提交 b0db923d 编写于 作者: S Shuduo Sang

add perftest-scripts directory

上级 760f673a
set terminal png
set title "Performance Test Report" font ",20"
set ylabel "Time in Seconds"
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y%m%d"
set format x "%Y-%m-%d"
set xlabel "Date"
set style data linespoints
set terminal pngcairo size 1024,768 enhanced font 'Segoe UI, 10'
set output filename . '.png'
set datafile separator ','
set key reverse Left outside
set grid
# plot 'perftest-influx-report.csv' using 1:2 title "InfluxDB Write", \
# "" using 1:3 title "InfluxDB Query case1", \
# "" using 1:4 title "InfluxDB Query case2", \
# "" using 1:5 title "InfluxDB Query case3", \
# "" using 1:6 title "InfluxDB Query case4"
plot filename . '.csv' using 1:2 title "TDengine Write", \
"" using 1:3 title "TDengine Query case1", \
"" using 1:4 title "TDengine Query case2", \
"" using 1:5 title "TDengine Query case3", \
"" using 1:6 title "TDengine Query case4"
# Coloured Echoes #
function red_echo { echo -e "\033[31m$@\033[0m"; } #
function green_echo { echo -e "\033[32m$@\033[0m"; } #
function yellow_echo { echo -e "\033[33m$@\033[0m"; } #
function white_echo { echo -e "\033[1;37m$@\033[0m"; } #
# Coloured Printfs #
function red_printf { printf "\033[31m$@\033[0m"; } #
function green_printf { printf "\033[32m$@\033[0m"; } #
function yellow_printf { printf "\033[33m$@\033[0m"; } #
function white_printf { printf "\033[1;37m$@\033[0m"; } #
# Debugging Outputs #
function white_brackets { local args="$@"; white_printf "["; printf "${args}"; white_printf "]"; } #
function echoInfo { local args="$@"; white_brackets $(green_printf "INFO") && echo " ${args}"; } #
function echoWarn { local args="$@"; echo "$(white_brackets "$(yellow_printf "WARN")" && echo " ${args}";)" 1>&2; } #
function echoError { local args="$@"; echo "$(white_brackets "$(red_printf "ERROR")" && echo " ${args}";)" 1>&2; } #
function set-Wal {
echo "/etc/taos/taos.cfg walLevel will be set to $1"
sed -i 's/^walLevel.*$/walLevel '"$1"'/g' /etc/taos/taos.cfg
function collectSysInfo {
rm sysinfo.log
grep model /proc/cpuinfo | tail -n1 | tee sysinfo.log
grep cores /proc/cpuinfo | tail -n1 | tee -a sysinfo.log
grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | tee -a sysinfo.log
grep "^[^#;]" /etc/taos/taos.cfg | tee taos.cfg
function buildTDengine {
cd /root/TDengine
git pull
cd debug
rm -rf *
cmake ..
make > /dev/null
make install
function restartTaosd {
systemctl stop taosd
pkill -KILL -x taosd
sleep 10
rm -rf /mnt/var/log/taos/*
rm -rf /mnt/var/lib/taos/*
taosd 2>&1 > /dev/null &
sleep 10
function sendReport {
receiver="sdsang@taosdata.com, sangshuduo@gmail.com"
mimebody="MIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n"
echo -e "to: ${receiver}\nsubject: Perf test report ${today}\n" | \
(cat - && uuencode perftest-1d-$today.log perftest-1d-$today.log)| \
(cat - && uuencode perftest-1d-report.csv perftest-1d-report-$today.csv) | \
(cat - && uuencode perftest-1d-report.png perftest-1d-report-$today.png) | \
(cat - && uuencode perftest-13d-$today.log perftest-13d-$today.log)| \
(cat - && uuencode perftest-13d-report.csv perftest-13d-report-$today.csv) | \
(cat - && uuencode perftest-13d-report.png perftest-13d-report-$today.png) | \
(cat - && uuencode taosdemo-$today.log taosdemo-$today.log) | \
(cat - && uuencode taosdemo-report.csv taosdemo-report-$today.csv) | \
(cat - && uuencode taosdemo-report.png taosdemo-report-$today.png) | \
(cat - && uuencode sysinfo.log sysinfo.txt) | \
(cat - && uuencode taos.cfg taos-cfg-$today.txt) | \
ssmtp "${receiver}"
today=`date +"%Y%m%d"`
cd /root
echo -e "cron-ran-at-${today}" >> cron.log
echoInfo "Build TDengine"
set-Wal "2"
cd /root
cd /root
cd /root
echoInfo "Send Report"
echoInfo "End of Test"
# Coloured Echoes #
function red_echo { echo -e "\033[31m$@\033[0m"; } #
function green_echo { echo -e "\033[32m$@\033[0m"; } #
function yellow_echo { echo -e "\033[33m$@\033[0m"; } #
function white_echo { echo -e "\033[1;37m$@\033[0m"; } #
# Coloured Printfs #
function red_printf { printf "\033[31m$@\033[0m"; } #
