提交 6623cb63 编写于 作者: S Steven Li

Discovered TD-255 crash with params: -p -s 50 -t 10

上级 55a418ca
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ debs/
......@@ -61,6 +61,13 @@ class WorkerThread:
if ( gConfig.per_thread_db_connection ): # type: ignore
self._dbConn = DbConn()
def logDebug(self, msg):
logger.info(" t[{}] {}".format(self._tid, msg))
def logInfo(self, msg):
logger.info(" t[{}] {}".format(self._tid, msg))
def getTaskExecutor(self):
return self._tc.getTaskExecutor()
......@@ -172,6 +179,7 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
# At this point, all threads should be pass the overall "barrier" and before the per-thread "gate"
self._dbState.transition(self._executedTasks) # at end of step, transiton the DB state
self.resetExecutedTasks() # clear the tasks after we are done
# Get ready for next step
logger.info("<-- Step {} finished".format(self._curStep))
......@@ -221,7 +229,11 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
dbState = self.getDbState()
tasks = dbState.getTasksAtState()
i = Dice.throw(len(tasks))
return copy.copy(tasks[i]) # Needs a fresh copy, to save execution results, etc.
# return copy.copy(tasks[i]) # Needs a fresh copy, to save execution results, etc.
return tasks[i].clone()
def resetExecutedTasks(self):
self._executedTasks = [] # should be under single thread
def saveExecutedTask(self, task):
with self._lock:
......@@ -512,6 +524,7 @@ class DbState():
if not isinstance(task, cls):
if task.isSuccess():
task.logDebug("Task success found")
sCnt += 1
if ( sCnt >= 2 ):
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected more than 1 success with task: {}".format(cls))
......@@ -551,43 +564,70 @@ class TaskExecutor():
def __init__(self, curStep):
self._curStep = curStep
def getCurStep(self):
return self._curStep
def execute(self, task: Task, wt: WorkerThread): # execute a task on a thread
def logInfo(self, msg):
logger.info(" T[{}.x]: ".format(self._curStep) + msg)
# def logInfo(self, msg):
# logger.info(" T[{}.x]: ".format(self._curStep) + msg)
def logDebug(self, msg):
logger.debug(" T[{}.x]: ".format(self._curStep) + msg)
# def logDebug(self, msg):
# logger.debug(" T[{}.x]: ".format(self._curStep) + msg)
class Task():
taskSn = 100
def allocTaskNum(cls):
cls.taskSn += 1
return cls.taskSn
def __init__(self, dbState: DbState):
self._dbState = dbState
self._workerThread = None
self._err = None
self._curStep = None
# Assign an incremental task serial number
self._taskNum = self.allocTaskNum()
def isSuccess(self):
return self._err == None
def clone(self):
newTask = self.__class__(self._dbState)
return newTask
def logDebug(self, msg):
self._workerThread.logDebug("s[{}.{}] {}".format(self._curStep, self._taskNum, msg))
def logInfo(self, msg):
self._workerThread.logInfo("s[{}.{}] {}".format(self._curStep, self._taskNum, msg))
def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread):
raise RuntimeError("To be implemeted by child classes, class name: {}".format(self.__class__.__name__))
def execute(self, wt: WorkerThread):
self._workerThread = wt # type: ignore
te = wt.getTaskExecutor()
te.logDebug("[-] executing task {}...".format(self.__class__.__name__))
self._curStep = te.getCurStep()
self.logDebug("[-] executing task {}...".format(self.__class__.__name__))
self._err = None
self._executeInternal(te, wt) # TODO: no return value?
except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err:
te.logDebug("[=]Taos Execution exception: {0}".format(err))
self.logDebug("[=]Taos Execution exception: {0}".format(err))
self._err = err
te.logDebug("[=]Unexpected exception")
self.logDebug("[=]Unexpected exception")
te.logDebug("[X] task execution completed, status: {}".format(self.isSuccess()))
self.logDebug("[X] task execution completed, {}, status: {}".format(self.__class__.__name__, "Success" if self.isSuccess() else "Failure"))
def execSql(self, sql):
return self._dbState.execute(sql)
......@@ -603,9 +643,9 @@ class DropDbTask(Task):
class CreateTableTask(Task):
def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread):
tIndex = self._dbState.addTable()
te.logDebug("Creating a table {} ...".format(tIndex))
self.logDebug("Creating a table {} ...".format(tIndex))
wt.execSql("create table db.table_{} (ts timestamp, speed int)".format(tIndex))
te.logDebug("Table {} created.".format(tIndex))
self.logDebug("Table {} created.".format(tIndex))
class CreateFixedTableTask(Task):
......@@ -617,9 +657,9 @@ class DropTableTask(Task):
def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread):
tableName = self._dbState.getTableNameToDelete()
if ( not tableName ): # May be "False"
te.logInfo("Cannot generate a table to delete, skipping...")
self.logInfo("Cannot generate a table to delete, skipping...")
te.logInfo("Dropping a table db.{} ...".format(tableName))
self.logInfo("Dropping a table db.{} ...".format(tableName))
wt.execSql("drop table db.{}".format(tableName))
class DropFixedTableTask(Task):
......@@ -630,16 +670,16 @@ class DropFixedTableTask(Task):
class AddDataTask(Task):
def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread):
ds = self._dbState
te.logInfo("Adding some data... numQueue={}".format(ds.tableNumQueue.toText()))
self.logInfo("Adding some data... numQueue={}".format(ds.tableNumQueue.toText()))
tIndex = ds.pickAndAllocateTable()
if ( tIndex == None ):
te.logInfo("No table found to add data, skipping...")
self.logInfo("No table found to add data, skipping...")
sql = "insert into db.table_{} values ('{}', {});".format(tIndex, ds.getNextTick(), ds.getNextInt())
te.logDebug("Executing SQL: {}".format(sql))
self.logDebug("Executing SQL: {}".format(sql))
te.logDebug("Finished adding data")
self.logDebug("Finished adding data")
class AddFixedDataTask(Task):
def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread):
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