TSDBStatement(TSDBConnection connection, TSDBJNIConnector connector) {
TSDBStatement(TSDBConnection connection) {
this.connection = connection;
this.connector = connector;
public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) throws SQLException {
// check if closed
if (isClosed())
if (isClosed()) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_STATEMENT_CLOSED);
//TODO: 如果在executeQuery方法中执行insert语句,那么先执行了SQL,再通过pSql来检查是否为一个insert语句,但这个insert SQL已经执行成功了
// execute query
long pSql = this.connector.executeQuery(sql);
long pSql = this.connection.getConnector().executeQuery(sql);
// if pSql is create/insert/update/delete/alter SQL
if (this.connector.isUpdateQuery(pSql)) {
if (this.connection.getConnector().isUpdateQuery(pSql)) {
TSDBResultSet res = new TSDBResultSet(this, this.connector, pSql);
TSDBResultSet res = new TSDBResultSet(this, this.connection.getConnector(), pSql);
return res;
......@@ -60,14 +55,14 @@ public class TSDBStatement extends AbstractStatement {
if (isClosed())
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_STATEMENT_CLOSED);
long pSql = this.connector.executeQuery(sql);
long pSql = this.connection.getConnector().executeQuery(sql);
// if pSql is create/insert/update/delete/alter SQL
if (!this.connector.isUpdateQuery(pSql)) {
if (!this.connection.getConnector().isUpdateQuery(pSql)) {
int affectedRows = this.connector.getAffectedRows(pSql);
int affectedRows = this.connection.getConnector().getAffectedRows(pSql);
return affectedRows;
......@@ -81,30 +76,29 @@ public class TSDBStatement extends AbstractStatement {
public boolean execute(String sql) throws SQLException {
// check if closed
if (isClosed())
if (isClosed()) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_STATEMENT_CLOSED);
// execute query
long pSql = this.connector.executeQuery(sql);
long pSql = this.connection.getConnector().executeQuery(sql);
// if pSql is create/insert/update/delete/alter SQL
if (this.connector.isUpdateQuery(pSql)) {
this.affectedRows = this.connector.getAffectedRows(pSql);
if (this.connection.getConnector().isUpdateQuery(pSql)) {
this.affectedRows = this.connection.getConnector().getAffectedRows(pSql);
return false;
this.resultSet = new TSDBResultSet(this, this.connector, pSql);
this.resultSet = new TSDBResultSet(this, this.connection.getConnector(), pSql);
return true;
public ResultSet getResultSet() throws SQLException {
if (isClosed())
if (isClosed()) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_STATEMENT_CLOSED);
// long resultSetPointer = connector.getResultSet();
// TSDBResultSet resSet = null;
// if (resultSetPointer != TSDBConstants.JNI_NULL_POINTER) {
// resSet = new TSDBResultSet(connector, resultSetPointer);
// }
return this.resultSet;
......@@ -115,12 +109,20 @@ public class TSDBStatement extends AbstractStatement {
public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
if (isClosed())
if (isClosed()) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_STATEMENT_CLOSED);
if (this.connector == null)
if (this.connection.getConnector() == null) {
throw TSDBError.createSQLException(TSDBErrorNumbers.ERROR_JNI_CONNECTION_NULL);
return this.connection;
public void setConnection(TSDBConnection connection) {
this.connection = connection;
public boolean isClosed() throws SQLException {
return isClosed;
package com.taosdata.jdbc.rs;
import com.google.common.collect.Range;
import com.google.common.collect.RangeSet;
import com.google.common.collect.TreeRangeSet;
import com.taosdata.jdbc.TSDBError;
import com.taosdata.jdbc.TSDBErrorNumbers;
import com.taosdata.jdbc.utils.SqlSyntaxValidator;
import com.taosdata.jdbc.utils.Utils;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;
public class RestfulPreparedStatement extends RestfulStatement implements PreparedStatement {
package com.taosdata.jdbc.utils;
public class NullType {
private static final byte NULL_BOOL_VAL = 0x2;
private static final String NULL_STR = "null";
public String toString() {
return NullType.NULL_STR;
public static boolean isBooleanNull(byte val) {
return val == NullType.NULL_BOOL_VAL;
public static boolean isTinyIntNull(byte val) {
return val == Byte.MIN_VALUE;
public static boolean isSmallIntNull(short val) {
return val == Short.MIN_VALUE;
public static boolean isIntNull(int val) {
return val == Integer.MIN_VALUE;
public static boolean isBigIntNull(long val) {
return val == Long.MIN_VALUE;
public static boolean isFloatNull(float val) {
return Float.isNaN(val);
public static boolean isDoubleNull(double val) {
return Double.isNaN(val);
public static boolean isBinaryNull(byte[] val, int length) {
if (length != Byte.BYTES) {
return false;
return val[0] == 0xFF;
public static boolean isNcharNull(byte[] val, int length) {
if (length != Integer.BYTES) {
return false;
return (val[0] & val[1] & val[2] & val[3]) == 0xFF;
public static byte getBooleanNull() {