function green_printf { printf "\033[32m$@\033[0m"; } #
function yellow_printf { printf "\033[33m$@\033[0m"; } #
function white_printf { printf "\033[1;37m$@\033[0m"; } #
# Debugging Outputs #
function white_brackets { local args="$@"; white_printf "["; printf "${args}"; white_printf "]"; } #
function echoInfo { local args="$@"; white_brackets $(green_printf "INFO") && echo " ${args}"; } #
function echoWarn { local args="$@"; echo "$(white_brackets "$(yellow_printf "WARN")" && echo " ${args}";)" 1>&2; } #
function echoError { local args="$@"; echo "$(white_brackets "$(red_printf "ERROR")" && echo " ${args}";)" 1>&2; } #
function restartTaosd {
systemctl stop taosd
pkill -KILL -x taosd
sleep 10
rm -rf /mnt/var/log/taos/*
rm -rf /mnt/var/lib/taos/*
taosd 2>&1 > /dev/null &
sleep 10
function runCreateTableOnly {
echoInfo "Restart Taosd"
/usr/bin/time -f "Total: %e" -o totaltime.out bash -c "yes | taosdemo -n 0 2>&1 | tee taosdemo-$today.log"
demoTableOnly=`grep "Total:" totaltime.out|awk '{print $2}'`
function runCreateTableThenInsert {
echoInfo "Restart Taosd"
/usr/bin/time -f "Total: %e" -o totaltime.out bash -c "yes | taosdemo 2>&1 | tee -a taosdemo-$today.log"
demoTableAndInsert=`grep "Total:" totaltime.out|awk '{print $2}'`
demoRPS=`grep "records\/second" taosdemo-$today.log | tail -n1 | awk '{print $13}'`
function generateTaosdemoPlot {
echo "${today}, demoTableOnly: ${demoTableOnly}, demoTableAndInsert: ${demoTableAndInsert}" | tee -a taosdemo-$today.log
echo "${today}, ${demoTableOnly}, ${demoTableAndInsert}, ${demoRPS}" >> taosdemo-report.csv
csvLines=`cat taosdemo-report.csv | wc -l`
if [ "$csvLines" -gt "10" ]; then
sed -i '1d' taosdemo-report.csv
gnuplot -p taosdemo-csv2png.gnuplot
today=`date +"%Y%m%d"`
cd /root
echoInfo "Test Create Table Only "
echoInfo "Test Create Table then Insert data"
echoInfo "Generate plot for taosdemo"
echoInfo "End of TaosDemo Test"
# Coloured Echoes #
function red_echo { echo -e "\033[31m$@\033[0m"; } #
function green_echo { echo -e "\033[32m$@\033[0m"; } #
function yellow_echo { echo -e "\033[33m$@\033[0m"; } #
function white_echo { echo -e "\033[1;37m$@\033[0m"; } #
# Coloured Printfs #
function red_printf { printf "\033[31m$@\033[0m"; } #
function green_printf { printf "\033[32m$@\033[0m"; } #
function yellow_printf { printf "\033[33m$@\033[0m"; } #
function white_printf { printf "\033[1;37m$@\033[0m"; } #
# Debugging Outputs #
function white_brackets { local args="$@"; white_printf "["; printf "${args}"; white_printf "]"; } #
function echoInfo { local args="$@"; white_brackets $(green_printf "INFO") && echo " ${args}"; } #
function echoWarn { local args="$@"; echo "$(white_brackets "$(yellow_printf "WARN")" && echo " ${args}";)" 1>&2; } #
function echoError { local args="$@"; echo "$(white_brackets "$(red_printf "ERROR")" && echo " ${args}";)" 1>&2; } #
function restartTaosd {
systemctl stop taosd
pkill -KILL -x taosd
sleep 10
rm -rf /mnt/var/log/taos/*
rm -rf /mnt/var/lib/taos/*
taosd 2>&1 > /dev/null &
sleep 10
function runPerfTest13d {
echoInfo "Restart Taosd"
cd /home/taos/tliu/timeseriesdatabase-comparisons/build/tsdbcompare
./runreal-13d-csv.sh 2>&1 | tee /root/perftest-13d-$today.log
function generatePerfPlot13d {
cd /root
csvLines=`cat perftest-13d-report.csv | wc -l`
if [ "$csvLines" -gt "10" ]; then
sed -i '1d' perftest-13d-report.csv
gnuplot -e "filename='perftest-13d-report'" -p perftest-csv2png.gnuplot
today=`date +"%Y%m%d"`
cd /root
echoInfo "run Performance Test with 13 days data"
echoInfo "Generate plot of 13 days data"
echoInfo "End of TSDB-Compare 13-days-data Test"
# Coloured Echoes #
function red_echo { echo -e "\033[31m$@\033[0m"; } #
function green_echo { echo -e "\033[32m$@\033[0m"; } #
function yellow_echo { echo -e "\033[33m$@\033[0m"; } #
function white_echo { echo -e "\033[1;37m$@\033[0m"; } #
# Coloured Printfs #
function red_printf { printf "\033[31m$@\033[0m"; } #
function green_printf { printf "\033[32m$@\033[0m"; } #
function yellow_printf { printf "\033[33m$@\033[0m"; } #
function white_printf { printf "\033[1;37m$@\033[0m"; } #
