提交 aa0b416e 编写于 作者: J JinHai-CN

Update code

Signed-off-by: NJinHai-CN <hai.jin@zilliz.com>
上级 a5cb8f99
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ constexpr int64_t NQ = 5;
constexpr int64_t TOP_K = 10;
constexpr int64_t NPROBE = 32;
constexpr int64_t SEARCH_TARGET = 5000; // change this value, result is different
constexpr int64_t ADD_ENTITY_LOOP = 50;
constexpr int64_t ADD_ENTITY_LOOP = 5;
constexpr milvus::IndexType INDEX_TYPE = milvus::IndexType::IVFSQ8;
constexpr int32_t NLIST = 16384;
......@@ -245,19 +245,15 @@ ClientTest::Test() {
// GetEntityById(collection_name, search_id_array_[0]);
// SearchEntities(collection_name, TOP_K, NPROBE);
// CreateIndex(collection_name, INDEX_TYPE, NLIST);
// ShowCollectionInfo(collection_name);
// PreloadCollection(collection_name);
GetEntityById(collection_name, search_id_array_[0]);
SearchEntities(collection_name, TOP_K, NPROBE);
constexpr long vector_size = 2000000;
std::vector<int64_t> delete_ids(vector_size); // = {search_id_array_[0], search_id_array_[1]};
for(long i= 0; i < vector_size; ++ i) {
delete_ids[i] = i;
CreateIndex(collection_name, INDEX_TYPE, NLIST);
std::vector<int64_t> delete_ids = {search_id_array_[0], search_id_array_[1]};
DeleteByIds(collection_name, delete_ids);
SearchEntities(collection_name, TOP_K, NPROBE); // this line get two search error since we delete two entities
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