提交 16f557a7 编写于 作者: 陶建辉(Jeff)'s avatar 陶建辉(Jeff)

version in sync is not updated correctly

上级 a2f08cfb
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ typedef void* tsync_h;
tsync_h syncStart(const SSyncInfo *);
void syncStop(tsync_h shandle);
int syncReconfig(tsync_h shandle, const SSyncCfg *);
int syncForwardToPeer(tsync_h shandle, void *pHead, void *mhandle);
int syncForwardToPeer(tsync_h shandle, void *pHead, void *mhandle, int qtype);
void syncConfirmForward(tsync_h shandle, uint64_t version, int32_t code);
void syncRecover(tsync_h shandle); // recover from other nodes:
int syncGetNodesRole(tsync_h shandle, SNodesRole *);
......@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ static void sdbConfirmForward(void *ahandle, void *param, int32_t code) {
static int32_t sdbForwardToPeer(SWalHead *pHead) {
if (tsSdbObj.sync == NULL) return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
int32_t code = syncForwardToPeer(tsSdbObj.sync, pHead, (void*)pHead->version);
int32_t code = syncForwardToPeer(tsSdbObj.sync, pHead, (void*)pHead->version, TAOS_QTYPE_RPC);
if (code > 0) {
sdbTrace("forward request is sent, version:%" PRIu64 ", code:%d", pHead->version, code);
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ static pthread_once_t vnodeModuleInit = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
#ifndef _SYNC
tsync_h syncStart(const SSyncInfo *info) { return NULL; }
int syncForwardToPeer(tsync_h shandle, void *pHead, void *mhandle) { return 0; }
int syncForwardToPeer(tsync_h shandle, void *pHead, void *mhandle, int qtype) { return 0; }
void syncStop(tsync_h shandle) {}
int syncReconfig(tsync_h shandle, const SSyncCfg * cfg) { return 0; }
int syncGetNodesRole(tsync_h shandle, SNodesRole * cfg) { return 0; }
......@@ -72,10 +72,9 @@ int32_t vnodeProcessWrite(void *param1, int qtype, void *param2, void *item) {
code = walWrite(pVnode->wal, pHead);
if (code < 0) return code;
// forward to peers if data is from RPC or CQ
// forward to peers, even it is WAL/FWD, it shall be called to update version in sync
int32_t syncCode = 0;
if (qtype == TAOS_QTYPE_RPC || qtype == TAOS_QTYPE_CQ)
syncCode = syncForwardToPeer(pVnode->sync, pHead, item);
syncCode = syncForwardToPeer(pVnode->sync, pHead, item, qtype);
if (syncCode < 0) return syncCode;
// write data locally
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