1. 17 8月, 2018 1 次提交
  2. 11 8月, 2018 4 次提交
  3. 31 7月, 2018 5 次提交
    • J
      Cleanup preparing for [] · d861c67c
      jongerrish 提交于
      ShadowDrawable.equals() is being removed in cases where possible I migrated to ShadowDrawable.getCreatedFromResourceId(). In other cases this was not possible and the existing equality check was returning a false positive because the comparison, intrinsic height, width and bounds were all uninitialized.
      PSA: [] for unit tests that are ~25% faster, higher fidelity + simpler configuration
      Created by MOE: https://github.com/google/moe
    • J
      A couple tweaks to ModelLoaderRegistry to improve potential contention. · 62e6c11e
      jneufeld 提交于
      1) Synchronize only the inner method that accesses the cache, as the outer call
      that loops and filters the loaders appears to not have threading issues.
      2) Probably less of an impact since I imagine the loops are generally small,
      but only allocate an ArrayList once you find a matching loader, and allocate it
      with size - i which is the max possible remaining in the loop, rather than
      always allocating it to size.
      Created by MOE: https://github.com/google/moe
    • C
      [third_party] Avoid saving Robolectric shadow instances; instead, save the... · 229cb11e
      christianw 提交于
      [third_party] Avoid saving Robolectric shadow instances; instead, save the real framework object, and get its shadow when needed using Shadows.shadowOf(). Call Android framework methods directly on the framework object instead of its shadow whenever possible.
      LSC: []
      Additional details: []
      Cleanup change automatically generated by javacflume/refactory
      Refactoring: //third_party/java_src/robolectric/errorprone:ShadowUsageCheck
          TAP --sample for global presubmit queue
      Created by MOE: https://github.com/google/moe
    • B
      Replace references to android.support.test with androidx.test. · c4b08d46
      brettchabot 提交于
      The Android Test Support Library is being renamed to AndroidX Test, with its root java namespace changing from android.support.test to androidx.test.
      And code location changing from tp/android/android_test_support to tp/android/androidx_test.
      More information: []
      TAP global presubmit: []
      Created by MOE: https://github.com/google/moe
    • A
      Create a CustomViewTarget to replace ViewTarget. · 3a706077
      azlatin 提交于
      The two main differences are:
      - It forces you to override the method where resources must be cleared. Not doing so results in recycled bitmaps being used and crashing apps. Not doing so was a common pattern among developers optimizing for lines of code instead of correctness.
      - No more setTag(object) use. Glide now targets 14+ which can safely use the id tag variant and avoid another class of runtime bugs caused by developers optimizing for lines of code instead of correctness by calling setTag() and overwriting Glide's data.
      Finally, we deprecate ViewTarget, SimpleTarget and BaseTarget. Apps should primarily be using Target, CustomViewTarget, ImageViewTarget and FutureTarget which either force the developer to implement all necessary methods, properly implement them themselves, or will not attempt to reclaim bitmaps. The deprecated classes continue to be used internally by some of the "correct" classes but can be merged down once the deprecated APIs are able to be removed.
      Created by MOE: https://github.com/google/moe
  4. 04 7月, 2018 1 次提交
  5. 22 6月, 2018 8 次提交
  6. 19 6月, 2018 2 次提交
  7. 30 5月, 2018 4 次提交
  8. 21 5月, 2018 2 次提交
  9. 18 5月, 2018 1 次提交
  10. 16 5月, 2018 1 次提交
  11. 15 5月, 2018 1 次提交
  12. 26 4月, 2018 7 次提交
  13. 18 4月, 2018 1 次提交
  14. 14 4月, 2018 2 次提交