未验证 提交 ea58edc1 编写于 作者: X XuanYang-cn 提交者: GitHub

Add python functional tests about timeout (#2793)

* Add python tests about param timeout
Signed-off-by: Nyangxuan <jumpthepig@gmail.com>

* add faiss configure args msg print
Signed-off-by: Nyangxuan <xuan.yang@zilliz.com>

* change assertion conditions
Signed-off-by: Nyangxuan <xuan.yang@zilliz.com>
Co-authored-by: Nyangxuan <xuan.yang@zilliz.com>
上级 a474ff26
......@@ -543,6 +543,8 @@ macro(build_faiss)
endif ()
message(STATUS "Building FAISS with configure args -${FAISS_CONFIGURE_ARGS}")
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class TestPing:
target: test get the server version
method: call the server_version method after connected
expected: version should be the pymilvus version
expected: version should be the milvus version
status, res = connect.server_version()
assert res == __version__
......@@ -54,6 +54,58 @@ class TestPing:
assert connect
class TestPingWithTimeout:
def test_server_version_legal_timeout(self, connect):
target: test get the server version with legal timeout
method: call the server_version method after connected with altering timeout
expected: version should be the milvus version
status, res = connect.server_version(20)
assert res == __version__
def test_server_version_negative_timeout(self, connect):
target: test get the server version with negative timeout
method: call the server_version method after connected with altering timeout
expected: when timeout is illegal raises an error;
status, res = connect.server_version(-1)
assert not status.OK()
def test_server_cmd_with_params_version_with_legal_timeout(self, connect):
target: test cmd: version and timeout
method: cmd = "version" , timeout=10
expected: when cmd = 'version', return version of server;
cmd = "version"
status, msg = connect._cmd(cmd, 10)
assert status.OK()
assert msg == __version__
def test_server_cmd_with_params_version_with_illegal_timeout(self, connect):
target: test cmd: version and timeout
method: cmd = "version" , timeout=-1
expected: when timeout is illegal raises an error;
status, res = connect.server_version(-1)
assert not status.OK()
def test_server_cmd_with_params_others_with_illegal_timeout(self, connect):
target: test cmd: lalala, timeout = -1
method: cmd = "lalala", timeout = -1
expected: when timeout is illegal raises an error;
cmd = "rm -rf test"
status, res = connect.server_version(-1)
assert not status.OK()
class TestPingDisconnect:
def test_server_version(self, dis_connect):
......@@ -76,3 +128,14 @@ class TestPingDisconnect:
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
status, msg = connect.server_status()
assert status is None
def test_server_version_with_timeout(self, dis_connect):
target: test get the server status with timeout settings after disconnect
method: call the server_status method after connected
expected: status returned should be not ok
status = None
with pytest.raises(Exception) as e:
status, msg = connect.server_status(100)
assert status is None
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