提交 30e81fcf 编写于 作者: V victor felder

Merge pull request #1273 from bluemandora/master

add two book about python and php in chinese
......@@ -169,12 +169,14 @@
### PHP
* [深入理解 PHP 内核](http://www.php-internals.com/book/)
* [PHP5中文手册](http://php.jz123.cn/)
* [PHP扩展开发及内核应用](http://www.walu.cc/phpbook/preface.md)
* [Symfony2 实例教程](http://wusuopu.gitbooks.io/symfony2_tutorial/content)
### Python
* [Django book 2.0](http://djangobook.py3k.cn/2.0/)
* [Python 3 文档(简体中文) 3.2.2 documentation](http://docspy3zh.readthedocs.org/en/latest/)
* [深入 Python](http://woodpecker.org.cn/diveintopython/)
* [深入 Python 3](http://woodpecker.org.cn/diveintopython3/)
* [笨办法学 Python](http://sebug.net/paper/books/LearnPythonTheHardWay/)
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