return NullType.NULL_BOOL_VAL;
public static byte getTinyintNull() {
return Byte.MIN_VALUE;
public static int getIntNull() {
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
public static short getSmallIntNull() {
return Short.MIN_VALUE;
public static long getBigIntNull() {
return Long.MIN_VALUE;
public static int getFloatNull() {
return 0x7FF00000;
public static long getDoubleNull() {
return 0x7FFFFF0000000000L;
public static byte getBinaryNull() {
return (byte) 0xFF;
public static byte[] getNcharNull() {
return new byte[] {(byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF};
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package com.taosdata.jdbc;
import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;
import com.google.common.primitives.Longs;
import com.google.common.primitives.Shorts;
import com.taosdata.jdbc.rs.RestfulResultSet;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
......@@ -177,7 +176,8 @@ public class TSDBResultSetTest {
@Test(expected = SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.class)
@Test(expected = SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.class)
public void getUnicodeStream() throws SQLException {
......@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ public class TSDBResultSetTest {
@Test(expected = SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.class)
public void getRow() throws SQLException {
int row = rs.getRow();
@Test(expected = SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.class)
......@@ -405,12 +405,12 @@ public class TSDBResultSetTest {
@Test(expected = SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.class)
public void updateByte() throws SQLException {
rs.updateByte(1, new Byte("0"));
rs.updateByte(1, (byte) 0);
@Test(expected = SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.class)
public void updateShort() throws SQLException {
rs.updateShort(1, new Short("0"));
rs.updateShort(1, (short) 0);
@Test(expected = SQLFeatureNotSupportedException.class)
......@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ typedef struct TAOS_BIND {
uintptr_t buffer_length; // unused
uintptr_t *length;
int * is_null;
int is_unsigned; // unused
int * error; // unused
union {
......@@ -99,12 +100,25 @@ typedef struct TAOS_BIND {
unsigned int allocated;
typedef struct TAOS_MULTI_BIND {
int buffer_type;
void *buffer;
uintptr_t buffer_length;
int32_t *length;
char *is_null;
int num;
TAOS_STMT *taos_stmt_init(TAOS *taos);
int taos_stmt_prepare(TAOS_STMT *stmt, const char *sql, unsigned long length);
int taos_stmt_set_tbname(TAOS_STMT* stmt, const char* name);
int taos_stmt_is_insert(TAOS_STMT *stmt, int *insert);
int taos_stmt_num_params(TAOS_STMT *stmt, int *nums);
int taos_stmt_get_param(TAOS_STMT *stmt, int idx, int *type, int *bytes);
int taos_stmt_bind_param(TAOS_STMT *stmt, TAOS_BIND *bind);
int taos_stmt_bind_param_batch(TAOS_STMT* stmt, TAOS_MULTI_BIND* bind);
int taos_stmt_bind_single_param_batch(TAOS_STMT* stmt, TAOS_MULTI_BIND* bind, int colIdx);
int taos_stmt_add_batch(TAOS_STMT *stmt);
int taos_stmt_execute(TAOS_STMT *stmt);
TAOS_RES * taos_stmt_use_result(TAOS_STMT *stmt);
......@@ -560,6 +560,28 @@ uint32_t tSQLGetToken(char* z, uint32_t* tokenId) {
return 0;
SStrToken tscReplaceStrToken(char **str, SStrToken *token, const char* newToken) {
char *src = *str;
size_t nsize = strlen(newToken);
int32_t size = (int32_t)strlen(*str) - token->n + (int32_t)nsize + 1;
int32_t bsize = (int32_t)((uint64_t)token->z - (uint64_t)src);
SStrToken ntoken;
*str = calloc(1, size);
strncpy(*str, src, bsize);
strcat(*str, newToken);
strcat(*str, token->z + token->n);
ntoken.n = (uint32_t)nsize;
ntoken.z = *str + bsize;
return ntoken;
SStrToken tStrGetToken(char* str, int32_t* i, bool isPrevOptr) {
SStrToken t0 = {0};
......@@ -182,6 +182,9 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int32_t tGetNumericStringType(const SStrToken* pToken) {
void taosCleanupKeywordsTable();
SStrToken tscReplaceStrToken(char **str, SStrToken *token, const char* newToken);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ clean:
rm $(ROOT)asyncdemo
rm $(ROOT)demo
rm $(ROOT)prepare
rm $(ROOT)batchprepare
rm $(ROOT)stream
rm $(ROOT)subscribe
rm $(ROOT)apitest
# Copyright (c) 2017 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# todo: library dependency, header file dependency
LFLAGS = '-Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/taos/driver/' -ltaos -lpthread -lm -lrt
CFLAGS = -O0 -g -Wall -Wno-deprecated -fPIC -Wno-unused-result -Wconversion \
-Wno-char-subscripts -D_REENTRANT -Wno-format -D_REENTRANT -DLINUX \
-Wno-unused-function -D_M_X64 -I/usr/local/taos/include -std=gnu99
all: $(TARGET)
gcc $(CFLAGS) ./batchprepare.c -o $(ROOT)batchprepare $(LFLAGS)
rm $(ROOT)batchprepare
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