提交 8da73b3b 编写于 作者: L liu0x54

[TD-1001] fix node js connector

上级 2b84d450
......@@ -265,13 +265,15 @@ TDengineCursor.prototype.execute_a = function execute_a (operation, options, cal
if (resCode >= 0) {
let fieldCount = cr._chandle.numFields(res2);
if (fieldCount == 0) {
else {
return res2;
// let fieldCount = cr._chandle.numFields(res2);
// if (fieldCount == 0) {
// //cr._chandle.freeResult(res2);
// return res2;
// }
// else {
// return res2;
// }
return res2;
else {
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ c1.execute('create table if not exists stabletest (ts timestamp, v1 int, v2 int,
// Shell Test : The following uses the cursor to imitate the taos shell
// Insert
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
let insertData = ["now+" + i + "s", // Timestamp
parseInt( R(-Math.pow(2,31) + 1 , Math.pow(2,31) - 1) ), // Int
parseInt( R(-Math.pow(2,31) + 1 , Math.pow(2,31) - 1) ), // BigInt
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
"\"Nchars\""]; // Bool
c1.execute('insert into td_connector_test.all_types values(' + insertData.join(',') + ' );', {quiet:true});
if (i % 100 == 0) {
if (i % 1000 == 0) {
console.log("Insert # " , i);
......@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ console.log(d);
// Immediate Execution like the Shell
//c1.query('select count(*), stddev(_double), min(_tinyint) from all_types where _tinyint > 50 and _int < 0;', true).then(function(result){
// result.pretty();
c1.query('select count(*), stddev(_double), min(_tinyint) from all_types where _tinyint > 50 and _int < 0;', true).then(function(result){
c1.query('select _tinyint, _bool from all_types where _tinyint > 50 and _int < 0 limit 50;', true).then(function(result){
......@@ -87,54 +87,58 @@ q.execute().then(function(r) {
// Raw Async Testing (Callbacks, not promises)
function cb2(param, result, rowCount, rd) {
console.log('CB2 Callbacked!');
console.log("RES *", result);
console.log("Async fetched", rowCount, "rows");
console.log("Async fetched", rowCount, " rows");
console.log("Passed Param: ", param);
console.log("Fields", rd.fields);
console.log("Data", rd.data);
console.log("Fields ", rd.fields);
console.log("Data ", rd.data);
function cb1(param,result,code) {
console.log("RES *", result);
console.log('CB1 Callbacked!');
console.log("RES * ", result);
console.log("Status: ", code);
console.log("Passed Param", param);
c1.fetchall_a(result, cb2, param)
console.log("Passed Param ", param);
c1.fetchall_a(result, cb2, param);
c1.execute_a("describe td_connector_test.all_types;", cb1, {myparam:3.141});
function cb4(param, result, rowCount, rd) {
console.log('CB4 Callbacked!');
console.log("RES *", result);
console.log("Async fetched", rowCount, "rows");
console.log("Passed Param: ", param);
console.log("Fields", rd.fields);
console.log("Data", rd.data);
// Without directly calling fetchall_a
var thisRes;
function cb3(param,result,code) {
console.log('CB3 Callbacked!');
console.log("RES *", result);
console.log("Status: ", code);
console.log("Status:", code);
console.log("Passed Param", param);
thisRes = result;
//Test calling execute and fetchall seperately and not through callbacks
var param = c1.execute_a("describe td_connector_test.all_types;", cb3, {e:2.718});
console.log("Passed Param outside of callback: ", param);
c1.fetchall_a(thisRes, cb4, param);
// Async through promises
var aq = c1.query('select count(*) from td_connector_test.all_types;')
var aq = c1.query('select count(*) from td_connector_test.all_types;',false);
aq.execute_a().then(function(data) {
c1.query('describe td_connector_test.stabletest;').execute_a().then(r=> r.pretty());
c1.query('drop database td_connector_test;');
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