提交 606c95de 编写于 作者: fxy060608's avatar fxy060608

fix(h5): Compatible with vite 2.6.1

上级 ab4bd0c5
import os from 'os'
import { AddressInfo, Server } from 'net'
import chalk from 'chalk'
import { Logger, ResolvedConfig, ServerOptions } from 'vite'
export function printHttpServerUrls(
server: Server,
config: ResolvedConfig,
_options: ServerOptions
): void {
const address = server.address()
const isAddressInfo = (x: any): x is AddressInfo => x.address
if (isAddressInfo(address)) {
const hostname = resolveHostname(true /*options.host*/)
const protocol = config.server.https ? 'https' : 'http'
function printServerUrls(
hostname: Hostname,
protocol: string,
port: number,
base: string,
info: Logger['info']
): void {
if (hostname.host === '') {
const url = `${protocol}://${hostname.name}:${chalk.bold(port)}${base}`
info(` > Local: ${chalk.cyan(url)}`)
if (hostname.name !== '') {
info(` > Network: ${chalk.dim('use `--host` to expose')}`)
} else {
.flatMap((nInterface) => nInterface ?? [])
.filter((detail) => detail && detail.address && detail.family === 'IPv4')
.map((detail) => {
const type = detail.address.includes('')
? 'Local: '
: 'Network: '
const host = detail.address.replace('', hostname.name)
const url = `${protocol}://${host}:${chalk.bold(port)}${base}`
return ` > ${type} ${chalk.cyan(url)}`
.forEach((msg) => info(msg))
export interface Hostname {
// undefined sets the default behaviour of server.listen
host: string | undefined
// resolve to localhost when possible
name: string
export function resolveHostname(
optionsHost: string | boolean | undefined
): Hostname {
let host: string | undefined
if (
optionsHost === undefined ||
optionsHost === false ||
optionsHost === 'localhost'
) {
// Use a secure default
host = ''
} else if (optionsHost === true) {
// If passed --host in the CLI without arguments
host = undefined // undefined typically means or :: (listen on all IPs)
} else {
host = optionsHost
// Set host name to localhost when possible, unless the user explicitly asked for ''
const name =
(optionsHost !== '' && host === '') ||
host === '' ||
host === '::' ||
host === undefined
? 'localhost'
: host
return { host, name }
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import { hasOwn } from '@vue/shared'
import { parseManifestJson } from '@dcloudio/uni-cli-shared'
import { CliOptions } from '.'
import { addConfigFile, cleanOptions } from './utils'
import { printHttpServerUrls } from './logger'
export async function createServer(options: CliOptions & ServerOptions) {
const server = await createViteServer(
......@@ -23,6 +24,18 @@ export async function createServer(options: CliOptions & ServerOptions) {
await server.listen()
const info = server.config.logger.info
chalk.cyan(`\n vite v${require('vite/package.json').version}`) +
chalk.green(` dev server running at:\n`),
clear: !server.config.logger.hasWarned,
printHttpServerUrls(server.httpServer!, server.config, options)
export async function createSSRServer(options: CliOptions & ServerOptions) {
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