未验证 提交 a9c8ca8c 编写于 作者: D Dejan Mijić 提交者: GitHub

Upgrade redis4cats to 1.1.1 (#541)

上级 096d203e
......@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ class HMSetBenchmarks extends BenchmarkRuntime {
def setup(): Unit =
items = (0 to size).map(e => e.toString -> e.toString).toList
// zioUnsafeRun(hSet(key, items.head, items.tail: _*).unit)
def laserdisc(): Unit = {
......@@ -63,7 +62,9 @@ class HMSetBenchmarks extends BenchmarkRuntime {
def redis4cats(): Unit = {
import cats.syntax.foldable._
unsafeRun[Redis4CatsClient[String]](c => items.traverse_(it => c.hmSet(key, Map(it._1 -> it._2))))
unsafeRun[Redis4CatsClient[String]](c =>
items.traverse_(it => c.hmSet(key, Map(it._1 -> it._2)): @annotation.nowarn)
......@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ class HSetBenchmarks extends BenchmarkRuntime {
def setup(): Unit =
items = (0 to size).map(e => e.toString -> e.toString).toList
// zioUnsafeRun(hSet(key, items.head, items.tail: _*).unit)
def laserdisc(): Unit = {
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ lazy val benchmarks =
publish / skip := true,
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"dev.profunktor" %% "redis4cats-effects" % "1.0.0",
"dev.profunktor" %% "redis4cats-effects" % "1.1.1",
"io.chrisdavenport" %% "rediculous" % "0.1.1",
"io.laserdisc" %% "laserdisc-fs2" % "0.5.0"
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