1. 19 8月, 2017 6 次提交
  2. 18 8月, 2017 3 次提交
  3. 16 8月, 2017 2 次提交
    • S
      Use generated API in giphy sample. · 49142cf1
      Sam Judd 提交于
    • S
      Rewind ByteBuffers in ByteBufferUtil.toFile. · 1594655d
      Sam Judd 提交于
      This avoids writing partial data if the buffer is not at position 0 when the method is called. This fixes a bug where using DiskCacheStrategy.ALL
      or DiskCacheStrategy.RESOURCE with GifDrawables would result in partial
      and invalid gif files being written to Glide’s disk cache.
  4. 15 8月, 2017 4 次提交
  5. 12 8月, 2017 2 次提交
    • S
      Always use TransitionDrawable for cross fades. · 06aced3f
      Sam Judd 提交于
      RecyclerView breaks badly when you run ViewAnimation on its views 
      outside of an ItemAnimator. As a result, Glide’s cross fades are broken
      when used for loads into ImageViews in RecyclerView. Instead of using
      ViewAnimations when no placeholder is set in the cross fade, we can 
      instead default to cross fading from a transparent ColorDrawable. Using
      the ColorDrawable avoids the issues with ViewAnimations in RecyclerView
      and provides a similar looking effect.
    • S
      Allow users to specify default transition options in GlideBuilder. · 0b99260f
      Sam Judd 提交于
      Fixes #2182.
  6. 10 8月, 2017 1 次提交
  7. 08 8月, 2017 5 次提交
  8. 07 8月, 2017 1 次提交
  9. 05 8月, 2017 2 次提交
    • S
      Avoid starting identical requests. · 9d10097e
      Sam Judd 提交于
      If a request is already in progress we should only
      cancel and restart it if the new request differs
      from the in progress request in some way. Prior
      to this change, we always cleared and restarted 
      requests without checking to see if the request
      parameters had changed. 
      Progress toward #2194.
    • T
      Annotate getDataClass and getDataSource from DataFetcher as NonNull (#2203) · 7004e595
      Tolriq 提交于
      Returning null from those will trigger obscure crash in MultiClassKey, annotation helps preventing that.
  10. 04 8月, 2017 1 次提交
  11. 03 8月, 2017 2 次提交
  12. 02 8月, 2017 1 次提交
  13. 01 8月, 2017 4 次提交
  14. 21 7月, 2017 2 次提交
  15. 15 7月, 2017 1 次提交
    • S
      Avoid setting the Accept-Encoding header to identify by default. · a61d7515
      Sam Judd 提交于
      The Accept-Encoding header was added to ensure that we receive content
      length headers in responses. The Performance section of 
      HttpUrlConnection’s documentation https://goo.gl/o2jeUM) indicates that
      unless Accept-Encoding is set to ‘identity’, the content length of the
      response will be cleared. In practice this appears to be incorrect for
      all API levels that Glide v4 supports (14+) and content length is
      always populated. 
      Passing in ‘identity’ as the encoding header is problematic because
      it disables the default compression in HttpUrlConnection and some 
      servers disregard the header and provide compressed data anyway. There’s
      not much point in adding extra complexity to Glide to handle compressed
      data if the ‘identity’ header isn’t actually required to get valid
      content lengths for images.
      Fixes #2132.
  16. 14 7月, 2017 1 次提交
  17. 13 7月, 2017 2 次提交