# Debugging Outputs #
function white_brackets { local args="$@"; white_printf "["; printf "${args}"; white_printf "]"; } #
function echoInfo { local args="$@"; white_brackets $(green_printf "INFO") && echo " ${args}"; } #
function echoWarn { local args="$@"; echo "$(white_brackets "$(yellow_printf "WARN")" && echo " ${args}";)" 1>&2; } #
function echoError { local args="$@"; echo "$(white_brackets "$(red_printf "ERROR")" && echo " ${args}";)" 1>&2; } #
function restartTaosd {
systemctl stop taosd
pkill -KILL -x taosd
sleep 10
rm -rf /mnt/var/log/taos/*
rm -rf /mnt/var/lib/taos/*
taosd 2>&1 > /dev/null &
sleep 10
function runPerfTest1d {
echoInfo "Restart Taosd"
cd /home/taos/tliu/timeseriesdatabase-comparisons/build/tsdbcompare
./runreal-1d-csv.sh 2>&1 | tee /root/perftest-1d-$today.log
function generatePerfPlot1d {
cd /root
csvLines=`cat perftest-1d-report.csv | wc -l`
if [ "$csvLines" -gt "10" ]; then
sed -i '2d' perftest-1d-report.csv
gnuplot -e "filename='perftest-1d-report'" -p perftest-csv2png.gnuplot
today=`date +"%Y%m%d"`
cd /root
echoInfo "run Performance Test with 1 day data"
echoInfo "Generate plot of 1 day data"
echoInfo "End of TSDB-Compare 1-day-data Test"
# Color setting
docker rm -f `docker ps -a -q`
#set -x
echo "---------------Generating Data-----------------"
echo "Prepare data for InfluxDB...."
#bin/bulk_data_gen -seed 123 -format influx-bulk -scale-var 100 -use-case devops -timestamp-start "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z" -timestamp-end "2018-01-02T00:00:00Z" >data/influx.dat
bin/bulk_data_gen -seed 123 -format influx-bulk -sampling-interval 1s -scale-var 10 -use-case devops -timestamp-start "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z" -timestamp-end "2018-01-02T00:00:00Z" >data/influx.dat
echo "Prepare data for TDengine...."
#bin/bulk_data_gen -seed 123 -format tdengine -tdschema-file config/TDengineSchema.toml -scale-var 100 -use-case devops -timestamp-start "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z" -timestamp-end "2018-01-02T00:00:00Z" > data/tdengine.dat
bin/bulk_data_gen -seed 123 -format tdengine -sampling-interval 1s -tdschema-file config/TDengineSchema.toml -scale-var 10 -use-case devops -timestamp-start "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z" -timestamp-end "2018-01-02T00:00:00Z" > data/tdengine.dat
docker network create --ip-range --subnet tsdbcomp >>/dev/null 2>&1
TDENGINE=`docker run -d --net tsdbcomp --ip -p 6030:6030 -p 6020:6020 -p 6031:6031 -p 6032:6032 -p 6033:6033 -p 6034:6034 -p 6035:6035 -p 6036:6036 -p 6037:6037 -p 6038:6038 -p 6039:6039 tdengine/tdengine:`
echo "------------------Writing Data-----------------"
sleep 5
echo -e "Start test TDengine, result in ${GREEN}Green line${NC}"
TDENGINERES=`cat data/tdengine.dat |bin/bulk_load_tdengine --url --batch-size 300 -do-load -report-tags n1 -workers 20 -fileout=false| grep loaded`
#TDENGINERES=`cat data/tdengine.dat |gunzip|bin/bulk_load_tdengine --url --batch-size 300 -do-load -report-tags n1 -workers 10 -fileout=false| grep loaded`
echo -e "${GREEN}TDengine writing result:${NC}"
DATA=`echo $TDENGINERES|awk '{print($2)}'`
TMP=`echo $TDENGINERES|awk '{print($5)}'`
TDWTM=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
INFLUX=`docker run -d -p 8086:8086 --net tsdbcomp --ip influxdb` >>/dev/null 2>&1
sleep 10
echo -e "Start test InfluxDB, result in ${GREEN}Green line${NC}"
INFLUXRES=`cat data/influx.dat |bin/bulk_load_influx --batch-size=5000 --workers=20 --urls="" | grep loaded`
echo -e "${GREEN}InfluxDB writing result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$INFLUXRES${NC}"
TMP=`echo $INFLUXRES|awk '{print($5)}'`
IFWTM=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
echo "------------------Querying Data-----------------"
sleep 10
echo "start query test, query max from 8 hosts group by 1 hour, TDengine"
#Test case 1
#select max(usage_user) from cpu where(hostname='host_a' and hostname='host_b'and hostname='host_c'and hostname='host_d'and hostname='host_e'and hostname='host_f' and hostname='host_g'and hostname='host_h') ;
