提交 c12e20d0 编写于 作者: Q qiang

Merge branch 'dev' into alpha

......@@ -14,6 +14,46 @@ const APP_PVER_TIME = 300; // 应用在后台结束访问时间 单位s
const OPERATING_TIME = 10; // 数据上报时间 单位s
const DIFF_TIME = 60 * 1000 * 60 * 24;
const appid = process.env.UNI_APP_ID; // 做应用隔离
const dbSet = (name, value) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (!data) {
data = {};
data[name] = value;
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
const dbGet = (name) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (!data[name]) {
let dbdata = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid);
if (!dbdata) {
dbdata = {};
if (!dbdata[name]) {
return undefined
data[name] = dbdata[name];
return data[name]
const dbRemove = (name) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (data[name]) {
delete data[name];
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
} else {
data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid);
if (data[name]) {
delete data[name];
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
// 获取 manifest.json 中统计配置
const uniStatisticsConfig = process.env.UNI_STATISTICS_CONFIG;
let statConfig = {
......@@ -82,6 +122,24 @@ const get_uuid = (statData) => {
return sys.deviceId || getUuid()
* 获取老版的 deviceid ,兼容以前的错误 deviceid
* @param {*} statData
* @returns
const get_odid = (statData) => {
let odid = '';
if (get_platform_name() === 'n') {
try {
odid = plus.device.uuid;
} catch (e) {
odid = '';
return odid
return sys.deviceId || getUuid()
* 获取配置信息 如 appid
......@@ -542,46 +600,17 @@ const is_push_clientid = () => {
return typeof ClientID === 'boolean' ? ClientID : false
return false
const appid = process.env.UNI_APP_ID; // 做应用隔离
const dbSet = (name, value) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (!data) {
data = {};
data[name] = value;
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
const dbGet = (name) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (!data[name]) {
let dbdata = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid);
if (!dbdata) {
dbdata = {};
if (!dbdata[name]) {
return undefined
data[name] = dbdata[name];
return data[name]
const dbRemove = (name) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (data[name]) {
delete data[name];
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
} else {
data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid);
if (data[name]) {
delete data[name];
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
* 是否已处理设备 DeviceId
* 如果值为 1 则表示已处理
const IS_HANDLE_DEVECE_ID = 'is_handle_device_id';
const is_handle_device = () => {
let isHandleDevice = dbGet(IS_HANDLE_DEVECE_ID) || '';
return isHandleDevice === '1'
// 首次访问时间
......@@ -968,13 +997,28 @@ class Report {
this._navigationBarTitle.config = get_page_name(options.path);
let is_opt = options.query && JSON.stringify(options.query) !== '{}';
let query = is_opt ? '?' + JSON.stringify(options.query) : '';
const last_time = get_last_visit_time();
// 非老用户
if(last_time !== 0 || !last_time){
const odid = get_odid();
// 2.0 处理规则
const have_device = is_handle_device();
// 如果没有上报过设备信息 ,则需要上报设备信息
if(!have_device) {
this.statData.odid = odid;
Object.assign(this.statData, {
lt: '1',
url: options.path + query || '',
t: get_time(),
sc: get_scene(options.scene),
fvts: get_first_visit_time(),
lvts: get_last_visit_time(),
lvts: last_time,
tvc: get_total_visit_count(),
// create session type 上报类型 ,1 应用进入 2.后台30min进入 3.页面30min进入
cst: options.cst || 1,
......@@ -12,6 +12,46 @@ const APP_PVER_TIME = 300; // 应用在后台结束访问时间 单位s
const OPERATING_TIME = 10; // 数据上报时间 单位s
const DIFF_TIME = 60 * 1000 * 60 * 24;
const appid = process.env.UNI_APP_ID; // 做应用隔离
const dbSet = (name, value) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (!data) {
data = {};
data[name] = value;
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
const dbGet = (name) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (!data[name]) {
