未验证 提交 8994dde6 编写于 作者: M Moussallam 提交者: GitHub

Update README.md

adding the necessary conda add channel command in the quickstart
上级 9981dad5
......@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ Ready to dig into it ? In a few lines you can install **Spleeter** using [Conda]
# install using conda
conda install -c conda-forge spleeter
conda config --add channels conda-forge # only needed if you don't already have this channel set
conda install -c deezer-research spleeter
# download an example audio file (if you don't have wget, use another tool for downloading)
wget https://github.com/deezer/spleeter/raw/master/audio_example.mp3
# separate the example audio into two components
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