# a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are random 8 numbers.
TDQS1=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format tdengine -query-type 8-host-all -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_tdengine -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
echo -e "${GREEN}TDengine query test case 1 result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$TDQS1${NC}"
TMP=`echo $TDQS1|awk '{print($4)}'`
TDQ1=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
#Test case 2
#select max(usage_user) from cpu where(hostname='host_a' and hostname='host_b'and hostname='host_c'and hostname='host_d'and hostname='host_e'and hostname='host_f' and hostname='host_g'and hostname='host_h') interval(1h);
# a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are random 8 numbers
TDQS2=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format tdengine -query-type 8-host-allbyhr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_tdengine -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
echo -e "${GREEN}TDengine query test case 2 result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$TDQS2${NC}"
TMP=`echo $TDQS2|awk '{print($4)}'`
TDQ2=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
#Test case 3
#select max(usage_user) from cpu where(hostname='host_a' and hostname='host_b'and hostname='host_c'and hostname='host_d'and hostname='host_e'and hostname='host_f' and hostname='host_g'and hostname='host_h') and time >x and time <y interval(10m);
# a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are random 8 numbers, y-x =12 hour
TDQS3=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format tdengine -query-type 8-host-12-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_tdengine -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
echo -e "${GREEN}TDengine query test case 3 result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$TDQS3${NC}"
TMP=`echo $TDQS3|awk '{print($4)}'`
TDQ3=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
#Test case 4
#select max(usage_user) from cpu where(hostname='host_a' and hostname='host_b'and hostname='host_c'and hostname='host_d'and hostname='host_e'and hostname='host_f' and hostname='host_g'and hostname='host_h') and time >x and time <y interval(10m);
# a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are random 8 numbers, y-x =1 hours
TDQS4=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format tdengine -query-type 8-host-1-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_tdengine -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
echo -e "${GREEN}TDengine query test case 4 result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$TDQS4${NC}"
TMP=`echo $TDQS4|awk '{print($4)}'`
TDQ4=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
sleep 10
echo "start query test, query max from 8 hosts group by 1hour, Influxdb"
#Test case 1
#select max(usage_user) from cpu where(hostname='host_a' and hostname='host_b'and hostname='host_c'and hostname='host_d'and hostname='host_e'and hostname='host_f' and hostname='host_g'and hostname='host_h') ;
# a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are random 8 numbers.
IFQS1=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format influx-http -query-type 8-host-all -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_influxdb -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
echo -e "${GREEN}InfluxDB query test case 1 result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$IFQS1${NC}"
TMP=`echo $IFQS1|awk '{print($4)}'`
IFQ1=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
#Test case 2
#select max(usage_user) from cpu where(hostname='host_a' and hostname='host_b'and hostname='host_c'and hostname='host_d'and hostname='host_e'and hostname='host_f' and hostname='host_g'and hostname='host_h') interval(1h);
# a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are random 8 numbers
IFQS2=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format influx-http -query-type 8-host-allbyhr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_influxdb -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
echo -e "${GREEN}InfluxDB query test case 2 result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$IFQS2${NC}"
TMP=`echo $IFQS2|awk '{print($4)}'`
IFQ2=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
#Test case 3
#select max(usage_user) from cpu where(hostname='host_a' and hostname='host_b'and hostname='host_c'and hostname='host_d'and hostname='host_e'and hostname='host_f' and hostname='host_g'and hostname='host_h') and time >x and time <y interval(10m);
# a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are random 8 numbers, y-x =12 hour
#INFLUXQUERY=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format influx-http -query-type 1-host-1-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_influxdb -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
IFQS3=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format influx-http -query-type 8-host-12-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_influxdb -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
echo -e "${GREEN}InfluxDB query test case 3 result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$IFQS3${NC}"