let dbdata = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid);
if (!dbdata) {
dbdata = {};
if (!dbdata[name]) {
return undefined
data[name] = dbdata[name];
return data[name]
const dbRemove = (name) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (data[name]) {
delete data[name];
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
} else {
data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid);
if (data[name]) {
delete data[name];
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
// 获取 manifest.json 中统计配置
const uniStatisticsConfig = process.env.UNI_STATISTICS_CONFIG;
let statConfig = {
......@@ -80,6 +120,24 @@ const get_uuid = (statData) => {
return sys.deviceId || getUuid()
* 获取老版的 deviceid ,兼容以前的错误 deviceid
* @param {*} statData
* @returns
const get_odid = (statData) => {
let odid = '';
if (get_platform_name() === 'n') {
try {
odid = plus.device.uuid;
} catch (e) {
odid = '';
return odid
return sys.deviceId || getUuid()
* 获取配置信息 如 appid
......@@ -540,46 +598,17 @@ const is_push_clientid = () => {
return typeof ClientID === 'boolean' ? ClientID : false
return false
const appid = process.env.UNI_APP_ID; // 做应用隔离
const dbSet = (name, value) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (!data) {
data = {};
data[name] = value;
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
const dbGet = (name) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (!data[name]) {
let dbdata = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid);
if (!dbdata) {
dbdata = {};
if (!dbdata[name]) {
return undefined
data[name] = dbdata[name];
return data[name]
const dbRemove = (name) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (data[name]) {
delete data[name];
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
} else {
data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid);
if (data[name]) {
delete data[name];
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
* 是否已处理设备 DeviceId
* 如果值为 1 则表示已处理
const IS_HANDLE_DEVECE_ID = 'is_handle_device_id';
const is_handle_device = () => {
let isHandleDevice = dbGet(IS_HANDLE_DEVECE_ID) || '';
return isHandleDevice === '1'
// 首次访问时间
......@@ -966,13 +995,28 @@ class Report {
this._navigationBarTitle.config = get_page_name(options.path);
let is_opt = options.query && JSON.stringify(options.query) !== '{}';
let query = is_opt ? '?' + JSON.stringify(options.query) : '';
const last_time = get_last_visit_time();
// 非老用户
if(last_time !== 0 || !last_time){
const odid = get_odid();
// 2.0 处理规则
const have_device = is_handle_device();
// 如果没有上报过设备信息 ,则需要上报设备信息
if(!have_device) {
this.statData.odid = odid;
Object.assign(this.statData, {
lt: '1',
url: options.path + query || '',
t: get_time(),
sc: get_scene(options.scene),
fvts: get_first_visit_time(),
lvts: get_last_visit_time(),
lvts: last_time,
tvc: get_total_visit_count(),
// create session type 上报类型 ,1 应用进入 2.后台30min进入 3.页面30min进入
cst: options.cst || 1,
......@@ -14,6 +14,46 @@ const APP_PVER_TIME = 300; // 应用在后台结束访问时间 单位s
const OPERATING_TIME = 10; // 数据上报时间 单位s
const DIFF_TIME = 60 * 1000 * 60 * 24;
const appid = process.env.UNI_APP_ID; // 做应用隔离
const dbSet = (name, value) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (!data) {
data = {};
data[name] = value;
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
const dbGet = (name) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (!data[name]) {
let dbdata = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid);
if (!dbdata) {
dbdata = {};
if (!dbdata[name]) {
return undefined
data[name] = dbdata[name];
return data[name]
const dbRemove = (name) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (data[name]) {
delete data[name];
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
} else {
data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid);
if (data[name]) {
delete data[name];
