提交 3316555e 编写于 作者: H Hou Tianze

Fix previous circular import (Close #359)

上级 fd386407
### Version History:
- 1.5.2: Defuse the circular import bomb brought in the previous version...
- 1.5.1: Improve multiprocess (and fix filter() for Python3)
- 1.5.0: Multi-Process for directory download / upload / sync up/down
Version History:
- 1.5.2: Defuse the circular import bomb brought in the previous
- 1.5.1: Improve multiprocess (and fix filter() for Python3)
- 1.5.0: Multi-Process for directory download / upload / sync up/down
......@@ -69,7 +69,9 @@ elif sys.version_info[0] == 3:
from . import const
from . import gvar
from . import printer_console
from . import monkey # TODO: circular import
from . import cached as cachedm
from . import util
from . import printer
from .cached import (cached, stringifypickle, md5, crc32, slice_md5)
from .struct import PathDictTree
from .util import (
......@@ -134,6 +136,46 @@ if Pool != None:
# global instance for non-member function to access
gbypyinst = None
# This crap is here to avoid circular imports
# What a fantastic packing architecture Python has!
def makemppr(pr):
def mppr(msg, *args, **kwargs):
return pr(mp.current_process().name + ': ' + msg, *args, **kwargs)
return mppr
def makemppprgr(pprgr):
def mppprgr(finish, total, start_time = None, existing = 0,
prefix = '', suffix = '', seg = 20):
prefix = mp.current_process().name + ': ' + str(prefix)
pprgr(finish, total, start_time, existing, prefix, suffix, seg)
return mppprgr
def set_mp_print():
global pr
global prcolor
global ask
global pprgr
opr = pr
oprcolor = prcolor
oask = ask
opprgr = pprgr
def restoremp():
global pr
global prcolor
global ask
global pprgr
pr = cachedm.pr = util.pr = opr
prcolor = util.prcolor = printer.prcolor = oprcolor
ask = util.ask = oask
pprgr = util.pprgr = opprgr
pr = cachedm.pr = util.pr = makemppr(opr)
prcolor = util.prcolor = printer.prcolor = makemppr(oprcolor)
ask = util.ask = makemppr(oask)
pprgr = util.pprgr = makemppprgr(opprgr)
return restoremp
class ByPy(object):
'''The main class of the bypy program'''
# TODO: Apply to configdir instead of ~/.bypy
......@@ -502,7 +544,7 @@ class ByPy(object):
return const.EArgument
# patch the printer
restoremp = monkey.setmultiprocess()
restoremp = set_mp_print()
with UPool(self.processes) as pool:
# http://stackoverflow.com/a/35134329/404271
# On Python 2.x, Ctrl-C won't work if we use pool.map(), wait() or get()
......@@ -650,7 +692,7 @@ class ByPy(object):
result = ec
# errors that make retrying meaningless
elif (
#ec == 31061 or # sc == 400 file already exists
ec == 31061 or # sc == 400 file already exists
ec == 31062 or # sc == 400 file name is invalid
ec == 31063 or # sc == 400 file parent path does not exist
ec == 31064 or # sc == 403 file is not authorized
......@@ -1109,7 +1151,7 @@ Possible fixes:
self.pd("Remote file size: {}".format(rsize))
if self.__current_file_size == rsize:
self.pd("Local file and remote file sizes match")
self.pd("Local and remote file size matches")
if self.__verify:
if not gotlmd5:
self.__current_file_md5 = md5(self.__current_file)
......@@ -1117,15 +1159,15 @@ Possible fixes:
self.pd("Remote file MD5: {}".format(rmd5))
if self.__current_file_md5 == rmd5:
self.pd("Local file and remote file hashes match")
self.pd("Local and remote file hash matches")
return const.ENoError
pinfo("Local file and remote file hashes DON'T match")
pinfo("Local and remote file hash DOESN'T match")
return const.EHashMismatch
return const.ENoError
pinfo("Local file and remote file sizes DON'T match")
pinfo("Local and remote file size DOESN'T match")
return const.EHashMismatch
def __get_file_info_act(self, r, args):
......@@ -2166,7 +2208,6 @@ download a remote directory (recursively) / file
'path' : rpath }
return self.__post(pcsurl + 'file', pars, self.__mkdir_act, **kwargs)
def mkdir(self, remotepath):
''' Usage: mkdir <remotedir> - \
create a directory at Baidu Yun
......@@ -2653,7 +2694,7 @@ if not specified, it defaults to the root directory
result = subresult
else: # " t == 'DF' " must be true
subresult = self.__mkdir(rcpath)
if subresult != const.ENoError:
if subresult != const.ENoError and subresult != const.IEFileAlreadyExists:
result = subresult
pinfo("Uploading '{}' skipped".format(lcpath))
......@@ -2675,7 +2716,7 @@ if not specified, it defaults to the root directory
result = subresult
else: # " t == 'D' " must be true
subresult = self.__mkdir(rcpath)
if subresult != const.ENoError:
if subresult != const.ENoError and subresult != const.IEFileAlreadyExists:
result = subresult
return result
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import os
# https://packaging.python.org/single_source_version/
__title__ = 'bypy'
__version__ = '1.5.1'
__version__ = '1.5.2'
__author__ = 'Hou Tianze'
__license__ = 'MIT'
__desc__ = 'Python client for Baidu Yun (Personal Cloud Storage) 百度云/百度网盘 Python 客户端'
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
import sys
from functools import partial
import multiprocess as mp
from . import printer_console
from . import bypy
......@@ -38,36 +37,6 @@ def setgui(*arg):
bypy.ask = util.ask = partial(printer_gui.ask, inst)
bypy.pprgr = util.pprgr = partial(printer_gui.pprgr, inst)
def makemppr(pr):
def mppr(msg, *args, **kwargs):
return pr(mp.current_process().name + ': ' + msg, *args, **kwargs)
return mppr
def makemppprgr(pprgr):
def mppprgr(finish, total, start_time = None, existing = 0,
prefix = '', suffix = '', seg = 20):
prefix = mp.current_process().name + ': ' + str(prefix)
pprgr(finish, total, start_time, existing, prefix, suffix, seg)
return mppprgr
def setmultiprocess():
opr = bypy.pr
oprcolor = bypy.prcolor
oask = bypy.ask
opprgr = util.pprgr
def restoremp():
bypy.pr = cached.pr = util.pr = opr
bypy.prcolor = util.prcolor = printer.prcolor = oprcolor
bypy.ask = util.ask = oask
bypy.pprgr = util.pprgr = opprgr
bypy.pr = cached.pr = util.pr = makemppr(opr)
bypy.prcolor = util.prcolor = printer.prcolor = makemppr(oprcolor)
bypy.ask = util.ask = printer_console.ask = makemppr(oask)
bypy.pprgr = util.pprgr = printer_console.pprgr = makemppprgr(opprgr)
return restoremp
def patchpr(func):
bypy.pr = cached.pr = util.pr = func
......@@ -313,7 +313,8 @@ def main():
if '1' in sys.argv:
by = bypy.ByPy(configdir=ConfigDir, processes=4, debug=1, verbose=1)
by = bypy.ByPy(configdir=ConfigDir, processes=2, debug=1, verbose=1)
if '2' in sys.argv:
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