TMP=`echo $IFQS3|awk '{print($4)}'`
IFQ3=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
#Test case 4
#select max(usage_user) from cpu where(hostname='host_a' and hostname='host_b'and hostname='host_c'and hostname='host_d'and hostname='host_e'and hostname='host_f' and hostname='host_g'and hostname='host_h') and time >x and time <y interval(10m);
# a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are random 8 numbers, y-x =1 hours
#INFLUXQUERY=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format influx-http -query-type 1-host-1-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_influxdb -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
IFQS4=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format influx-http -query-type 8-host-1-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_influxdb -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
echo -e "${GREEN}InfluxDB query test case 4 result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$IFQS4${NC}"
TMP=`echo $IFQS4|awk '{print($4)}'`
IFQ4=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
echo "======================================================"
echo " tsdb performance comparision "
echo "======================================================"
echo -e " Writing $DATA records test takes: "
printf " InfluxDB | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $IFWTM
printf " TDengine | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $TDWTM
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo " Query test cases: "
echo " case 1: select the max(value) from all data "
echo " filtered out 8 hosts "
echo " Query test case 1 takes: "
printf " InfluxDB | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $IFQ1
printf " TDengine | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $TDQ1
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo " case 2: select the max(value) from all data "
echo " filtered out 8 hosts with an interval of 1 hour "
echo " case 2 takes: "
printf " InfluxDB | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $IFQ2
printf " TDengine | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $TDQ2
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo " case 3: select the max(value) from random 12 hours"
echo " data filtered out 8 hosts with an interval of 10 min "
echo " filtered out 8 hosts interval(1h) "
echo " case 3 takes: "
printf " InfluxDB | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $IFQ3
printf " TDengine | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $TDQ3
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo " case 4: select the max(value) from random 1 hour data "
echo " data filtered out 8 hosts with an interval of 1 min "
echo " case 4 takes: "
printf " InfluxDB | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $IFQ4
printf " TDengine | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $TDQ4
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
docker stop $INFLUX >>/dev/null 2>&1
docker container rm -f $INFLUX >>/dev/null 2>&1
docker stop $TDENGINE >>/dev/null 2>&1
docker container rm -f $TDENGINE >>/dev/null 2>&1
docker network rm tsdbcomp >>/dev/null 2>&1
#bulk_query_gen/bulk_query_gen -format influx-http -query-type 1-host-1-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | query_benchmarker_influxdb/query_benchmarker_influxdb -urls=""
#bulk_query_gen/bulk_query_gen -format tdengine -query-type 1-host-1-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | query_benchmarker_tdengine/query_benchmarker_tdengine -urls=""
today=`date +"%Y%m%d"`
echo "${today}, ${IFWTM}, ${IFQ1}, ${IFQ2}, ${IFQ3}, ${IFQ4}" >> /root/perftest-influx-report.csv
# Color setting
docker rm -f `docker ps -a -q`
#set -x
echo "---------------Generating Data-----------------"
echo "Prepare data for InfluxDB...."
#bin/bulk_data_gen -seed 123 -format influx-bulk -scale-var 100 -use-case devops -timestamp-start "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z" -timestamp-end "2018-01-02T00:00:00Z" >data/influx.dat
bin/bulk_data_gen -seed 123 -format influx-bulk -sampling-interval 1s -scale-var 10 -use-case devops -timestamp-start "2018-01-02T00:00:00Z" -timestamp-end "2018-01-15T00:00:00Z" > /mnt/data/influx.dat
docker network create --ip-range --subnet tsdbcomp >>/dev/null 2>&1
INFLUX=`docker run -d -p 8086:8086 --net tsdbcomp --ip influxdb` >>/dev/null 2>&1
sleep 10
echo -e "Start test InfluxDB, result in ${GREEN}Green line${NC}"
INFLUXRES=`cat /mnt/data/influx.dat |bin/bulk_load_influx --batch-size=5000 --workers=20 --urls="" | grep loaded`
echo -e "${GREEN}InfluxDB writing result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$INFLUXRES${NC}"
DATA=`echo $INFLUXRES|awk '{print($2)}'`
TMP=`echo $INFLUXRES|awk '{print($5)}'`
IFWTM=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
echo "------------------Querying Data-----------------"
sleep 10
echo "start query test, query max from 8 hosts group by 1hour, Influxdb"
#Test case 1
#select max(usage_user) from cpu where(hostname='host_a' and hostname='host_b'and hostname='host_c'and hostname='host_d'and hostname='host_e'and hostname='host_f' and hostname='host_g'and hostname='host_h') ;