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
// 获取 manifest.json 中统计配置
const uniStatisticsConfig = process.env.UNI_STATISTICS_CONFIG;
let statConfig = {
......@@ -82,6 +122,24 @@ const get_uuid = (statData) => {
return sys.deviceId || getUuid()
* 获取老版的 deviceid ,兼容以前的错误 deviceid
* @param {*} statData
* @returns
const get_odid = (statData) => {
let odid = '';
if (get_platform_name() === 'n') {
try {
odid = plus.device.uuid;
} catch (e) {
odid = '';
return odid
return sys.deviceId || getUuid()
* 获取配置信息 如 appid
......@@ -523,46 +581,6 @@ const is_push_clientid = () => {
return false
const appid = process.env.UNI_APP_ID; // 做应用隔离
const dbSet = (name, value) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (!data) {
data = {};
data[name] = value;
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
const dbGet = (name) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (!data[name]) {
let dbdata = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid);
if (!dbdata) {
dbdata = {};
if (!dbdata[name]) {
return undefined
data[name] = dbdata[name];
return data[name]
const dbRemove = (name) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (data[name]) {
delete data[name];
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
} else {
data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid);
if (data[name]) {
delete data[name];
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
// 首次访问时间
const FIRST_VISIT_TIME_KEY = '__first__visit__time';
// 最后访问时间
......@@ -947,13 +965,23 @@ class Report {
this._navigationBarTitle.config = get_page_name(options.path);
let is_opt = options.query && JSON.stringify(options.query) !== '{}';
let query = is_opt ? '?' + JSON.stringify(options.query) : '';
const last_time = get_last_visit_time();
// 非老用户
if(last_time !== 0 || !last_time){
const odid = get_odid();
// 1.0 处理规则
this.statData.odid = odid;
Object.assign(this.statData, {
lt: '1',
url: options.path + query || '',
t: get_time(),
sc: get_scene(options.scene),
fvts: get_first_visit_time(),
lvts: get_last_visit_time(),
lvts: last_time,
tvc: get_total_visit_count(),
// create session type 上报类型 ,1 应用进入 2.后台30min进入 3.页面30min进入
cst: options.cst || 1,
......@@ -12,6 +12,46 @@ const APP_PVER_TIME = 300; // 应用在后台结束访问时间 单位s
const OPERATING_TIME = 10; // 数据上报时间 单位s
const DIFF_TIME = 60 * 1000 * 60 * 24;
const appid = process.env.UNI_APP_ID; // 做应用隔离
const dbSet = (name, value) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (!data) {
data = {};
data[name] = value;
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
const dbGet = (name) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (!data[name]) {
let dbdata = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid);
if (!dbdata) {
dbdata = {};
if (!dbdata[name]) {
return undefined
data[name] = dbdata[name];
return data[name]
const dbRemove = (name) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (data[name]) {
delete data[name];
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
} else {
data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid);
if (data[name]) {
delete data[name];
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
// 获取 manifest.json 中统计配置
const uniStatisticsConfig = process.env.UNI_STATISTICS_CONFIG;
let statConfig = {
......@@ -80,6 +120,24 @@ const get_uuid = (statData) => {
return sys.deviceId || getUuid()
* 获取老版的 deviceid ,兼容以前的错误 deviceid
* @param {*} statData
* @returns
const get_odid = (statData) => {
let odid = '';
if (get_platform_name() === 'n') {
try {
odid = plus.device.uuid;
} catch (e) {
odid = '';
return odid
return sys.deviceId || getUuid()
* 获取配置信息 如 appid
......@@ -521,46 +579,6 @@ const is_push_clientid = () => {
return false
const appid = process.env.UNI_APP_ID; // 做应用隔离
const dbSet = (name, value) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (!data) {
data = {};
data[name] = value;
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
const dbGet = (name) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (!data[name]) {
let dbdata = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid);
if (!dbdata) {
dbdata = {};
if (!dbdata[name]) {
return undefined
data[name] = dbdata[name];
return data[name]
const dbRemove = (name) => {
let data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid) || {};
if (data[name]) {
delete data[name];
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
} else {
data = uni.getStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid);
if (data[name]) {
delete data[name];
uni.setStorageSync('$$STAT__DBDATA:'+appid, data);
// 首次访问时间
const FIRST_VISIT_TIME_KEY = '__first__visit__time';
// 最后访问时间
......@@ -945,13 +963,23 @@ class Report {
this._navigationBarTitle.config = get_page_name(options.path);
let is_opt = options.query && JSON.stringify(options.query) !== '{}';
let query = is_opt ? '?' + JSON.stringify(options.query) : '';
const last_time = get_last_visit_time();
// 非老用户
if(last_time !== 0 || !last_time){
const odid = get_odid();
// 1.0 处理规则
this.statData.odid = odid;
Object.assign(this.statData, {
lt: '1',
url: options.path + query || '',
t: get_time(),
sc: get_scene(options.scene),
fvts: get_first_visit_time(),
lvts: get_last_visit_time(),
lvts: last_time,
tvc: get_total_visit_count(),
// create session type 上报类型 ,1 应用进入 2.后台30min进入 3.页面30min进入
cst: options.cst || 1,
......@@ -341,7 +341,13 @@ if (
if (uniStatistics.enable === true) {
process.env.UNI_USING_STAT = Number(uniStatistics.version) === 2 ? '2' : '1'
const uniStatLog = (text) => {
const version = Number(uniStatistics.version) === 2 ? '2' : '1'
process.env.UNI_USING_STAT = version
// 获取服务空间配置信息
const uniCloudConfig = uniStatistics.uniCloud || {}
process.env.UNI_STATISTICS_CONFIG = JSON.stringify(uniStatistics)
......@@ -350,35 +356,31 @@ if (
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
if (!process.UNI_STAT_CONFIG.appid) {
console.warn(uniI18n.__('pluginUni.uniStatisticsNoAppid', {
uniStatLog(uniI18n.__('pluginUni.uniStatisticsNoAppid', {
0: 'https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/article/36303'
} else {
if (!uniStatistics.version) {
console.warn(uniI18n.__('pluginUni.uniStatisticsNoVersion', {
uniStatLog(uniI18n.__('pluginUni.uniStatisticsNoVersion', {
0: 'https://uniapp.dcloud.io/uni-stat-v2.html'
} else {
console.warn(`已开启 uni统计${uniStatistics.version}.0 版本`)
uniStatLog(`已开启 uni统计${uniStatistics.version}.0 版本`)
if (version === '2') {
uniStatLog('【重要】因 HBuilderX 3.4.9 版本起,uni统计2.0 调整了安卓端 deviceId 获取方式,导致 uni统计2.0 App-Android平台部分统计数据不准确。如使用了HBuilderX 3.4.9 - 3.6.4版本且开通了uni统计2.0的应用,需要使用HBuilderX3.6.7及以上版本重新发布应用并升级 uniAdmin 云函数解决,详见:https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/article/40097')
} else {
if (!uniStatistics.version) {
console.warn(uniI18n.__('pluginUni.uniStatisticsNoVersion', {
uniStatLog(uniI18n.__('pluginUni.uniStatisticsNoVersion', {
0: 'https://uniapp.dcloud.io/uni-stat-v2.html'
} else {
console.warn(`已开启 uni统计${uniStatistics.version}.0 版本`)
uniStatLog(`已开启 uni统计${uniStatistics.version}.0 版本`)
if (version === '2') {
uniStatLog('【重要】因 HBuilderX 3.4.9 版本起,uni统计2.0 调整了安卓端 deviceId 获取方式,导致 uni统计2.0 App-Android平台部分统计数据不准确。如使用了HBuilderX 3.4.9 - 3.6.4版本且开通了uni统计2.0的应用,需要使用HBuilderX3.6.7及以上版本重新发布应用并升级 uniAdmin 云函数解决,详见:https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/article/40097')
......@@ -5850,9 +5850,13 @@ function internalMixin(Vue) {
if (this.$scope && event) {
var triggerEvent = this.$scope['_triggerEvent'] || this.$scope['triggerEvent'];
if (triggerEvent) {
triggerEvent.call(this.$scope, event, {
__args__: toArray(arguments, 1)
try {
triggerEvent.call(this.$scope, event, {
__args__: toArray(arguments, 1)
} catch (error) {
return oldEmit.apply(this, arguments)
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