# a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are random 8 numbers.
IFQS1=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format influx-http -query-type 8-host-all -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_influxdb -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
echo -e "${GREEN}InfluxDB query test case 1 result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$IFQS1${NC}"
TMP=`echo $IFQS1|awk '{print($4)}'`
IFQ1=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
#Test case 2
#select max(usage_user) from cpu where(hostname='host_a' and hostname='host_b'and hostname='host_c'and hostname='host_d'and hostname='host_e'and hostname='host_f' and hostname='host_g'and hostname='host_h') interval(1h);
# a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are random 8 numbers
IFQS2=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format influx-http -query-type 8-host-allbyhr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_influxdb -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
echo -e "${GREEN}InfluxDB query test case 2 result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$IFQS2${NC}"
TMP=`echo $IFQS2|awk '{print($4)}'`
IFQ2=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
#Test case 3
#select max(usage_user) from cpu where(hostname='host_a' and hostname='host_b'and hostname='host_c'and hostname='host_d'and hostname='host_e'and hostname='host_f' and hostname='host_g'and hostname='host_h') and time >x and time <y interval(10m);
# a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are random 8 numbers, y-x =12 hour
#INFLUXQUERY=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format influx-http -query-type 1-host-1-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_influxdb -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
IFQS3=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format influx-http -query-type 8-host-12-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_influxdb -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
echo -e "${GREEN}InfluxDB query test case 3 result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$IFQS3${NC}"
TMP=`echo $IFQS3|awk '{print($4)}'`
IFQ3=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
#Test case 4
#select max(usage_user) from cpu where(hostname='host_a' and hostname='host_b'and hostname='host_c'and hostname='host_d'and hostname='host_e'and hostname='host_f' and hostname='host_g'and hostname='host_h') and time >x and time <y interval(10m);
# a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are random 8 numbers, y-x =1 hours
#INFLUXQUERY=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format influx-http -query-type 1-host-1-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_influxdb -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
IFQS4=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format influx-http -query-type 8-host-1-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_influxdb -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
echo -e "${GREEN}InfluxDB query test case 4 result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$IFQS4${NC}"
TMP=`echo $IFQS4|awk '{print($4)}'`
IFQ4=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
echo "======================================================"
echo " tsdb performance comparision "
echo "======================================================"
echo -e " Writing $DATA records test takes: "
printf " InfluxDB | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $IFWTM
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo " Query test cases: "
echo " case 1: select the max(value) from all data "
echo " filtered out 8 hosts "
echo " Query test case 1 takes: "
printf " InfluxDB | %-4.5f Seconds \n" $IFQ1
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo " case 2: select the max(value) from all data "
echo " filtered out 8 hosts with an interval of 1 hour "
echo " case 2 takes: "
printf " InfluxDB | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $IFQ2
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo " case 3: select the max(value) from random 12 hours"
echo " data filtered out 8 hosts with an interval of 10 min "
echo " filtered out 8 hosts interval(1h) "
echo " case 3 takes: "
printf " InfluxDB | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $IFQ3
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo " case 4: select the max(value) from random 1 hour data "
echo " data filtered out 8 hosts with an interval of 1 min "
echo " case 4 takes: "
printf " InfluxDB | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $IFQ4
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
today=`date +"%Y%m%d"`
echo "${today}, ${IFWTM}, ${IFQ1}, ${IFQ2}, ${IFQ3}, ${IFQ4}" >> /root/perftest-influxdb-report-13d.csv
docker stop $INFLUX >>/dev/null 2>&1
docker container rm -f $INFLUX >>/dev/null 2>&1
docker network rm tsdbcomp >>/dev/null 2>&1
#bulk_query_gen/bulk_query_gen -format influx-http -query-type 1-host-1-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | query_benchmarker_influxdb/query_benchmarker_influxdb -urls=""
#bulk_query_gen/bulk_query_gen -format tdengine -query-type 1-host-1-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | query_benchmarker_tdengine/query_benchmarker_tdengine -urls=""
# Color setting
#set -x
echo "---------------Generating Data-----------------"
echo "Prepare data for TDengine...."
#bin/bulk_data_gen -seed 123 -format tdengine -tdschema-file config/TDengineSchema.toml -scale-var 100 -use-case devops -timestamp-start "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z" -timestamp-end "2018-01-02T00:00:00Z" > data/tdengine.dat
bin/bulk_data_gen -seed 123 -format tdengine -sampling-interval 1s -tdschema-file config/TDengineSchema.toml -scale-var 10 -use-case devops -timestamp-start "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z" -timestamp-end "2018-01-14T00:00:00Z" > /mnt/data/tdengine.dat
echo -e "Start test TDengine, result in ${GREEN}Green line${NC}"
for i in {1..5}; do
TDENGINERES=`cat /mnt/data/tdengine.dat |bin/bulk_load_tdengine --url --batch-size 5000 -do-load -report-tags n1 -workers 20 -fileout=false| grep loaded`
#TDENGINERES=`cat data/tdengine.dat |gunzip|bin/bulk_load_tdengine --url --batch-size 300 -do-load -report-tags n1 -workers 10 -fileout=false| grep loaded`
echo -e "${GREEN}TDengine writing result:${NC}"
DATA=`echo $TDENGINERES|awk '{print($2)}'`
TMP=`echo $TDENGINERES|awk '{print($5)}'`
TDWTM=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
[ -z "$TDWTM" ] || break
echo "------------------Querying Data-----------------"
sleep 10
echo "start query test, query max from 8 hosts group by 1 hour, TDengine"
#Test case 1
#select max(usage_user) from cpu where(hostname='host_a' and hostname='host_b'and hostname='host_c'and hostname='host_d'and hostname='host_e'and hostname='host_f' and hostname='host_g'and hostname='host_h') ;
# a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are random 8 numbers.
for i in {1..5}; do
TDQS1=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format tdengine -query-type 8-host-all -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_tdengine -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
echo -e "${GREEN}TDengine query test case 1 result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$TDQS1${NC}"
TMP=`echo $TDQS1|awk '{print($4)}'`
TDQ1=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
[ -z "$TDQ1" ] || break
#Test case 2
#select max(usage_user) from cpu where(hostname='host_a' and hostname='host_b'and hostname='host_c'and hostname='host_d'and hostname='host_e'and hostname='host_f' and hostname='host_g'and hostname='host_h') interval(1h);
# a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are random 8 numbers
for i in {1..5}; do
TDQS2=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format tdengine -query-type 8-host-allbyhr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_tdengine -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
echo -e "${GREEN}TDengine query test case 2 result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$TDQS2${NC}"
TMP=`echo $TDQS2|awk '{print($4)}'`
TDQ2=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
[ -z "$TDQ2" ] || break
#Test case 3
#select max(usage_user) from cpu where(hostname='host_a' and hostname='host_b'and hostname='host_c'and hostname='host_d'and hostname='host_e'and hostname='host_f' and hostname='host_g'and hostname='host_h') and time >x and time <y interval(10m);
# a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are random 8 numbers, y-x =12 hour
for i in {1..5}; do
TDQS3=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format tdengine -query-type 8-host-12-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_tdengine -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
echo -e "${GREEN}TDengine query test case 3 result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$TDQS3${NC}"
TMP=`echo $TDQS3|awk '{print($4)}'`
TDQ3=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
[ -z "$TDQ3" ] || break
#Test case 4
#select max(usage_user) from cpu where(hostname='host_a' and hostname='host_b'and hostname='host_c'and hostname='host_d'and hostname='host_e'and hostname='host_f' and hostname='host_g'and hostname='host_h') and time >x and time <y interval(10m);
# a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are random 8 numbers, y-x =1 hours
for i in {1..5}; do
TDQS4=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format tdengine -query-type 8-host-1-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_tdengine -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
echo -e "${GREEN}TDengine query test case 4 result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$TDQS4${NC}"
TMP=`echo $TDQS4|awk '{print($4)}'`
TDQ4=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
[ -z "$TDQ4" ] || break
sleep 10
echo "======================================================"
echo " tsdb performance comparision "
echo "======================================================"
echo -e " Writing $DATA records test takes: "
printf " TDengine | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $TDWTM
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo " Query test cases: "
echo " case 1: select the max(value) from all data "
echo " filtered out 8 hosts "
echo " Query test case 1 takes: "
printf " TDengine | %-4.5f Seconds \n" $TDQ1
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo " case 2: select the max(value) from all data "
echo " filtered out 8 hosts with an interval of 1 hour "
echo " case 2 takes: "
printf " TDengine | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $TDQ2
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo " case 3: select the max(value) from random 12 hours"
echo " data filtered out 8 hosts with an interval of 10 min "
echo " filtered out 8 hosts interval(1h) "
echo " case 3 takes: "
printf " TDengine | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $TDQ3
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo " case 4: select the max(value) from random 1 hour data "
echo " data filtered out 8 hosts with an interval of 1 min "
echo " case 4 takes: "
printf " TDengine | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $TDQ4
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
today=`date +"%Y%m%d"`
echo "${today}, ${TDWTM}, ${TDQ1}, ${TDQ2}, ${TDQ3}, ${TDQ4}" >> /root/perftest-13d-report.csv
#bulk_query_gen/bulk_query_gen -format influx-http -query-type 1-host-1-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | query_benchmarker_influxdb/query_benchmarker_influxdb -urls=""
#bulk_query_gen/bulk_query_gen -format tdengine -query-type 1-host-1-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | query_benchmarker_tdengine/query_benchmarker_tdengine -urls=""
# Color setting
#set -x
echo "---------------Generating Data-----------------"
echo "Prepare data for TDengine...."
#bin/bulk_data_gen -seed 123 -format tdengine -tdschema-file config/TDengineSchema.toml -scale-var 100 -use-case devops -timestamp-start "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z" -timestamp-end "2018-01-02T00:00:00Z" > data/tdengine.dat
bin/bulk_data_gen -seed 123 -format tdengine -sampling-interval 1s -tdschema-file config/TDengineSchema.toml -scale-var 10 -use-case devops -timestamp-start "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z" -timestamp-end "2018-01-02T00:00:00Z" > data/tdengine.dat
echo -e "Start test TDengine, result in ${GREEN}Green line${NC}"
for i in {1..5}; do
TDENGINERES=`cat data/tdengine.dat |bin/bulk_load_tdengine --url --batch-size 300 -do-load -report-tags n1 -workers 20 -fileout=false| grep loaded`
#TDENGINERES=`cat data/tdengine.dat |gunzip|bin/bulk_load_tdengine --url --batch-size 300 -do-load -report-tags n1 -workers 10 -fileout=false| grep loaded`
echo -e "${GREEN}TDengine writing result:${NC}"
DATA=`echo $TDENGINERES|awk '{print($2)}'`
TMP=`echo $TDENGINERES|awk '{print($5)}'`
TDWTM=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
[ -z "$TDWTM" ] || break
echo "------------------Querying Data-----------------"
sleep 10
echo "start query test, query max from 8 hosts group by 1 hour, TDengine"
#Test case 1
#select max(usage_user) from cpu where(hostname='host_a' and hostname='host_b'and hostname='host_c'and hostname='host_d'and hostname='host_e'and hostname='host_f' and hostname='host_g'and hostname='host_h') ;
# a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are random 8 numbers.
for i in {1..5}; do
TDQS1=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format tdengine -query-type 8-host-all -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_tdengine -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
echo -e "${GREEN}TDengine query test case 1 result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$TDQS1${NC}"
TMP=`echo $TDQS1|awk '{print($4)}'`
TDQ1=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
[ -z "$TDQ1" ] || break
#Test case 2
#select max(usage_user) from cpu where(hostname='host_a' and hostname='host_b'and hostname='host_c'and hostname='host_d'and hostname='host_e'and hostname='host_f' and hostname='host_g'and hostname='host_h') interval(1h);
# a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are random 8 numbers
for i in {1..5}; do
TDQS2=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format tdengine -query-type 8-host-allbyhr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_tdengine -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
echo -e "${GREEN}TDengine query test case 2 result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$TDQS2${NC}"
TMP=`echo $TDQS2|awk '{print($4)}'`
TDQ2=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
[ -z "$TDQ2" ] || break
#Test case 3
#select max(usage_user) from cpu where(hostname='host_a' and hostname='host_b'and hostname='host_c'and hostname='host_d'and hostname='host_e'and hostname='host_f' and hostname='host_g'and hostname='host_h') and time >x and time <y interval(10m);
# a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are random 8 numbers, y-x =12 hour
for i in {1..5}; do
TDQS3=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format tdengine -query-type 8-host-12-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_tdengine -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
echo -e "${GREEN}TDengine query test case 3 result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$TDQS3${NC}"
TMP=`echo $TDQS3|awk '{print($4)}'`
TDQ3=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
[ -z "$TDQ3" ] || break
#Test case 4
#select max(usage_user) from cpu where(hostname='host_a' and hostname='host_b'and hostname='host_c'and hostname='host_d'and hostname='host_e'and hostname='host_f' and hostname='host_g'and hostname='host_h') and time >x and time <y interval(10m);
# a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h are random 8 numbers, y-x =1 hours
for i in {1..5}; do
TDQS4=`bin/bulk_query_gen -seed 123 -format tdengine -query-type 8-host-1-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | bin/query_benchmarker_tdengine -urls="" -workers 50 -print-interval 0|grep wall`
echo -e "${GREEN}TDengine query test case 4 result:${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}$TDQS4${NC}"
TMP=`echo $TDQS4|awk '{print($4)}'`
TDQ4=`echo ${TMP%s*}`
[ -z "$TDQ4" ] || break
sleep 10
echo "======================================================"
echo " tsdb performance comparision "
echo "======================================================"
echo -e " Writing $DATA records test takes: "
printf " TDengine | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $TDWTM
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo " Query test cases: "
echo " case 1: select the max(value) from all data "
echo " filtered out 8 hosts "
echo " Query test case 1 takes: "
printf " TDengine | %-4.5f Seconds \n" $TDQ1
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo " case 2: select the max(value) from all data "
echo " filtered out 8 hosts with an interval of 1 hour "
echo " case 2 takes: "
printf " TDengine | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $TDQ2
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo " case 3: select the max(value) from random 12 hours"
echo " data filtered out 8 hosts with an interval of 10 min "
echo " filtered out 8 hosts interval(1h) "
echo " case 3 takes: "
printf " TDengine | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $TDQ3
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
echo " case 4: select the max(value) from random 1 hour data "
echo " data filtered out 8 hosts with an interval of 1 min "
echo " case 4 takes: "
printf " TDengine | %-4.2f Seconds \n" $TDQ4
echo "------------------------------------------------------"
today=`date +"%Y%m%d"`
echo "${today}, ${TDWTM}, ${TDQ1}, ${TDQ2}, ${TDQ3}, ${TDQ4}" >> /root/perftest-1d-report.csv
#bulk_query_gen/bulk_query_gen -format influx-http -query-type 1-host-1-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | query_benchmarker_influxdb/query_benchmarker_influxdb -urls=""
#bulk_query_gen/bulk_query_gen -format tdengine -query-type 1-host-1-hr -scale-var 10 -queries 1000 | query_benchmarker_tdengine/query_benchmarker_tdengine -urls=""
set terminal png
set title "TaosDemo Performance Report" font ",20"
set ylabel "Time in Seconds"
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y%m%d"
set format x "%Y-%m-%d"
set xlabel "Date"
set style data linespoints
set terminal pngcairo size 1024,768 enhanced font 'Segoe UI, 10'
set output 'taosdemo-report.png'
set datafile separator ','
set key reverse Left outside
set grid
plot 'taosdemo-report.csv' using 1:2 title "Create 10,000 Table", \
"" using 1:3 title "Create 10,000 Table and Insert 100,000 data", \
"" using 1:4 title "Request Per Second of Insert 100,000 data"
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